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Gregory M. Filip





This paper describes management of the following important forest root diseases associated with montane forest soils in interior Western North America: armillaria root disease, laminated root rot, annosus root disease, schweinitzii root and butt rot, tomentosus root rot, and black stain root disease. All these diseases are caused by fungi that spread primarily through soil via roots of woody plants. Disease management consists primarily of planting or favoring disease-tolerant conifer species on affected forest lands.

Stump removal and chemical treatment have been used with some success, but more research is needed on potential detrimental effects. Models have been created to estimate and predict losses caused by some forest root diseases in western soils.


Tree mortality caused by forest root diseases in the

Western United States has been estimated at 240 million cubic feet (6.8 million m 3

) of timber annually (Smith 1984).

Root diseases are the most important pest problem facing current and future forests in the West, mainly because of the ability of disease-causing fungi to reside in forest soils on both living and dead woody tissue for decades. Some clones of root pathogens have been estimated to have been spreading for at least 460 years (Shaw and Roth 1976).

Six principal root diseases are caused by fungi in Western North America: (1) armillaria root disease caused by

Armillaria ostoyae (formerly A. mellea), (2) laminated root rot caused by Phellinus weirii (formerly Poria weirii),

(3) annosus root disease caused by Heterobasidion anno- sum (formerly Fames annosus), (4) schweinitzii root and butt rot caused by Phaeolus schweinitzii (formerly Poly- porus schweinitzii), (5) tomentosus root rot caused by

Inonotus tomentosus (formerly Polyporus tomentosus), and (6) black stain root disease caused by Leptographium wageneri (formerly Verticicladiella wageneri). These diseases frequently occur together as complexes of two or more species of root pathogens and associated bark beetles

(Goheen and Filip 1980; Hertert and others 1975). Abiotic agents such as drought, flooding, or soil compaction and other species offungi may cause root disease, but by far, most damage is caused by these six principal species of fungi.

The biology of root disease fungi is similar. These fungi generally reside in the soil as associates of woody debris, primarily root material, rather than as free-living entities.

Disease spread is chiefly through soil along the roots of woody plants. Common modes of spread are from dead woody material, especially stumps and dead trees, to roots of living trees. Spread from one living root system to another is common and especially damaging as inoculum loads increase. Root contact or grafting is not always necessary for root-to-root spread: some fungi such asA. ostoyae have specialized structures (rhizomorphs) that allow infection of roots in close proximity to one another.

Although all the root disease fungi form spores, the role of the spores in the soil is poorly understood. Except for H. annosum and L. wageneri, spread of root disease fungi by spores in the soil or through the air is thought to be negligible. Air-borne spores are the main mode oflong-distance spread for H. annosum, and certain root-feeding insects transmit spores of L. wageneri from host to host. For a more detailed explanation of the biology of root disease fungi, refer to the following: for armillaria root disease

(Shaw and Kile 1991), laminated root rot (Thies 1984), annosus root disease (Schmitt and others, in press), schweinitzii root and butt rot (Dubreuil 1981), tomentosus root rot (Whitney 1977), and black stain root disease

(Harrington and Cobb 1988).


Use of root disease-tolerant species is the most common form of management of forest root diseases in Western

North America. Removal of infected stumps and chemical treatments also have been used with some success, but little is known regarding potential detrimental effects of these treatments.

Paper presented at the Symposium on Management and Productivity of Western-Montane Forest Soils, Boise, ID, April 10-12, 1990.

Gregory M. Filip, Research Plant Pathologist, Pacific Northwest Research

Station, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. Currently Associate Professor, Department of Forest Science, Oregon State University,

Corvallis, OR 97331. James T. Hoffman is a Plant Pathologist, Forest Pest

Management, State and Private Forestry, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1750 Front Street, Boise, ID 83702.


Tolerant Species

Degree of root disease tolerance varies with fungal and host species (table 1). Some root diseases seriously affect only certain host species: schweinitzii root and butt rot on

Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii), tomentosus root rot on spruce (Picea spp.), and black stain root disease on Douglasfir and pines (Pinus spp.). Armillaria root disease, laminated root rot, and annosus root disease can cause severe mortali ty in several conifer species, especially grand fir

(Abies grandis), white fir (A. concolor), mountain hemlock

(Tsuga mertensiana), and Douglas-fir. Mortality also may vary by habitat type and level of stand disturbance (tree

Table1-Relative susceptibilility of conifers in interior Oregon and Washington to damage by six common root diseases (adapted from Hadfield and others 1986)

Host specie.

Rggt dlseases 1


Armillaria laminated Annosu. Schwelnltzil Tomentosus stain


(Rocky Mountain)

Ponderosa pine

Lodgepole pine

White pine

Sugar pine

Grand fir

White fir

Pacific silver fir

Noble fir

Subalpine fir

California red fir

Western hemlock

Mountain hemlock

Western larch

Engelmann spruce

Western redcedar

Incense cedar




= severely damaged;

= moderately damaged;


== seldom damaged;

4 .. not damaged.










































































































4 harvesting, road building, and so forth) especially for armillaria root disease (McDonald and others 1987). Tree mortality increases with degree of stand disturbance for black stain root disease (Goheen and Hansen 1978) and annosus root disease (Schmitt and others, in press).

Disease-tolerant and disease-resistant species (classes

3 and 4, table 1) can be favored during several silvicultural options including planting, seeding, using advance regeneration, precommercial thinning, commercial thinning, prescribed burning, seed tree and shelterwood systems, and group selection systems. If tolerant or resistant tree species are planted or regenerated for 50 or more years and ingrowth of more susceptible species (class 1 and 2) can be periodically removed, root disease fungi should die over most of the infected area. Subsequent rotations of susceptible species can be grown with little probability ofreinfection. If tree species in damage class 2 are used, many trees will become infected but at levels less than if tree species in damage class 1 had been grown. Planting or favoring hardwood species has been tried, especially on sites affected by laminated root rot where red alder (Alnus rubra) has good potential to sanitize sites (Nelson and others 1978).

Stump Excavation

Often only highly susceptible tree species are regenerated on an infected site because of site conditions or economics.

Maintaining tree vigor through precommercial thinning

(Filip and others 1989) and fertilizing may minimize damage from armillaria root disease even with tree species in damage class 1. For some root diseases, precommercial thinning (Harrington and others 1983) or partial cutting


(Filip and (}()heen 1984; Hagle and Goheen 1988) may actually exacerbate root disease in highly susceptible species.

Theoretically, by removing the principal inoculum sources in infected areas, primarily infected stumps from harvested or dead trees, incidence of root disease on an infected site should decrease with time, even with highly susceptible tree species. Some studies have demonstrated this (Morrison and others 1988). The combining of stump removal with commercial thinning could provide (1) salvage ofliving but diseased trees, (2) root-free barriers limiting enlargement of the disease area, (3) destruction of root networks that support spread from scattered infections, (4) inoculum destruction, (5) elimination offungal food bases, and (6) preparation of quality seed beds on some sites (Roth and others 1977). Some studies have shown increased growth of seedlings after stump excavation (Morrison and others 1988; Thies and Nelson 1988).

Whether stump excavation is effective in significantly reducing tree mortality caused by all root diseases on several soil types has yet to be demonstrated. Also, because stump excavation is typically accomplished with heavy machinary, the problem of soil compaction and soil layer mixing needs to be examined at several sites during different seasons. The benefits of retaining certain levels of woody debris in the soil (Harvey and others 1987; Maser and Trappe 1984) versus the detrimental effects ofleaving root pathogen-infected material also need to be quantified. Stump excavation to control root diseases is seldom used in the interior West because of potential site impacts, uncertainty of results, and high costs.

Chemical Treatment

Application of fertilizer to manage forest root diseases has received only limited attention in Western North

America. Low levels of certain soil nutrients have been associated With infection (Singh 1983) and decay (Shields and Hobbs 1979) caused by Armillaria sp. Others have shown that fertilizing with urea increases antagonistic soil fungi (Nelson 1975) and may increase tree resistance

(Matson and Boone 1984) on sites affected by laminated root rot.

Fungicide application to protect stumps from root pathogen infection has been successfully demonstrated and is operationally used only for annosus root disease. Freshly cut stump surfaces are treated with a light coating of powdered borax to prevent germination of fungal spores

(Graham 1971; Smith 1970). Use of fungicides to protect living trees from underground infection by A. ostoyae has been shown to be ineffective (Filip and Roth 1987).

Fumigation to eradicate A. ostoyae and P. weirii from infected stumps and even living trees shows more promise than protectant fungicides. Where stump excavation is impractical because of steep terrain or site and soil sensitivity, stump fumigation may be an alternative. Armillaria

ostoyae can be eliminated from small infected stumps with such fumigants as chloropicrin, methyl bromide, carbon disulfide, Vapam, or Vorlex (Filip and Roth 1977). Phel-

linus weirii can be eliminated from infected stumps with chloropicrin, allyl alcohol, Vapam, or Vorl ex (Thies and

Nelson 1982, 1987). Use offumigants to reduce mortality caused by root diseases in an entire infected area and potential detrimental effects of fumigation on nontarget organisms, such as soil fauna, mycorrhizae, and herbaceous vegetation, have yet to be demonstrated but work is under way (Thies, personal communication). Some experimental work to control laminated root rot with antagonistic soil fungi such as Trichoderma sp. in lieu of fumigants has been done with some success (Nelson and Thies 1985).


For the past 6 years, forest pathologists in Western

North America have been developing a model to estimate and predict losses caused by root diseases (Stage and others 1990). This model is intended primarily as a tool for forest managers to quantify the benefits of applying various types of root disease management. When the western root disease model is linked to the Stand Prognosis Model

(Wykoff and others 1982), more accurate tree growth and yields may be estimated for root disease-affected sites than if the Prognosis model is used alone. Currently only armillaria root disease and laminated root rot are modeled, but simulations have been attempted with annosus root disease (Shaw and others 1989), and formal modeling sessions are under way for that disease.

The western root disease model as linked with Prognosis can predict stand growth and yields following most of the standard silvicultural options: use of tolerant species through planting, natural regeneration, precommercial and commercial thinning, and seed tree and shelterwood harvests. In addition, stump excavation to remove inoculum with subsequent potential improvement in forest productivity can be simulated by the model. Increased accuracy in simulating stands affected by root disease will contribute to the forest planning process in the future.


Western-montane forest soils all too often contain one of six damaging root diseases and, frequently, more than one disease. Because of similarities in disease biology, there are management techniques and predictive models available to forest managers to reduce and quantify losses caused by one or more root diseases. The more commonly practiced management scenarios such as the use of disease-tolerant species will do little to detrimentally affect forest soils. Other management practices, however, such as stump excavation or fumigation, may decrease soil productivity. Additional research is needed to quantify these effects on several soil types throughout

Western North America.


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