This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. THE COMPETITIVE INFLUENCES OF CHEATGRASS (BROMUS TECTORUM) ON SITE RESTORATION Stephen B. Monsen unusually competitive and difficult to displace without extensive remedial treatments (Stewart and Hull1949). Stands of cheatgrass must be thinned to permit seeded plants to become established (Hull and Pearse 1943; Platt and Jackman 1946; Robertson and Pearse 1945). Although treatments have been developed to restore or revegetate areas occupied by cheatgrass, costs of site preparation and seeding often limit treatment projects. In addition, many sites are not accessible, limiting restoration practices. Efforts to restore cheatgrass ranges to perennial plant cover by natural revegetation have had limited success and have required a long time before appreciable changes have occurred (Hironaka and Tisdale 1963). Cheatgrass continues to spread and now exists in drier environments than it did previously. These sites are more difficult to restore. Some progress has been made in developing techniques and practices to control this weed and to develop plants that are better suited for seeding. This paper discusses some ofthe competitive attributes ofcheatgrass and presents some advances in restoration. ABSTRACT Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) continues to expand its area of occupation and dominance. The plant now exists amid the salt desert shrublands and upper pinyon-juniper and ponderosa pine communities. Significant increases have been reported within the past 20 to 40 years. The competitive features of this weedy annual prevents natural recovery of native species and requires extensive control measures to assure other species become established after seeding. Some progress has been made using selected native species to restore cheatgrass-infested sites. Properly planned seedings in the sagebrush benchlands and pinyonjuniper woodlands usuaUy can restore the native understory and prevent further spread of this weed. Remedial treatments conducted in areas receiving less than 10 inches of annual rainfall is hazardous, consequently restoration is stiU quite limited. INTRODUCTION Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) has invaded and disrupted many plant communities throughout the Intermountain and Columbia Basin Regions (Hulbert 1955). In many situations, cheatgrass has gained dominance and exists as nearly pure stands devoid of any native species (Morrow and Stahlman 1984). The presence of cheatgrass has resulted in the loss of plant diversity and associated resource values (Harniss and Murray 1973; Young and Evans 1978). The conversion of native communities to annual grasslands has occurred over 8.n extended period, having a cumulative effect on existing resources (Pickford 1932). Many sites initially occupied with scattered cheatgrass plants have been converted to nearly pure stands of annual grass (Whisenant 1990). The stands have been converted to annual grass by the intense competition of cheatgrass and the sequence of fires attributed to its flammability (Young and Evans 1973). As cheatgrass gains dominance, the incidence of wildfires increases significantly. Sites are likely to bum at more frequent intervals, resulting in the perpetuation of the annual weed, coupled with the loss of many native species (Whisenant 1990). Measures to prevent the spread of cheatgrass or to restore infested ranges with native species or more acceptable introductions have been investigated. The plant is DISTRIBUTION AND AREAS OF OCCUPATION Cheatgrass is most abundant in the Great Basin and Columbia Basin of the Western United States, but it is also encountered throughout the continental United States and portions of Canada and Mexico (Morrow and Stahlman 1984). Warg (1938) states cheatgrass was probably introduced into the eastern Coastal States prior to its entry into the West. It may have migrated across the country or have been introduced directly from the Mediterranean region (Novak and Mack 1993; Novak and others 1993). The earliest reported collection in the West was made in Washington by Sandberg and Lieberg in 1883 (Warg 1938). Mack (1981) postulated that seeds arrived in contaminated grain, which may explain its rapid spread. It was widely scattered throughout the W9st prior to 1900 as successive collections were reported from central Utah in 1894, Colorado in 1895, and Wyoming in 1900 (Hulbert 1955). The grass expanded rapidly, and by 1928 it was reported to have reached its present distribution (USDA 1970). Mack (1981) reported that the grass had become the dominant species in most disturbed steppe communities by 1930. Platt and Jackman (1946), reporting on earlier studies, concluded that cheatgrass was present in Oregon for at least 50 years (1880), but had abandoned its role as an ally to become an aggressor within the last 30 years (1916 to 1946). The authors report the plant was found mostly in areas receiving between Paper presented at the Symposium on Ecology, Management, and Restoration oflntermountain Annual Rangelands, Boise, ID, May 18-21, 1992. Stephen B. Monsen is a Botanist, Shrub Sciences Laboratory, Intermountain Research Station, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agricul- ture, Provo, UT 84606. 43 Robertson, the changes were a result of heavy grazing coupled with the invasion of cheatgrass and the occurrence of fires. Changes in cheatgrass distribution can be determined, in part, by comparing previously reported studies with current surveys. Through a review of ecological studies by other authors, Klemmedson and Smith (1964) described the principal areas of occurrence or habitats in which cheatgrass was most prevalent about 30 years ago. Reports summarized in the publication concluded that cheatgrass did not tolerate saline soils well. These reports included Fleming and others 1942 and Piemeisel1932. Few cbeatgrass plants were reported to be found in greasewoodshadscale (Sarcobatus vermiculatus/Atriple% canescens) communities (Kearney and others 1914) and salt-desert shrub associations (Billings 1949; Stewart and Hull1949). Robocker (1961) reported that cheatgrass was absent from stands ofwinterfat (Ceratiodes lanata) and Nuttall's saltbush (Atriplex spp.) communities and occurred in only small amounts in stands of shadscale. This situation has changed significantly as cheatgrass has expanded to occupy extensive areas once dominated by shadscale, winterfat, Nuttall's saltbush, and other woody species associated with salt desert communities. Studies by Harper (1959) reported little or no cheatgrass throughout the salt desert, black sagebrush (Artemisia nova), and Wyoming sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata wyomingensis ) communities at the Desert Experimental Range in western Utah in 1959. However, Sparks and others (1990) found that former sagebrush- and shadscale-dominated sites in this same area had been converted to cheatgrass and other annual weeds on a massive scale. Previous studies document the widespread occurrence of cheatgrass at elevations up to 6,000 feet (Kiemmedson and Smith 1964), with plants common in the ponderosa pine zone throughout the West ( Daubenmire 1952; Hulbert 1955). Cheatgrass density and distribution throughout the antelope bitterbrush ( Purshia tridentata ), mountain brush, pinyon-juniper (Pinus/Juniperus) and ponderosa pine communities has increased significantly in many situations. Fire frequency has increased in these sites as cheatgrass has gained dominance. Although the fire frequency and spread of cheatgrass has not been as evident as that within the big sagebrush communities, the fire cycle and changes in species composition of upland woody communities follows the same pattern of degradation reported at lower elevations. Wildfires that ignite or originate in the lower big sagebrush-cheatgrass disturbed communities now extend to upper elevation communities, reducing the composition of less fire-tolerant species and creating openings for the spread of the annual grass. The fire cycle generated by cheatgrass has eliminated extensive stands of antelope bitterbrush in south central Idaho, central Utah, Oregon, and southern California. Monsen and Shaw (1994), reporting on the status and health of stands of antelope bitterbrush within the Westem United States, indicated that many principal stands have been lost to cheatgrass-related fires and competition. Losses have been so critical that seed of many distinct ecotypes can no longer be collected commercially; protective measures are recommended to retain remaining stands. 6 and 16 inches of annual rainfall. By 1946 it occupied at least 10 million acres in eastern Oregon. Hull and Pechanec (1947) reported that cheatgrass infestations occurred from the salt desert shrub community through the big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) zone and into the ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) and Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) zones. Stewart and Hull (1949) described the distribution of cheatgrass in Idaho, concluding that the plant existed as the dominant species on approximately 4 million acres. It existed with sagebrush on another 2 million acres as the principal understory plant. It occurred on another 10 to 15 million acres as a component of the herbaceous vegetation. Cheatgrass was first observed to occupy abandoned croplands, roadways, and thin or weak fields and orchards (USDA Foresj; Service 1914). It spread to occupy dry farms and areas that were not properly tilled. By 1915 to 1920 it had spread onto disturbed range and wildlands. After the recession of 1920, numerous dry farms and marginal, irrigated farmlands were abandoned. The sites were quickly occupied with the annual grass. Stewart and Hull (1949) estimated 2 million acres of abandoned farmland were converted to cheatgrass in Idaho. Although cheatgrass invaded and quickly occupied areas throughout the West, its range and its dominance at various sites has changed within the past 20 to 30 years. Most noticeable has been a dramatic increase of cheatgrass density, coupled with a loss of native species. Many sites initially invaded by cheatgrass have been burned by wildfires or indiscriminate burning. As sites have burned, cheatgrass, in contrast with most native species, has recovered and gained dominance. Billings (1990) reports that without fire, cheatgrass invades overgrazed communities. As the community is burned, most shrubs and some herbaceous species are killed, but cheatgrass seeds are able to survive and recolonize the site. Cheatgrass increases in plant density as subsequent bums occur. The fuel created by the annual grass provides highly flammable tinder that results in more frequent fires (Billings 1948; Young and Evans 1978). The result has been areplacement of sagebrush with cheatgrass in many sites (Mack 1986; Pickford 1932; Piemeisel1951; Young and Evans 1978). This cycle increases cheatgrass density and allows it to significantly expand its area of occupation. The conversion process has been going on since cheatgrass was introduced. The accumulated effects becomes increasingly prevalent. Billings (1990) reported that native bunchgrasses did not carry fire very well, and that range fires were rare or absent in the sagebrush-bunchgrass steppe during the entire nineteenth century. In 1952 Robertson (1954) retraced the route and reevaluated the range-condition surveys made in northern Nevada in 1902 by P. B. Kennedy (1903). Robertson found that bluebunch wheatgrass (Agropyron spicatum) decreased from abundant to generally absent or less than 5 percent cover within the 52-year period. In addition, cheatgrass was not present in 1902, but had increased dramatically by the time of Robertson's survey. Burn scars were absent or unimportant in 1902, but by 1952 the entire route was bordered or crossed by burned ranges that were covered by cheatgrass. According to 44 Almost complete site renovation is required to control the weed and allow other plants to become established. Cheatgrass has occupied many sites for nearly 100 years. During this time, different populations have evolved that appear site-adapted. Beckstead and others (1993) reported differences in seed dormancy and afterripening among collections of cheatgrass harvested from desert and mountain populations. Differences in these attributes affect timing of germination and the ability of cheatgrass to compete with native bunchgrasses. Cheatgrass populations differ genetically (Novak and Mack 1993; Novak and others 1993), which contributes to the evolvement of adapted ecotypes. The adaptability among different populations of cheatgrass is a significant problem in developing restoration measures. Lack of Competition From Native Species No native species or more desirable introduced species has been found that can compete directly with cheatgrass throughout a broad range of sites. Most native species that dominate bunchgrasslshrubland associations are unable to compete with cheatgrass (McKell and others 1962). Billings (1990) found cheatgrass quickly invaded a sagebrush shrubland near Reno, NV, after a wildfire in 1947. Forty-one years after the bum, cheatgrass and other annual weeds dominated the south and north slopes, although some native species had returned on the north aspects. Fire-tolerant woody species, primarily antelope bitterbrush, had recovered to occupy 17 percent of the cover on the north-facing slopes. The fire removed both woody and herbaceous species that were not able to recover due to cheatgrass competition. Hironaka and Sindelar (1973) reported that squirreltail ( Sitanion hystrix) is capable of reestablishing naturally within some sites occupied by cheatgrass and medusahead ( Taeniatherium caput-medusae). Sandburg bluegrass ( Poa secunda) has also been observed to invade cheatgrass stands in some situations, converting areas to perennial grass cover. Although natural changes have occurred, no program has been developed for extensive conversion projects. Robertson and Pearse (1945) concluded that cheatgrass forms "closed communities," preventing the establishment of seeded species unless the cheatgrass competition is eliminated first. Similar results have been reported by Harris (1967). Considerable success has been achieved by planting either native or introduced species after cheatgrass has been eliminated or controlled by mechanical tillage or selected herbicides. Various introductions have been investigated to control and convert cheatgrass ranges to a more acceptable cover, since few native species have demonstrated the ability to suppress cheatgrass over extensive areas. Some progress has been achieved in improving seedling establishment and planting practices that increased the use of certain introduced species, particularly crested wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum) (Asay and others 1986) and forage kochia (Kochia prostrata) (Monsen and Turnipseed 1990). Although various grass introductions compete well with cheatgrass when the grasses are mature, the seedlings of few species can compete with cheatgrass. Plant communities and sites differ in their ability to recover following occupation by cheatgrass. In general, low elevation communities and sites receiving less than 9 inches annual precipitation are less likely to recover to a native species complex through protection or management practices (Stewart and Hull1949). However, during recent periods of drought from 1990 to 1994, cheatgrass has been observed to disappear from extensive arid sagebrush ranges in Nevada, Idaho, and Utah. In some situations, perennial bunchgrasses have replaced the annual. Klemmedson and Smith (1964) presented some preliminary COMPETITIVE ATTRIBUTES AND FEATURES OF CHEATGRASS Cheatgrass possesses a number of distinct features that contribute to its competitive ability. Like other obnoxious weeds, this species is persistent and difficult to control. It not only competes well with a series of native species, but is difficult to remove from most infested areas without significantly disrupting the plant community and soil conditions. Harris (1967) described the competitive features of this plant. The array of characteristics is impressive, contributing to its highly competitive nature. Any attempt to remove and replace this grass with other species, either by artificial seeding or by management to encourage natural recovery, must consider the competitive factors controlling the ecological system. A list of principal factors or traits that contribute to the competitive nature of cheatgrass follows. Most features are interrelated, but each is vital and must be addressed in any remedial treatment program. Broad Range of Geographic Distribution and Dominance Cheatgrass exists as a dominant species over a broad range of sites in the semiarid grasslands and shrublands of the Intermountain and Columbia Basins. Within these two broad regions, considerable variation exists in soil features, topography, and the amount and distribution of precipitation, yet cheatgrass maintains dominance at all sites <Harris 1967). Few situations occur where native species suppress cheatgrass, even in small microsites. Few other weedy species exhibit adaptation to such a wide range of conditions. Within these two regions, cheatgrass occurs in quite arid environments. These sites are the most precarious areas to artificially seed, as climatic conditions are unpredictable and moisture is often insufficient to promote seed germination and sustain seedling establishment. Cheatgrass is so universally abundant that it tends to saturate almost all sites. Attempts to seed or treat cheatgrass areas are often thwarted by rapid reoccupation of cheatgrass plants from adjacent untreated sites. Control measures must address the weed problem of adjacent areas, particularly when small or narrow tracts are treated. lnterseeding selected sites and managing to encourage natural spread of the seeded species is usually not effective. 45 data summarized by Pearse that native species within the sagebrush/antelope bitterbrushlbunchgrass communities of south-central Idaho were capable of replacing cheatgrass if sites were protected from grazing. The conclusions provided by Pearse were based on the response of vegetation following 3 years of protection, 1931 to 1934. Voth (1979) reexamined the long-term ecological exclosures that Pearse had studied, and provided much different conclusions. Cheatgrass remained the dominant species on most south and west exposures after 58 years of protection. Although native species increased in density and cover on north exposures, cheatgrass had not been eliminated and remained an important component of the vegetation. Klemmedson and Smith (1964) summarized the results of several investigators, concluding that cheatgrass could be replaced by competitive natives, and that grazing and other management practices were detrimental to stands of cheatgrass (Hull and Pechanec 1947; Piemeisel1938, 1945). Within the sagebrush communities, native species have not demonstrated the ability to reoccupy cheatgrassdominated sites. Extensive areas exist today as evidence of this problem. Billings (1990) concluded that little can be done to replace cheatgrass in the sagebrush ecosystem, to remove or to control the plant, and the only viable alternative would be to prevent it from expanding. Lewiston, ID. Beckstead and others (1993) found cheatgrass seeds afterripen in dry storage, thus permitting fall germination. These authors also found betweenpopulation differences in afterripening patterns were habitat correlated. These factors were ecologically relevant and important to the survival of the species. Seed germination features have apparently evolved to favor establishment of cheatgrass plants under different site or climatic conditions. Seed banking and afterripening provides sufficient seed for fall and spring germination. Although few seeds may carry over to germinate in succeeding years, yearly renewal of the seedbank is sufficient to maintain a competitive advantage. As cheatgrass plants invade new openings, an abundant seed crop is quickly produced to perpetuate the plants. First-year plants produce sufficient seeds to create highly competitive problems. Weed seeds also spread quickly to occupy adjacent areas and serve as a reservoir of seed for further advancement. Phenological Growth Attributes of Cheatgrass Harris (1967) described the phenological growth characteristics of cheatgrass, which contribute to its competitive abilities. He found that once cheatgrass has germinated, it has a distinct advantage in the rate of root elongation over bluebunch wheatgrass. This advantage apparently exists for other native species. Roots of cheatgrass developed about 50 percent faster than roots of the perennial bluebunch wheatgrass. In addition, where soil conditions remained at or near freezing throughout the \\inter months, fall-emerging and over-wintering seedlings of cheatgrass have an additional advantage. Roots of cheatgrass were able to grow at temperatures as low as 3 °C, but the minimum temperature for bluebunch root growth is 8 to 10 °C. Harris reported the inherent greater root elongation rate of cheatgrass accounted for its dominance over bluebunch wheatgrass. Since cheatgrass seedlings develop much earlier than other species, the plants grow during a period of abundant moisture. Cheatgrass effectively extracts soil moisture regardless of plant density. Dense stands develop both primary and secondary root systems that deplete soil moisture as the root system advances. Sparse stands produce tillers and adventitious roots that grow faster than roots of other plants, thereby depleting soil moisture. Harris concluded that as growing conditions change to favor growth ofbluebunch wheatgrass, cheatgrass has already dominated the site. The competitive advantage cheatgrass demonstrates over bluebunch wheatgrass is sufficient to overcome environmental differences throughout the semiarid grasslands and sagebrush sites of the Intermountain and Columbia Basin regions. Seed Germination and Establishment Cheatgrass is regarded as a winter annual. Some initial germination begins in late August coinciding with the occurrence of fall rains, followed by a major period of germination in September and October (Mack and Pyke 1983). Germination may occur thoughout the winter particularly in desert conditions following winter rain (Beatley 1966). Mack and Pyke (1983) reported cheatgrass recruitment continued throughout the winter months, contributing 30 percent of all individuals that appear. Spring recruitment occurs quite regularly and may be substantial, occurring as late as mid-May (Hull and Hansen 1974). Plants that germinate during the spring can produce a viable seed crop. Although plants may be grazed in the spring before seeds mature, seeds may still develop and germinate during the fall (Hulbert 1955). Seed germination and growth of cheatgrass favor its establishment over most native herbs. Harris (1967) reports that at moderately low temperatures with moist soils, conditions often found in the fall at field sites, cheatgrass has a small advantage over bluebunch wheatgrass in the rate of germination, but the abundance of cheatgrass seeds provides a distinct advantage. Beckstead and others (1993) evaluated different ecotypes of cheatgrass and found that seeds of the annual grass consistently germinated earlier than squirreltail. and others (1988) found cheatgrass seeds germinated at lower temperatures than perennial grasses, which was an important factor contributing to its successful establishment. Cheatgrass plants produce an abundance of seeds almost every year regardless of weather conditions. Although the amount of seed produced depends on climatic conditions, sufficient seed is normally developed to repopulate a site. Hulbert (1955) reported counts of between 200 and 600 seeds per square decimeter from plots located near REMEDIAL TREATMENTS Controlling Competition Most weedy plants are difficult to control, and cheatgrass is no exception. Attempts to control cheatgrass under wildland conditions are extremely difficult. Failure 46 the upland sites, coupled with well designed seeding&, can lessen the incidence of fire and restrict and limit encroachment of the annual weed. Proactive seedings can also contain the spread of fires from areas that frequently reburn. Greenstrip seedings are commonly used throughout the Snake River Plain and other large topographic regions where nearly contiguous stands of cheatgrass occut:. In these situations, broad areas are subdivided into small units by seeding less fireprone species in strips around the border of each subunit. This approach may not be appropriate in all situations, but the practice can reduce the number of large fires. In addition, the spread of fires into undisturbed areas surrounding areas dominated by cheatgrass can be prevented. An additional advantage is the concentrated attention given to seeding small areas. Considerably more attention and funds can be directed to seeding small strips than is normally given to large acreages. Fire barriers or greenstrips can normally be disked or treated to control weed competition, increasing the assurance of attaining a desirable stand after seeding. In addition, plantings can normally be more easily scheduled to take advantage of climatic conditions. Cheatgrass can not be easily removed from all areas of current occupation. Artificial restoration of arid regions is extremely hazardous, but restoration of designated areas through proper management and seeding can aid weed control. to control cheatgrass competition is a primary factor preventing establishment of seeded species. Unlike some annual weeds, cheatgrass presents some unusual problems. To be effective, control measures must be capable of: • Eliminating live plants • Preventing seed formation • Controlling seed germination and emerging seedlings. Controlling live plants and the existing seedbank requires a combination of treatments conducted over a 1- to 2-year period. In addition, cheatgrass competition is the major deterrent preventing natural recruitment of new seedlings of native species. Generally cheatgrass can be controlled by spring tillage or by burning mature plants before seed dispersal. Both practices reduce recruitment of a seed crop. Fall tillage or application of a herbicide is employed as a followup treatment to eliminate seedlings that emerge in the fall. Artificial seeding is conducted in the late fall or early winter. Site Conditions Weed control measures and seeding practices that are used to restore cheatgrass-infested sites should be carefully designed. Techniques and methods that are used must be functional and effective. Seeding practices must include some means of weed control, proper seedbed preparation, and seeding. Plantings should also be conducted at the appropriate season for the planting site. Restoration or control measures must address the inherent growth characteristics of the plant and must be functional within the climatic and environmental conditions of the existing communities where the plant occurs. Recognition of climatic and environmental conditons is critical in developing control measures. Since cheatgrass occurs in some semiarid and arid communities, practical control measures are frequently quite limited, as precipitation is not always adequate to assure seedling establishment. Thus, the sites in which cheatgrass occurs directly affect the chances for restoration or site enhancement. Sites in the salt desert and lower big sagebrush communities normally are often the most arid and difficult to restore. Areas throughout the sagebrush benchlands, pinyonjuniper, and ponderosa pine communities can be planted without much difficulty. Once disturbances occur within these communities, openings should be seeded if an adequate understory does not exist and weed invasion is imminent. In many situations, the herbaceous understory has been removed from sites occupied by these woody species. Cheatgrass invasion can be expected as the overstory is removed or weakened. Measures to reestablish the native understory are recommended in these sites before natural disturbances such as fire or disease may weaken the overstory. Managers may be reluctant to recommend large-scale chaining and seeding of some communities, yet seeding can reduce the potential spread of cheatgrass. Areas surrounding large, dense stands of cheatgrass are prime areas for fires and invasion of cheatgrass. In many situations cheatgrass has invaded low valley bottoms and with the assistance of fire is spreading to dominate more upland communities. Proper management of Development of Adapted Species In many situations weeds have been controled by planting a more competitive and desirable species capable of containing or preventing the spread of the target weedy plant. Cheatgrass occupies a number of native communities, and the primary goal in site restoration is to reestablish the native composition. Planting a single species to control cheatgrass rarely results in the recovery of the native community. Plantings of various wheatgrasses, particularly crested and desert wheatgrass (Agropyron desertorum) have been effective in controlling annual weeds (Asay and Johnson 1983). In addition, some selections are able to compete directly with cheatgrass and can be planted with little site preparation. Established stands of these perennial grasses provide adequate ground cover, reduce the incidence of fires, and prevent cheatgrass from becoming more than a minor part of the community. However, the introduced perennials are not compatible with most native species and do not facilitate or allow recovery of the natives (Monsen and Shaw 1983; Walker and others 1993). The perennial grasses are very useful in controlling annual weeds and can be used where recovery of the native community is not a primary goal. Ecologists have recognized that cheatgrass seedlings are able to suppress seedling growth of most native species. Although cheatgrass is able to invade some climax communities (Daubenmire 1942; Poulton 1955), the plant is unable to gain dominance of mature, established plants (Daubenmire 1942; Young 1943). Ifthe native composition has been destroyed, cheatgrass can restrict natural recruitment of new seedlings required to reestablish the 47 requires a long time and is not a common occurrence. Consequently, artificial seeding is required to reestablish most plant communities. Cheatgrass competition can be controlled sufficiently by mechanical tillage, application of herbicides, and fires to allow seeded species a chance to establish. Seeding of native and introduced species can be successful once cheatgrass competition is diminished. Although cheatgrass has become a serious problem, control and restoration measures are not entirely adequate to treat all sites. In addition, the cost and resources required to restore large areas are not currently available. As additional resources are lost and fire-related costs continue to escalate, the need for cheatgrass control and restoration measures will become more critical. native vegetation. Consequently, most native species have not been considered potentially capable of competing initially with weeds unless they demonstrate unusual seedling vigor. Some attention has been given to the use of native pioneering species to compete directly with cheatgrass. Hironaka and Sindelar (1973) reported that squirreltail competed well with cheatgrass, and suggested the plant be used as a pioneer species to convert weedy sites to a perennial cover. Harris (1967) suggested selecting ecotypes of native grasses that have the ability to grow rapidly at low temperatures, thus providing plants that are capable of competing with rapidly growing cheatgrass seedlings. Kitchen and Monsen (1994) found that germination and establishment of bluebunch wheatgrass could be enhanced through selection, allowing more aggressive and competitive materials to be developed. Hardegree (1994) found that native seeds could be primed to initiate early germination, increasing the competitive ability of young seedlings. Little attention has been given to the selection and use of some key native species for initial weed control and secondary successional recovery. Natural recovery of some cheatgrass sites by native species has been observed. Sandburg bluegrass, squirreltail, Thurber needlegrass, (Stipa thurberiana), western wheatgrass (Agropyron smithii), and streambank wheatgrass (Agropyron riparian) have been observed to invade and gain dominance of sites once infested by cheatgrass (personal observations). The recovery process has been evident throughout the Intermountain Region during recent periods of drought. The natural recovery process certainly suggests that these same species can be effectively used in artificial seedings if seed were available and planting requirements were better understood. REFERENCES Asay, K. H.; Johnson, D. A. 1983. Genetic variability for characters affecting stand establishment in crested wheatgrass. Journal of Range Management. 36: 703-706. Asay, K. H.; Dewey, D. R.; Gomm, F. B.; Horton, W. H.; Jensen, K. B. 1986. Genetic progress through hybridization of induced and natural tetraploid& in crested wheatgrass. Journal of Range Management. 39: 261-263. Beatley, J. C.1966. Ecological status ofintroduced brome grasses (Bromus spp.) in desert vegetation of southern Nevada. Ecology. 47:548-554. Beckstead, J.; Meyer, S. E.; Allen, P. S. 1993. A comparison of the effects of afterripening on cheatgrass (Jlromus tectorum) and squirreltail (Elymus elymoides) germination. In: Abstracts of papers, eighth wildland shrub symposium, arid land restoration; 1993 19-21 October; Las Vegas, NV. Provo, UT: Shrub Research Consortium: 7. Abstract. Billings, W. D. 1948. Preliminary notes on fire succession in the sagebrush zone of western Nevada. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America. 29: 30. Abstract. Billings, W. D. 1949. The shadscale vegetation zone of Nevada and eastern California in relation to climate and soils. American Midland Naturalist. 42: 87-109. Billings, W. D. 1990. Bromus tectorum, a biotic cause of ecosystem impoverishment in the Great Basin. In: Woodwell, G. M., ed. The earth in transition: patterns and processes of biotic impoverishment. New York: Cambridge University Press: 301-321., R. A.; Monsen, S. B.; Abernethy, R. H. 1988. Seeding competition between mountain rye, "Hycrest" crested wheatgrass, and downy brome. Journal of Range Management. 41: 30-34. Daubenmire, R. F. 1942. An ecological study of the vegetation of southeastern Washington and ac:ljacent Idaho. Ecological Monographs. 12: 53-79. Daubenmire, R. F. 1952. Forest vegetation of northern Idaho and ac:ljacent Washington, and its bearing on concepts of vegetation classification. Ecological Monographs. 22: 301-330. Fleming, C. E., Shipley, M. A.; Miller, M. R. 1942. Broncograss (Bromus tectorum) on Nevada ranges. Bull.159. Reno, NV: University of Nevada, Agricultural Experiment Station. 21 p. CONCLUSIONS Cheatgrass is an extremely tenacious and competitive weed. Since being introduced into the Western United States over 100 years ago, it has spread to occupy extensive areas. It is particularly well suited to semiarid environments. It continues to spread and colonize additional plant communities. This species is able to encroach onto new sites as openings are created. Once established, it may persist as a minor component of the community for a considerable period of time. Its presence can restrict natural seedling establishment of most native species. If sites are burned or native plants are otherwise weakened, cheatgrass can flourish and may eventually gain dominance. Semiarid shrublands and associated plant communities that are naturally slow to recolonize following a disturbance are the primary sites where cheatgrass has increased. Once cheatgrass is in place, wildfires become more common as the plant produces highly flammable foliage. Less fire tolerant species are further weakened or eliminated by successive fires. Cheatgrass provides such intense competition to new emerging seedlings that few native plants are able to become established. Natural succession is slow under these circumstances. Although some native species can reoccupy sites that were dominated by cheatgrass, the process 48 Hardegree, S. P. 1994. Drying and storage effects on germination of primed grass seeds. Journal of Range Management. 47: 196-199. Harniss, R. 0.; Murray, R. B. 1973. Thirty years of vegetal change following burning of sagebrush/grass range. Journal of Range Management. 26: 322-325. Harper, K. T.1959. Vegetational change in a shadscalewinterfat plant association during twenty-three years of controlled grazing. Provo, UT: Brigham Young University. 68 p. Thesis. Harris, G. A. 1967. 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