This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. Reclamation of Riparian Zones and Water Law: First in Time - First in Right 1 Quentin D. Skinner, Michael A. Smith, 2 Jerrold L. Dodd, and J. Daniel Rodgers Theory, research approach and preliminary results of research designed to reclaim a degraded desert steppe stream and riparian zones in Wyoming will be presented. Using trash collectors, willow, and beaver dams to trap sediment, and stabilize bedload for creating additional water storage in riparian zones and their management will be discussed in terms of user rights. The University of Wyoming is presently involved in and committed to riparian ecosystem research as are many other universities and land management agencies. Some, like Wyoming, are involved with reclaiming degraded streams and riparian zones. Scientists at Wyoming, however, are now asking a hypothetical question that could very well be asked by the chief administrator of Wyoming's water, the State Engineer. This question is: What effect does reclamation of streams and riparian zones have on downstream water regimes and consequently on water rights? Quite frankly the academic community has no answer. The question is legitimate and may need to be answered before multiple users of riparian zones eliminate one anothers use privilege based on emotionalism without hydrologic information to support management decisions. legal question of rights and priority for water needed for maintenance of aquatic and riparian habitat has not been answered in Wyoming. The academic community has yet to determine quantity, quality, and timing of water needed to maintain these zones in a desired condition. The academic and land managment communities nation-wide have, however, shown why riparian zones are important. IMPORTANCE Riparian zones are used by a wide variety of interest groups (Kauffman and Krueger 1984). Apparent causes for concentration of multiple uses in riparian zones are the vegetation species diversity and productivity, and proximity to open water. High species diversity in the riparian zones is reported by Campbell and Green (1968). The vegetation of this zone stabilizes stream channels by creating a rough surface which reduces stream flow velocity while roots hold bank material together (Li and Shen 1973, and Andrews et al. 1983). Because vegetation traps sediment on banks, water quality is improved (Schumm 1963, Andrews 1982). Lowrance et al. (1985) show how interflow between bank waters and streams in riparian zones further improves water quality. Increase in water quality promotes diverse aquatic habitat and thus improves fisheries (Platts 1981). Riparian habitat and its value to wildlife is well documented (Thomas et al. 1979). Increased edge effect for area occupied (Odum 1978) and vegetation structural diversity compared to surrounding plant communities are often characteristic of riparian zones (Anderson et al. 1983). Both are important for maintaining habitat for a diverse wildlife species composition (Ohmart and Anderson 1978). Likewise, high vegetation production, free flowing water, flat terrain, and shade are cited as reasons livestock use riparian habitat (Kauffman and Krueger 1984). Besides showing importance of riparian zones, the academic and land management communities nation-wide have Wyoming's water law is based on the Colorado Doctrine of prior appropriation (Trelease 1979). Other Rocky Mountain states regulate water under this legal doctrine which is based on two basic principles: 1) Water must be put to beneficial use and is not tied to land ownership and 2) priority of use solely determines how water is divided among users when shortages in supply exist. In Wyoming, beneficial use is not defined completely by statute but probably includes two concepts, the nature of use and the non-wasteful application of the use. Wyoming statutes define preferred uses. A preferred use is not an exclusive definition of beneficial use. Use of water for maintenance of aquatic and riparian habitat is not a legally documented preferred use in Wyoming. In addition, many streams are fully appropriated. Water not now appropriated will be junior to existing rights when appropriated. The 1 Riparian Ecosystems and their Management, Reconciling Conflicting Uses, 1st North American Riparian Conference, Tucson, Arizona, April 16-18, 1985. 2 Associate Professors of Range Management University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming. 374 documented user impacts and are studying ways to mitigate them. production for grazing, wildlife habitat, and recreation. USER IMPACTS RECLAMATION OF DEGRADED STREAMS AND RIPARIAN ZONES Users of riparian zones may cause soil compaction, slough off undercut stream banks, and denude vegetation along channels. These actions can increase erosion leading to stream channel widening, downcutting, or both (Meehan and Platts 1978 and Thomas et al. 1979). The results of this erosive action may be loss in: 1) floodplain water tables, 2) floodplain soil moisture, 3) aquatic habitat quality, 4) fisheries, 5) plant vigor, and 6) plant species diversity (Jahn 1978, Platts 1981). Examples of stream degradation and channelization are noted by Meehan and Platts (1978) and Roath and Krueger (1982). Recovery of stream channels, aquatic habitat, fisheries, and riparian vegetation after livestock removal was demonstrated by Platts (1981). These researchers used exclosures to eliminate grazing along stream reaches with different grazing management strategies to hopefully document how best to conserve riparian and aquatic habitat. Little research has been initiated to reclaim streams and riparian zones to promote water storage, control nonpoint source pollution, and answer questions related to water rights and demand for new supplies downstream. This is in contrast to studies designed to evaluate removing riparian vegetation to increase water supplies downstream. Invading riparian plants stabilize stream bars, islands, and flood-plains. Often bars become islands and channels around islands are closed to form floodplains bordering one channel. This occurs when flushing flows are unable to remove established vegetation and overbank flooding deposits sediment to further advance channel filling. This normally 'occurs in low gradient rather than steep stream reaches. When stream flow r~gime is in equilibrium with channel size and bank resistivity, developed riparian zones may dictate geomorphological character of the stream system (Leopold et al. 1964, Graf 1978, Heede, 1981). This process may begin in a wide, degraded stream channel when surface flow decreases. Low flow across low gradient channel bottoms meander thereby increasing stream sinuosity and length. Permanent aggradation occurs when sediment deposits from flow and is stabilized by vegetation. Andrews (1982) shows aggradation occurs first during overbank flooding and bedload accumulates during lower flows. Accumulated bedload may persist until the channel narrows to meet the annual flow regime. Narrowing of the channel causes increased flow velocity and accumulated bedload is then transported downstream causing the channel to deepen. Andrews (1982) further points out that although a stream maintains an average width and depth in equilibrium with the flow regime, it will move laterally from year to year thus fitting Leopold and Langbein's (1966) description of meandering streams. The presence of undercut banks along stable streams are evidence of lateral movement of meanders. INCREASING WATER YIELD BY REDUCING EVAPOTRANSPIRATION A loss of water through evapotranspiration cannot be denied. Extensive research has been conducted to prove water yield increased when riparian vegetation was removed from flood plains. Large savings of transpired water when salt cedar was removed predicted by Gatewood et al. (1950) and Robinson (1965) were reduced by Culler (1970) and reduced to even less by Horton and Campbell (1974). Bowie and Kam (1968) showed water was saved by removing trees along Cottonwood Creek in western Arizona. Removal of riparian plants to increase water yield has seldom been implemented in the last decade (Graf 1980). This perhaps is because short-term increased yields of water are lost when riparian plants re-invade cleared riparian zones (Horton and Campbell, 1974), high cost to benefit ratios (Graf 1980), other user demands for riparian zones (Campbell 1970), and downstream loss of recoverable water to deep aquifers (Davenport et al. 1982). Certainly conflicts between interests exist as to how to best manage riparian zones. Graf (1980) points out that saving water by reducing transpiration is not as popular as habitat management for other uses. However, managers must reduce flooding when riparian vegetation reduces stream channel conveyance of flow to and through downstream areas. Conversely, if developed riparian zones cause flooding, why not use this phenomenon to repair degraded stream channels, store ground water, control non-point source pollution and increase Reclaiming degraded streams to support mature riparian zones depends on deposition and stabilization of deposited sediment by vegetation. Stream channel transmission loss of water downstream during a high flow event to surrounding alluvium occurs as shown by Lane et al. (1970). Loss in flow downstream should cause aggradation of sediment. Glymph and Holton (1969) show loss of stream flow from any one event in semi-arid regions should be maximum near the mouth of a drainage basin or in larger basins if channel transmission loss occurs. Locations of manipulative practices to reclaim degraded streams based on loss of flow and aggradation of sediment should have maximized water travel time. Travel time is maximum in low gradient meandering reaches often found farther downstream. Damming by instream flow structures, like check dams or trash collectors, and biological damming by beaver or constrictive channel dams caused by encroaching banks and riparian zones cause: 1) reduced flow velocity, 2) stable bedload and, 3) storage of water in banks proximal to the dam. Heede (1978 and 1982) discusses reclamation of gullies using check 375 dams to raise a local base level of ephemeral stream reaches to decrease gradient slope upstream. The lower gradient reduces sediment transport. Following Heede's 1978 and 1982 research, dams should be placed downstream just above a tributary junction. To achieve greater restoration of riparian habitat however, the dam should also be located on a stream reach having a low gradient where meandering occurs and a stable floodplain exists. The dam should then cause bank deposition of sediment and maximum filling within the upstream drainage network. Established riparian vegetation and narrowing of the channel may then eventually cause water spreading over banks during flood producing events (Graf 1980). sediment should cause channel bank encroachment and vegetation stabilized banks to meet the new flow regime. Sediment during low flow may cover original channel substrate and decrease aquatic diversity until dynamic equilibrium between flow regime and encroaching channel banks occur. Then decreased channel width will increase flow velocity and move bed load downstream, creating deeper channels. The final product of this use of flow regime to promote good riparian zone management could be increased riparian zone area, increased bank water storage, and a narrower stream channel wi~h improved aquatic habitat. Recharge of water to flood plains could occur if discharge from reservoir storage or diversions are increased past bank full stage still using the original reduced supply of water to downstream while allocation follows a natural flow regime. Whether reclaiming degraded streams and riparian zones will affect downstream water rights is unknown. Monitoring of associated hydrologic responses when manipulation of riparian ecosystems occurs is needed. Water has been left out of most riparian research efforts. It could, however, be hypothesized that: The alternative to using a limited supply of water to create improved aquatic and riparian habitat is to determine how much and when an increase in reservoir or diversion release downstream is needed to flush sediment and vegetation out of existing channels. During future periods of short supply or increased demand from legal users of water appropriate flushing flows to meet aquatic and riparian zone habitat needs may not be possible. It will, therefore, be imperative to understand how to create riparian zones to meet flow regimes and maintain desired aquatic conditions. 1. Increased ground water storage can be accomplished through improved riparian zone management. Storage of water in semi-arid regions of the world during periods of high flow has been a major justification for constructing dams. Storage behind dams allow prolonged conveyance of water during periods of need to various user groups. Lack of adequate sites for dams and present economic constraints now limit construction of new water storage facilities. Consequently water planners should now look at initiating alternative ways to store water. One alternative is to explore storage of water in floodplain and adjoining aquifers of streams tributary to those dammed. 3. Improvement of degraded riparian zones through ground storage of water may help control non-point source pollution. Improving water quality is one way of extending water supplies. Entrapped sediment and nutrient loading within reservoirs, and increased salt content downstream because of water moving through banks to streams have long been of national interest. Reclaiming degraded streams tributary to major river systems using improved riparian zones should help reduce non-point source pollution in a cost effective manner. Using vegetation to trap sediment during high flow events can be effective when economics limit mechanical and structural treatment of streams and riparian zones. Water moving through mature riparian zones as bank storage, in stream flow across and through meander flood plains, and bed load behind instream flow structures is subjected to possible tertiary treatment for removing nutrients. Riparian zones and flood plain aquifer storage should reflect stream channel condition. Degraded stream channels in poor condition from downcutting or increase in width may not cause increased bank storage during high flow events when excess water from drainage basins are conveyed downstream. Riparian vegetation may be limited or absent when stream channels are in poor condition. Encroachment of riparian vegetation into degraded channels should cause constrictions in the channel similar to a dam with a spillway equal to the average yearly bank full stage of the flow regime. This natural damming should increase storage of water during flood events upstream and. across aquifer-type alluvium in valley floors. Stored water would then be available later to meet later flow requirements for downstream uses. The riparian zone may well be the drainage basin's one habitat where anaerobic bacterial activity is maximized. This condition is created when soil air is replaced by water. Nutrients capable of being eliminated by anaerobic bacteria to a gaseous by-product could be reduced in well managed riparian zones before polluting stream flow. Certainly the high potential plant production of this zone favors assimilation and retention of nutrients. Salt load downstream could be increased because of leaching by repeat flooding and high watertables but salt in trapped sediment might be less mobile than in sediment flowing downstream. 2. Improvement of riparian zones can create desired aquatic habitat during decreased flow and still store water. Flow regime is critical for maintaining diversity of aquatic and riparian habitat. Good riparian zone management may promote flushing flows even when less water or a steady state flow regime is provided downstream. For instance, if water planners choose to release less water from reservoir storage or from diversions to downstream for extended periods of time 376 Demand for aquatic habitat conservation, reservoirs and inter-basin diversions, channelization to control floods, peak and minimum flow from storage to meet demand for hydroelectric power, and need for additional water for fossil energy development are several reasons resource managers must emphasize this limited but valuable habitat type. Because of multiple demand for existing water supporting riparian zones, it is imperative resource managers know how to reclaim degraded streams and best manage created or existing wetland zones to meet future needs. During the 1970's impacts to riparian zones and streams by multiple users were documented. During the 1980's, we should address how to perpetuate existing resources, improve degraded streams and riparian zones and develop best management strategies to mitigate present and future environmental impacts. riparian research programs. effort are: Goals for this 1) Store water for prolonged release downstream and increase vegetation yield, 2) Control nonpoint source pollution, 3) Develop strategies for reclaiming degraded streams and riparian zones, and 4) Advance the state-of-art for management of range ecosystems. The example illustrated for this paper is "Reclamation of a Cold Desert Steppe Stream Using Instream Flow Structures, Vegetati9n, and Beaver." Examples of pertinent questions to be answered from this research are: 4. Geologic variability and geomorphological characteristics of drainage patterns can help predict water storage capacity for streams being reclaimed for riparian zone values. Geologic characteristics of streams provide historical background for criteria needed to plan actions to answer water resource questions associated with drainage basins. Planners have to make decisions which meet economic and legal constraints when degraded streams are reclaimed for water storage and improved riparian and aquatic habitat. Geomorphology of streams should be used to select best sites for reclajming a cold desert steppe stream. Geomorphological criteria can be used to select sites in any drainage basin or along a stream draining one basin. For example, valley cross-section profile of recent and ancient geologic alluvium provides information on surface and ground water storage potential. Surface profile may be conducive to large area flooding above and below ground but if ancient alluvium deposits are not aquifers then water storage will be confined to new alluvium. The difference between the alluviu11f types would predict basin storage of water after riparian zone improvement practices. 5. Reclamation of degraded streams and riparian zones to store water can increa3e forage and species diversity of plants and animals. Food products for increased human populations is an ever-increasing world-wide problem. It will be even more important in the future to maintain riparian zones in a condition promoting maximum water storage and forage production. Forage should be distributed in herbaceous, shrub, and tree life forms. Planned plant diversity will provide habitat for wildlife and livestock grazing, maintain stream channel stability and promote aquatic habitat for fish. All provide food for future needs and through innovative management, maximizes use of land and water resources. 1. How does water storage differ between degraded, natural, and improved riparian zones of a high desert steppe stream? 2. Do different stream reaches have different water storage capabilities along an improved cold desert steppe stream? 3. Do improved riparian zones change a flow regime and, if so, is there a prolonged release of water for downstream users? 4. What are the hydrologic responses associated with riparian zone improvement practices of a cold desert steppe stream such as: damming by beaver and instream flow structures, willow and grass establishment, brush control (burning, spraying) and fertilization? 5. Can riparian zone improvement practices initiated on cold desert steppe streams reduce nonpoint source pollution downstream? 6. What mechanisms do improved riparian zones of a cold desert steppe stream provide for control and abatement of nonpoint source pollution? 7. What are the hydrologic responses associated with grazing of improved riparian zones of a cold desert steppe stream by livestock and wildlife? 8. 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