This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. A Simple Model to Predict Snag Levels In Managed Forests1 Norm Cimon2 Abstract.--The need for quantitative estimates of snag levels is discussed. A simple model to predict snag levels in managed forests is developed. Projections of standing · snags in two diameter classes for a typical managed stand are developed. The model, once verified, may prove its usefulness when incorporated within existing stand simulations. Thomas (1979) detailed the specific requirements, by diamet~r and tree species, for each of the cavity using birds ~nd mammals. INTRODUCTION Snags as Habitat Snags are an essential component of the habitat requirement for many species of wildlife. In the Blue Mountains of Oregon, for example, it is known that upwards of 60 different birds and mammals are cavity users (Thomas 1979). Need for a Predictive Hodel It starts to become evident that what is needed is a model that would project snag levels over time for all relevant species and diameter classes. With such a model, and the species specific requirements mentioned above, the wildlife manager would have the tools at hand to protect required levels of wildlife by protecting the needed snag habitat. Current Snag Research The importance of snags leads quite naturally to a series of questions: What type of snags are important? How many snags per acre, and of what species and diameter class, does it take to meet the specific requirements of a given species of bird or mammal? What role does forest succession play? Does the stage of decay of the snag have a significant impact on potential cavity users? I am certain that the reader could add many more to the list. The rudiments of such a model were originally described in a paper by Bull et al. (1980). In this paper, I have extended the 1980 model by developing separate equations for each diameter class, and by including provisions for the growth of live trees from one diameter class to the next. This model explicitely attempts to predict the number of snags available, for a given tree species per acre by diameter class, over a series of planning intervals. In fact, questions like these are the source of much of the active research in the field of snag management (Balda 1976, Conner 1973, Hannan 1977, McClelland 1975, Scott 1978). Many of these questions either have been or are in the process of being answered. To retum to the case of the Blue Mountains, METHODS Requirements for the Hodel In this simplified model, prediction involves knowledge of certain basic information at each stage of the planning process. First of all a planning interval must be selected. For the purposes of the example given below, the interval chosen was 10 years. This is to say that the model will be updated in 10 year increments. lpaper presented at the Snag Habitat Management Symposium, Flagstaff, Arizona, 7-9 June 1983. 2Norm Cimon, 1207 Y Avenue, La Grande, Oreg. 200 Once a planning interval is in hand, this determines the the magnitude of the various rates which are used in the equations for the model. Here is a list of these rates: Pd veterans from the snag population. In mathematical terms, the equation is: = the probability that a snag in diameter class d will remain standing over 1 ttme interval (this is 1-Fall Rate) Pd and Md are as described previously, while S (n) and Td (n) represent, respectively, the number of snags and the number of live trees in diameter class d at the start of ttme interval n. the probability that a live tree in diameter class d will die over 1 time interval Qd = the Rd = the Suppose we know that at time 0 we have, for the 10-20" diameter class which we will arbitrarily call class 2, a certain number of snags and live trees of that diameter class (S2(0) and T2(0)). We would like to project the number of snags in this class 10 years, or 1 time interval, into the future. Then: probability that a live tree in diameter class d will move to diameter class d+1 in 1 time interval probability that a tree in diameter class d will remain in diameter class d over 1 time interval If we now assume that we have a way of obtaining the number of live trees that will be available at the start of time interval 1 for that diameter class we may then project 20 years into the future by calculating: As is obvious, there is a heavy emphasis placed on a diameter structure for the model. There are reasons for this. First, it is a fact that there are definite preferences among certain species of woodpecker, for example, for snags that are of a certain minimum diameter (Thomas 1979). Wildlife management for such species thus requires insight into the diameter composition of the available snag habitat. Thus, recursive calculations can be used to estimate the number of snags in each diameter class for successive time intervals. Second, existing studies (Keen 1955, Dahms 1949, VanSickle 1978, Lyon 1977, Bull in publication) have shown that, in general, snag fall rates follow a nonlinear pattern by diameter class. This is to say that we cannot expect a snag in the 10-20" class to stay up half as long on the average as a snag in the 20-30" class. The reality is that trees that are about twice as big across stay up more than twice as long. The Live Tree Equation Somewhat more tenuously, we may write down a simple equation to project live tree growth over time so that we might continue to update the snag equation described above. This equation starts with the number of live trees in a given diameter class which are available at the beginning of a time interval and which might be expected to remain in that diameter class over the interval (Td(n) x ~)). To this is added the number of trees from the immediately preceding diameter class which would grow into this diameter class during the time·interval (Td-l(n) x Qd-1)). The equation is: In the same fashion, transition rates for live trees from one diameter class to the next are nonlinear (i.e. big trees have less diameter increment than small trees over the same time interval). So one equation for all of the diameter classes will not do. That is why we empahsize the diameter structure. At this point, we should pause to examine more closely the equations stated above. There are certain implicit assumptions which limit their usefulness. This is especially true for the second, or live tree, equation. This is not as crucial as it might first appear, however, since there exist far superior models to predict tree growth. One such model, the Stand Prognosis Model (Stage 1982), will be discussed below. Access to such a model would preclude the need to make use of the live tree equation, since mortality figures could be obtained directly from this more comprehensive modelling process. Defining the Equations The Snag Equation The snag equation is quite simple to state. To determine the number of snags in a given diameter class at the start of a planning interval, we start with the number of snags that remain standing from the start of the last planning interval. To this we add the number of live trees that were in that diameter class during the previous interval which we would expect to die off. So the snag pool is made up of recruits from the living population and 201 Table 1.-Comparison of predicted number of live trees by diameter class over a 100 year period for the SPM and live tree equations (LTE). The real value of this live tree equation may be in its ability to mimic the much more complicated processes of models like the Stand Prognosis Model (SPM). In situations where there is a specific management regime imposed on a stand, the live tree equation seems to hold very closely to the growth estimates of the stand prognosis model. The relationship between the live tree equation given above and models like the SPM could be the subject of future research. Predicted no. of trees by diameter class SPM/LTE Year 10"-20" >20" 70 29 I 29 0 I 0 80 23 I 23 4 I 90 18 I 16 6 I 8 100 11 I 10 11 I 11 110 5 I 7 15 I 14 120 2 I 4 16 I 14 (M) • 130 0 I 3 17 I 15 A potentially more serious problem arises with the so called transition ra tea, Q and R. Stocking density will have a definite impact on these rates. In the SPM, for example, diameter growth for a specific tree is made functionally dependent upon the total basal area/acre of all trees greater in diameter than the target tree. In other words, for a given diameter class, Q and R are not constant but are density dependent parameters. 140 0 I 2 16 I 16 150 0 I 14 I 15 160 0 I 13 I 15 Assumptions At this point we would do well to list the assumptions we have made in developing the above system of equations. Specifically, we have assumed that the rate factors are constants, independent of stand density or distribution. While this may have validity for the snag retention rates (P) (this may be less applicable where the stand has been opened up and wind throw becomes a factor), it would seem to have less merit for calculating mortality 4 snag levels (per acre) for the 10"-20" and >20" classes are outlined in table 2. The transition rates (Q and R) were obtained from a fit of data for the SPM predicted live tree numbers of table 1. Mortality for the live trees (M) was a by-product of this fit and, along with snag retention rates (P), was used to continuously update the snag equation to produce table 2. While these limiting assumptions might seem to limit usefulness of the live tree equation, in fact, this is not the case. Let us consider managed stands, for example. Example To summarize, if the user has access to reliable estimates of stand distribution by diameter class over time, or better yet actual mortality figures by diameter class over time, then these, when combined with snag fall rates and a set of initial stand conditions, allow for an estimate of snag distribution, by diameter class over time. In managed stands, periodic thinnings insure that individual trees have enough growing space to minimize competition. We might then expect the transition factors, Q and R, to be more nearly constant. When the live tree equation was fitted to the SPM predicted values for a managed stand, 3 and the resulting rate factors used in the live tree equation, the results were quite close to the SPM predicted values (table 1). In lieu of actual mortality figures in our example, we estimated the mortality rates, snag retention rates and transition rates, based on outputs from the SPM and produced the simulated live tree and snag numbers from the equations pre sen ted here. Values for s, M, R and Q for both diameter classes were obtained using regression techniques with data from the SPM model. With these estimators, the m9del equations could be updated as a system. The resulting values for DISCUSSION Any model such as this one must be subject to intense scrutiny. As a first step, it is in need of field validation, as opposed to validation based on another model, such as the 30btained from the Wallowa Valley Ranger District of the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest, Joseph, Oregon. 202 Table 2.--Snag numbers over a 100 year period for two diameter classes. estimates of the number of snags available over time, by species and diameter class. This would provide a starting point for maintenance of viable amounts of habitat for the many cavity users. Number of snags by diameter class Year 10"-20" >20" 70 0.0 80 2.6 o.o o.o 90 3-3 0.1 100 2.9 0.3 110 2.2 0.5 120 1.5 0.6 130 1.0 0.8 140 0.7 0.9 150 0.4 1.0 160 0.3 1.1 LITERATURE CITED Balda, Russell P., and James B. Cunningham. 1976. Snag selection and use by secondary cavity nesters of the ponderosa pine forest. Report submitted to the U.S. Forest Service. 103 p. Bull, Evelyn L., Asa D. Twombly, and Thomas M. Quigley. 1980. Perpetuating snags in managed mixed conifer forests of the Blue Mountains, Oregon. p. 325336. In Management of western forests and gr.aislands for nongame birds. Workshop Proceedings. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report INT-86. Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Ogden, Utah. Bull, Evelyn L. In press. Longevity of snags and their use by woodpeckers. In Snag Habitat Management Symposium. SPM. This is especially true of the snag levels, since the SPM does not project these figures at all. In fact one of the recomendations that I would like to make is that models such as the Stand Prognosis Model have incorporated into them a simple equation to project snag levels. But first there must be validation. Conner, R. N. 1973. Woodpecker utilization of cut and uncut woodlands. M.S. thesis. Virginia Polytechnical Institute and State University. In addition, data collection efforts should center on the determination of snag retention rates. These are of the utmost importance to accurate predictions of snag levels. This determination should be made for all tree species and diameter classes which are of importance to wildlife managers as potential habitat. At the very least, a literature search should be conducted to obtain all of those studies for which these rates might be computed. Dahms, Walter G. 1949. How long do ponderosa pine snags stand? USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station Research Note 57, 3 p. Portland, Oreg. A useful source of future determination of snag retention rates might be the existing forest inventory stands managed by the u.s. Forest Service. These inventories in the Blue Mountains track the number of downed snags. But there is no tagging, by diameter class or ·otherwise, and thus no possibility of determining over what period a specific snag may have fallen. If the inventory process could be modified to incorporate this knowledge then a large step would have been taken in gathering accurate data for the prediction of snag levels • Lyon, L. Jack. 1977. Attrition of lodgepole pine snags on the Sleeping Child Burn, Montana. USDA Forest Service Research Note INT-219, 4 p. Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Ogden, Utah. Keen, F. P. 1955. The rate of natural falling of beetle-killed ponderosa pine snags. Journal of Forestry 53:720-723. Hannan, R. W. 1977. Use of snags by birds, Douglas-fir region, western Oregon. M.S. thesis. Oregon State University, Corvallis. 114 p. McClelland, B. Riley, and Sidney S. Frissell. 1975. Identifying forest snags useful for hole-nesting birds. Journal of Forestry 73:414-417. I am convinced that with this important bit of information a simple model like the one described above would allow for reasonable 203 U. S. Depa r tmen t of Agriculture Agricultu re Handbook No . 553 . (Published in cooperation with the Wildlife Management Institute and the U. S . Department of t he Interior Bureau of Land Management . ) Washington, D. C. Stage, Albert R., Nicholas L. Crookston, and William R. Wykoff . 1982 . User's guide to the stand prognosis model . USDA Forest Service General Technical Report INT- 133. Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Ogden , Utah. Van Sickle, Charles, and Robert E. Benson. 1978. The dead timber resource-amounts and characteristics . p. 127146. In Proceedings of symposium on the dead softwood timber resources. Washington State Univer sity, Pullman. Thomas , Jack Ward, Ralph G. Anderson, Chris Maser , and Evelyn L. Bull. 1979 . Snags. p. 60- 77 . In Wildlife habitats in managed-rorests--the Blue Mountains of Oregon and Washington. \ 204