This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. The Long-Term Effect of Timber Stand Improvement on Snag and Cavity Densities In the Central Appalachlans1 John J. Moriarty and William C. McComb 2 Abstract.--Snag and cavity densities were measured on two watersheds in a mixed mesophytic forest in eastern Kentucky. One watershed received timber stand improvement (TSI) by girdling 20-30 y~rs prior to measurement and one did not receive TSI. There were more snags on the TSI watershed than on the non-TSI watershed. Total cavity density was similar between watersheds, but the TSI watershed had a higher density of animal cavities while the non-TSI watershed had a higher natural cavity density. Management recommendations include selected TSI of heart-rotted trees on 10- to 15-year intervals to provide snags. INTRODUCTION The effects of tree girdling as a silvicultural method of timber stand improvement (TSI) on change in vegetation and wildlife habitat have been well studied (Murphy and Ehrenreich 1965, Metzger and Schultz 1981), but most studies have been shortterm. There is a dearth of information on the long-term effects of tree girdling on wildlife habitat, especially on snag and cavity densities. Need for this information in the central Appalachians is increasing due to growing use of intensive forest management practices and loss of forest habitat through surface mining for coal. Recommendations for management of snag-dependent wildlife species include long rotations of forest stands, retaining snags during harvest, injecting trees with a heart-rot fungus, and providing herbicide-killed trees (McClelland and Frissell 1975, Hardin and Evans 1977, Jackson et al. 1976, Conner 1978, and Evans and Conner 1979). Conner et al. (1981) and McComb and Rumsey (1983) reported the potential value of herbicide-killed trees for woodpeckers' habitat: spraying and injection of herbicides did not appear to adversely affect the tree as a foraging or nesting site. Girdling of trees may provide foraging or nesting substrate for some species or may adversely affect cavity-dependent wildlife by killing cull trees with natural cavities (Miller and Miller 1980). Hence, this practice may actually limit the number of cavities available to species of cavity-dependent wildlife that require cavities in living trees. Girdling may result in snag characteristics different from those of natural snags, because of the rate and type of fungal decay in the tree (Conner et al. 1981). Normally, girdled trees do not remain standing as long as a natural cavity-tree or snag would stand (Miller and Miller 1980). This study was undertaken to provide information on snag and cavity densities in TSI and nonTSI stands in a mixed mesophytic forest. The objectives were to quantify the long-term effects of girdling trees on snag and cavity densities and to determine the density of potentially usable snags and cavities per tree species. STUDY AREA The study was established in 2 watersheds on the University of Kentucky's Robinson Forest, located in Breathitt, Perry, and Knott Counties, Kentucky. Robinson Forest is a mixed mesophytic forest in the Cumberland Plateau region of Kentucky (Braun 1950). Xeric sites are dominated by scarlet oak (Quercus coccinea), black oak (Quercus velutina), chestnut oak (Quercus prinus), white oak (Quercus alba), red maple (Acer rubrum) and sourwood (Oxydendrum arboreum). Mesic sites are dominated by eastern hemlock (Tsuga ranadensis), American beech (Fagus grandifolia), northern red oak (Quercus rubra) and yellow-poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera). It is a second-growth forest which was heavily cut prior to 1920. Davenport (1958) reported that extensive TSI, including the girdling 1 This paper was presented at the Snag Habitat Management symposium, Northern Arizona State University, Flagstaff, Arizona 7-9 June 1983. The information reported in the paper (83-8-66) is in connection with Project No. 624 of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station and is published with the approval of the Director. 2 John J. Moriarty is presently stewardship biologist for the Kentucky Chapter of the Nature Conservancy, Lexington, Kentucky; William C. McComb is assistant professor of forestry and wildlife management at the University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky. 40 of residual trees, was done from 1955-1960 on an area of the forest which included Falling Rock watershed (TSI treatment in this study) but not Bucklick Hollow (control in this study). Both watersheds encompass a drainage of approximately 80 ha and the altitude is from 300-412 m. Slopes are steep (20 to 100 percent) and characterized by short intermittent streams (Carpenter and Rumsey 1976). 200 METHODS Study Design Two 20-ha study areas were established, one in the Bucklick (control) watershed and the other in the Falling Rock (TSI) watershed. Each study area consisted of about 50 percent north slopes and 50 percent south slopes. A 50-point grid was established on an 80 x 50 m spacing and a 0.05-ha circular plot was established at each point. DBB CLASS(cm) Figure 1.--Tree distribution by diameter class on TSI'ed (cross-hatched) and non-TSI'ed (open bars) watersheds, Breathitt County, Kentucky 1981, 20 years post-treatment. Girdled trees, snags, and cavities were counted on each plot during the winter so that foliage would not obscure any cavity entrances. Cavitytrees and snags were identified to species whenever possible. Table 1.--Cavity and snag densities per hectare for two watersheds in Robinson Forest, Breathitt County, Kentucky, 1981. Vegetation over 10 em dbh was tallied on each plot by species and diameter was measured to the nearest 0.1 em. Basal area and density of each species were summed by plot. Relative dominance was calculated for each species on each watershed. Student's t-test was used to compare stand structural characteristics between watersheds. Linear correlation was used to investigate associations between various combinations of structural attributes on the study areas. Cavity Type Cavities Animal Natural Basal Total Snags Girdled 1 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION *P<O.Ol Overs tory 1 There were more trees (P<0.05) on Falling Rock (TSI) (958 stems/ha} than Bucklick (non-TSI) (563 stems/ha). This was reflected in a higher average basal area estimate on Falling Rock (46.1 m2/ha) than on Bucklick (34.2 m2/ha}. Differences between watersheds were probably due to the TSI practices on Falling Rock in the 1950's. There were more trees greater than 20 em on Bucklick than on Falling Rock (fig. 1). Release of suppressed individuals following TSI allowed increased growth and higher stand density. Watershed Falling Rock (N=50) Bucklick (N=50) (TSI) (Control) Mean S.E. Mean S.E. 15.6 6.0 8.8 30.4 18.0 8.4 0.51 0.34 0.34 1.19 0.41 0.37 * * * * * 10.4 12.8 7.2 30.4 14.8 o.o 0.46 0.39 0.30 1.15 0.40 0 Included within snag densities; 20 years posttreatment. of girdled trees on Falling Rock was correlated with natural snag density (rc+0.55, P<O.Ol) and total snag density (girdled trees and snags) was weakly correlated with the number of animal cavities (r=+0.27, P<O.Ol). Snags provide primary excavators a soft substrate to excavate for nesting, gnd they provide a foraging substrate. Additional foraging substrate was available on Falling Rock in the form of snags 2.5 to 10 em dbh. More of these small snags were found on Falling Rock (X=46.4 stems/ha) than on Bucklick (X=20.4 stems/ha) probably as a result of natural mortality in the TSI released stems. Large residual girdled trees provided more potential nest sites and feeding substrate for large cavity-nesters, such as pileated woodpeckers (Dryocopus pileatus), without adversely affecting availability of nest sites for small cavity-nesters (fig. 2). It should be noted however, that not all of the nest sites available would meet the requirements of large primary cavity-nesters due to a Tree species composition was similar between watersheds. There were 33 species on the Falling Rock watershed and 32 species on the Bucklick watershed; 30 species were common to both areas. Snag and Cavity Densities We found no girdled trees on Bucklick, but an average of 8.4 girdled trees per ha remained standing on Falling Rock (table 1). Snags were more evenly distributed among diameter classes on Falling Rock than on Bucklick (fig. 2). The density 41 spongy outer layer of the girdled snag. Pileated woodpecker nest holes were observed in several residual girdled trees on Falling Rock. Girdled trees infected with heart-rot prior to girdling may provide suitable nest sites. 6 10-14.9 15-24.9 25-34.9 3!-44.9 45-54.9 There were more natural snags (3/ha) in northern red oak than in any other species (table 2). The highest density of girdled trees was found in American Beech; 83 percent of the beech snags had been girdled. Scarlet oaks and chestnut oaks were also girdled as cull trees on Falling Rock. Gustafon (1946) reported that red maple and American beech were not normally cut during the logging of the early 1900's and residual stems were heavily scarred by poor logging practices. 55-64.9 DBB CLASS(cm) NeM Site AvailablU'J' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _......,._ Carolina chlckadee·~Ba_,l..,r"l Standing snags in 1981 may have been different from what was created in the late 1950's because different species have different decay rates (Harmon 1982). Oaks are fast decayers (X=lO%/yr), while sourwood and pines (Pinus spp.) are slow decayers (X=3.8%/yr) (Harmon 1982). The slow-decaying species favor the development of a greater number of animal cavities than fast-decaying species because they remain standing longer (Thomas 1979). Thinbarked, noncommercial species such as American beech, red maple, and sourwood, tended to have more natural wooc! Bec!-bellled! woodpeclr.e·------ Figure 2.--Distribution of snags by diameter class on TSI'ed (cross-hatched) and non-TSI'ed (open bars) watersheds, Breathitt County, Kentucky, 1981, 20 years post-treatment. Nest site availability is also depicted for four common primary cavity-nesters. Table 2.--The density/10 ha of snags and cavities by tree species for two watersheds in Robinson Forest, Breathitt County, Kentucky, 1981.1 Snags Tree Species NonTSI TSI American beech (Fagus grandifolia) sourwood (Oxydendrum arboreum) unknown3 red maple (Acer rubrum) white oak (Quercus alba) blackgum (Nyssa sylvatica) scarlet oak (Quercus coccinea) yellow-poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera) black oak (Quercus velutina) northern red oak (Quercus rubra) chestnut oak (Quercus prlnus) post oak (Quercus stellata) others4 TOTAL 48(40) ·4 2 0 8 44(36) 0 0 0 Cavities Natural Basal NonNonTSI TSI TSI TSI 8(8) 16 40 32 52 (20) 8 Total TSI Non TSI 16 104(64) 76 24 24(0) 76 0 28(20) 40(0) 40 16 4 0 4 4(4) 0 4 12 12(4) 8 12 0 0 0 24(4) 8 0 12 0 0 8 4 4 16(0) 12 20(12) 8 0 4 4 8 4 4 8(0) 16 12 4 8 4 0 4 8 0 16(0) 8 12 8 4 16 0 0 0 0 4(0) 16 16 12 0 12 0 4 0 0 0(0) 16 12 4(4) 0 0 4 4(4) 0 12(12) 0 0 0 0 8 0 8 8 20 132 16(4) 0 12(4) 4 8(4) 0 28(12) 176(76) 20 Animal NonTSI TSI 0 20(12) 32 8 4 64 148 16 140(60) 40 20 104 4(4) 56(12) 0 88(28) 4 72 0 24(0) 300(100) 16 44 308 ~ata presented are based on 50 0.05-ha samples per watershed. 2 Total wit~ value f~r girdled trees that remained standing after 30 years indicated parenthetically. 3 Snags that could not be identified to genus. 4 Taxa with 22 cavities per 2. 5 ha: Betula lenta, Carya glabra, Carya spp., Cornua florida, Magnolia trip!itala, Pinus spp., Quercus spp., Robinia pseudoacacia, Tilia spp. and Ulmus rubra. 42 and basal cavities (table 2) caused by logging and fire injuries, which allow decaying agents to enter the tree and form cavities. Density of snags >10 em (including girdled trees) was significantly higher (P<0.05) on Falling Rock (18.0 snags/ha) than on Bucklick (14.8 snags/ ha) (table 1). These densities are lower than the densities found by McComb and Muller (1983) for a 30-year-old second-growth forest (85.6 snags/ha) in southeastern Kentucky. A managed forest in Connecticut had a density of 14.8 snags/ha (McComb and Noble 1980). McComb and Muller (1983) found a density of 44.2 snags/ha for an old-growth forest in southeastern Kentucky. The variation in snag densities between old-growth and second-growth forests can be explained by stand histories. The high snag density reported by McComb and Muller (1983) may be due to rapid regrowth with minimal site disturbance after cutting and subsequently greater annual mortality in the 30-year-old stand than in uncut stands. Robinson Forest was subjected to frequent fires immediately following cutting, and this disturbance probably resulted in slow regrowth and low annual mortality after 50 years. Total cavity density for Falling Rock and Bucklick averaged 30.4 cavities/ha, but types of cavities differed between watersheds (table 1). Falling Rock had more (P<0.05) animal cavities (15.6/ha) than Bucklick (l0.4/ha) possibly because snags were more abundant on Falling Rock than Bucklick. Carolina chickadees (Parus carolinensis) frequently used the soft, remaining girdled snags but cavities created by chickadees may not be used by many other cavity-nesting species because of the small cavity size (Thomas 1979). Natural cavities were significantly (P<O.Ol) more abundant on Bucklick (12.8/ha) than Falling Rock (6.0/ha). The girdling of the large hollow trees would accelerate falling due to lack of internal support. McComb and Rumsey (1983) reported similar reducation in natural cavity density following forest herbicide application at Robinson Forest. The recommended cavity density for maintaining viable populations of cavity-dependent species in the oak-hickory forest is 10 cavities/ha (Hardin and Evans 1977); lower than the cavity densities found on Falling Rock and Bucklick. Cavity densities on Falling Rock or Bucklick were higher than reported in other studies (McComb and Noble 1980, Carey and Healy 1981), but this may be due to differences in species composition, logging practices, or climatic conditions, all of which affect the suitability of a tree or snag for cavity formation. Girdling of trees, particularly those which contain heart-rot, would be of benefit to some primary cavity-nesters and secondary cavity-nesters that prefer animal cavities. Release of suppressed trees by girdling large (>40 em dbh) unmerchantable trees, particularly those with heart-rot, 'results in additional potential nesting sites for primary nesters, and long-term availability of feeding substrate due to natural mortality in the released trees. To sup~ ply a sustained yield of snags for cavity-nesters in 5Q-year-old second-growth central Appalachian stands we suggest girdling 1 or 2 heart-rot infected trees > 40 em dbh per hectare on lQ- to 15-year intervals. Natural mortality of TSI released stemS will provide small and medium sized snags. At least 2 large, natural cavity-bearing trees per hectare should be left untouched to provide nesting sites for species preferring natural tree cavities. In the long run, this should provide a more equitable distribution of small, medium, and large diameter snags while still maintaining natural cavity density. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank T.K. Sheehan, C.L. Chambers, D. Roberts, J.W. Moriarty for assistance with field work; M. Noble, A.B. Marshall and the Robinson Forest staff for technical support; and C. Rowell, C.J. Liu, and R.N. Muller for assistance with data analysis; and B.A. Thielg~s, R.N. Muller, G.A. McPeek, and D.B. Hill for reviewing an early draft of the manuscript. LITERATURE CITED Braun, E.L. 1950. Deciduous forests of eastern North America. Blakiston Co. Philadelphia. 596 pp. Carey, A.B. and W.M. Healey. 1981. Cavities in trees around spring seeps in the maple-beechbirch forest type. U.S. Dep. Agric. For. Serv. Res. Paper NE-480. 7 pp. Carpenter, S.B. and R.L. Rumsey. 1976. Trees and shrubs of Robinson Forest, Breathitt County, Kentucky. Castanea 41:277-282. Conner, R.N. 1978. Snag management for cavitynesting birds. pp. 120-128. In: Proceedings of the workshop management of southern forests for nongame birds, DeGraaf, R.M. (ed.). U.S. Dep. Agric. For. Serv. Gen. Tech. Rep. SE-14. • J.G. Dickson and B.A. Locke. 1981. ___H __e_r...,.b_,i-cide-killed trees infected by fungi: Potential cavity sites for woodpeckers. Wildl. Soc. Bull. 9:308-310. MANAGEMENT IMPLICATIONS Timber stand improvement by girdling provided additional feeding substrate and some nesting sites for primary cavity-nesters 20-30 years after treatment. Tree girdling reduced natural cavity abundance but increased animal cavity density. Secondary cavity users, such as barred owls (Strix varia), Virginia opossums (Didelphis virginiana), and gray squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis), which prefer natural tree cavities to animal-made cavities, may not benefit from TSI unless provisions are made to leave an adequate number of natural-cavity trees for these species. 43 Crawford, H.S. 1971. Wildlife habitat changes after intermediate cutting for even-aged oak management. J. Wildl. Manage. 35:275-286. Davenport, O.M. 1958. Timber management and research. p. 75. In: Results of research in 1957. Ky. Agric.JExper. Stn. 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Spring ground layer vegetation 50 years after harvesting in northern hardwood forests . Am . M.idl. Nat. 105:44-50. Harmon, H.F. 1982. Decomposition of standing dead trees in the southern Appalachian mountains. Oecologia 52:214-215. Hiller, E. and D.R. Miller. 1980. Snag use by birds. pp. 337-356. In: Workshop proceedings: Management of western forests and grasslands for nongame birds. R. M. DeGraaf (ed.), U.S. Dep. Agric. For . Serv. Gen. Tech. Rep . INT- 86. 535 pp. Jackson, J.A., R. Weeks and R. Shindala. 1976. The present status and future of red-cockaded woodpeckers in Kentucky. Ky. l~arbler 52 :7580. Murphy, D.A. and J.A. Ehrenreich. 1965 . Effects of timber harvest and stand improvement of forage production. J. Wild!. Manage. 29: 734-739. McClelland, B.R. and S. Frissell . 1975. Identifying forest snags useful for hole-nesting birds. J . For. 73:414- 417. Thomas, J.W. (ed.). 1979. Wildlife habitats in managed forests, the Blue Mountains of Oregon and Washington. U.S. Dep. 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