This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. Evaluating Effects of Management on Riparian Ecosystems1 Martin N. Fogel and Peter F. Ffolliott 2 Abstract.--Computer simulation of the hydrologic processes and biomass production is used to assess the effects of management to determine whether such actions are a deterrent to desertification of riparian ecosystems. This approach allows the evaluation to be made prior to implementing any action. GENERAL SYSTEMS MODEL INTRODUCTION The accompanying illustration can be viewed as a system for managing a riparian ecosystem (figure 1). Two classes of actions serve as inputs to a particular system producing two sets of outputs. The climatic or meteorologic inputs to the system are largely uncontrollable by man, whereas management has some measure of control over land use and treatments and practices applied to the land. The resulting outputs are grouped into either economic or environmental indicators. Unlike the environmental group, a quantifiable value or utility can be assigned to the economic outputs. Desertification, defined herein as the loss of the land's productive capacity, has initiated much needed research into cause-effect relationships. The management of natural resources systems in a holistic context has become increasingly complex because these relationships are not always clearly understood. In addition, tradeoffs often need to be effected between users of the land, in this case riparian lands as managers attempt to respond to mandated planning requirements of federal, state and local environmental legislation. This study looks on evaluating those actions of man that may cause desertification to a riparian ecosystem. A set of objective functions can be developed for managing such a system to indicate the relative importance of the outputs. Although an economic value may not be readily attached to an environmental indicator, mathematical programming is available for managing natural resources based on the objective functions and constraints. Computer simulation is developed for both the physical and biological processes taking place on a riparian ecosystem as a means for assessing various options available to resource managers. System dynamics of riparian ecosystems are simulated to determine the complex interactions be·tween environmental processes and management decisions. With the assumption that these simulation models are reasonable facsimiles of the real world, managers can determine the consequences of proposed actions prior to their implementation. This paper first presents a framework for a general systems models, then discusses the use of a stochastic set of daily weather variables which serve as inputs to models of watershed hydrology and biomass production, and finally reviews the subject of multiobjective decision making. To describe a riparian ecosystem in a precise manner, a discrete-state system model is defined formally. The elements of the model are as follows: (1) A time scale: t = 0,1,2, ... where t i s in seasons (2) The meteorologic variable inputs are: XMl (t) XM2(t) 1 Paper presented at the North American Riparian Conference [University of Arizona, Tucson, April 16-18, 1985]. 2 Professors of Watershed Management, School of Renewable Natural Resources, College of Agriculture, University of Arizona; Tucson, Arizona 85721. (3) The decision variable inputs are: XDl(t) XD2(t) XD3 (t) 384 daily precipitation daily temperature and/or solar radiation designated land use vegetative treatment such as removing or thinning vegetation structural measures such as channel clearing or straightening IN PUTS OUTPUTS ECONOMIC CLIMATIC VARIABLES Timber Forage Crops Precipitation Energy MAN'S ACTIONS ENVIRONMENTAL Land Use Vegetative Treatments Structural Measures Sediment Water Quality Desertification I I I I ~---------------------------J FEEDBACK Figure 1.--Schematic Representation of Managing a Natural Resources (Forest) System. (4) (5) The state of the system(S) is expressed by a term to represent the state of Hhealth" or condition of the riparian ecosystem. It may be similar to the term range condition which represents the productive potential of the range rather than the immediate availability of forage (Stoddard et al., 1975). Another state of the system may be the groundwater level, which under certain conditions may also be indicative of the productive capacity of the land. is excellent (EX), good (GD), fair (FA), or poor (PR), a table such as table 1 can be developed as the state transition function to predict the range condition at time (t + 1). (6) Yl Y2 Y3 The state transition function F calculates the elements of the states at time (t + 1) as a function of the input and the state both at time t or S(t + 1) = F[X(t),S(t)] The systems output function transforms the inputs t~ the following outputs: volume of runoff per season volume of sediment per season quantity of biomass produced These outputs are a function of the state of the system. For example, a range in poor condition will produce more runoff and sediment, but less biomass than a range in good condition. (1) In mathematical terms: The function F is actually a vector set of functions which, predicts the future condition or state from the current S, the meteorologic variables XM(t) and the decision variables XD(t). Thus, S(t + 1) = F[S(t),XM(t),XD(t)] Y(t) (7) (2) It is not necessary for the transition function to be given in quantifiable terms. In range management, for example, assume that the meteorologic variables making up the weather are denoted by either favorable, average, or unfavorable and that the decision variable is translated into a high or low grazing intensity. Then, if the range condition class 385 = G[XM(t), XD(t), S(t)] (3) Finally, the feedback function reviews the output variables and the state of the system at time (t) and then makes decisions which become input variables at time (t + 1) or XD(t + 1) = K[Y(t)] = K(G[XM(t),XD(t),RC(t)] (4) subwatersheds, each no larger than approximately 10 km2. Using runoff volumes and peak flow rates determined by this technique, sediment yields are estimated by the Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation (1972). SIMULATION MODELS As seen in figure 1, two sets of outputs are produced from the riparian ecosystem, each of which requires a separate simulation model or output function. First, a hydrologic model is used to produce tJ.he environmental indicators of what is occurring on the land, such as the water yield, the sediment yield, and the water quality indices. Then, a biomass production model is used to determine the vegetative yield of the system. To drive both sets of simulation models, daily meteorologic variables are used. In addition to its applicability to ungaged watersheds, the Soil Conservation Service method can incorporate the state such as the range condition as a factor in estimating the runoff potential of a riparian ecosystem. Biomass Production Modeling Net primary production (NPP) is the total aboveground dry weight biomass produced per unit area in a growing season. According to Gilbert (1975), net primary production is assumed to be the difference between photosynthesis rate (PS) and the respiration rate (RS). While most models are on an annual bas~s, Gilbert (1975) developed a daily model for estimating PS and RS which uses daily estimates of available soil water content and temperature and is based on the following functional relationships: Simulating Weather Variables It is well established that the climate of semiarid regions are variable in both time and space. Drought to flood conditions can occur in a very short interval of time. Historical hydrometeorologic records often do not include these extremes and any subsequent analysis based on this incomplete record may be misleading. To avoid this problem, previously developed techniques for generating a synthetic time series of daily precipitation and temperature (and/or solar radiation) are used. Event-based, stochastic precipitation models developed by Fogel et al., (1974) and Duckstein et al., (1975) at the University of Arizona serve as inputs to watershed hydrologic models. Photosynthesis rate Respiration rate A daily temperature model developed by Hekman (1977) was used to provide the energy inputs. Modeling Riparian Hydrology While several hydrologic models have been used for natural resource systems, most of them require more data than are normally available from riparian ecosystems for calibration and validation purposes. For this study, the U.S. Soil Conservation Service (1972) procedure for estimating runoff from rainfall has been found to be satisfactory for ungaged watersheds which can be divided into relatively homogenous Weather G~~dition/Grazing Intensi~ Favorable High Low Average High Low Unfavorable High Low EX GD EX GD EX FA GD GD GD EX FA GD FA GD FA FA GD FA FA PR FA PR PR FA PR PR PR PR £(temperature, soil water content, aboveground green plant biomass, and maximum PS) g(temperature, aboveground green plant biomass, and maximum RS) The water content of the soil is simulated on a daily basis by calculating the infiltration (storm rainfall less runoff) and estimating daily evapotranspiration as a function of soil water content and potential evapotranspiration (PET). This latter term, PET, is calculated using daily temperature and/or solar radiation. MULTIOBJECTIVE DECISION MAKING According to Horton and Campbell (1974), "to properly manage riparian and phreatophyte zones requires a knowledge of (1) the present community relationships, (2) the possibility of developing different vegetation types, and (3) the individual reactions of the various species that occupy the zone or that might be introduced under management." This paper does not address this level of management directly but recognizes that the above information must be incorporated into the decision-making process. Table 1.--Range Condition as a Function of Weather and Grazing Intensity. Range Condition at time t = The purpose of this paper is to lay out an overall framework for evaluating management alternatives. The section that follows, therefore, 386 effects of uncertainty about either scientific and technical information or public values on the evaluation of alternatives. presents this decision-making aspect while cognizant of the fact that riparian areas may be used for a variety of uses. Thus, the problem becomes one of evaluating management alternatives under a multiobjective situation. Managing Riparian Zones: A Continuous Review Process In referring to the feedback function K, it is obvious that managing resources is in systems methodology, a continuous review process. By knowing the condition at any given time, the system's outputs (forage production, water, and sediment yields, etc. and the future condition can be predicted. Management actions, then, can be taken accordingly through the use of the feedback function. In the context of planning, ESAP defines the subjective benefit resulting from the achievement of stated goals or objectives. It is assumed that the decision-maker's utility function can be specified numerically by obtaining his utility value for each criterion, and then combining these single utilities into one overall utility function. The system that provides the highest degree of utility for all the objectives is designated as the preferred alternative. SUMMARY This paper presents an approach to managing natural resource systems that relies on the computer simulation of the physical and biological processes that occur on such systems. It is well recognized that some of the models or techniques have not, as yet, been validated, making some of the results suspect. It is also recognized that these techniques are not widely used, probably because the real world demands political compromises which often require solutions other than those that rely entirely on mathematical equations and computer algorithms. However, such subjective decisions can be incorporated into the decision-making process through the use of decisionaiding techniques as ELECTRE and ESAP. In other words, political compromises can also be programmed on the computer, and with this understanding, the approach presented herein may one day be accepted. It is evident that the decisions so made, formally or otherwise, are of the multiobjective or multicriteria type. Managers attempt to maximize economic returns while simultaneously trying to maintain good or better condition and to minimize erosion or other adverse environmental effects. Through simulation of the system, it is possible to determine if (as the result of man's actions) a course is taken towards or away from desertification. One indicator of such a state is range condition, which can be used to identify the state of this process, as desertification is synonomous with a lowering of the productive capacity of the land. Multiobjective Decision Making LITERATURE CITED Multiobjective optimization has been applied to water resource management for two decades, with some of the earlier techniques reviewed by Cohan ~nd Marks (1975). Many of these can be used in land management in general and to riparian zones specifically. Cohan, J. L. and D. H. Marks. 1975. "A Review and Evaluation of Multiobjective Programming Techniques." Water Resources Research. Volume II, No. 2. pp. 208-220. David, L. and L. Duckstein. 1976. "Multicriterion Ranking of Alternative LongRange Water Resources Systems.n Water Resources Bulletin. Vol. 12, No~ pp. 731-754. As implied earlier, the environmental outputs of a natural resource system are often not quantifiable in monetary terms. Some type of ranking, weighting, or other means for distinguishing between objectives are needed to facilitate trade-offs by amounts of the objectives. Examples of mathematical programming techniques for accomplishing this include goal programming, compromise programming, surrogate worth trade-off method and ELECTRE (1976). Duckstein, L., M. M. Fogel and D. R. Davis. 1975. "Mountainous Winter Precipitation: A Stochastic Event-based Approach." Proceedings, AGU Symposium on Precipitation Analysis for Hydrologic Modeling. Univ. of California, Davis. June 26-28, 1975, pp. 172-188. A straightforward procedure that has its roots in multiattribute utility theory, as presented by Keeney and Raiffa (1976), is an iterative computer algorithm called Evaluation and Sensitivity Analysis Program (ESAP). As used by West and Husaini (1982), this program has the advantage of being able to handle large data sets and can provide a systematic procedure for evaluating alternative plans of action that can be relatively different in scope. Another important advantage of ESAP is the direct manner in which it recognizes and deals with the 387 Fogel, M. M., L. Duckstein and J. L. Sanders. 1974. "An Event-based Stochastic Model of Areal Rainfall and Runoff." Proceedings, Symposium on Statistical Hydrology. USDA/ARS Misc. Pub. No. 1275. pp. 247-261. Gilbert, B. J. 1975. "Grassland Simulation Model." Range Science Series No. 17, Dept. of Range Science, Colorado State Univ., Ft. Collins, Colorado. Hekmart Jr., L. H. 1977. "Simulation Evaluation of Water Yield Response to Vegetation Management on a Forested Watershed in Arizona." Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. University of Arizona. Soil Conservation Service. 1972. "Hydrology." Section 4, National Engineering Handbook. USDA/SCS, Washington, D.C. Stoddard, L. A., A. D. Smith and T. W. Box. 1975. "Range Management." McGraw-Hill, New York. Horton, J. S. and C. J. Campbell. 1974. "Management of Phreatophyte and Riparian Vegetation for Maximum Multiple Use Values. USDA Forest Service Research Paper RM-117. 23 p. West, S. A. and S. W. Husaini. 1982. "Evaluation and Sensitivity Analysis Program: Pilot Application ~o Saudi-Islamic Environmental Assessment." Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Vol. 1, No. 3. pp. 237-250. Keeney, R. L. and H. Raiffa. 1976. "Decisions with Multiple Objectives: Preferences and Value Tradeoffs." John Wiley and Sons, New York. Williams, J. R. and H. D. Brendt. 1972. "Sediment Yield Computed with Universal Equatio0:." Journal of the Hydraulics Division, ASCE, Vol. 98, No. HY 12. pp. 2b87-2098. 388