This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. Shrublands and Grasslands of the Jornada Long-Term Ecological Research Site: Desertification and Plant Community Structure in the Northern Chihuahuan Desert Laura Foster Huenneke Patterns of Plant Diversity _ _ __ Abstract-Semidesert grasslands of southern New Mexico have been replaced in this century with shrublands (chiefly creosote bush and mesquite). The Jornada Long-Term Ecological Research Program has been monitoring aboveground plant productivity, plant species composition, and other aspects of ecosystem function in 15 sites. Plant diversity differs significantly among vegetation types, with grasslands being the most diverse. Aboveground net primary productivity does not differ significantly among vegetation types. Productivity is correlated with plant species richness in some seasons; however, diversity has not been correlated with smaller fluctuation of production between years in the first few years of study. These results have implications for sustainable management of diversity and of productivity. First, what are the patterns of plant species diversity? In the Jornada LTER program, we have been monitoring 15 sites scattered across the J ornada Experimental Range and the NMSU College Ranch (Chihuahuan Desert Rangeland Research Center): 3 grasslands, 3 grass-dominated playas, 3 creosote bush sites,3 mesquite sites, and 3 tarbush sites, since 1989. We have compiled lists of all plant species present in permanent study quadrats, 3 times each year (winter, spring, and late summer), and have measured their biomass and productivity (methods described below). In addition, several environmental variables (precipitation, soil moisture, etc.) are monitored on each site. We can therefore compare the number of species present at a particular sample date, or cumulative over time-the total species list for a site. At all sample dates, grasslands have more plant species present than do shrub-dominated systems (Huenneke, unpublished data). From 1989 through 1994, these numbers are approximately 40-50 species per site (during the growing season) for grasslands, in comparison with 20-35 species in a creosote bush area and 10-15 in mesquite sites. Of course, no one sample date represents all the species present in a site; many of the plants of semi-desert regions are ephemeral annuals or short-lived perennials, and no single sample (even in a "good" season) can capture the entire species list. Thus all sites have continued to "accumulate" species over time; that is, the cumulative species list for each site continues to grow, even after 5 years of data collection. Total species numbers are roughly 100 or so for grassland sites thus far, compared to 50-60 in creosote bush sites and 20-40 in mesquite sites. Over time, the graph of cumulative species numbers is steepest for the grassland sites. That is, not only do the grasslands have the highest species richness at any given point in time, but they demonstrate the greatest diversity over time. This reflects in part an impressive amount of seasonal and annual variation. In sum, the grasslands contain the largest and most dynamic pool of species. Inspection of the identity of species in the various sites reveals a great deal of overlap in the species lists. My initial hypothesis was that grassland species might have been displaced, replaced by distinct species' assemblages representative of Chihuahuan desert shrub systems. One would then expect little overlap between species lists of grassland and shrubland sites. However, nearly all plant species found in the shrub-dominated sites are also found in grasslands. In this symposium we have heard much about the history of vegetation change and the alteration of ecosystem structure here in southern New Mexico (Buffington and Herbel 1965). My presentation will focus not on the causes and mechanisms of this change, but instead on the results of that change as seen in plant diversity and productivity. I address the following questions. First, how does plant community structure in remnant grasslands of the Jornada basin compare with that in the "desertified" shrublands? Second, has there been a major decline in the productive potential of the ecosystem? I assessed productivity as aboveground net primary production (NPP) of all species, not just economic or forage production. The conversion of grassland to shrubland is one stage of the desertification process (Schlesinger and others 1990),anditisimportantfor purposes of sustainable management to determine whether the change in vegetation has been associated with a permanent and substantial decline in the system's productivity (Verstraete and Schwartz 1991). Finally, I take this opportunity to address a very basic theoretical question in ecology: is there any association between the biological diversity of a system and its productivity? That is, is there some ecosystem "function" of plant diversity? I?: Barrow, Jerry R; McArthur, E. Durant; Sosebee, Ronald E.; Tausch, Robm.J., co~ps. 1996. Proceedings: shrubland ecosystem dynamics in a changmg envlronment; 1995 May 23-25; Las Cruces, NM. Gen. Tech. Rep. INT-GTR-33~. Ogden, UT: U.s. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountam Research Station. L. F. Huenneke is Associate Professor of Biology, Department of Biology ' New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM 88003. 48 This suggests that conversion of grassland to shrubland took place via the impoverishment of (and alteration of relative abundances within) the grassland flora. In most of the creosote bush and mesquite sites, we have encountered no plant species absent from the grasslands. that of grasslands, but these productive sites are not always the same ones each year. Again, three sites per type allows only a weak test, but it appears there is no gross difference in average productivity. Relationship Between Plant Diversity and Productivity Productivity of Jornada Ecosystems _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Recently, we have become interested in applying our data to a more basic ecological question: that of the relationship between diversity and productivity of a biological system. While there are theoretical and conceptual reasons to suppose that greater diversity in plant growth forms and species, for example, might allow more efficient production in a system over time, there are few empirical studies of these relationships. There are at least two contrasting views (Schulze and Mooney 1993): one suggests that the more diverse a system is, the more productive and efficient it will be (with more complete use of resources, alternative species succeeding under varying conditions, and so on). The alternative view is that above some minimum number, extra species do not add much to ecosystem function - that is, there may be some "redundancy" in ecological communities. Our data afford a preliminary opportunity to address this topic. When one arranges the 15 sites in order of species richness during a given sample period, there is a strong positive correlation with aboveground productivity at some (but not all) sample dates. Sites do receive different amounts of rainfall, even in a single season, because of the patchiness of summer storms. We have precipitation data for individual sites, so I was able to calculate the ratio between productivity and rainfall as an index of efficiency of production. The hypothesis was that a larger number of species in a system should allow more efficient use of rainfall (that is, a positive correlation between species number and efficiency of production in a given season). But there was no significant correlation. Also, when one calculates the average annual production at a site, and plots it against the cumulative species number for that site over the first few years of sampling, there is no significant correlation. I also hypothesized that where conditions vary greatly from year to year (as in deserts), perhaps having a large species pool means a greater ability to produce SOMETHING each year. That is, species may substitute for one another from year to year, and NPP (net primary production) may remain more constant than it would for a less diverse system. The hypothesis, then, was that the range or fluctuation in NPP values should decrease as number of species in system increases - a negative correlation or slope. However, this was not the case! The most species-rich systems, if anything, had larger (not smaller) ranges ofNPP values. Given that these ecosystems have altered substantially in structure, how much has this change in structure altered ecosystem function, especially productivity? While there is an undoubted decline in forage and economic productivity as grassland is replaced by desert scrub, it is not obvious whether there has been a permanent decline (as of yet) in the productive capacity of the landscape. The LTER program is interested in determining whether there has been any decrease in net primary productivity - the amount of carbon fixed by plants in photosynthesis per unit area in a fixed time period. The 15 sites being followed in detail provide an opportunity to assess whether aboveground productivity differs between shrub- and grass-dominated systems. We have sampled each site three times per year, in winter, spring, and late summer or fall, since 1989. Non-destructive measures of aboveground plant size are made for all species, in 49 permanent 1_m2 quadrats per site. Then an estimate of live biomass for each species in each quadrat is made, based on regressions developed for individual species from harvests over the past several years. Productivity is measured as the increases in biomass from one sample period to the next, summed for all species in a quadrat. This figure is definitely an underestimate, as we miss some production and loss of tissue over the season, but has proven to be a useful index for between-site comparisons. Our approach allows us to sample shrublands and grasslands with equivalent methods and equal intensity; it also yields non-destructive estimates that include a measure of variation over space-that is, variation from one square meter to another. Thus far we have found few significant differences among ecosystem types in the average aboveground standing crop (g/m 2 ), except in winter when those systems with shrubs definitely have more living tissue aboveground. (However, a sample size of three sites per ecosystem type means we have a fairly weak ability to detect differences.) Of course, aboveground biomass is distributed on the surface differently; in grasslands, there is not much variation in biomass from one quadrat to another (low range of values), but in shrublands there is tremendous variation. Some patches have very high biomass, while others are completely bare (on the scale of 1_m2 quadrats). Does net aboveground productivity differ between grasslands and shrublands? On average, there is no meaningful difference among ecosystem types. In some seasons, playas have very high productivity (when they have filled with water and herbaceous growth has been great); in other seasons, they may have virtually zero productivity aboveground. Other than when playas have extremely low productivity, however, there are rarely significant differences among vegetation types. At least one or two shrubdominated sites each season have productivity as high as Conclusions ------------------------------- In the J ornada basin of southern New Mexico, desert shrublands contain fewer species than do the remnant semidesert grasslands. In general, the shrub sites contain only plant species that are also present in grasslands, while the grasslands contain many unique species. Thus the grasslands are important reservoirs of plant diversity. 49 There is no large-scale difference in the mean biomass or average primary productivity of grasslands and shrublands (although of course these are distributed differently across the surface). These results suggest that as of yet there has been no severe impact of desertification on the productive capacity of the system. While there is some tendency for more species-rich systems to have higher productivity than others, this higher species richness does NOT seem to provide the buffering against year-to-year variability one would expect. Further analysis may focus on growth form diversity or on some index of diversity more sophisticated than simple species richness. Certainly the LTER data will be a rich source of information on the relationships between ecosystem structure and function in this diverse and complex landscape. References --------------------------------- Buffington, L. C.; Herbel, C. H. 1965. Vegetational changes on a semidesert grassland range from 1858 to 1963. Ecological Monographs. 35: 139-164. Schlesinger, W. H.; Reynolds, J. F.; Cunningham, G. L.; Huenneke, L. F.; Jarrell, W. M. Virginia, R. A; Whitford, W. G. 1990. Biological feedbacks in global desertification. Science. 247: 1043-1048. Schulze, E.-D.; Mooney, H .. A 1993. Biodiversity and ecosystem function. Ecological Studies 99. Berlin: Spring-Verlag. 525 p. Verstraete, M. M.; Schwartz, S. A 1991. Desertification and global change. Vegetatio. 91: 3-13. 50