This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. A REVIEW OF THE CHEMICAL CONTROLOFDOWNYBRO~ Alex G. Ogg, Jr. ABSTRACT Downy brome is a major weed problem in winter wheat production in the Western United States and now infests· an estimated 5. 7 million hectares of the crop. Downy brome costs wheat producers $350 million annually in lost yield and in costs for mechanical and chemical control practices. Before the advent of selective herbicides, downy brome was controlled in wheat lands by deep plowing and the use of spring crops in the crop rotation. Downy brome that emerges at the same time as wheat or within a few days thereafter is the most competitive with the crop. Therefore, control strategies that will delay the emergence of downy brome until 3 weeks or longer after the crop emerges will be effective in reducing weed competition. Triallate is an example of a herbicide that is short lived in the soil and will suppress downy brome selectively in wheat. In conventionally tilled wheat, diclofop has been the most effective, soil-applied herbicide for the control of downy brome. This herbicide kills downy brome as it germinates. It has reduced downy brome populations up to 95 percent and has allowed wheat yields to increase by 30 to 40 percent (Stahlman 1984). Metribuzin is the only herbicide available currently that when applied postemergence will control downy brome selectively in winter wheat (Swan and Whitesides 1988). To be effective against downy brome, metribuzin must be applied before the weed begins to tiller extensively. The margin of crop safety with metribuzin is narrow and is based on wheat's ability to metabolize metribuzin rapidly and its ability to root deeply early in its life cycle and thus escape injury from the herbicide (Devlin and others 1987). The use of metribuzin in wheat is restricted to finetextured soils with more than 1 percent organic matter. In the Pacific Northwest, a special formulation of atrazine (Cheatstop™) is registered as a preplant surface treatment for downy brome control in winter wheat planted with deep-furrow drills. The deep-furrow drill moves the treated soil away from the small furrow in which the wheat is seeded. Downy brome growing between, but not within, the wheat rows is controlled. This treatment has controlled downy brome effectively and has increased wheat yields significantly (Bolton and Appleby 1992). Tritluralin is another herbicide whose use for downy A review of the herbicides that will control downy brome (Bromus tectorum L.) in wheat, grass seed crops, and Conservation Reserve Program grasses may reveal some potential options for rangelands. Atrazine, chlorsulfuron, diclofop, metribuzin, metsulfuron, paraquat, triallate, and trifluralin will control or suppress downy brome in wheat. Pronamide and glyphosate at low rates will control downy brome selectively in some established grasses. Fluazifop and sethoxydim will control downy brome in fine·leaved fescues. Factors that may limit herbicide use on rangelands include cost, selectivity in mixed species, inactivation by surface litter, weed seed longevity, and environmental concerns. INTRODUCTION Downy brome (Bromus tectorum L.), also known as cheatgrass, is a winter annual grass weed that was introduced into the United States in the late 1800's (Morrow and Stahlman 1984). By 1914 this weed had spread across the United States and now dominates millions of hectares of crop and rangelands (Mack 1981). Downy brome is troublesome particularly in the Westem United States where it is recognized as a common or troublesome weed in alfalfa (Medicago sativa), winter wheat (Triticum aestivum), winter barley (Hordeum vulgare), tree fruits, bluegrass (Poa pratensis), and wheatgrasses for seed, forests, pastures, and rangelands (Mitich and Kyser 1987). Downy brome is an annual that reproduces only from seed (Thill and others 1984). Seedlings can establish only from seed that germinates in the top 4 to 5 em of soil. Seeds are short-lived Qess than 3 years) in most situations, and most control strategies for this weed are driven by the principle of depleting the soil seed bank. CONTROL METHODS Downy brome can be controlled in many situations with herbicides and currently is listed as a susceptible weed on the labels of 21 different herbicides (table 1). Downy brome in the germinating or seedling stages is killed easily by herbicides and is susceptible to many more herbicides than those listed in table 1. The main challenge to the use of herbicides is to develop methods that control downy brome selectively in desirable crops. Table 1-Herbicides registered for control of downy brome Amitrole Atrazine Bromacil Diu ron Ethofumesate Fluazifop-butyl Glyphosate Paper presented at the Symposium on Ecology, Management, and Restoration oflntermountain Annual Rangelands, Boise,ID, May 18-22, 1992. Alex G. Ogg, Jr. is a Plant Physiologist, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 216 Johnson Hall, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164. 194 Hexazinone Metribuzin Napropamide Norflurazon Oryzalin Paraquat Prometon Pronamide Propham Sethoxydim Simazine SuHometuron·methyl Terbacil Trifluralin Table 2-lnfluence of fall-applied glyphosate + 2,4-0 1 on forage production of wheatgrasses at Fargo, NO Species Cultlvar fallow technique was developed to control downy brome during the renovation of rangelands in Nevada (Eckert and others 1974). Atrazine applied at 1.1 kg/ha in late fall controlled downy brome and most other vegetation for 1 year. A significant advantage of this technique was the accumulation of soil moisture that was available for germination and growth of perennial range grasses seeded 1 year after the atrazine was applied. This technique required the use of deep-furrow drills to move the treated soil away from the seeded grasses. The furrows had an added benefit of protecting the new seedlings from drought and coldtemperature stress. Broadleaf weeds such as Russian thistle (Salsola iberica) and mustards (Sisymbrium and Descurainia spp.) were controlled during the year of grass establishment with 2,4-D. Unfortunately, the use of this technique was limited, and atrazine is no longer registered for use on rangelands. Since the early 1970's, several new, highly active herbicides such as hexazinone and sulfonylureas have become available that may be adaptable to the chemical-fallow technique of renovating rangelands. Glyphosate is a foliage-active herbicide that will control small downy brome at rates as low as 0.3 kg/ha. Research in Wyoming has shown that glyphosate and paraquat applied in May at low rates controlled downy brome with minimum injury to established range grasses (Whitson and others 1991). To be effective, treatments had to be applied after downy brome emergence was complete. In North Dakota, glyphosate applied at 0.2 kg/ha in the spring did not reduce forage production of western wheatgrass, blue grama (Bouteloua gracilis), and Stipa spp., whereas glyphosate applied in the fall reduced forage production of western wheatgrass (Lym and Kirby 1991). Cutlivars of crested, western, intermediate, and thickspike wheatgrasses (Elymuslancerolatus ssp.lanceolatus) differed greatly in response to applications of glyphosate plus 2,4-D (table 2). Therefore, any research on the tolerance of perennial grasses to herbicides such as glyphosate needs to include cultivars with germplasm diversity. Glyphosate may be useful for reducing the downy brome seed bank in rangelands and should be evaluated extensively. . As mentioned earlier, chlorsulfuron and metsulfuron wtll suppress downy brome in winter wheat. Comes (198~-87), conducting research in the low-rainfall area of Washington, has shown that new seedings of Nordan crested wheatgrass Forage production Percent of nontreated Crested Nordan Fairway Parkway Ruff Hycrest Westem Walsh Rodan Intermediate Mandan759R Slate 103 46 Thickspike So dar Critana 135 68 76 129 91 127 93 90 68 ,Giyphosate + 2,4-D applied at 0.4 + 0.7 kglha on September 19, 1989, at Fargo, NO. brome control in wheat is based on positional selectively. This herbicide must be incorporated mechanically, as it does not leach into soil. Wheat must be planted with drills that place the wheat seed below the treated zone. The soil-persistent sulfonylurea herbicides such as chlorsulfuron and metsulfuron applied preemergence to downy brome have suppressed downy brome 30 to 40 percent in winter wheat, but rates used are generally too low to control this weed consistently. In no-till winter wheat, a granular formulation of triallate plus trifluralin (Buckle™) applied to the soil surface before planting wheat has controlled downy brome. The granules are not absorbed by surface litter in no-till fields and thus are more effective than liquid formulations of these herbicides. Selective use of this treatment is dependent on some movement of the herbicide away from the wheat row during the planting operation and on placement of the wheat seed at least 3 to 4 em deep. Diclofop applied to the soil surface after planting wheat no-till has controlled downy brome selectively but can be absorbed by excessive surface residues and requires rain soon after application for activation. Under ideal conditions, weed control and crop yield response to the use of diclofop in no-till systems can be dramatic. Pronamide applied in late fall will control downy brome selectively in established (1 year or older) slender wheatgrass (Elymus trachycaulus ssp. trachycaulus), tall wheatgrass (Elytrigia elongata), western wheatgrass (Pascopyrum smithii), crested wheatgrass (Agropyron desertarum), intermediate wheatgrass (Elytrigia intermedia), creeping foxtail (Alopecurus arundinaceus), and orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata) grown in Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) lands. The current label for pronamide use on CRP lands prohibits the grazing of treated grasses. However, this herbicide may be useful in an integrated rangeland renovation program to prevent downy brome seed production and thus reduce the soil weed seed bank. Downy brome is very competitive in new seedings of perennial rangegrasses and as few as 40 plants per m2 will reduce shoot biomass of crested wheatgrass by 62 percent (Evans 1961). In the 1970's an atrazine-based chemical Table 3--Control of downy brome and Russian thistle in new seedlings of Covar sheep fescue at Lind, WA Downy Herbicide Rate kglha Nontreated Bromoxynil +COC2 Quizalofop +COC Quizalofop +bromoxynil +COC brome Russian thistle - - Percent control- - Cover sheep fescue No.lrrfl Vigor2 0.0 .28 0 0 0 93 227 235 2.5 2.8 .11 97 0 323 3.5 .11 +.28 99 86 253 3.0 1 COC ... Crop oil concentrate (1 percent vlv). ZVigor rating: 0 .. plants dead; 5 .. plants normal and vigorous. 195 developed must be integrated into a total rangeland system that recognizes biological, economical, and environmental concerns. will tolerate preemergence applications of chlorsulfuron applied at up to 0.05 kg/ha. Forage dry weight of crested wheatgrass was similar to the hand-weeded controls during the year of establishment and was increased up to 200 percent during the second year when the controls were not hand weeded. Similar results were achieved with a number of other range grasses. Davison and others {1984) reported that Nordan crested wheatgrass grown in the greenhouse would tolerate 0.16 kg/ha of chlorsulfuron applied either preemergence or postemergence. Additional research on the use of chlorsulfuron in rangelands is needed to determine the full potential of this and related herbicides. REFERENCES Bolton, F.; Appleby, A. P. 1992. [Unpublished data.] Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University. Comes, R. D. 1985-87. [Unpublished data.] Prosser, WA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service. Davison, J. C.; Krall, J. M.; Johnson, W. S. 1984. Theresponse of selected range grass species to chlorsulfuron. Proceedings, Western Society ofWeed Science. 37:210. (Abstract). Devlin, D. L.; Gealy, D. R.; Morrow L.A. 1987. Differential metabolism of metribuzin by downy brome (Bromus tectorum) and winter wheat (Triticum aestivum). Weed Science. 35: 741-745. Eckert, R. E., Jr.; Asher, J. E.; Christensen, M. D.; Evans, R. A. 1974. Evaluation of the atrazine fallow technique for weed control and seedling establishment. Journal of Range Management. 27(4): 288-292. Evans, R. A. 1961. Effects of different densities of downy brome <Bromus tectorum) on growth and survival of crested wheatgrass (Agropyron desertorum) in the greenhouse.Weeds.9:216-223. Hanks, E.; McWhorter, C. G. 1991. Variables affecting the use of positive displacement pumps to apply herbicides in ultralow volume. Weed Technology. 5: 111-116. Lym, R. G.; Kirby, D. R. 1991. Effect of glyphosate on introduced and native grasses. Weed Technology. 5:421-425. Mack, R. N. 1981. Invasion of Bromus tectorum L. into western North America: an ecological chronicle. AgroEcosystems. 7: 145-165. McWhorter, C. G.; Barrentine, W. L.1988. Spread ofparaftinic oil on leaf surfaces of Johnsongrass (Sorghum halepence). Weed Science. 36: 111-117. Mitich, L. W.; Kyser, G. B. 1987. WSWS survey of common and troublesome weeds in twelve western states. Proceedings, Western Society ofWeed Science. 40: 36-59. Morrow, L.A.; Stahlman, P. W. 1984. The history and distribution of downy brome (Bromus tectorum) in North America. Weed Science. 32(supplement 1): 2-6. Ogg, A. G., Jr. [Unpublished data.] Pullman, WA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service. Stahlman, P. W. 1984. Downy brome (Bromus tectorum) control with diclofop in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum). Weed Science. 32:59-62. Swan, D. G.; Whitesides, R. E. 1988. Downy brome {Bromus tectorum) control in winter wheat. Weed Technology. 2: 481-485. Thill, D. C.; Beck, K. G.; Callihan, R. H. 1984. The biology of downy brome (Bromus tectorum). Weed Science. 32(supplement 1): 7-12. Whitson, T. D.; Fink, G. E.; Barnard, S. E. 1991. Annual report: Rangeland research and extension demonstrations. Laramie, WY: University ofWyoming: 8-9. RECENT DEVELOPMENTS In recent years, a new group of herbicides has been developed that will control most annual grass weeds, including downy brome, in fine-leaved fescues. Quizalofop ap..; plied postemergence {1990-91) at 0.1 kglha plus crop oil concentrate controlled downy brome selectively in seedling Covar sheep fescue (Festuca ovina) (Ogg, unpublished). Similar results were obtained with fluazifop for barnyardgrass CEchinochloa crus-galli) control in Durar hard fescue (Festuca trachyphylla). When these herbicides were tankmixed with bromoxynil, most seedling broadleafweeds were controlled also (table 3). The use of these and related herbicides needs to be investigated more fully under rangeland conditions. Herbicide cost and sprayer efficiency are major economic considerations in most croplands and are important especially in rangeland. Recently, a new sprayer has been developed that uses 2 to 5 L of total volume per ha (0.25 to 0.50 gallons per acre) and may enhance herbicide activity (Hanks and McWhorter 1991). Referred to as air-assist sprayers, these sprayers use compressed air delivered to each nozzle at 28 to 55 k Pa (4 to 9 psi) to propel the spray solution. Herbicides are dissolved in oil instead of water and micro-metering pumps deliver the herbicide-oil mixture to the nozzles. Spray droplet size is maintained at about 250 microns with this system. Because herbicides are dissolved in oil, coverage ofleaf surfaces is improved and spray solutions do not dry as rapidly as water-based sprays (McWhorter and Barrentine 1988). These conditions have enhanced the activity of some herbicides. The air-assist sprayer would appear to have excellent applicability to rangeland conditions and should be evaluated thoroughly. The most significant problems that need to be addressed in the use of herbicides on rangelands include: • • • • • Cost of herbicides. Selectivity in mixed species. Inactivation of herbicides by surface litter. Weed seed longevity. Environmental concerns. It should be emphasized that total reliance on one method of control, for example herbicides, is rarely successful and is never sustainable. An approach that integrates all available methods (cultural, mechanical, biological, and chemical) is much more likely to produce effective weed control. In addition, the weed management system 196