This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. Snag Density and Utilization by Wildlife In the Upper Piedmont of South Carolina 1 D. Breck Carmichael, Jr. and David C. Guynn, Jr. 2 Abstract.--Snag densities were estimated for major forest types on the Clemson Experimental Forest, in the upper Piedmont of South Carolina. Two-hundred 0.1-ha plots were established in various aged stands of cove hardwood, upland hardwood, pine-hardwood, and pine plantations. Climbable snags containing cavities were inspected to determine use by wildlife during warm months (May-September) and again during cold months (NovemberMarch). Mean snag densities were 50.3 snags per ha for upland hardwoods, 37.3 snags per ha for cove hardwoods, 31.2 snags per ha for pine-hardwoods, and 21.3 snags per ha for pine plantations. Cavities occurred in only 8.8% of all snags tallied. Preliminary results indicate that more than 35% of snags with cavities were utilized by southern flying squirrels (Glaucomys volans). INTRODUCTION In most natural communities, nongame species constitute the greatest portion of vertebrate species and biomass; furthermore, they are critical to the functioning of the ecosystem (Bury et al. 1980). Wildlife researchers and managers are now aware of the importance of standing dead trees, or snags, as habitats for many of these species. Activities such as bird watching and wildlife photography have become popular (More 1979), with annual expenditures totalling in the millions of dollars in the United States (DeGraaf and.Payne 1975). Also, many species of snag-dependent wildlife are insectivorous and help prevent insect populations from reaching epidemic levels (Beebe 1974). Information on snags and snag-dependent species is lacking in the Southeast. Extensive studies have been carried out on the endangered red-cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis), but this species requires live southern pines (Pinus spp.) f~r cavity construction. All other southern woodpeckers utilize snags for cavity construction, 1Paper presented at the Snag Habitat Management Symposium. Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, June 7-9, 1983. 2 D. Breck Carmichael Jr. and David C. Guynn, Jr. are, respectively, Graduate Research Assistant and Associate Professor, Department of Forestry, Clemson University, Clemson, S.C. and a large number of secondary cavity-nesters use these cavities. Some 38 species of birds that breed and/or winter in upper South Carolina are known to utilize snags (Legrand and Hamel 1980). Several mammalian species nest, feed, or hibernate in snags; and amphibians and reptiles may even use snags (McComb and Noble 1981). We initiated a study in 1981 to estimate snag densities in 4 major forest types in the upper Piedmont of South Carolina and to determine the diversity of wildlife species utilizing snags within these forest types. STUDY AREA The study was conducted on the 7,024 ha Clemson University Experimental Forest, in the upper Piedmont of South Carolina. The tract was obtained between 1934 and 1939 from private owners by the U. S. Department of Agriculture. More than 100 years of clearing, burning, row cropping and abandonment had turned the area into severely eroded red clay hills and gullies. The scattered woodlands present were mostly rough pines and low quality hardwoods. Federal work programs helped initiate the reforestation of the area, and in 1954 the land was deeded to Clemson University. An intensive forest management program has restored the Clemson Forest to a productive state (Warner et al. 1973). All study plots were established on the "North Forest," maintained prilllllrily for research, teaching, and recreation. The terrain is slightly 107 Table 1.--Mean snag densities on the Clemson Experimental Forest ("North Forest") in the Piedmont of South Carolina, 1982. rolling to hilly, typical of the upper Piedmont. Stands ranged in size from less than 0.5 ha to greater than 10 ha, and all ages from seedlings to mature sawtimber were present. Stand Type METHODS Upland hardwood Cove hardwood Pine hardwood Pine plantation Four stands in each of the 10 following forest types were located on the study area: pine-hardwood - 20 to 30 years, pine-hardwood 30 to 50 years, pine-hardwood - over 50 years, pine plantation - 1 to 9 years, pine plantation 20 to 40 years, pine plantation - over 40 years, cove-hardwood - 40 to 60 years, cove-hardwood over 60 years, upland hardwood - 40 to 60 years, and upland hardwood - over 60 years. Within each of the 40 stands, five 0.1 ha (20m x 50 m) study plots were randomly located and a 100% tally of all snags was made. A snag was defined as any dead or mostly dead standing tree at least 10.2 em (4 in) dbh and 1.8 m (6 ft) tall. Total height and dbh were measured, and each snag was numbered at breast height with CFI paint and at stump height with an aluminum tag. Climbable snags containing cavities were inspected to determine use by wildlife during warm months (May-September) and again during cool months (November-March). Sample size fluctuated due to snags falling between successive cavity inspection periods. For purposes of the determination of wildlife use, new cavity trees were continually added to the sample whenever found, so that some cavity trees were inspected as many as 3 times and some only once. Snag densities by forest type were compared by analysis of variance (Sokal and Rohlf 1973). The number of snags required for nesting by indigenous avian cavity nesters was estimated as discussed by Harlow and Guynn (1983) and compared with the number of snags found on the study area. Snags 2er hectare SE X 50.3** 37.3 31.2 21.3 6.27 4.56 2.86 2.96 ** p < 0.01 FMNF. The hilly terrain on the Clemson Forest makes some areas inaccessible for salvage whereas a number of private salvage operators eagerly compete for dead and dying timber on the more accessible FMNF. Forests of the Coastal Plain also have a smaller hardwood component than those of the Piedmont, and the ~mF is open to public firewood cutting. Firewood cutting is strictly prohibited on the Clemson Forest, except in designated areas which were not part of the study area. Prescribed fire is used more frequently in pine stands of the FMNF than those of the Clemson Forest. Additionally, one of the major management practices in hardwood stands of the Clemson Forest has been to girdle or chemically inject undesirable stems. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Differences in biotic and abiotic factors in the Coastal Plain and the Piedmont may also explain differences in snag densities. There are probably a greater variety of diseases operating as tree mortality factors in the Piedmont. For example, littleleaf disease (Phyto2hthora cinnamomi) is frequent on the Clemson Forest due to the prevalance of red clay soils but is mostly absent from the sandy soils of the Coastal Plain. Climatic factors such as ice storms are more frequent and severe in the Piedmont than in the Coastal Plain. Upland hardwood stands contained significantly (P < 0.01) greater numbers of snags than other stand types (Table 1). Forest management practices on the Clemson Forest have resulted in a large number of snags in all stand types c~mpared to some other southern forests. McComb and Muller (1983) reported high snag densities in eastern Kentucky, but their study areas had received no management for 40 years or more. Snag densities on the Francis Marion National Forest (FMNF), in the Coastal Plain of South Carolina were found to be much lower than those in the present study (Harlow and Guynn 1983). Pine stands on FMNF contained approximately 84% fewer snags than hardwood and mixed pine-hardwood stands of the Clemson Forest, mostly because lightning struck and beetle (Dendroctonus frontalis and 1£! spp.) killed trees are removed from the FMNF soon after detection. Snags are generally not removed from the Clemson Forest. Beetle kills are sometimes salvaged, but not as often as on the Snag densities on the Clemson Forest were much greater in the 10.1-25.0 em diameter class than in the larger diameter classes (Table 2). Sixteen snags were in such an advanced stage of decomposition that an accurate dbh measurement was impossible. These snags were included in the calculation of density by forest type but were excluded from density by diameter class and forest type. Estimates of optimum snag size and densities required to support selected cavity-nesting birds at various population levels are presented in Table 3. These requirements should be considered minimum because no reserve snags were included in the estimates. Bull and Meslow (1977) and Thomas et al. (1979) recommended 16 and Evans and Conner (1979) 10 reserve snags for each snag utilized; but at this time, there is no biological basis for reserve snag estimates (Harlow and Guynn 1983). Cavity-nesters that require snags in the 10.1-25.0 em dbh range, such as the downy woodpecker (Picoides 2ubescens), Carolina chickadee (Parus carolinensis), and eastern 108 (N = 654). Seasonal cavity inspections are still underway, but preliminary results (N = 107) indicate a high rate of utilization by southern flying squirrels (Glaucomys volans) (Table 4). Few inspections have taken place during the peak nesting season for most avian cavity-nesters, and it is expected that the rate of utilization by birds will increase as the study continues. Undoubtedly, some snags for which wildlife use could not be determined were being used by birds as roosting sites. On several occasions, cavities initially occupied by downy woodpeckers and even the large pileated woodpecker, were occupied by flying squirrels at the next inspection period. In a study on interspecific competition for red-cockaded woodpecker cavities on the FMNF, Harlow and Lennartz (In Press) found that flying squirrels used 32% of the cavities inspected. Whether there is direct aggressive conflict between flying squirrels and other species is not known. Silver-haired bats (Lasionycteris noctivigans) were found roosting behind the loose bark of snags and are, therefore, not dependent on the presence of cavities. A number of herptofauna were observed during cavity inspections, but no attempt was made to enumerate or identify these species. Table 2.--Mean snag densities by diameter class on the Clemson Experimental Forest ("North Forest") in the Piedmont of South Carolina, 1982. Dbh Class (em) 10.1-25.0 25.1-40.0 40.1-55.0 > 55.0 Total 1UHW 41.8 6.3 0.8 0.5 49.3 2CHW 28.8 4.8 1.5 0.3 35.3 Snass Eer hectare 3PHW 4pp Overall 23.8 14.7 27.3 6.3 5.8 5.8 0.8 0.2 0.8 o.o 0.0 0.2 20.7 34.1 31.0 1 2Upland hardwood cove hardwood 3 4Pine hardwood Pine plantation Table 3.--0ptimum snag size and minimum snag densities for selected cavity-nesting birds in the Southeastern United States. SEecies Pileated woodpecker Red-bellied woodpecker Downy woodpecker Barred owl Wood duck White-breasted nuthatch Tufted titmouse Eastern bluebird Carolina chickadee Total 1 Dbh of cavity tree (em) 2Snags/ha required to support various population levels 60% 20% 100% 45.7-66.0 35.6-53.5 0.15 0.52 0.10 0.32 0.02 0.10 15.2-25.4 50.8+ 50.8+ 30.5+ 0.32 0.10 0.30 0.35 0.20 0.05 0.17 0.20 0.07 0.02 0.05 0.07 30.5+ 20.3+ 15.2+ 0.90 0.25 0.69 3.58 0.54 0.15 0.54 2.27 0.17 0.05 0.15 0.70 Table 4.--Utilization of snags as cavity sites by various wildlife species on the Clemson Experimental Forest ("North Area") in the Piedmont of South Carolina, 1982-83. SEecies Southern flying squirrel Gray squirrel Downy woodpecker Pi lea ted woodpecker Red-bellied woodpecker Red-headed woodpecker Brown-headed nuthatch Common flicker Silver-haired bat Undetermined 1 Adapted from Evans and Conner (1979) 2Adapted from Harlow and Guynn (1983) bluebird (Sialia sialis) probably can find sufficient snags to support 100% maximum population levels on the Clemson Forest (Tables 2 and 3). Avian species that utilize snags in the 25.140.0 em dbh range can also find favorable habitats in terms of the density of suitable-sized snags. This group includes species such as the tufted titmouse (Parus bicolor) and the white-breasted nuthatch (Sitta carolinensis). The Clemson Forest does not contain adequate numbers of suitable snags for species that require larger snags (dbh 40.1-55 em and greater) such as the pileated woodpecker (Dryocopus pileatus), red-bellied woodpecker (Melanerpes carolinus), barred owl (Strix varia), and wood duck (Aix sponsa). Percent of caviti inspections 1 3PHW 4pp Overall cHW 2UHW 23.8 35.7 36.4 43.6 36.4 14.3 4.8 7.1 9.1 3.0 2.6 2.6 10.3 7.5 2.8 3.7 2.6 0.9 2.6 0.9 2.6 0.9 2.6 30.8 0.9 1.9 43.0 7.1 57.1 50.0 3.0 45.4 1cove hardwood 2upland hardwood 3Pine hardwood 4Pine plantation CONCLUSIONS Management practices that favor the creation and retention of snags have resulted in high snag densities on the Clemson Forest compared to other managed southern forests. Snag densities are Snags containing cavities made up only 8.8% of all snags tallied in the original survey 109 ! and M. R. Lennartz. In Press. Inter_____s_p_e_cr.[fic competition for red-cockaded woodpec~1er cavities during the nesting season in South Carolina. Proc. Red-cockaded Woodpecker Symp. II. Panama City, FL. probably adequate for cavity-nesting species that can utilize snags 40 em dbh or less but may be limiting for species that require larger snags. A large percentage of snags with cavities are utilizea-oy-soutbelfn-flylrig squirrels. Where flying squirrels are abundant, competition between other cavity-dependent wildlife species and squirrels may be serious. LeGrand, H. E., Jr. and P. B. Hamel. 1980. Bird-habitat associations on southeastern forest lands. Dept. of Zoology, Clemson Univ., Clemson, S.C. 276 pp. LITERATURE CITED McComb, w. C. and R. E. Noble. 1981. Nest-box and natural cavity use in 3 mid-south forest habitats. J. Wildl. Mgmt. 45(1):93-101. Beebe, s. B. 1974. Relationships between insectivorous hole-nesting birds and forest management. Yale Univ., Sch. For. Environ. Stud., New Haven, Conn. 49 pp. ---......,---and R. N. Muller. 1983. Snag densities in old-growth and second-growth Appalachian forests. J. Wild!. Mgmt. 47(2):376-382. Bull, E. L. and E. C. Meslow. 1977. Habitat requirements of the pileated woodpecker in northeastern Oregon. J. For. 75(6):335-337. More, T. A. 1979. The demand for nonconsumptive wildlife uses: a review of the literature. USDA For. Serv. Gen. Tech. Rep. NE-52. 16 pp. Bury, B. R., H. W. Campbell, and N. J. Scott, Jr. 1980. Role and importance of nongame wildlife. Trans. N. Am. Wild!. Nat. Resour. Conf. 80:197-207. Sokal, R. R. and F. J. Rholf. 1973. Introduction to biostatistics. W. H. Freeman and Co., San Francisco. 386 pp. DeGraaf, R. M. and B. Payne. 1975. Economic values of nongame birds and some urban wildlife research needs. Trans. N. Am. Wild!. Nat. Resour. Conf. 40:281-287. Thomas, J. W., R. G. Anderson, C. Maser, and E. L. Bull. 1979. Snags. In J. W. Thomas (ed.). Wildlife habitats inlmanaged forests, the blue mountains of Oregon and Washington. USDA Agric. Handb. 553. Washington, D.C. pp. 60-77. Evans, K. E. and R. N. Conner. 1979. Snag management. In management of north central and northeastern forests for nongame birds. USDA For. Serv. Gen. Tech. Rep. NC-51. pp. 214-225. Warner, J. R., L. D. Reamer, N. B. Goebel, C. L. Lane, T. E. Gaylord, and A. C. Malcolm. 1973. The Clemson forest, purpose - objectives policies. Clemson University, Dept. of Forestry, Tech. Pap. No. 1. 10 pp. Harlow, R. F. and D. C. Guynn, Jr. 1983. Snag densities in managed stands of the South Carolina Coastal Plain. In press, South. J. Applied Forestry. 110