This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. ECOLOGICAL RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN YELLOW STARTHISTLE AND CHEATGRASS Larry L. Larson Roger L. Sheley community dynamics (Harper 1977). Hironaka (1990) proposed a successional pattern for rangelands favoring occupation by species that exhibit a winter annual strategy. He suggests that community dynamics, following rangeland deterioration, would favor later maturing winter annuals that would produce greater numbers of seed and ultimately dominate the site. The objective of this paper is to describe preliminary results from life history research on yellow starthistle and cheatgrass grown in association. ABSTRACT Ecological relationships between alien annual weed species are dominated by reproduction and resource allocation strategies. The reproductive strategy of cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) relies on a large number ofplants with fewer large seeds per plant .and a concentrated seed drop. In contrast, starthistle (Centaurea solstilialis) relies on fewer plants, greater seed production, and two distinct periods of seed drop. Annual fluctuations in community dynamics between these two species are largely influenced by their compatibility with annual climatic patterns. LIFE IDSTORY STRATEGY The study site was located 14 km west ofWalla Walla, WA The area receives an annual precipitation of 229305 mm and is dominated by Walla Walla silt loam soil (coarse-silty, mixed, mesic Typic Haploxeroll). The study was initiated in June 1991 in a vegetation community dominated by cheatgrass and starthistle. Sampling occurred at 2-week intervals and was continued through two complete life cycles. The sampling strategy followed the generalized model developed by Sager and Mortimer (1976). The soil seed bank reserve was determined by sifting and separating cheatgrass and starthistle (plumed and nonplumed) seed from 30 randomly located 686-mm3 soil samples removed from the top 80 mm of the soil profile. Density of mature individuals was determined by counting plants in 30 randomly located 2- by 5-dm plots. Density of seedlings and established plants was determined by counting individuals in 5 percent and 50 percent of the plot area, respectively, in 20 randomly placed 2- by 5-dm plots. Cheatgrass seed production was determined by harvesting 20 mature individuals at each plot location. Seeds were separated from the parent plants, and the seed production estimate for the plot was adjusted to reflect mature cheatgrass density. Yellow starthistle seed production was determined by calculating the average number of seedheads .per plant and randomly harvesting a single seedhead from each of 10 individuals at each plot location. Seeds were separated into plumed and nonplumed categories, and the number of seeds per plot was determined. Seed rain was estimated using wooden sticky traps (37 by 300 mm) coated with a smooth surface of lithium-based grease and placed flush on the soil surface. Forty traps were randomly placed within the study area. Seeds were counted by species and type at each 2-week visit. Analysis of variance was performed on each set of samples. Confidence intervals were calculated at the 5 percent level of confidence. Life history data are presented on a square-meter basis. INTRODUCTION The loss of native perennial vegetation on extensive areas of North American rangelands has been followed by the establishment of alien annual weed populations. The grassland steppe of the Pacific Northwest and the California Annual Grasslands, once dominated by native perennial grasses such as bluebunch wheatgrass (Pseudoroegneria spicata [Pursh.] Love), are examples of rangelands where perennial vegetation loss has been followed by cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L.) domination (Mack 1981). Rangeland ecologists are becoming increasingly concerned as yellow starthistle (Centaurea solstitialis L.), a more recent alien annual, has begun to occupy cheatgrass range, resulting in further land use deterioration (Hironaka 1990; Roche and Roche 1988; Sheley and others 1992). The ecological relationships and community dynamics that permit rangeland domination by annual weeds are complex. It is generally recognized that organisms are capable of budgeting energy or resources in order to complete their life cycles successfully (Radosevich and Holt 1984). The amount, timing, and juxtaposition of photosynthate allocated to root, shoot, leaf, and reproductive effort, and the amount of time spent in dormancy, maintenance, and growth are important attributes that govern plant species success. Differential resource capture and allocation form plant strategies and are closely linked with species survival and Paper presented at the Symposium on Ecology, Management, and Restoration of Interm,ountain Annual Rangelands, Boise, ID, May 18-22, 1992. Larry L. Larson is Associate Professor and Roger L. Sheley is Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Rangeland Resources, Oregon State .University, Corvallis, OR 97850. 92 ROOT GROWTH STRATEGY Table 1-Bummarized life history of cheatgrass and starthistle (attribute/m 2) Seeds of cheatgrass and yellow starthistle were pregerminated, and four seedlings were transplanted into circular polyvinyl chloride tubes. The tubes (800 mm in length) were filled with sterilized 'A' horizon soil from the study site and brought to field capacity. Tubes were arranged in an environmental chamber (10 oc ~th 12-h daylength) as a randomized complete block design with five blocks and 10 tubes for each species per block. Sampling took place 10, 14, 18, 22, 26, 30, 34, 38, 44, and 46 days after planting. Sampling consisted of extracting above- and belowground plant parts to determine depth of root penetration, root length (Comair Corp., Melbourne, Australia), aboveand belowground biomass, and leaf area (Licor-3100 with conveyer belt, Li-Cor, Inc., Lincoln, NE). Data were analyzed using the analysis of variance procedures found in SPSSIPC+ (SPSS Inc.,Chicago, IL). Attribute Cheatgrass Mature plants Seed production 660 7,000 Seed rain 7,000 Seed bank Fall seedlings Spring seedlings Mature plants 300 6,200 2,000 543 Starthlstle 180 21,000 (15,000 plumed) {6,000 nonplumed) 13,000 (11,000 plumed) {2,000 nonplumed) 3,000 7,500 5,000 seedlings by January, and by late April the established seedling count was 3,000 seedlingslm2• Both species showed significant rates of mortality through the winter months. A second wave of mortality is anticipated for starthistle this spring and summer. The level of mortality will likely be determined by climatic events during that time period. LIFE ffiSTORY STRATEGY RESULTS The study was conducted during a drought in an area co-dominated by cheatgrass and yellow starthistle. The annual cycle for cheatgrass began with 660 mature plants/m2, producing an average of 11 seeds/plant for a total of 7,000 seeds/m2 (27 g) (table 1). The seed was released in July with little loss occurring between crop production and seed rain deposition. The seed rain was added to a seed bank representing 4 percent of the annual seed crop. In contrast, the starthistle population contained 180 mature plants/m2, yielding an average of two seedheads or 120 seeds/plant for a total of21,000 seedslm2 (31 g). The seed crop contained 70 percent plumed and 30 percent nonplumed seeds. The plumed seed was released in August with 30 percent loss. The nonplumed seed was released in December and had 65 percent loss. The seed rain joined a seed bank equivalent to 14 percent of the annual crop. Seed bank reserves act as a stabilizing factor that serves to ensure species survival (Radosevich and Holt 1984). Our data suggest that starthistle contributes a greater portion of its reproductive effort into this seed pool than cheatgrass. In addition, two distinct patterns of reproductive resource allocation exist between cheatgrass and yellow starthistle. Cheatgrass produced fewer, heavier seeds (one seed type), while starthistle produced more, lighter seeds (two seed types). High seed production by starthistle may provide increased probability of successful dispersal, safe site occupation, and genotypic variation (Harper 1977). Fewer heavier seeds may provide cheatgrass with an advantage by providing sufficient reserves to become well established before it requires independent assimilation, and may allow emergence from greater soil depth (Grime and Jeffrey 1965; Harper and others 1970). Cheatgrass and starthistle have different patterns of seed release. Cheatgrass matured early, released its seed by midsummer, and had minimal seed loss. In contrast, starthistle matured later, had two periods of seed dispersal, but had greater seed loss. Seedlings of both species emerged in November. Approximately 90 percent of the cheatgrass seed rain had produced seedlings by January. Mortality reduced the cheatgrass population to 540 mature plants/m2 by late April. In comparison, 57 percent of the starthistle seed rain produced ROOT GROWTH STRATEGY RESULTS Shoot weight, root weight, leaf area, and total root length were similar for both species, and combined means are presented (table 2). Individual T-tests at each harvest failed to show differences between species. The ability of cheatgrass to grow rapidly has been widely documented (Harris 1967; Hull1963; Svejcar 1990). Our results suggest that starthistle shares this competitive characteristic. Hironaka (1961) found similar results comparing the later maturing medusahead with cheatgrass. Soil depth penetration was greater for starthistle than cheatgrass (table 3). Starthistle soil depth penetration surpassed cheatgrass after 22 days and was nearly twice the Table 2---summary of shoot weight, root weight, leaf area, and total root length for yellow starthistle and cheatgrass Shoot weight/ plant Root weight/ plant Leaf areal plant Total root length/ plant mg mg crrl em 10 14 18 22 26 30 34 38 42 46 1 2 4 8 13 28 45 107 143 328 T 1 3 3 5 13 23 42 57 138 0.3 .5 .9 1.6 3.2 5.8 9.1 16.6 22.2 41.3 41 131 257 317 437 970 1,233 1,652 2,017 3,858 LSD(0.05) 53 13 4.5 363 Days from planting 93 Table 3-Depth of soil penetration (mm) by cheatgrass and yellow starthlstie root systems1 Day Cheatgrass these species are found in association, community dominance will be dynamic. Shifts in community dominance will fluctuate to reflect the interface of life strategies with the prevailing edaphic and climatic conditions. Starthistle 10 81 93 14 18 120 150 184 REFERENCES 22 150 165 209 259 Grime, J. P.; Jeffrey, D. W. 1965. Seedling establishment in vertical gradients of sunlight. Journal ofEcology. 53: 621-642. Harper, J. L.1977. The population biology ofplants. London: Academic Press. 892 p. Harris, G. A 1967. Some competitive relationships between Agropyron spicatum and Bromus tectorum. Ecological Monographs. 37: 89-111. Hironaka, M. 1990. Range ecology as the basis for vegetation management. In: Roche, B. F., Jr.; Roche, C. T., eds. Range weeds revisited. Misc. Publ. 0143. PnUman, WA: Cooperative Extension, Washington State University. 85p. Hironaka, M. 1961. The relative rate of root development of cheatgrass and medusahead. Journal of Range Management. 14: 263-267. Hull, A C., Jr. 1963. Competition and water requirements of cheatgrass and wheatgrass in the greenhouse. Journal of Range Management. 16: 199-204. Mack, R. N.1981. Invasion ofBromus tectorum L. into western North America: an ecological chronicle. Agroecosystems. 7: 145-165. Radosevich, S. R.; Holt, J. S. 1984. Weed ecology, implications for vegetation management. New York: John Wiley and Sons. 176 p. Roche, C. T.; Roche, B. F., Jr. 1988. Distribution and amount of four knapweed (Centaurea L.) species in east. ern Washington. Northwest Science. 62(5): 242-251. Sager, G. R.; Mortimer, A M. 1976. An approach to the study of the population dynamics of plants with special reference to weeds. Annals of Applied Biology. 1: 1-47. Sheley, R. L.; Larson, L. L.; Johnson, D. E. 1992. Germination and root dynamics of three range weeds and two forage species. [Submitted to Weed Technology]. Svejcar, T. J.1990. Root length, leaf area, and biomass of crested wheatgrass and cheatgrass seedlings. Journal of Range Management. 43: 446-448. Talbott, C. J. 1987. Distribution and ecological amplitude of selected Centaurea species in eastern Washington. Pullman, WA: Washington State University.123 p. Thesis. 26 30 34 38 42 46 1LSD 114 324 427 265 521 335 382 567 715 767 404 (0.05) for any two row means. 88. penetration of cheatgrass at the end of the 46-day experiment. Deeper soil penetration provides niche differentiation between these species and likely contributes significantly to the later maturing characteristic of starthistle. Deep silt loam and loam with few coarse fragments are the most common soils associated with starthistle domination (Talbott 1987). Under dry conditions, the early maturing cheatgrass would have an advantage over starthistle by utilizing moisture and completing its life cycle ahead of the later maturing species. This could limit the resources available to starthistle and thereby limit viable seed production. Hironaka (1961) proposed the same scenario for cheatgrass and the later maturing medusahead. Under moderate and wet moisture conditions, starthistle would have an advantage of continuing growth later, producing more seed than cheatgrass, distributing seed through time, and maximizing safe site occupancy. High plant density can produce growth conditions that simulate dry conditions (Radosevich and Holt 1984). Under high-density conditions, rapid and deep soil penetration may allow the avoidance of interspecific competition and depleted soil moisture. This niche differentiation should prove advantageous for starthistle when grown in dense communities of cheatgrass. However, species plasticity is one of the more powerful density reactive mechanisms that contribute to the regulation of reproductive output by a population (Harper 1977). Thus, additional research in the area of density response needs to be conducted. Our preliminary results suggest that cheatgrass and starthistle have evolved complex life strategies. When 94