This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. REM: A Model for Riparian Ecosystem Management in Agricultural Watersheds1 Richard Lowrance and Adel Shirmoharnmadi 2 Abstract.--A model for Riparian Ecosystem Management (REM) is presented. The model is driven by daily hydrologic inputs and is designed to predict water quality changes in riparian ecosystems of agricultural watersheds. Using the principle of the Conservation of Mass, the model predicts water and nutrient inputs from uplands to the riparian ecosystem. Predictions of changes in nutrient levels due to interactions of water with soil, leaf litter, and vegetation are made in four submodels. The next step in this modeling effort is to develop a computer program and to verify the model with available data sets from other watersheds. Nutrient filtering by riparian ecosystems is dependent on nutrient dynamics within streamside forests and on the timing and amount of nutrient transport from agricultural areas. Hydrologic and nutrient transport models of entire watersheds such as the Pesticide Runoff Transport (PRT) model (Crawford and Donigian 1973), the Agricultural Runoff Model (ARM, Donigian and Crawford 1976), and the Agricultural Chemical Transport Model (ACTMO, Frere et al. 1975) are available, but none include explicit models of riparian areas. The model presented here does not treat upland nutrient dynamics and therefore requires that nutrient concentrations in upland runoff be specified as part of the input. INTRODUCTION Riparian forest ecosystems in the coastal plain are effective filters of nutrients moving in surface and subsurface flow from agricultural fields (Jacobs and Gilliam 1983, Lowrance et al. 1984, Peterjohn and Correll 1984). A model of nutrient filtering in riparian ecosystems is needed in order to properly manage streamside forests as functional parts of agricultural watersheds. In this paper we will present conceptual and mathematical models of riparian ecosystems which might eventually be used to make management decisions for nonpoint source pollution control. The specific example used in this paper is a nitrogen model, but REM is designed to model any of the essential plant nutrients. Nutrient dynamics in the riparian ecosystem are controlled by a combination of hydrologic, physical, chemical, and biological processes. The degree of nonpoint pollution control depends on the interaction between the chemical load transported from the uplands and the hydrologic and nutrient cycling processes in the streamside zone. This discussion and the model presented here assume a general land use of agricultural lands on better drained upland soils and a forest of mostly native tree and shrub species on poorly drained bottomland soils. The model also assumes that a shallow aquifer is part of the riparian ecosystem and is available for evapotranspiration from the vegetation. This situation exists or has existed in parts of the lower coastal plain, most oJ the upper coastal plain, and many areas of the southern piedmont. Water and nutrients enter the riparian ecosystem from upland surface runoff, upland subsurface runoff, and bulk precipitation. Water and nutrients leave the riparian zone via surface runoff and subsurface flow which together constitute streamflow. The important processes affecting surface runoff inputs are infiltration, sediment deposition, and exchange of dissolved nutrients. All of these processes take place at the interface between overland flow and the soil/litter surface. Subsurface flow into the riparian zone generally goes into storage in a shallow alluvial aquifer. Water and nutrients move from the alluvial aquifer 1 Paper presented at the First North American Riparian Conference, Tucson, Arizona, April 16-18, 1985. 2Richard Lowrance is an Ecologist with the Southeast Watershed Research Laboratory, USDAARS, and Adel Shirmoharnmadi is an Assistant Research Agricultural Engineer with the Department of Agricultural Engineering, University of Georgia, Tifton, Georgia, USA. 237 into streamflow or move into the root zone to be available for uptake by vegetation. LITTER and SOIL. Most of these parameters are based on empirical data derived from coastal plain riparian ecosystem studies. The HYDROLOGY, NUTRIENT, VEGETATION, LITTER, and SOIL components of the model are described in detail below. Model Structure REM is based on dividing the riparian ecosystem into three nutrient pools - a biological pool (VEGETATION) consisting of above and belowground vegetation; a litter pool (LITTER) consisting of both woody and non-woody litter on the forest floor; and a soil pool (SOIL) consisting of organic and inorganic nutrients in the unsaturated soil and in the saturated soil which makes up the shallow alluvial aquifer (Figure 1). These pools of nutrients initialized based on published data and/or field data and are altered due to inputs and outputs each day. The inputs and outputs are calculated in the nutrient load component of the model (NUTRIENT) which is in turn driven by the hydrology component (HYDROLOGY). HYDROLOGY The HYDROLOGY submodel is used to solve the water balance equation for the riparian ecosystem and to calculate daily surface runoff (Q ) and daily subsurface flow (Q b) usur usu inputs from the uplands. The general equation for these calculations is: The inputs to the riparian ecosystem are surface runoff from uplands, subsurface runoff from uplands, bulk precipitation, and nitrogen fixation (for REM- nitrogen only). Outputs from the riparian ecosystem are surface and subsurface flow components of total streamflow, harvest of biomass, and denitrification (for REM-nitrogen only). Inputs are modified by the processes taking place in VEGETATION, LITTER, and SOIL to produce outputs. f.. AS AET TF For a rainday, assuming AET Qusur infiltrates: REM is driven by hydrologic inputs to the riparian ecosystem and by climate as expressed through evapotranspiration. Inputs to the model include the hydrologic parameters needed to calculate surface and subsurface inputs to the riparian ecosystem and the various parameters necessary to simulate fluxes in VEGETATION, RIPARIAN PRECIPITATION PR surface runoff contribution to total streamflow at the watershed outlet. subsurface runoff contribution to total streamflow at the watershed outlet. change in alluvial aquifer storage. actual evapotranspiration. throughfall to riparian area. where, Qosur - = 0 and that none of (TF-TFI) Qusur = Qosur Qusub = Qosub + liAS-TF I (2) and where, TFI = throughfall which infiltrates. EVAPOTRANSPIRATION ET UPLAND PRECIPITATION Pu TOTAL THROUGHFALL, TF INFILTRATED THROUGHFALL, TF1 STORAGE, 8.AS Figure 1.--Flow diagram for the movement of water and associated nutrients in REM. 238 (3) For a non-rainday where Q = 0, the upland usur subsurface flow can be determined as follows: Qusub = Qosub + ~S+AET. respectively. Surface runoff moving through riparian forests loses significant quantities of particulate N and P at the water/soil interface (Peterjohn and Correll 1984). The runoff enrichment factors,S andy, assume that exchange of dissolved nutrients takes place with the litter, and the exchange of sediment-associated nutrients takes place with the soil. (4) The input data for HYDROLOGY are daily values of Qosur' Qosub' ~s. bulk precipitation, and mean daily temperature. The surface and subsurface outputs (Q and Q ) are calculated using osur osub an approximate method for partitioning daily streamflow data (Shirmohammadi et al. 1984a), and the change in alluvial storage (6AS) is calculated from groundwater elevation data using the procedure presented by Shirmohammadi et al. (1984b). Separately measured surface and subsurface components of total streamflow can also be used as input into HYDROLOGY for watersheds where these kinds of data are available. SOIL The SOIL submodel is used to calculate daily changes in the riparian forest soil nutrient pool. The soil nutrient pool includes the nutrients in alluvial storage. The major processes in the SOIL submodel, decomposition and uptake, are driven by the relationship between daily actual evapotranspiration and the maximum daily AET for the forest. The SOIL submodel solves the equation: NUTRIENT 6SOIL = Fn+Fm+Ft) MAXDEN · (- -- 3 +(1-Y)Qusur.Csed + 6AS·Cusub The NUTRIENT submodel is used to calculate the daily hydrologic flux of nutrients entering and leaving the riparian ecosystem. The basic equation for outputs is: LOAD - [ Q · C ] + [Q • C ] osur osur osub osub where, ( 5) MAXAET MAXDEN LOAD= Q · [(Y-1)·c +(S-1)·C ]+(1-a)·TF·Ctf+ usur sed so 1 6 Qusub.Cusub - AS·Cusub - AET"Css ( 6) c c sol usub c ctf ss a s y MAXDEC MAXUPTK Expressing equation 5 in terms of upland inputs and riparian hydrologic fluxes, one can define LOAD as follows: where, LOAD c sed (MAXDEC-MAXUPTK)·(~ET)- F , F , F n m t total streamflow load of nutrient concentration of sediment associated nutrient in upland surface runoff, concentration of dissolved nutrient in upland surface runoff, concentration in upland subsurface runoff, concentration in throughfall, concentration in unsaturated soil solution, fraction of TF which infiltrates, factor for enrichment or depl~tion of dissolved concentration by litter, factor for enrichment or depletion of sediment associated concentration by soil. ( 7) maximum daily litter decomposition rate, maximum daily uptake rate by vegetation, maximum daily AET for riparian ecosystem, maximum daily denitrification rate. factors rel;ted to soil N0 -N, soil moisture, and 3 soil temperature, respectively. These vary from 0 to 1. For nutrients other than nitrogen, the output due to denitrification is omitted. The maximum rates of decomposition, uptake, and denitrification are determined from literature values or field data. The maximum daily AET rate is calculated from long-term (10 year) water balance computations in order to find the maximum actual evapotranspiration from a site. The factors used to control maximum denitrification are based on empirical data of the relationships between denitrification rates and soil moisture, soil nitrate, and soil temperature. The denitrification factors assume that the maximum activity takes place in 0 saturated soil at a soil temperature of 35 C. Growing plants and denitrifying bacteria compete for the available N0 -N in the soil. Based on 3 an extensive study of environmental factors affecting denitrification in bottomland soils (Hendrickson 1981), F and F are maximum in n m May. The nitrogen factor is minimal in July, and the moisture factor is minimal in October. The temperature factor peaks during August. The daily hydrologic data needed in NUTRIENT are passed from HYDROLOGY. The concentration data are given as input to the submodel based on literature values, field data, or other models. Values of the factors a, S, and y are input to NUTRIENT based on infiltration characteristics of soils and literature values of enrichment or depletion of surface runoff by litter or soil, 239 At this point in its development, the model is based on a body of empirical evidence about the function of coastal plain riparian ecosystems. REM incorporates hydrologic and nutrient cycling realism through a large quantity of empirical factors requiring estimation by the user. Despite this need for many empirical relationships, REM represents an attempt at a simple usable management model which avoids the difficulties of simulating the effects of individual storm events on riparian ecosystem processes. LITTER The LITTER submodel calculates daily changes in the riparian ecosystem litter nutrient pool. The LITTER submodel solves the equation: 6LITTER = LITFALL + [(1-S) ·Q usur ·C usur ] - AET MAXDEC·(MAXAET) (8) where, LIT.t!'ALL = litterfall based on Julian date. L~tterfall includes both woody and nonwoody litter and is based on literature values or field data. Other parameters in equation 8 are defined in previous sections. LITERATURE CITED Crawford, N.H., and A. S. Donigian, Jr. 1973. Pesticide transport and runoff model for agricultural lands. EPA-660/274-013. Office of Res. and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. 211 p. Donigian, A. S., Jr., and N.H. Crawford. 1976. Modeling pesticides and nutrients on agricultural lands. Environmental Protection Technology Series, EPA-600/2-76-043. Office of Res. and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. 311 p. Frere, M. H., C. A. Onstad, and H. N. Holtan. 1975. ACTMO, an Agricultural Chemical Transport Model. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, ARS-H-3. U.S. Govt. Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 54 p. Hendrickson, 0. Q., Jr., 1981. Flux of nitrogen and carbon gases in bottomland soils of an agricultural watershed. Athens, GA, University of Georgia, 210 p. Dissertation. Jacobs, T. C. and J. W. Gilliam. 1983. Nitrate loss from agricultural drainage waters: implications for nonpoint source control. Water Resources Research Institute, University of North Carolina, Raleigh, NC. Report No. 209. Knisel, W. J. (editor) 1980. CREAMS: A Model of Chemicals, Runoff, and Erosion from Agricultural Management Systems. U.S. Dept. of Agric., Agric. Res. Serv. Lowrance, R., R. Todd, J. Fail, Jr., 0. Hendrickson, Jr., R. Leonard, and L. Asmussen. 1984. Riparian forests as nutrient filters in agricultural watersheds. BioScience 34:374-377. Peterjohn, W. T. and D. L. Correll. 1984. Nutrient dynamics in an agricultural watershed: observations on the role of a riparian forest. Ecology 65:1466-1475. Shirmohammadi, A., W. G. Knisel, and J. M. Sheridan. 1984a. An approximate method for partitioning daily streamflow data. Journal of Hydrology 74(3/4):335-354. Shirmohammadi, A., J. M. Sheridan, and L. E. Asmussen. 1984b. Hydrology of alluvial stream channels in southern coastal plain watersheds. ASAE paper No. 84-2502, presented at the 1984 Winter ASAE Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, 23 p. VEGETATION The VEGETATION submodel calculates daily changes in the living vegetation nutrient pool using the equation: 6VEGETATION = MAXUPTK·(~E~ - LITFALL - HARVEST (9) where, HARVEST = daily removal of woody material. Harvest data are based on field data and allow the effects of forest clearing to be simulated. Forest clearing affects the values used for MAXUPTK since this is based on mass/area and is decreased when fewer trees remain per unit area. Tree harvest also adds a pulse of litterfall to the forest floor although future litterfall is decreased. DAILY BALANCE REM calculates the final riparian nutrient pool each day from the previous day's level and the changes calculated in SOIL, LITTER, and VEGETATION submodels: FRIPNUT = IRIPNUT + 6SOIL + 6LITTER +6VEGETATION (10)_ where, FRIPNUT = nutrient pool for day (i) IRIPNUT =nutrient pool for day (i-1). Model output on a daily basis includes SOIL, LITTER, VEGETATION, FRIPNUT, and LOAD. POTENTIAL USES The Riparian Ecosystem Management model, once it is refined and functional, will be useful either by itself or combined with existing models of nutrient transport from agricultural fields such as CREAMS (Knisel 1980). Coupled with a field-scale model of nutrient transport, REM would process upland inputs without relying on partitioning of total streamflow in order to calculate Qusur and Qusub" 240