This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. EFFECTS OF SIMULATED FALL AND EARLY SPRING GRAZING ON CHEATGRASS AND PERENNIAL GRASS IN WESTERN NEVADA Robin J. Tausch Robert S. Nowak Allen D. Bruner James Smithson ABSTRACT The presence of cheatgrass decreases the productivity of perennial rangeland grasses following fire (Melgoza and others 1990) or without fire (Harris 1967; Wilson and others 1966). In greenhouse experiments, production of both crested wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum [L.] Gaertn.) and western wheatgrass (Agropyron smithii Rydb.) was significantly reduced by the presence of cheatgrass (Evans 1961; Rummell1946). Much of this competitive ability appears related to exploitative root growth patterns in cheatgrass that deplete soil moisture down to 1.3 m (Harris 1967, 1977; Hulbert 1955; Melgoza and others 1990; Stewart and Hull 1949). However, competitive interactions with cheatgrass vary by species and by season (Cline and others 1977; Day 1975; Harris 1967, 1977). Thus, grazing at different times of the year may shift the competitive balance between cheatgrass and other species in the community. This research investigated changes in the productivity of cheatgrass and perennial grass species in burned and unburned areas of a sagebrush community. Potential competitive interactions between cheatgrass and perennial grass species were studied utilizing three simulated grazing treatments. The three grazing periods used were selected to evaluate possible differential impacts on perennial grass and cheatgrass during different portions of the growing season. Potential effects ofgrazing on cheatgrass and perennial grass productivity were investigated on burned and unburned areas of a sagebrush community north ofReno, NV. Clipping was used in fall and early spring, early spring only, and late spring to simulate grazing for cheatgrass control. Cheatgrass biomass did not differ between the fall plus early spring treatment and the control over four sites with varying cheatgrass abundance over 2 years. Fall clipping increased cheatgrass production for both years. Late spring clipping had the largest reduction in both density and biomass of cheatgrass. All three treatments significantly reduced perennial grass biomass. INTRODUCTION Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L.) has invaded and become the dominant plant species on more than 41 million hectares in the Intermountain West (Mack 1981; Young and others 1987; Young and Tipton 1990), including extensive areas of western Nevada sagebrush-grass rangelands (Morrow and Stahlman 1984). In sagebrush-grass communities, cheatgrass quickly dominates on disturbed sites (Billings 1990; Young and Evans 1973) and is capable of invading undisturbed areas (Harris 1967; Hulbert 1955; Hunter 1990, 1991; Klemmedson and Smith 1964; Svejcar and Tausch 1991). Invasion by cheatgrass alters the population dynamics and fire history of sagebrush-grass communities (Klemmedson and Smith 1964; Morrow and Stahlman 1984; Stewart and Hull1949; Young and Evans 1973; Young and others 1987). Altered fire dynamics caused by cheatgrass convert many areas from productive, perennial communities to less reliable, annual-dominated communities with increased fire management problems. STUDY SITE A location on Bedell Flats, 35 km north of Reno, NV, was selected for the study. This location was stratified into four sites representing a range of cheatgrass abundance from over 50 percent of production to less than 5 percent. All four sites are within 0.5 km of each other, have the same slope and aspect, and vary in elevation by only 6 m. Soils on all four sites are fine loamy mixed mesic xerollic haplargids. Sites I, ll, and ill had burned at least a decade prior to the study. They are now dominated by annual grass, perennial grasses, forbs, and rabbitbrush (Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus [Hook.] Nutt.). Site IV is an unburned sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata wyomingensis Beetle) dominated community that had the lowest level of cheatgrass abundance. For convenience, we designated sites I through IV by their relative cheatgrass abundance: high, medium-high, medium-low, and low, respectively. Paper presented at the Symposium on Ecology, Management, and Restoration of Intermountain Annual Rangelands, Boise, m, May 18-22, 1992. Robin J. Tausch is Project Leader and Allen D. Bnmer, Range Conservationist, Intermountain Research Station, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Reno, NV 89512. RobertS. Nowak is Associate Professor of Ecopbysiology, Department of Environmental and Resource Sciences, University of Nevada, Reno 89512. James Smithson is Environmental Specialist at the Newmont Gold Company, Carlin, NV 89822. 113 EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN Each site had nine treated and control plots; three for each treatment organized into three blocks of three paired plots each (fig. 1). Paired plots were arranged in a 3 by 3 Latin Square design to maximize dispersion on each site (Dowdy and Wearden 1983; Hulbert 1984). The treated and control plots were randomly selected within each pair. Additional treated and control areas were located acijacent to the actual plots at each site for destructive sampling. The treated area for all plots was 7 by 7 m in size. The area sampled for perennial species was 5 by 5 min size centered within the 7- by 7-m plot; this provided a 1-m buffer strip of treatment around each sampled area. Three simulated grazing treatments were applied: (1) late fall and early spring, (2) early spring only, and (3) late spring only. These periods were selected because they are those when cheatgrass is potentially the most sensitive to grazing pressure (DeFlon 1986). Treatments were repeated__ for 2 years (fall 1986 through spring 1987 and fall1987 through spring 1988). The fall treatment was one clipping in mid to late November. Early spring treatments included three clippings from the end of March to the end of April. Late spring treatments included two clippings from the end of April to mid May and coincided with the early-boot stage of cheatgrass. Actual dates varied between years to match phenological stages as closely as possible. Perennial grass phenology was 1 to 2 weeks behind cheatgrass. All grazing treatments simulated heavy grazing. SAMPLING METHODS We determined total herbage production for the grasses and forbs and total leaf biomass for the shrubs by nondestructive methods. For the shrubs and perennial grasses, dimensional relationships between crown volume and leaf biomass were determined by species and by year (Freedman 1984; Ludwig and others 1975; Tausch 1989; Tausch and Tueller 1990). Plant measurements for shrub crown volume were: longest crown diameter, diameter perpendicular to the longest, and height of the foliage-bearing portion of the crown (Tausch 1989). For perennial bunchgrasses, the measurements were: longest basal diameter, diameter perpendicular to the longest, and average height of the culms (Johnson and others 1988; Tausch 1989). All measurements were in the 5- by 5-m inner area of the 7- by 7-m plots and were made during June of each year to coincide with the peak standing crop of each species. Relationships between crown volume and leaf biomass were determined in treated and control areas that were specifically designated for destructive sampling. Twelve individual shrubs were destructively sampled for each species present at each site for each year. Eight individual bunchgrass plants were also destructively sampled from both the treated and untreated destructive sampling areas for each species present at each site for each year. Crown volume for the shrubs was computed as one-half of an ellipsoid and for the perennial grasses as a cylinder. Nonlinear regression (Tausch 1989; Tausch and Tueller 1990) was used to determine the relationship between 114 Fence D .. Treated areas ~ = Control areas 0 I I I I 10 I Meters Figure 1-Experimental design for each site with three grazing treatments randomized within three blocks. Treatments are: (1) fall and early spring, (2) early spring only, and (3) late spring only. crown volume and foliage biomass by species and by year for both treated and control situations. The reference unit method was used for sampling cheatgrass and forbs (Andrew and others 1979, 1981; Cabral and West 1986; Kirmse and Norton 1985; Tausch and Tueller 1990). Both cheatgrass and forbs were sampled in three 1-m2 plots randomly located within each 5- by 5-m sample area. Calibration of the reference unit methods utilized a double sampling technique by site and year (Carpenter and West 1987) and occurred in the same destructive sampling treated and control areas used for the dimensional methods with the perennial species. Ten 1-m2 plots, halfofthem treated, were randomly located within the destructive sampling areas for double sampling at each site. STATISTICAL ANALYSES For the analyses in this paper, the three control plots in each block (fig. 1) were averaged to provide a balanced model of three replications for each of the treatments and for the control. For analysis of variance with the full data set, the error degrees of freedom for site and block were partitioned off prior to the determination of the significance between treatments and years (table 1). Interactions between treatment and site, treatment and year, and treatment, year, and site were also analyzed for the full model. Individual analysis of variance results by year and for each site were used to help interpret the results of the full model. Significance was determined at the 5 percent level or better for difference between treatments, between years, and for interaction between treatment and year. Table 1-Format for analysis of variance for four sites with three randomized blocks within each site and four treatments per block. Analysis parameters are the degrees of freedom (OF), sum of squares (SS), mean square (MS), and F-test (F). Significance tests are for treatment and year and interaction between treatment and site, treatment and year, and among treatment, year, and site using the cheatgrass total plot biomass results as an example Source Treatment Treatment/Site Treatment/Site/Block (error) Year Treatment/Year Treatment/Year/Site Treatment/Year/Site/ Block (error) 1 2 ss DF Site Block SiteJBiock (error) MS and April 1988 provided moisture for growth of the cheatgrass that germinated the previous fall. Three species of shrubs and five species of perennial grasses were common on one or more of the four sites (table 2). One bush of smooth horsebrush (Tetradymia glabrata Gray) was also found in one plot of site Squirreltail and two species of Stipa were the most common bunchgrasses. One rhizomatous perennial, western wheatgrass, was present in some plots where it was sampled by the reference unit method (table 3). In addition to cheatgrass, tansy mustard (Descurainia pinnata [Walt.] Britt.) was a common annual (table 3). Because analyses showed that individual bunchgrass species had similar responses to treatment, we present the results as a group to reduce repetition. Allometric relationships for bunchgrasses were found to be uniform within control areas over all four sites within each year. The same was true within treated areas. Dimensional relationships differed between treated and control areas as a result of the clipping. Shrub dimensional relationships were similar among sites and between treated and control plots within each year. Dimensional equations for the prediction of shrub and perennial grass biomass (table 2) were comparable to the results of Tausch (1989), Tausch and Tueller (1990), and Johnson and others (1988). The percent errors for our double sampling validation of the reference unit estimations (table 3) were comparable to the percent errors of Carpenter and West (1987). The total leaf biomass values for cheatgrass, annual forbs, perennial forbs, perennial grass, and shrubs were averaged for the control plots within each site by year (fig. 3). Although total leaf biomass for each site declined from 1987 to 1988, reflecting the lower precipitation in 1988, the relative proportion of total leaf biomass at each site that was represented by cheatgrass was similar in both years. m. F 3 2 2.68E+6 1.24E+5 6 1.35E+5 3 9 3.55E+5 2.38E+5 1.18E+5 2.65E+4 24 1.33E+5 5.53E+3 1 3 12 1.86E+5 3.55E+4 4.95E+5 1.86E+5 1.18E+4 4.12E+4 32 2.18E+5 6.82E+3 224.41 14.79 227.35 1.74 26.05 P~0.01. P~0.001. RESULTS The 1986-87 and 1987-88 winters represented drought years with 1988 drier than 1987 (fig. 2). The lack of fall precipitation in 1986 resulted in no fall germination of cheatgrass. Spring 1987 germination occurred in late February and early March. Fall rains in 1987 allowed fall germination of cheatgrass, and most new plants survived the winter despite the general lack of snow. Spring rains in March 300 250 • . / • • ......... ~ 200 """' c = .. a. 0 as 150 A A 0 ! 100 A. 50 0 J F M A M J J A Figure 2-Precipltation for the 2 study years at the Bedell Aat study location. 115 s 0 N D Table 2-Species sampled by dimensional methods and the results of nonlinear regression analysis (r2) and Standard Error of the Estimate (SEE) for the combined data from four Bedell Rat study sites for 2 years 1988 1987 Untreated ,~ SEE(g) Treated r2 SEE(g) Species Treated r2 SEE(g) Untreated SEE(g) r2 Shrubs • 0.81 .72 .74 35.31 15.09 3.15 • • • • • • 0.92 .88 .81 14.15 12.91 5.10 0.637 1.44 .311 .610 .92 .65 .76 .82 2.32 6.12 3.36 2.11 0.50 0.925 1.23 .567 .717 .79 .59 .73 .74 2.94 2.28 2.25 1.09 Memisla tridentata wyomingensis ,. • Ch~so~amnuswsddffloros Leptoclactylon pungens Perennial grass Agropyron cristatum Oryzopsis hymenoides Sltanlon hystrix Stipa species comata + ~urberiana 1Shrubs did 0.79 .53 .72 .62 .53 .80 .91 not receive the clipping treatment. Table 3-Species receiving double sampling analysis and their esti· mated average relative percent error for reference unit method sampling of plant biomass (glm2) .. Data from five 1·m2 treated and untreated sacrifice plots were averaged over the four Bedell Rat study sites for each of 2 years Species 1988 Relative ~!!!:cent error 1988 1987 Treated Untreated Treated Untreated Perennial grass Agropyron smithii 41.18 24.17 Annual grass Bromus tBCtorum 17.20 13.06 26.34 27.82 22.62 22.85 41.71 21.19 18.29 12.67 32.90 22.02 13.89 29.44 9.61 28.28 39.14 High MH Perennial forbs Astragalus lentiglnosus 40.02 Lupinus caudatus Phlox long/folia Annual forbs Dsscuralnia plnnata Erodlum cicutarium Lygodesmla splnosa 1987 24.99 38.83 55.47 45.14 20.20 46.23 IlL Low Hlg!l IIH IlL RIIISSve ctwatgrasa Dominance Low Figure 3-Comparison of total leaf biomass for the control plots for each study year. averaged over four sites of varying cheatgrass abundance. Cheatgrass is compared with similarly pooled data for the species groups of shrubs. perennial grass. perennial forbs and annual forbs. 38.48 38.82 Cheatgrass Biomass and Density The average total biomass of cheatgrass from the site with the highest cheatgrass abundance was nearly twice the biomass of the medium-high site, over three times that of the medium-low site, and over ten times the biomass of the low abundance site (table 4). Average plant biomass per individual cheatgrass plant was highest on the medium-high site and lowest on the low site. Density followed the same trend as the total plot biomass. Total leaf biomass of cheatgrass per plot differed significantly between treatments (tables 1 and 5) and years (table 6). The fall plus early spring treatment biomass was larger than that of the control, but not significantly. However, the early spring only and late spring treatment biomass levels were significantly different from each other and significantly less than both the control and the combined 116 fall and early spring treatment levels (table 5). Total cheatgrass biomass was reduced by almost a third in the drier year of 1988 (table 6). Interaction between treatment and site for cheatgrass plot biomass was significant. This resulted from a decrease in the differences between treated and control plots as cheatgrass presence declined from the high to low abundance sites. On the low abundance site, only the difference between the control and the late spring treatment was significant. The three-way .interaction of treatment, site, and year resulted from the above differences, plus an overall larger reduction in cheatgrass plot biomass in the treated plots relative to the control plots in the drier year of 1988. Average biomass per individual cheatgrass plant was significantly different between treatments (table 5) and years (table 6). Average plant size for cheatgrass from the late spring treatment significantly differed from that of the Table 4-Means of total biomass per plot and average biomass per plant for cheatgrass and perennial grass, and density for cheatgrass and perennial grass on four sites with a range of cheatgrass abundance High Relative cheatgrass abundance br site Medium-high Medium-low Low Cheatgrass Plot biomass (g/25 m2) Plant biomass (g) Density (No.lm2) 492.7 0.0954 449.1 273.4 0.1349 323.2 174.7 0.0710 264.3 33.88 0.0461 44.51 Perennial grass Plot biomass (g/25 m2) Plant biomass (g) Density (No./25 m2) 129.9 2.055 64.32 340.5 3.064 106.9 251.1 2.927 91.67 43.54 1.774 23.65 Table 5-Means1 of total biomass per plot and average biomass per plant for cheatgrass and perennial grass, and density for cheatgrass and perennial grass from analysis of variance (table 4) for four treatments Control Treatment Fall+early spring Cheatgrass Plot biomass (g/25 m2) Plant biomass (g) Density (No.fm2) 281.18 0.1038 291.98 310.28 0.0984a.b 326.28 233.Sa, 0.08078.b 278.68 149.50 0.0650b 184.-\, Perennial grass Plot biomass (g/25 m2) Plant biomass (g) Density (No./25 m2) 427.98 5.6018 71.348 103.9a, 110.0., 123.~ 1.38~ 1Means In each 1.3~ 68.388 Early spring 1.51~ 73.298 Late spring 73.508 row with the same letter are not significantly different by LSD analysis at the Ps O.OSievel of significance. Table 6-Means1 of total biomass per plot and average biomass per plant for cheatgrass and perennial grass, and density for cheatgrass and perennial grass from analysis of variance (table 4) for 2 years being significantly different from the other two treatments on the high cheatgrass abundance site. Cheatgrass density also significantly differed between treatments (table 5) and years (table 6). Cheatgrass density significantly differed only between the control and the late spring treatment. Cheatgrass density significantly differed between years with the density much higher in the drier year of 1988 (table 5). Only the interaction between treatment and year was significant because the differences between the late spring and the control treatments were significant only in 1988. Year 1987 1988 Cheatgrass Plot biomass (g/25 m2) Plant biomass (g) Density (No./m2) 287.78 0.1538 69.868 470.7b Perennial grass Plot biomass (g/25 m2) Plant biomass (g) Density (No./25 m2) 183.78 2.578 69.978 198.88 2.348 73.28a, 199.~ 0.020~ Perennial Grass Biomass and Density Total plot biomass for perennial grass was highest on the medium-high cheatgrass abundance site, followed by the medium-low site, the high site, and finally the low site (table 4). Average plant biomass and density for perennial grass both followed the same trends over the sites as the total plot biomass. Perennial grass plot biomass significantly differed among treatments (table 5), but not between years (table 6). Perennial grasses consistently had significantly less total foliage biomass in the treated than in the control plots. The late spring treatment had slightly higher perennial grass foliage In each row with the same letter are not significantly different by LSD analysis at the P s 0.05 level of significance. 1Means control plots, but not the other two treatments (table 5). Average plant biomass in 1988 was almost one-eighth that of 1987 (table 6). The interactions between treatment and both site and year were not significant, but the three-way interaction among them was significant. This resulted from the control and combined fall and early spring treatments 117 biomass than the other two treatments. Only the interaction between treatment and year was significant. Differences between the control and all three treated plots were greater in 1987 than in 1988, although significant in both years. Average leafbiomass per plant for perennial grass significantly differed among treatments (table 5), but not between years (table 6). Perennial grass consistently had significantly less average plant biomass in the treated than in the control plots (table 5). The early spring treatment had the highest average plant foliage biomass of the three treatments. Significant interaction again occurred only between treatment and year for the same reasons as for the total plot biomass interaction. Perennial grass density for the full model significantly differed only between years (table 6), but not between treatments (table 5). Only the three-way interaction among treatment, site, and year was significant. This resulted primarily from an increase in density of crested wheatgrass on the medium-high and medium-low cheatgrass abundance sites in 1988. Unlike the total and average plant biomass analyses, there were some density response differences among the perennial grass species. The combined fall and early spring treatment significantly reduced crested wheatgrass. density compared to the other two treatments. Both the Stipa species and crested wheatgrass increased overall, and squirreltail decreased, in density in 1988 compared to 1987. The squirreltail density decrease was the greatest on the high cheatgrass abundance site. Shrubs were not clipped and only small, nonsignificant changes occurred between treatments or years over the period of the study. DISCUSSION Late spring clipping (early boot stage) consistently had the largest negative impact on both total foliage biomass and density of cheatgrass. This treatment also had a . slightly less negative impact on the total biomass of the perennial grass species. Removal of fall regrowth on the perennial grasses by late fall clipping consistently boosted the production of cheatgrass over all sites and over both years of data. Fall clipping apparently reduced the ability of perennial plants to compete with cheatgrass the next spring, even in the presence of the early spring clipping treatment. This reduced competitive ability occurred both when cheatgrass germinated in the spring and in the previous fall. A similar negative impact of mowing on perennial grass growth was observed on a nearby site by Young and Evans (1978). The reduction of the total biomass of the perennial grasses by the three treatments was less in 1988 compared to 1987. The reverse was true for cheatgrass plot biomass. Density for the perennial grasses also increased in 1988 primarily from recruitment of new, small crested wheatgrass plants in 1988. The 2 years were substantially different in the average biomass and density of cheatgrass plants. Even though the much smaller cheatgrass plant size in 1988 was compensated for by a much higher density in 1988, the 1987 total leaf biomass was still only just over two-thirds of the 1988 level. The greater suppression of cheatgrass by the treatments, compared to perennial grass, in 1988 than in 1987 may indicate cheatgrass control by grazing is possible. 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