This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. Limits on Regeneration Processes in Southeastern Riverine Wetlands1 R. R. Sharitz and L. C. Lee 2 Abstract.--Principal factors that affect seedling recruitment in mature cypress-tupelo forests include seed production, microsite availability and hydrologic regime. Studies on the Savannah River floodplain in South Carolina show that although seed production seems adequate, microsite characteristics and water level changes limit regeneration success. Management of water levels on regulated streams must account for species regeneration requirements to maintain floodplain wetland community structure. INTRODUCTION Development and maintenance of forested wetlands is dependent, in part, upon the ability of species to replace themselves or of other species to replace them. Both vegetative and sexual means of reproduction may be significant in determining the species composition and structure of wetland stands. In highly disturbed wetlands, sprouts from the stumps or root systems of damaged individuals may be the chief means of forest recovery (Fonda 1974; Hawk and Zoebel 1974; Gardner 1980; Lee 1983). In natural forested wetland communities, reproduction by seed, especially in canopy gaps, often plays a major role in species regeneration and the long term maintenance of stand composition (Whittaker and Levin 1977). Species establishment processes in wetland ecosystems are important for several reasons. It has been shown that patterns and rates of elemental cycling through wetlands change with successional development (Sloey et al. 1978; Klopatek 1978). The net primary productivity of wetland sites and associated stream ecosystems can vary significantly, depending largely upon the species composition and condition of wetland plant communities (Palmisano 1978; Minshall et al. 1983). The value of wetlands to fish and wildlife species can often be directly linked to the structure imparted to wetland habitats by the existing vegetation (Williams and Dodd 1978; Thomas et al. 1979). Dominant plant species in floodplain forests typically are distributed along environmental gradients that can be associated with topographic and hydrologic factors (Robertson et al. 1978; Wharton et al. 1982; Van Cleve et al. 1980). Along many of the major river systems in the southeastern coastal plain, bald cypress (Taxodium distichum 3 ) and water tupelo (Nyssa aquatica), occur as canopy codominants in areas that are inundated on a nearly permanent basis (Larsen et al. 1981; Wharton et al. 1982). Transition areas from these extensively flooded sites to adjacent uplands are characterized by a shift in canopy dominance from cypress and tupelo to species such as red maple (Acer rubrum), oaks (e.g. Quercus laurifolia, g. nigra, Q. lyrata), sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua) and other bottomland hardwoods that are tolerant of poorly drained soil conditions (Fowells 1965; Teskey and Hinckley 1977; Hook 1984). In southern floodplain forests minor shifts in edaphic and hydrologic features usually result in mosaic patterns of species distributions and wetland community types (Robertson et al. 1978). lpaper presented at the first North American riparian conference, "Riparian Ecosystems and Their Management: Reconciling Conflicting Uses." [Tucson, AZ, April 16-18, 1985]. Many wetland forest species have specific environmental requirements for seed germination and seedling establishment (Schopmeyer 1974; Teskey and Hinckley 1977). For example, seeds of both bald cypress and water tupelo require a moist, yet non-flooded substrate to germinate 2Rebecca R. Sharitz and Lyndon C. Lee are Division Head and Research Manager, respectively, of the Division of Wetland Ecology, University of Georgia Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, Aiken, SC. Research conducted under contract DE-AC0976SR008l9 between the U.S. Dept. of Energy and the University of Georgia. 3All taxonomic nomenclature follows Radford et al. (1968). 139 (Schopmeyer 1974). Furthermore, field and laboratory studies have demonstrated 'that seedlings of neither species can tolerate prolonged submergence of their foliage (Mattoon 1916; Teskey and Hinckley 1977; Hook 1984). Therefore, for successful regeneration of cypress and tupelo stands to occur, moist but exposed substrates must exist during portions of the growing season. On both regulated and natural streams, it is unlikely that such conditions will occur every year, or even with a predictable frequency or pattern. As a result, cypress and tupelo stands commonly consist of cohorts of even-aged individuals that become established during those occasional growing seasons when specific environmental conditions favorable for successful seedling establishment occur (Schlesinger 1976). Major factors potentially responsible for limited regeneration of bald cypress and water tupelo include: (1) low seed production, viability and dispersal, (2) lack of suitable microsites for germination and seedling 'establishment, (3) physiological and growth restrictions of seedlings exposed to combinations of non-lethal environmental perturbations, and (4) catastrophic environmental events such as major fluctuations in water levels. An evaluation of the relative importance of these factors in limiting the regeneration success of bald cypress and water tupelo in a 3800 ha floodplain forest on the u.S. Department of Energy's Savannah River Plant (SRP) in South Carolina is underway (fig. 1). Here, cypress and tupelo are canopy codominants over 47% of the area (table 1). Examination of the composition of these stands, especially of the representation of individuals in the seedling and sapling size classes, suggests that the dominant canopy species are not being replaced effectively (Sharitz et al. in press). Table l.--Major plant community types on the SRP Savannah River floodplain (from Jensen et al. 1984). Community Type Areal Coverage % ha Persistent Emergent Marsh 54.6 1.4 latifolia cYEerinus Leersia spp. Nonpersistent Emergent 152.2 Marsh 4.0 Hydrolea guadrivalvis Polygonum spp. Ludwigia spp. Scrub-Shrub 154.6 4.1 Mixed Deciduous 1793.6 Swamp Forest 47.2 Taxodium distichum Nyssa aguatica 1528.1 40.2 Quercus spp. Acer rubrum Liguidambar styraciflua 83.4 2.2 Dominant Species ~ Mixed Deciduous Bottomland Forest Needle-leaved Evergreen Forest Sciq~us Salix spp. CeEhalanthus occidentalis Pinus taeda FACTORS AFFECTING REGENERATION Seed Production, Viability and Dispersal N Annual seed production of bald cypress and water tupelo was examined during two consecutive years by trapping dispersing seeds. Floating seed traps were positioned within randomly located 0.20 ha quadrats to quantify seed rain. In addition, water dispersal of seeds was measured to quantify the potential seed input to a given area of the swamp. Tetrazolium and germination tests (Shuel 1948) were used to determine viability and potential for germination success of the second year's seed crop. During the winter of 1983-1984, seed fall of both species began in September and continued until December for water tupelo and February for bald cypress (Schneider and Sharitz in prep.; Sharitz et al. in press). Seed rain peaked in November at an input of 4 seeds m- 2 day-1 for cypress and 1 seed m- 2 day-l for tupelo. Although seed production was lower in 1984-1985, seed release again occured in late fall and early winter. During the winter and early spring months of both years, flooding substantially increased potential seed input to sites in the swamp by D-Swomp ? Ip y km SAVANNAH Figure l.--The Savannah River Plant in South Carolina indicating location of Savannah River floodplain and major tributary streams. 140 and Hinckley 1977; Hook 1984), growth and certain physiological processes may be altered under combinations of flooding and other environmental stresses. On the SRP, discharges of heated water from the cooling systems of nuclear reactors increase the temperature and depth of floodplain water and sediments. McLeod and Sherrod (1981) found that moderate increases in water temperature enhanced cypress seedling growth. Similarly, Donovan and McLeod (submitted) observed increases in aboveground and belowground biomass of cypress seedlings at moderately increased water temperatures (5°C above ambient), compared with biomass under ambient conditions. However, after four months' growth under combinations of high temperature (10°C above ambient) and flooding (6 cm above the substrate surface), root carbohydrate concentrations were lower than in seedlings grown under ambient temperatures or non-flooded conditions. These results suggest that reduced carbohydrate storage may be a major factor contributing to the eventual decline of bald cypress seedlings and mature trees in thermally impacted areas of the SRP floodplain forest. several orders of magnitude. Data from the winter of 1983-1984 indicate that as many as 100-200 cypress and tupelo seeds moved across any given m2 area during periods of high water in January and February (Sharitz et al. in press). However, many of these seeds may not have been deposited on sites suitable for germination. Although total seed production and availability seem adequate for community regeneration, low seed viability, especially of bald cypress, may be an important limiting factor. Estimates of insect parasitism and seed abortion were made on seeds collected over the two dispersal periods, and viability was tested (Mitchell et al. 1985). Preliminary results in 1983-1984 indicated that 21% of the water tupelo seeds were either aborted or lost to frugivory while in the tree. Insect parasitism was observed in 26% of the cypress seeds. In addition, tetrazolium staining techniques indicated approximately 65% viability of the remaining tupelo seeds and only 12% viability of cypress. Most of the non-viable cypress seeds lacked embryos. Availability of Suitable Microsites Catastrophic Environmental Events Given an adequate viable seed source, a major factor limiting the success of cypresstupelo forest regeneration on the Savannah River floodplain is the availability of substrates suitable for germination and seedling establishment. Because floodplain substrates may be inundated during much of the year, microsites that meet the necessary requirements of moist but non-flooded conditions may be unavailable. In cypress-tupelo forests, several microsite types can be distinguished (Huenneke and Sharitz 1985). These include the bases of trees and cypress knees (live wood substrates), stumps, woody debris and fallen logs (dead wood substrates), and several types of organic muck substrates. Microsites differentially trap water dispersed seeds and provide varied conditions for germination and growth, thus affecting seedling recruitment. Differential seedling survivorship and growth in various microenvironments will, under natural conditions, limit the number of individuals that survive to become dominants in the wetland forest canopy. However, catastrophic environmental perturbations may control regeneration in many floodplain forests associated with regulated streams. For example, discharges from reservoirs on the Savannah River have modified the annual hydrograph during the past three decades (fig. 2). Maintenance of high river levels during SA VANNAH RIVER FLOWS 50 1926-1936 1966-1976 ---- '0 40 o o The recovery of marked seeds released into the floodplain environment at random locations indicates that potentially more than 50% of the seeds are retained within 500 m of the parent tree. Trapping of these water dispersed seeds occurs differentially among knee, log, stump, tree base and leaf litter microsite types (Schneider and Sharitz 1985). In addition, Huenneke and Sharitz (1985) showed that woody seedlings were distributed not in proportion to the abundance of microsite types. The relative stability of a microsite during winter floods appears to be one determinant of its value as a substrate for successful seedling regeneration. !!. 30 2 Q) ro c:: 20 ~ o u:: 10 26 66 28 68 30 70 32 72 Year Figure 2. Discharges from reservoirs on the Savannah River have modified the river's annual hydrograph during the past three decades. Annual water level fluctuations at the SRP for a representative interval prior to upstream dam construction (19261936) and following dam construction (19661976) are compared. Physiological Restrictions Although bald cypress and water tupelo have high tolerances to prolonged inundation (Teskey 141 major regeneration events on floodplains of natural rivers of the Southeast are pulsed and relatively infrequent. However, the cumulative impact of annual regeneration failures in floodplain forests is potentially significant. the growing season and continuous inundation of the floodplain may limit tree regeneration success by reducing the availability of exposed substrates suitable for seed germination and seedling establishment. Furthermore, flood events that inundate seedlings during the growing season cause high mortality. Sharitz et ala (in press) reported 89% survival of a cohort of 1200 bald cypress and water tupelo seedlings during the typical winter floods of 1984. However, following two desynchronized floods resulting from abrupt high volume discharges from an upstream reservoir (one during May and the second during early August) seedling mortality was greater than 99% (fig. 3). 180 160 100 .-----------. \ 80 140 60 w ro ro ~ l ~ w ~ 80 \ ., ~ ~ ~ \ 40 20 ~ LITERATURE CITED 20 Connor, W. H., J. G. Gosselink and R. T. Parrondo. 1981. Comparison of the vegetation of three Louisiana swamp sites with different flooding regimes. Am. J. Bot. 68:320-331. 0 Jun 1963 With increases in water resources development on Southeastern rivers, the potential longterm effects of management practices on floodplain communities should be considered. This study suggests that river discharge management that does not provide for forest regeneration may lead to changes in the structure, productivity and habitat values of floodplain wetlands. Currently, our ability to predict all the consequences of degradation of wetland portions of watersheds is limited. Whereas several studies have addressed impacts to particular sites resulting from water level management (Connor et al. 1981), the relationships between the condition of floodplain forests and major watershed processes have not been addressed. Additional research is necessary to establish watershed management techniques that will satisfy maintenance requirements of floodplain forests. Aug Oct 1964 Figure 3. Relationships between percent survivorship of bald cypress and water tupelo seedlings and flood events in the Savannah River floodplain. Donovan, L. A. And K. W. McLeod. Morphological and root carbohydrate responses of bald cypress seedlings to water temperatures and water level regimes. Therm. BioI. (submitted). DISCUSSION The natural establishment, development and maintenance of floodplain forests in the Southeast is largely dependent on the coincident availability of viable seeds with low water levels during periods in the growing season when germination and seedling establishment can occur. Our understanding of the major factors that limit regeneration in cypress-tupelo forests of the Southeast indicates that alteration of stream discharges without adequate attention to the autoecological requirements of floodplain species is an oversight in current management practices. Fonda, R. W. 1974. Forest succession in relation to river terrace development in Olympic National Park, Washington. Ecology 55:927942. Fowells, H. A. (ed). 1965. Silvics of forest trees of the United States. 762 p. USDA For. Sera Ag. Hdbk. No. 271. Washington, D.C. Gardner, A. C. 1980. Regeneration problems and options for white spruce on river flood plains in the Yukon Territory. p. 19-24. In Murray, M. and V. Van Velhuizen (eds). Forest regeneration at high latitudes. USDA PNW Gen. Tech. Rpt. 107. Watershed management seldom focuses on maintenance of floodplain wetlands. Most river discharge events in the Southeast are timed for recreational boating and fishing purposes or for electrical power generation. Accurately timed river drawdowns that allow natural wetland ecosystem processes to occur are uncommon. Results of the SRP studies summarized here suggest that major desynchronized floods of the Savannah River have led to degradation of floodplain forest regeneration processes. Although the potential for natural regeneration exists, managed water level changes generally preclude establishment and maintenance of major cohorts of the dominant species on the SRP floodplain. In any given year, failure of seedling establishment is probably not significant. 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