MICROPROPAGATION OF ELITE BIOTYPES OF FOURWING SALTBUSH Swati Tripathy J. R. Goodin ABSTRACT biotypes. The most important uses of saltbush (A.triplex) species are for fuel wood and high-protein forage production (Northington and others 1979; Newton and others 1982). The species has a high range of polyploid levels (Stutz and Sanderson 1979), and with the successful establishment of an efficient method for micropropagation, it can be genetically manipulated under culture conditions to produce even more economically useful genotypes. Published information on tissue culture of saltbush species is limited. A micropropagation method using shoot tips for saltbush shoot multiplication and elongation has been reported (Wochok and Sluir 1980). We have developed another method for shoot multiplication and elongation of this species from leaf segments. The process varies with different genotypes. Organogenesis in fourwing saltbush (Atriplex canescens) (B3) was achieved in both semisolid callus medium and single-cell suspension culture of 1/2-strength (MurashigeSkoog) medium supplemented with hormones. Maximum shoot production was obtained by 112 MS + BA 0.4 mg/L and NAA 0.05 mg/L in callus medium and by 1/2 MS + BA 0.1 mg/L, GA 3 0.1 mg/L,NAA0.05mg/LandKN03 450 mg/L in suspension cultures. A lower amount of auxin was always an essential requirement in the shoot production as well as shoot multiplication. Multiplication of 168 individual shoots and numerous shoot buds was also possible in a 1 12-strength MS medium in combination with Ki 0.4 mg/L, GA 3 0.1 mg/L, and NAA 0. 05 mg/L. Elongation of the established shoots, up to a height of 1.2-1.5 em was possible in 1/2 MS + BA 0.1 mg/L, Ki 0.25 mg/L, and GA3 0.1 mg/L and KN0 3 450 mg/L, NHfi0 3 400 mg/L. Root induction on these shoots is currently under study. For successful root production a better shoot elongation medium needs to be identified. Chromosome counts of different fourwing saltbush population genotypes in the callus induction medium showed a wide range of ploidy level, as has been established in naturally occurring populations. Among the five different genotypes, B3 and B5 were dominated by tetraploids, B4 and B6 by diploids, and B7 by hexaploids. A tendency toward mixploid production in all phases of callus growth was remarkable. Aneuploid cells around tetraploids, pentaploid and greater than octaploids by 1-4 chromosome number were found. Based on these studies, it can be suggested that a chromosome analysis of callus culture is an important requirement in regeneration studies to identify an optimum time period for subculture. ··,.·- ..· MATERIALS AND METHODS The five genotypes we selected for the study reported here are designated as B3 and B5 (tetraploids), B4 and B6 (diploids), and B7 (hexaploids). The shoot propagation and multiplication procedure has been established with B3 genotype. The basal medium consisted of Murashige and Skoog (1962) supplemented with organic source sucrose 30 mg/L and the vitamins nicotinic acid 1.0 mg/L, pyridoxine HC11.0 mg!L, thiamine HC110.0 mg!L, and myo-inositol 100.0 mg!L. The pH of the medium was adjusted to 5.8 with l.ON KOH or HCl prior to the addition of 1.6 mg/L Gelrite in semisolid medium and autoclaved at 121 °C with 15lb/in2 for 15 minutes. The amount of medium used was 18 mL per 25- by 150-mm culture tube for semisolid medium, 50 mL per 250 mL Erlenmeyer flask for suspension culture, 50 mL per 100- by 25-mm petri dish and 30 mL per baby food jar. All petri dishes were sealei with parafilm. INTRODUCTION Fourwing saltbush (Atriplex canescens) is a fast-growing, widely distributed species in the United States, central Mexico, and southern.Canada. Because of its adaptation to diverse climatic and edaphic conditions, it is an excellent experimental material for micropropagation of elite Explant Type Young leaves offourwing saltbush were collected under water from 1- to 2-year-old greenhouse plants. Mter surface sterilization, 4 to 5 explants of size 4-5 mm were inoculated per culture cube. Sterilization Procedure Paper contributed for the Proceedings of the Symposium on Cheatgrass Invasion, Shrub Die-Off, and Other Aspects of Shrub Biology and Management, Las Vegas, NV, April 5-7, 1989. Swati Tripathy is Research Associate, Department of Biological Sciences, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 79409; present address is 2219 Carriage Hill, Denton, TX 76201; J. R. Goodin is Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 76201. Surface sterilization of the entire leaves was carried out through washing with distilled water and 5 minutes soaking in 10 percent NaOCl and a few drops of Tween 336 This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. 20 with a prerinse in 70 percent alcohol for 2-3 minutes, and a postrinse in three passes of sterile distilled water. This gave almost 95 percent infection-free callus. Cultures were incubated at 20 °C ± 1°, 40E cm2/s fluorescent light with a 16-hour photoperiod. The length of incubation in each medi urn is discussed in the individual stages to shoot formation. capacity. They are: BA 0.5 mg/L, NAA 0.05 mg/L; BA 0.1 mg/L, NAA 0.1 mg/L; and BA 0.45 mg/L, NAA 0.1 mg/L. The hormones BA and NAA were found to operate more efficiently in combination rather than in isolation toward morphogenic variation. CALLUS INITIATION AND GROWTH The regeneration capacity of the competent cells was tested through both suspension culture and a semisolid medium. Both the distinct pathways proved to be successful; the suspension route was more efficient in mass production. SHOOT PRODUCTION A wide range of different 2,4-D and kinetin concentration and combinations were examined for callus induction and differentiation in basal MS medium. Calli were easily formed from the cut edges of the leaf explant on MS medium. For our study, a combination of kinetin 0.25 mg/L with 2,4-D either at 0.25 mg/L or 0.50 mg/L was favorable for further regeneration studies. The callus produced was very light gre~n to green, friable and globular with normal callus growth, and had more than 40 percent green spots all over it. Callus from higher concentration and combination of 2,4-D and kinetin produced abnormally developed neomorphs. SHOOT PRODUCTION ON SEMISOLID MEDIUM The cytokinins tested were butyric acid (BA) and kinetin (Ki), and auxins were naphthalene acetic acid (NAA), isopentenyl adenine (2-ip), and gibberellic acid CGAa>· A little higher concentration of cytokinins accompanied by a very low concentration of auxin was always favorable (table 1). A combination ofBA and Ki with GAa was more effective than BAalong with GAa and NAA when mass production was of concern. Kinetin 0.25 mg/L with BA and GAa 0.1 mg/L in 112-strength MS medium greatly enhanced shoot production to 80 percent rather than in any other combination. A further increase of BA concentration to 0.25 mg/L along with kinetin and GAa reduced shoot production to only 20 percent. The combination that produced 80 percent shoot was tried at least 2-3 times and, depending on the previous incubation time, it has consistently produced 60-80 percent shoots. BA 0.1 mg/L along with GAa 0.1 mg/L and NAA 0.05 mg/L produced 40 percent shoots and 2-ip 1.0 mg/L with GAa 0.1 mg/L gave 20 percent shoots under similar conditions. Shoot production was always followed by less than normal amounts of callus production and these calli also gave rise to new shoot buds. Shoots produced this way had attained a height to a maximum of 3-5 mm with four to six elongated leaves within 30-35 days and had a rosette kind of appearance (fig. 1). GAa was always found to be essential for shoot bud production as has been reported by a number of workers (Ripley and Preece 1986; Geier 1986; Noh and Minocha 1986). The 112-strength MS salts were just optimal for shoot growth, because in our study full strength MS has never produced shoots or shoot buds either through suspension or on semisolid medium. COMPETENCE CELL PRODUCTION After an initial callus differentiation process of 40-45 days, approximately 1.0-1.2 gm of the light-green, friable callus mass with a few green spots was subcultured to a 1 12-strength MS salt medium with vitamins and sucrose and a factorial combination of nine and four levels of BA and NAA, respectively. There was no organ formation; instead the original callus gradually turned brown with or without a reddish-brown secretion, which presumably inhibited further growth. New, green to dark green, par.tially friable and partially compact, globular callus was formed above the old brown callus within 15-20 days and this callus was found to be determined or fated for further shoot production. We believe that this medium is an intermediate stage to organogenic differentiation, where few cells having organogenic potential survive and grow with the aging and changing of hormonal balance in the old tissue and under the influence of suitable phytohormone combination. In field bindweed (Convolvulus arvennis) genotypes, root-competent cells are formed in the shoot induction medium and vice versa, suggesting the fact that they are two independent and not alternate processes (Christianson and Warnick 1985). Of all the combinations ofBA x NAA growth regulators, only three of them had the ability to sustain regeneration 337 Table 1-5hoot production of fourwing saltbush (83) through callus (semisolid) media Previous culture condition mg/L 112 MS + BA0.4, NAA0.05 Subcultured condition Shoot produced/ callus mg/L Percent Number of shoots1 40 16+ BA 0.25, NAA0.05, GA3 0.1 1 /2 MS + BA0.1, NAA 0.1 "::~" Callus growth2 '12 MS + BA0.1 NAA 0.05, GA3 0.1 '12MS + BA 0.45, NAA0.05 Number of roots ++ +++ 112 MS + BA0.1, NAA 0.05 +++ BA0.25, NAA0.05 +++ '12 MS + BA 0.1, Ki 0.1, GA3 0.1 +++ BA 0.1 Ki 0.25, GA3 0.1 BA 0.25, Ki 0.25, GA3 0.1 1 12 MS + BA0.5, NAA 0.05 'hMS+ 2ip 1.0, GA3 0.1 80 54++ ++ 20 2 + 20 8 ++ 2ip 1.0, GA3 0.1, NAA 0.05 ++ 2ip 1.0, GA3 0.1 BA0.1 ++ 'The number listed is number of shoots. The +'s refer to relative number of uncounted shoot buds 2'fhe +'s refer to relative amounts of callus growth. · numerous single cells to few chlorophyllus cell clusters that varied greatly in size and shape. The latter phase of suspension consisted mostly of small-to-large cell clusters and shoot buds and very elongated cells of different shapes and sizes. The shoot primordia developed from any point on a chlorophyll us cell cluster with the appearance of a dark green spot made up of a large number of very small cells (which might be dividing continuously). A striking variation in cell size common in the gigas plant and to some extent in normal has been reported (Stutz and others 1975). Three types of suspension produced shoots. BA 0.4 mg!L with NAA 0.05 mg/L produced vitreous shoots on plating the suspension. The multiplication of these vitreous shoots SHOOT BUD PRODUCTION AND MORPHOLOGY OF SUSPENSION CULTURE Approximately 0. 75 mg of green globular callus from the competent cell production medium was subcultured to 112-strength MS liquid medium supplemented with BA 0.1 mg/L, GA3 0.1 mg/L, NAA 0.05 mg/L, and KN03 450 mg/L (KN03 amount was 3/4 strength of the original MS medium). Shoot buds appeared in a dark green suspension within 30 days of first culture and within 10-15 days in subsequent subcultures, which was used as the regular subculture time. Suspension culture was fast growing. The initial phase of suspension was full with 338 Figure 1-Photograph of shoot development and shoot bud initiation. was normal, but the growth in length was restricted. BA 0.25 mg/1 with GAa and NAA 0.1 mg/L and KN03 and NH 4N03 450 mg!L and 400 mg!L, respectively, produced some shoot buds. The regeneration capacity was lost completely on subsequent culture. Only BA 0.1 mg/1 with GAa 0.1 mg/L, NAA 0.05 mg/L, and KN03 450 mg/L have been producing shoots to some amount successfully in every subculture. A little higher level ofKN03 was essential to shoot bud emergence, because when 450 mg/L KN03 was added to BA 0.1 mg!L, GAa 0.1 mg/L and NAA 0.05 mg/L shoot buds appeared within a few days. Thus, KN03 alone might have helped in breaking the dormancy. The beneficial effect oflow ammonium/nitrate ratio on growth and shoot production has been reported (Geier 1986; Zens and Zimmer, in press). The combination ofNH+ 4 and N0-3 ions in our study did produce a green suspension, but it is the N0-3 ion ~lone that accelerated the shoot bud production. and NAA 0.05 mg!L. This particular medium produced maximum shoot height between 2-3 mm and 4-6 mm in 25-30 days. Two other types of medium were also found to multiply shoots to some extent but with more time. In general, higher concentration of kinetin, (0.4 mg/L with GAa) and NAA in lower concentration helped in maximum multiplication (table 2). Complete elimination ofNAA from the medium led to the production of only green callus. The number of shoots produced in each subculture is shown (table 3); the second subculture has a maximum of 168 countable shoots and many shoot buds. Table 2-Shoot multiplication media for fourwing saltbush (83) Plating media with shoots (mg/L) Shoot mass1 112 MS + Ki 0.4, GA3 0.1, NAA 0.05 MS + Ki 0.25, GA 3 0.1, BA 0.1 + KN03 450, NH 4N03 400 112 MS + BA 0.1, GA 0.1, NAA 0.1 + 3 KN03 450 112 SHOOT MULTIPLICATION Organized growth and multiplication of the shoot buds and cell clusters were obtained when 0.75 gm of the shoot buds were spread out evenly on a petri dish containing 50 mL of 112-strength MS and Ki 0.4 mg/L, GA3 0.1 mg/L, 1The 339 +'s refer to relative amounts of shoot mass. +++ ++ + Table 3-Shoot multiplication with time in fourwing saltbush (83) Suspension medium: 112 MS + BA 0.1 mg/L, GA3 0.1 mg/L, NAA 0.05 mg/L, KN03 450 mg/L Number or subculture Subculture time Plating media (mg/L) 30 0 10 Shoot production h1 days lnterval1 20 30 Ki 0.4, GA3 0.1, BA0.1 40 50 1+ 4+ 9+ 11+ 75+++ 90+++ 129++ 168++ Ki 0.4, GA3 0.1, NAAO.OS BA 0.1, GA3 0.1 NAA 0.05 KN03 450 2 13 Ki 0.4, GA3 0.1 NAA0.05 2+ 17++ 1 Number of shoots followed by (+'s) relative number of shoot buds. latter phase of callus induction, these dominant ploidy levels gradually decreased accompanied by an increase of other ploidy levels, finally giving ri·se to a complete mixploid culture. A higher percentage of octaploid and higher ploidy level in B3 and B 7 culture suggested the occurrence of chromosome doubling through endoreduplication (D'Amato 1977). Genotypes B4 and B6 had maximum diploid chromosomes after 38 days of inoculation, which became dominated by tetraploids after 48 days, suggesting the same process of endoreduplication. Few aneuploid cells were always present in all phases of callus differentiation and were associated with tetraploids, pentaploids, and hexaploids with 1-4 extra chromosomes. The odd-ploidy chromosome numbers (triploid, pentaploid, heptaploid) were found to be of common occurrence in fourwing saltbush tissue culture. These usually appear from nuclear fusion (D'Amato 1985) and tripolar spindle formation; the latter was observed in this study. The occurrence of a wide range of ploidy level, especially in the early phase of callus induction (28 days), might be partly due to the preexisting cell condition in the explant and partly due to the result of nuclear processes such as endoreduplication and nuclear fragmentation occurring at the time of callus induction. Naturally occurring polyploid populations of fourwing saltbush have been reported from sand dunes in central Utah (2n = 18), New Mexico and western Texas (2n = 36, 54), and the Mojave desert (12 ploid) (Stutz and Sanderson 1979; Dunford 1984). Our genotypes have been collected from different localities of New Mexico and Texas. Thus, this investigation concludes that subculture time can be different in genotypes of the same species and long-term callus condition can sometimes reestablish the original ploidy level and may help in the regeneration by gradual elimination of other polyploids and aneuploids. Genotype B7 had maximum hexaploids again after 48 days and much fewer >octaploids and no aneuploids. SHOOT ELONGATION The only medium that successfully elongated the shoots to a maximum height of 1.2 to 1.5 em is 112-strength MS with Ki 0.25 mg/L, BA 0.1 mg/L, GAa 0.1 mg/L, and KN0 3 450 mg!L, NH 4N03 400 mg/L. To facilitate high rate of shoot production and multiplication, 112-strength MS media containing GAa and cytokinin are essential. Our study provides a double pathway for shoot production and the rooting of these shoots; further establishment on soil can be achieved with time and effort. Further research will be focused on these aspects of Atriplex micropropagation. PLOIDY LEVEL IN CALLUS INDUCTION MEDIUM The ploidy levels offourwing saltbush genotypes selected for regeneration studies were evaluated in the callus induction medium (MS + 2,4-D 0.5 mg/L, Ki 0.25 mg!L) with a purpose of establishing an optimum period for subculture and successful plant production. Chromosomal changes often occur in plant cells grown in vitro (D'Amato 1977, 1978), and this chromosomal analysis of cultured plant tissues is an essential requirement in the in vitro regeneration study of any plant species. Leaf explants induced callus proliferation within 25-28 days and cells were sal}lpled after 28, 38, and 48 days of inoculation for chromosome analyses. Among the five different genotypes, B4 and B6 were found to be diploids (2n = 18), B3 and B5 were tetraploids (2n = 4x = 36), and B7 was probably a hexaploid variety. The early phase of callus induction was already influenced by a wide range of polyploid levels (fig. 2) in all the genotypes. B3 and B5 were both dominated by tetraploids (4x = 11.8 and 7.7 percent, respectively), B4 and B6 by diploids (6.2 and 4.9 percent, respectively), and B7 by hexaploids (4.3 percent) and tetraploids (3.7 percent). In the 340 Genotype 83 Genotype 84 I Ploidy ._..,.I ISSJ ~ 38 aays 1ZZJ .o~e aaya Ploidy ISS! :18 aaya Genotype 85 Genotype 86 Ploidy LAvel ISSI 1ZZJ 38 aays Ploidy LAvel ISS! :18 aaya Genotype 87 ~ 5 l ~ ~I 38 aaya "' ~ ~ ~ ~ L .1 Plofdy LAvel 38 daya !SSI ~ .o~e oays; Figure 2-Pioidy levels in various genotypes over time. The horizontal axis lists ploidy levels of 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, 7x, Bx, and Bx+ as x2, x3, ... x8+, respectively. 341 38 aaya ~ "'' aaya ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Newton, R. J.; Puryear, J.D.; Goodin, J. R.; Magar, D. L. 1982. Biomass from unconventional sources in semiarid west Texas. In: Klass, D., ed. Energy from biomass and waste. VI. Chicago: Institute of Gas Technology: 167-219. Noh, E. W.; Minocha, S.C. 1986. High efficiency shoot regeneration from callus of quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx). Plant Cell Reports. 5:464-467. Northington, D. K.; Goodin, J. R.; Wangberg, J.D. 1979. Atriplex canescens as a potential forage crop introduction into the middle east. In: Goodin, J. R.; Northington, D. K., eds. Arid land plant resources. Lubbock, TX: Texas Tech University; International Center for Arid and Semi-arid Land Studies: 425-429. Ripley, K. P.; Preece, J. E. 1986. Micropropagation Euphorbia lathyris L. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture. 5(3): 213-218. Stutz, H. C.; Melby, J. M.; Lingston, G. K. 1975. Evolutionary studies of Atriplex: a relic gigas diploid population of Atriplex canescens. American Journal of Botany. 62(3): 236-245. Stutz, H. C.; Sanderson, H. C. 1979. The role of polyploidy in the evolution of Atriplex canescens in arid land and plant resources. In: Goodin, J. R.; Northington, D. K., eds. Lubbock, TX: Texas Tech University; International Center for Arid and Semi-arid Land Studies: 615-621. Wochok, C. S.; Sluir, C. J. 1980. Gibberellic acid promotes Atriplex shoot multiplication and elongation. Plant Science Letters. 17: 363-369. Zens, A.; Zimmer, K. [In press]. Untersuchungen zur in vitro-Vermehrung von Anthurium scherzenrianum Gartenbauwissenschaft. This research was supported by a grant from the Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, "New Biotechnologies for the Propagation of Elite Biotypes ofWoody Plants." REFERENCES Christianson, M. L.; Warnick, D. A. 1985. Temporal requirement for phytohormone balance in the control of organogenesis in vitro. Developmental Biology. 112: 494-497. D'Amato, F. 1977. Cytogenetics of differentiation in tissue and cell cultures. In: Reinert, J.; Bajaj, Y. P. S., eds. Applied and fundamental aspects of plant cell, tissue and organ culture. New York: Springer-Verlag: 343-357. D'Amato, F. 1978. Chromosome number variation in cultured cells and regenerated plants. In: Frontier of plant tissue culture: Proceedings of the 4th international congress of plant tissue and cell culture. Calgary, AB: University of Calgary: 287-295. D'Amato, F. 1985. 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