EFFECTS OF BROWSING ON GROWTH AND REPRODUCTIVE OUTPUTOFENGORDACABRA IN NORTH-CENTRAL MEXICO A. Romero-Manzanares E. Garcia-Moya ABSTRACT Extensive grazing of rangelands in central and northern Mexico began after the Spanish conquest with the introduction of livestock and the establishment oflarge land holdings. The Agrarian Reform, which arose in 1910-17, brought about increased range deterioration, mainly due to lack of experience in range management (HernandezXolocotzi and Ramos-Sanchez 1987; Trevino-Fernandez 1980; Jameson and others 1984; LaBaume and Dahl 1986). At the present time, the rangelands are overgrazed to the point that their capacity to produce goods and services needed by an increasing population is at stake. Few species are as important as a forage resource under these conditions as the shrubby legume engordacabra (Dalea bicolor Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.). Engordacabra ("goat-fattener") was selected for study because of its wide geographic distribution (Barneby 1977) (fig. 1). Herbarium specimens show that the species is present in 21 Mexican states. It is found in grasslands, microphyll shrublands, mesquite shrublands, pinyon pine woodlands, oak woodlands, submontane shrublands, pine forests, and in low deciduous rain forests. It also occurs in areas highly modified by human activities, such as fencerows, abandoned farmlands, and forest sites disturbed by logging and grazing (Barneby 1977; Romero-Manzanares 1982). Engordacabra is very palatable for ungulates, which roam freely on rangelands. Mean consumption rate per plant varies from 17 to 38 percent on ranges in good to poor condition. Winter and spring represent the periods of maximum foraging (50 to 75 percent use), while summer and autumn foraging rates are reduced (0-25 percent use) due to availability of other forage during these periods (Romero-Manzanares 1987). These results contradict Luna and others ( 1988), who used fistula ted animals and concluded that engordacabra was consumed heavily in summer-fall and only minimally during the winter-spring period. Engordacabra is highly nutritious, with mean nutrient levels on a par with alfalfa, though it does contain slightly more crude fiber (table 1). In the present investigation, we examined the effects of browsing intensity on the vegetative growth of engordacabra at different seasons and on its reproductive output. We hypothesized that browsing would have an effect on resource allocation and growth that would vary seasonally and as a function of intensity. We hoped to be able to use the information obtained to define a management system for this plant which would permit its utilization on a sustained basis. Engordacabra (Dalea bicolor: Fabaceae) is a shrubby legume browsed by livestock in central and northern Mexico. This study of the effect of variation in browsing intensity on population structure and on growth and reproductive variables showed that the species tolerates moderate browsing by shifting its resources from reproduction to vegetative growth, but that it cannot tolerate excessive browsing. The species behaves as an increaser on native ranges. Recruitment from seed was limited even under protection from browsing. The plants provide forage year round. INTRODUCTION Shrublands are plant communities characterized by a shrub canopy, often over a grass understory. The shrublands arose after the grasslands as a consequence of climatic changes during the Pliocene and Pleistocene, at least in some areas of the Chihuahuan Desert (Martin and Harrell 1957). Other causes of their origin include tectonic events, erosion, and human activities (Axelrod 1978; Rzedowski 1978). The shrublands of Mexico are one ofits most extensive plant resources and occupy approximately a million square kilometers, over 50 percent of its area. The Sonoran and Chihuahuan Deserts account for about 650,000 square kilometers, while the remaining area is made up of other types of temperate and tropical shrublands. Flores-Mata and others (1971) classify Mexican shrublands into seven types differing in areal extent: microphyll shrublands (20. 7 percent), succulent shrublands (6.6 percent), rosette plant shrublands (1.3 percent), mesquite shrublands (6.2 percent), submontane shrublands (0.9 percent), chaparral (1.8 percent), and low deciduous rain forest (16.0 percent). Shrublands are characterized by low productivity and consequently by a low carrying capacity, even for areas in good condition (COTECOCA 1973, 1974). In most cases this is due to limiting environmental conditions such as precipitation, temperature, salinity, and soil fertility. Paper presented at the Symposiwn on Cheatgrass Invasion, Shrub DieOff, and Other Aspects of Shrub Ecology and Management, Las Vegas, NV, April 5-7, 1989. A. Romero-Manzanares is Investigador Docente and E. Garcfa-Moya is Profesor lnvestigador Titular, Centro de Botanica, Colegio de Postgraduados, Chapingo, Mexico 56230. 317 This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. Figure 1-Geographic distribution of engordacabra (Dalea bicolor) in Mexico. The three study sites have similar semiarid climates (fig. 3). Mean annual temperatures average approximately 16 °C with little month-to-month variation. Most precipitation occurs in summer. The year of study was slightly above average in precipitation. The principal class of browsing livestock in the area is goats. Horses and cattle also use the area but their numbers are limited, as is their use of shrubs for forage. The three site conditions corresponded to three levels of browsing intensity. Browsed and unbrowsed plants were used to calculate browsing intensity according to a modified McNaughton's equation (McNaughton 1979). According to this equation, BI = 1 - glng, where BI = browsing intensity, g =biomass produced with browsing, and ng =biomass produced without browsing (in an exclosure at each site). We used forage volume as an estimate of biomass. Using this equation with unbrowsed plants at the average site (El Palmar) as a reference point (0 percent use, no browsing), browsing intensities were calculated at 17 percent (light browsing) at El Palmar, 71 percent (moderate browsing) at Palma Pegada, and 91 percent (heavy browsing) at Trancoso. Sampling was carried out each season at each study site (browsing intensity). Vegetative growth variables were evaluated four times during the year at each locality, while reproductive output variables were evaluated once, at the appropriate season. Data from unbrowsed treatments (exclosures) were collected at the El Palmar and Palma Pegada sites. At El Palmar the exclosure had been in place for 5 years at study initiation, while the exclosure at Palma Pegada had been in place for 6 months. No exclosure treatment was possible at Trancoso. Vegetative growth variables included shape and size (height in centimeters) of 1,000 randomly chosen individuals, forage volume and number of limbs at the base Table 1-A comparison of forage composition (percent) of engordacabra and alfalfa 1 Component Engordacabra Alfalfa Crude protein (N x 6.25) Crude fiber Fat (NFE) carbohydrates Ash Calcium Phosphorus 14.56 40.71 4.14 32.95 7.64 15.44 27.21 2.94 41.95 1.81 1.73 .29 .63 8.82 1 Sources: Betancourt-Galan (1967), DeAlba (1971). STUDY AREAS AND METHODS Three field sites were selected for this study (fig. 2). The first, El Palmar (Villa de Arriaga Municipality, San Luis Potosf), was chosen to represent a site in average condition (56 percent desirable species). Palma Pegada (Salinas Municipality, San Luis Potosf) represented a site in poor condition (23 percent desirable species), while Trancoso (Guadalupe Municipality, Zacatecas) was selected to represent a site in very poor condition (0 percent desirable species). Each study site is located at an elevation of2 150m on semiarid alluvial plains of igneous origin. The' soils are Aridisols, and the vegetation consists of a mixed shrubland of thorny and succulent species interspersed with patches of yucca. Characteristic species include Opuntia streptacantha, 0. leucotricha, 0. robusta, 0. cochinera, 0. rastrera, Yucca decipiens, Acacia schaffneri, Mimosa biuncifera, Dalea bicolor, Agave salmiana ssp. crassispina, Bouteloua gracilis, B. curtipendula, and Leptochloa dubia. 318 of the shoots of 200 adult plants, and relative growth rate (using length of current growth for each season) for five apical branches of each of 100 individuals. Relative growth rate was calculated as [log (final length) -log (initial length)]ldays between measurements (Grimes and Hunt 1975). Reproductive output components included number of inflorescences/plant for 200 individuals, number of flowers/ inflorescence for 200 inflorescences of each of 10 individuals, number of filled and aborted podslinfructescence for 200 infructescences on each of 10 individuals, and germination capacity of 50 scarified seeds. Reproductive potential/plant was obtained through the following equation: mean filled podslinfructescence x mean inflorescences/ plant x germinative capacity (percent viable seeds). Each so 0 100 EL PALMAR t40 a:: 80 JO 60 1:!:! ~ 20 40 ~..... a. ~ 0 ~ ::E z 20 0 J F M A M J J A s 0 100 PALMA PEGADA ao S' e z 0 30 60 ~ :::::E 10 0 ......o-o 0/ o, o-o 40 0 ll. !:i 20 ~ 0 0 J F M A M J J A s 0 0 N D 60 120 TRANCOSO 100 S' ~..... 40 80 0 :::::E 30 60 ll. ~ 20 40 ll. :::::& 10 20 a. 1:!:! ~ ~ ::E e z ~ t::: 0 LLJ a:: 0 ~ ~0 ::E 0 J F M A M J J A s 0 0 Figure 3-Ciimagrams for weather stations at or near the study sites: El Palmar (Villa de Arriaga Station, 24-003), Palma Pegada (La Tepocata Station, 24-036), Trancoso (Trancoso Station, 32-036). 319 LLJ a:: ::E 0 ~so ..... a:: Figure 2-Photographs of the study sites: A, El Palmar, Villa de Arriaga, San luis Potosf; B, Palma Pegada, Salinas, San luis Potosf; C, Trancoso, Guadalupe, Zacatecas. ~ t::: a. ~ 20 ~ ~0 D F; 0 a:: a. 0 N a:: :::::E 0 ..... ::E E ..... 40 ffia. ~ ~ t::: a. ~ 10 so c ::E 0 :::::E ::E -e N D engordacabra pod produces a maximum of a single seed, so that the equation yields an estimate of the number of seeds produced per plant. Seedling emergence and survival both within and outside exclosures at each site were followed from August through February on ten 1-m2 plots. Population size distributions for each treatment were graphed from the plant height data. Data on height distribution for each study site, browsing treatment, and season were examined using univariate analysis to characterize the shape of the frequency distributions, which were also examined graphically. Departures from normality (skewness and kurtosis) were evaluated using the statistical procedures described by Naylor (1976). The height data were also subjected to analysis of variance and to linear regression analysis. Seed-yield data were subjected to nonparametric analysis (U MannWhitney Test). HERBIVORY RATE There was a positive relationship between stocking rate for each area (as determined by discussion with local users) and calculated browsing intensity. For the year of study, stocking rates of 0.00 AU/ha/yr (exclusion), 0.26 AU/ha/yr (El Palmar), 0.63 AU/ha/yr (Palma Pegada), and 0.82 AU/ha/yr (Trancoso) corresponded to browsing intensities of 0, 17, 71, and 91 percent, respectively. Forage production expressed as forage volume showed a corresponding tenfold decrease with an increase in animal numbers. The areas studied, even the one with relatively light browsing, are overutilized, if we consider that COTE COCA (1973, 1980) recommends a stocking rate of 10 halAU/yr for ranges in good condition in this geographic area. PLANT SIZE AND POPULATION SIZE STRUCTURE A significant amount of the variation in plant size (height in em) was accounted for by the effects of range condition (browsing intensity) and season of sampling. This was true both for unbrowsed (exclosure) plots (F2,7997 = 251.65, p < 0.0001) and for browsed plots (F211 997 = 549.18, p < 0.0001). Mean plant height with browsirig'at light and medium intensity was similar, while heavy browsing (Trancoso) reduced height to a mean value less than half of values at light to medium intensity (table 2). Height recovery in exclosures was more marked at light intensity (El Palmar) than at medium intensity (Palma Pegada), possibly because of the longer period of exclusion. Plant height also varied as a function of season of sampling (table 2, fig. 4). At the light-intensity (El Palmar) Table 2-Univariate analysis for height (em); n = 1,000 for each site, season, and browsing treatment. Deviations from normal distribution are significant (p < 0.0001) in each case Treatment Mean Variance Minimum Maximum Skewness Kurtosis El Palmar Browsed Spring Summer Autumn Winter Exclosure Spring Summer Autumn Winter 63.6 47.7 70.5 84.6 39.8 38.4 42.2 38.6 62.6 80.6 59.8 45.7 2.0 .5 .8 8.2 315.0 200.0 260.0 250.0 1.06 .72 1.03 .72 1.87 .21 1.31 .58 92.4 76.3 90.4 101.9 36.2 43.8 39.4 33.7 39.2 57.4 43.6 33.1 8.6 .8 1.7 .8 213.0 300.0 242.0 240.0 .41 .16 .32 .60 -.13 .09 .50 .67 70.2 59.8 81.3 75.6 28.5 37.9 28.7 28.2 40.6 63.4 35.3 37.3 2.5 1.1 21.1 4.7 210.0 206.7 227.0 245.3 1.34 .23 .99 1.26 3.89 -.16 1.76 3.10 70.8 54.5 94.1 94.9 48.8 44.1 33.1 40.2 69.0 80.9 35.1 42.4 2.0 .9 16.6 26.7 228.1 244.0 221.4 255.0 1.80 .79 1.02 1.33 .10 .47 1.23 1.78 24.6 32.6 37.9 30.9 20.1 21.7 22.4 19.3 81.8 66.5 59.1 62.5 .1 .2 .1 1.2 218.0 173.3 206.5 111.5 2.35 1.67 1.45 .97 11.31 4.98 5.62 .84 Palma Pegada Browsed Spring ·Summer Autumn Winter Ex closure Spring Summer Autumn Winter Trancoso Browsed Spring Summer Autumn Winter 320 30 (/) ~ El PALMAR SPRING 30 (/) ~ EL PAL.UAR SUMMER 30 (/) ::J. 20 ::i. 20 LL.. 15 LL.. 15 a.. a.. a.. ::J. 20 ::J. 20 LL.. 0 g 15 LL.. 0 0 1>.1 1>.1 1>.1 !Z 1>.1 1>.1 ~ ~ ~ 10 ~ 10 0 0 a:: 5 a:: a.. 25 (/) § 25 g 15 :c! b ... LL.. 0 !Z 1>.1 0 5 20 (/) ~ 0 HEIGHT CLASS (10 CU lllfTERVAL) PALMA PEGADA AUTUMN 25 30 (/) § 25 a.. a.. ::J. 20 ::i. ...b g 15 LL.. 0 15 LL.. 0 1>.1 1>.1 1>.1 1>.1 ~ !Z 1>.1 !Z 1>.1 1>.1 ~ 10 1>.1 0 a:: 5 1>.1 ~ 10 0 ffi 30 30 ~ 25 ~ 25 a.. LL.. 0 20 15 1>.1 ~ 10 !Z 1>.1 0 ffi 5 ::J. .... 20 LL.. 15 ~ 0 1>.1 ~ 10 ~ 25 ::J. ~ WINTER 25 a.. 20 ::J. 20 ...b 15 LL.. ...b 15 1>.1 1>.1 0 a 10 ~ 0 5 ffi a.. 0 30 AUTUMN a.. !Z 1>.1 0 a:: 0 HEIGHT CLASS {1 0 CM INTERVAL) 30 1>.1 a.. a.. (/) a.. 15 5 a:: 1>.1 5 0 SUMMER 20 0 a.. 0 ::J. a:: 5 LL.. 0 ~ 10 ~ 0 a:: 5 1>.1 a.. a.. 0 PALMA PEGADA WINTER ~ 1>.1 0 ...b 0 5 HEIGHT ClASS {10 CM INTERVAL) ~ 10 ~ 10 a.. a.. 5 ffi a.. 30 SUMMER a.. a.. ::J. 20 ~ 10 10 0 30 SPRING 0 1>.1 a.. 0 30 (/) 0 a:: 13 ... 1>.1 a.. 0 LL.. 0 5 1>.1 1>.1 ~ ~ EL PALMAR WINlER 25 a.. g 15 30 (/) ~ ~ ...b AUTUMN 25 25 25 EL PALMAR 0 0 Figure 4-Height-class frequency distributions for each study site on spring, summer, autumn, and winter sampiing dates. Crosshatched bars = browsed treatment; open bars = exclosure treatment. N = 1,000 individuals for each site, season, and treatment. and medium-intensity (Palma Pegada) sites, there was a decrease in mean plant height from spring to summer sampling dates, followed by a recovery from summer to fall and a leveling-off from fall to winter. This pattern was observed both in browsed and exclosure treatments and was largely due to an influx of seedlings into the population in response to summer rains (fig. 4). At the heavily browsed site (Trancoso), mean plant height increased from spring through fall and decreased from fall to winter. Population structure for engordacabra presented positive skewness (asymmetry with tail toward right) and leptakurtosis (peakedness) with or without browsing at any season, but the size frequency distribution in exclosed areas tended more toward a normal distribution (table 2, fig. 4). This response to herbivory is similar to that of the grass Schizachyrium scoparium (Butler and Briske 1988). Plant height-frequency distributions were more strongly right-skewed in browsed than in exclosure treatments especially at El Palmar, where plants had had 5 years torespond to exclosure (table 2, fig. 4). In browsed treatments, both right-skewness and the tendency to leptokurtic distributions increased with an increase in browsing intensity. Right-skewed size distributions may be caused by differential growth responses of individuals in different age classes, or as a consequence of competitive interactions resulting in large numbers of suppressed individuals (Weiner and Solbrig 1984; Schmidt and others 1987). In the best scenario, such distributions suggest continual regeneration through recruitment of individuals into seedling and juvenile size classes. In the present case, overrepresentation of small size classes may be as much a consequence of excessive browsing of adult plants as it is of the age distribution ofthe population. PLANT SHAPE Browsing intensity affected the shape of plants. Plants acquired a conical shape when protected from browsing in exclosures, while heavily browsed plants adopted irregular shapes as well as suffering a decrease in forage volume and height. The number of limbs emerging at the soil surface was greater in plants subjected to heavy browsing. A geometric progression of one, two, four, and eight limbs observed at the base of the shoot corresponded to 0, 17, 71, 321 and 91 percent browsing rates. This is probably due to loss of apical dominance, a direct effect of loss of the apical meristem, or possibly due to indirect photomorphogenic effects that are a consequence of reduced cover (Butler and Briske 1988). Meijden and others 1988). The quick response to protection further supports the idea that engordacabra is browsing tolerant and is an increaser species on these ranges. RELATIVE GROWTH RATE Both exclosure and browsing intensity had a significant effect on reproductive output of engordacabra (table 4). Number of flowers/inflorescence and number of inflorescences/plant were significantly affected by browsing treatment (U Mann-Whitney approximate to normal with correction for ties in seven combinations, p > 0.0001). Mean number of inflorescences/plant was dramatically reduced with increased browsing intensity in the browse treatments, and browsed plants had fewer inflorescences than exclosure plants at both light and medium intensities. Number of flowers/inflorescence was less sensitive to treatment and showed a notable reduction only at the highest browsing intensity. Seed-set percentages were directly related to browsing intensity, with the light-intensity treatment showing the lowest fill (19 percent) and the high browsing intensity treatment showing the highest fill (89 percent) (table 4). Seed set was similar for exclosure and browsed plants at both light- and medium-browsing intensity. Seed quality measured as germinative capacity of scarified seeds was also directly related to browsing intensity, varying from 75 percent for the light-intensity browsing treatment to 100 percent for the heavy-intensity treatment. Exclosure had little effect on seed quality. Reproductive potential expressed as viable seeds/plant is the product of the reproductive components discussed above. It was higher by a factor of almost 200 for exclosure plants at the light-intensity site than for browsed plants at the heavy-intensity site (table 4). This is true in spite of the fact that individual flowers at the heavily browsed site were much more likely to produce a viable seed. The tremendous increase in number of inflorescences/plant with each decrease in browsing intensity was able to compensate for lower seed set and lower seed quality many times over. It appears that the ability of engordacabra to show a compensatory growth response when browsed depends on its ability to shift limited resources from reproductive activity to vegetative growth. Heavily browsed populations sacrifice the ability to increase population size through seedling recruitment in order to tolerate excessive browsing. Rodriguez and Welch (1989) have reported a drastic reduction in seed output as a response to heavy browsing in big sagebrush. They postulate that this could be one factor responsible for lack of recruitment on the native site. Theory on resource allocation predicts an inverse relationship between productivity and reserves for reproductive structures, which may explain why more browsing is conducive to a smaller reproductive potential, and why the option of resistance for survival at high browsing intensity must be bought at the expense of reproduction (Watson 1984; Watson and Casper 1984). REPRODUCTIVE POTENTIAL Relative growth rate (RGR) of browsed engordacabra is maximum and positive in spring-summer and negative in summer-fall and fall-winter, whereas unbrowsed plants maintain a positive RGR year-round (table 3). A net positive mean annual relative growth rate was maintained at light and medium browsing intensities, but growth during critical periods hardly compensated for browsing. At heavy browsing intensity an annual net negative growth rate or loss was observed. The mean annual RGR was much higher for plants in the exclosure treatment than for browsed plants at both light and medium browsing intensities, and exclosure values were similar at the two sites. In the browsing treatment, mean annual RGR was somewhat higher at medium than at light intensity. Grime and Hunt (1975) describe the range ofRGR for legumes as between 0.041 and 0.214/day, which is similar to values for engordacabra but low in comparison with other angiosperms. They characterize species with low potential RGR as classic restriction-tolerant species, tolerant of external limiting factors that consistently limit their productivity. A similar relationship between resource availability and RGR has been suggested by Coley (1983) and Coley and others (1985), who postulate that habitat quality is the most important selective force in the evolution of plant antiherbivore defense systems, because ofits influence on growth rate. In the present study, we have seen that reduction in browsing intensity favors the growth of engordacabra. Exclusion of browsing animals allows regeneration of individual plant biomass. However, extended periods of protection from browsing may not be necessary for sustained productivity. At moderate browsing intensity, compensatory growth mechanisms resulted in a positive net annual RGR. Such compensatory growth is often observed in response to herbivory (MeN aughton 1979, 1983, 1986; Table 3-Relative growth rates (per day) for apical limbs of engordacabra, by study site, browsing treatment, and season Study site/treatment Spring· summer Summer· autumn Autumn· winter 0.5924 .6849 0.1681 -.6201 0.0989 -.0046 0.2865 .0201 .5118 .5272 .2452 -.0050 .0639 -.3143 .2736 .0693 .1100 -.1993 -.1594 -.0083 Mean El Palmar Ex closure Browsed Palma Pegada Exclosure Browsed Trance so Browsed 322 Table 4-Mean values for seed yield components for engordacabra by study site and browsing treatment. Pods contain a maximum of one seed Component Inflorescences/plant Flowers/inflorescence Flowers/plant Filled podslinfructescence Filled pods (seeds)/plant Percent filled pods (seed set) Mean seed size (mg) Germinative capacity (percent) Reproductive potential (viable seeds/plant) Studl site/browsing treatment Palma Pegada El Palmar Exclosure Browsed Exclosure Browsed Trancoso Browsed 874.8 44.0 38,447 8.4 7,305 19 1.50 83.2 285.3 46.7 13,315 10.7 3,061 23 1.30 75.0 46.8 48.8 2,285 14.2 663 29 1.37 90.9 26.5 41.6 1,104 13.3 353 32 1.25 90.3 0.4 21.4 7.7 19.0 6.9 89 1.11 100 1,155 520 175 102 6.1 SEEDLING RECRUITMENT ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Most of the engordacabra plants (90-95 percent) on open ranges are adult individuals. Regeneration from seed is limited, in spite of high reproductive potentials observed with light or no browsing. Causes oflow establishment could include seedcoat impermeability, somatic heterochrony, microhabitat quality (safe site availability), competitive interactions, and the effects of environmental uncertainty (for example, variation in weather patterns) on recruitment of seedlings and survival of juveniles. Engordacabra emergence and survival was greater in areas subjected to browsing than in exclosures (p < 0.001 at the moderate-intensity site and p < 0.05 at the lightintensity site), probably due to the presence of more open spaces generated by both grazing and browsing. This work was supported in part by the Consejo N acional de Ciencia y Tecnologfa Project No. PCCECCNA050778. We also wish to thank Susan E. Meyer of the Shrub Sciences Laboratory for her critical review and extensive editing of the manuscript. REFERENCES Axelrod, D. I. 1978. The origin of coastal sage vegetation, Alta and Baja California. American Journal of Botany. 65: 1117-1131. Barneby, R. C. 1977. Dalea imagines. 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Low levels of herbivory favor an increase in fitness (greater RGR), increased reproductive potential, and good establishment of seedlings and juveniles with resultant improvement of population size structure. High rates ofherbivory (utilization beyond the optimum point for maximum productivity) produce detrimental effects such as a precipitous drop in repoductive potential, problems in the establishment of prereproductive individuals, and negative RGR resulting in a downward spiral in productivity and capacity for response. Engordacabra responded favorably to moderate levels of browsing in this study, although it showed increased growth when browsing was excluded. It has the potential for growth all year round. Size frequency distribution was improved and reproductive potential was restored with browsing exclusion, but yearly recruitment of progeny was low at any rate ofherbivory. 323 Consultiva para la Determinacion Regional de los Coeficientes de Agostadero. 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