This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. MANAGEMENT IMPLICATIONS OF YELLOW STARTHISTLE ADAPTATIONS IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST Gary L. Kiemnec Michael L. Mcinnis evaluated (Coombs and others 1987). Fungal rust (Puccinia jaceae) is being investigated as a method of control of starthistle. The spread of disease depends on climatic factors, which can vary considerably from year to year. ABSTRACT Yellow starthistle (Centaurea solstitialis) management must take into account the environmental variables that can be used to assist in control of this weed. Biological factors affecting starthistle growth are discussed with emphasis on the planting of desirable grasses to compete with starthistle. Using such a method would require a grass that can effectively compete for water by early growth and good lateral root spread. Suroival characteristics of starthistle seed are also discussed. WATER In arid environments water availability is a limiting factor in the successful spread of yellow starthistle. If an understanding of the water needs of yellow starthistle can be achieved, some appropriate management choices could be made in control efforts. Competition for water may provide a means for control of yellow starthistle. Desirable grasses can create competition for water, but the soil volumes from which water is extracted by grasses and starthistle must overlap. However, in the first year, many grasses grow more in a vertical direction than in a horizontal spread (Troughton 1957), and thus do not provide for competition in the interplant area. Initial grass establishment in an area already infested with starthistle is difficult due to the different growth characteristics of yellow starthistle compared to arid grasses. In the initial year, annuals such as yellow starthistle will have faster growth than perennials since they are trying to produce seeds while the perennials are trying to produce a greater root system. Water competition by the grasses will not be grea~in fact, starthistle will be more competitive for available water in the surface soil and perhaps in the subsoil, as studies have shown starthistle to produce a long taproot (Sheley and Larson 1992). Only after the grass stand has established will competition be effective. Given this observation, it becomes necessary to reduce the competitive edge that yellow starthistle has through application of mechanical control, for example, tillage, and/or chemical control (herbicides). Picloram (4-am.ino-3,5,6-trichloropicolinic acid) has been beneficial in this respect (Larson and Mcinnis 1989). Other herbicides such as clopyralid (3,6-dichloropicolinic acid), 2,4-D (2,4dichlorophenoxyacetic acid), dicamba (3,6-dichloro-o-anisic acid), chlorsulfu.ron (2-chloro-N[( 4-methoxy-6-methyl-1,3,5 triazin-2-yl) aminocarbonyl]-benzenesulfonamide), and metsulfuron (methyl 2-[[[[(4-methoxy-6-methyl-1,3,5triazin-2-yl)-amino]carbonyl]amino]sulfsonyl]benzoate) can be effective but have different effects on desirable grasses (Northam and Callihan 1989). From the foregoing discussion two grass characteristics are critical to successful grass establishment and competition against yellow starthistle: (a) fast growth rate; and (b) large root system with good lateral spread. INTRODUCTION Plants are adapted to surviving and spreading in certain environments. A number of environmental or ecological factors that favor or restrict survival are present at any one time, to varying degrees and levels of interactions. The aboveground factors include biology, gas, and light, while soil factors include biology, nutrients, and water. Manipulation of these factors may provide for management of yellow starthistle (Centaurea solstitialis L.). ATMOSPHERIC GAS Atmospheric gas concentration does not change to any large degree over the growing season, and practically cannot be manipulated so as to be used ~s a management tool. Carbon dioxide levels are not changeable in the short term. Over the past 30 years, the atmospheric carbon dioxide level has been increasing (Miller 1990). It is unknown at this time what the long-term effect of increased carbon dioxide levels will be on weed species competitiveness. BIOLOGY Biological factors include insect and disease pests that will attack starthistle and also other plants that limit its competitivene88 in the environment. Seed head fly (Urophora sirunaseva) has been successfully introduced into Oregon, but its ability to control starthistle has yet to be Paper presented at the Symposium on Ecology, Management, and Restoration oflntermountain Annual Rangelands, Boise, ID, May 18-22, 1992. Gary L. Kiemnec is Associate Professor, Department of Crop and Soil Science, and Michael L. Mcinnis is Associate Professor, Department of Rangeland Resources, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97850. 83 In the soil seed bank, starthistle seeds lose viability with time (Joley and others 1992; Northam and others 1989). However, some seeds can remain viable for years (Northam and others 1989). Even if seed rain can be prevented, tillage of an infested site would bring buried, viable seeds to a germinable position. NUTRIENTS Limited experimentation with fertilizer application to help in grass establishment has shown that competition from grass has not been increased to the point where starthistle populations have been adversely affected (Larson and Mcinnis 1989; Prather and others 1988). Not enough work has been done to identify whether this effect is one of water and/or nutrient competition. These experiments have broadcast the fertilizer, thus providing a uniform distribution of nutrients that would benefit the starthistle to the same or greater degree compared to grasses. If starthistle root growth is faster than grass root growth, then the soil volume explored by starthistle would be greater than that of the grasses and would therefore benefit more than grass from added nutrients. · Additionally, starthistle may be more efficient than grasses at removing nutrients from the soil. If nutrients are to be added to give an advantage to grasses the nutrients should be banded with, or close to, the seed. It might be anticipated (but not proven) that uniform (broadcast) fertilizer applications on older grass stands would assist competition from grasses. Expectations would be that, if competition is used as a control method, eradication would not be the end result. Some survival of yellow starthistle would be expected. REFERENCES Coombs, E. M.; Brown, R. E.; Hawkes, R. B. 1987. Biological control of weeds in the state of Oregon-an update. In: Proceedings of 36th annual meeting of the Oregon Society ofWeed Science. Clackamas, OR: 33-40. Joley, Donald B.; Maddox, D. M.; Supkoff, David M.; Mayfield, Aubrey. 1992. Dynamics of yellow starthistle (Centaurea solstitialis) achenes in field and laboratory. Weed Science. 40: 190-194. Larson, L.; Kiemnec, G. Yellow starthistle germination under stressed conditions in field and growth chamber experiments. [In review]. Larson, L.; Mcinnis, M. L. 1989. Response of yellow starthistle and grass biomass to grass, picloram, and fertilizer combinations. Weed Technology. 3:497-500. Miller, G. T., Jr. 1990. Resource conservation and management. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Company. 546p. Northam, F. E.; Callihan, R. H.1989. Effects of eleven herbicides on a yellow starthistle community. In: Res. Prog. Rep. Western Society ofWeed Science. Honolulu, HI: 81-83. Northam, F. E.; Prather, T. S.; Callihan, R. H. 1989. Viability and germination of buried yellow starthistle seed. In: Res. Prog. Rep. Western Society ofWeed Science. Honolulu, HI: 124-126. Prather, T. S.; Callihan, R. H.; Thill, D. C. 1988. Revegetating yellow starthistle infested land with intermediate wheatgrass. In: Res. Prog. Rep. Western Society of Weed Science. Fresno, CA: 68-69. Sheley, R.; Larson, L. 1992. Life strategy attributes of yellow starthistle: a discussion. In: Ecology and management of rangeland weeds. Spec. Rep. 897. Corvallis, OR: Agricultural Experiment Station, Oregon State University: 2-5. Troughton, Arthur. 1957. The underground organs of herbage grasses. Reading, England: Lamport Gilbert & Company. 163 p. SOIL The geographic spread of starthistle depends on the interaction between climate and soil factors. Whether starthistle can survive under stresses such as salt and/or water is important in determining its areal spread. Seed germination is the first step in establishment. Research has shown that starthistle germination can take place under saline soil conditions (Larson and Kiemnec, in preparation). Seedling survival under salt stress has yet to be determined, thus establishment in saline soils is still in question. Water stress on germination can be imposed by exposure of seed to polyethylene glycol (PEG). Yellow starthistle germination can occur at stresses of -0.5 MPa. Germination differences between plumeless and plumed seed under stressed or nonstressed conditions suggest that starthistle seed may be able to survive through dispersal in time, thus making a long-time infested site especially difficult to manage. 84