INDICATOR VALUE OF LICHEN COVER ON DESERT SHRUBS Roger Rosentreter ABSTRACT Europe (Ferry and others 1973). As an epiphyte, this lichen receives nutrients from the air and from the substrate on which it grows. Other species in this genus commonly occur below bird nests or perch sites because of the nitrogen or eutrophication of the environment. Therefore, orange lichen is considered nitrophilous in its habitat selection. Unlike many other lichens, orange lichen reproduces relatively rapidly. It puts much of its energy into asexual reproduction in the form of specialized fragments called soredia. Soredia are coarse, granular, flourlike fragments of lichen containing both algal and fungal components. These reproductive fragments oflichens are dispersed by winds and any physical abrasion. They can colonize substrates within a few years (2-5) (Barkman 1958). Swinscow (1968) correlated substrate stability with lichen colonization rates. Although lichens may rapidly become established and play pioneering roles in succession, tree bark colonization by lichens was relatively slow (Barkman 1958). An older tree has had more time to be colonized by lichens and generally has a higher lichen cover (Barkman 1958). Other factors such as canopy cover or bark sloughing may, however, actually result in a decrease in lichen cover in older age-class trees (Culberson 1955; McCune 1979). Desert shrubs are useful indicators of ecological site conditions and potential biomass productivity. Sagebrush (subgenus Tridentatae of Artemisia) is used to illustrate many of the ecological relationships involved with desert shrubs and their resulting lichen cover. Subspecies of big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) are ideal for this because they cover thousands of square miles of rangeland in the western United States and their habitat selection reflects the soil's depth, structure, drainage, chemistry, moisture, and temperature (Fosberg and Hironaka 1964; Barker and McKell 1983). In addition, it was found that the amount oflichen cover on each subspecies of sagebrush may indicate the site's productivity and history to a greater degree and with a finer resolution than merely the subspecies of sagebrush alone. Sagebrush typically has shredded bark, a result of weak phloem cells (Diettert 1938), and therefore does not provide a stable substrate for lichen colonization. Diettert (1938) reported that eccentric (asymmetrical) growth of the stem could cause some portions to grow more slowly and some parts may die. Consequently, the rate of bark expansion can vary. A centric stem, in contrast to an eccentric one, would shed its bark more frequently on all sides, resulting in a less stable substrate. A young eccentric shrub may have a section of dead cambium, which provides a stable substrate for lichen growth similar to that on older shrubs. Thus, the stem growth pattern relates to the bark's stability. Ecological factors affecting the amount of lichen cover on desert shrubs are discussed. Canopy density, shrub growth rate, bark stability, pH, and ecological sites are correlated with the amount of lichen cover on shrubs. Knowledge of these relationships can indicate site characteristics useful in interpreting and managing shrub sites. Common lichen species growing on desert shrubs are briefly discussed. Anthropogenic and shrub dieoff effects that increase lichen cover densities are explained. The big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) complex in southern Idaho is used to illustrate many of the ecological relationships involved with shrubs and their resulting lichen cover. INTRODUCTION The orange lichen (Xanthoria fallax [Hepp] Am.) commonly occurs on sagebrush and other shrubs in the arid steppes of western North America. This common lichen occurs in many other parts of the world. It is prevalent throughout the Great Basin on many desert shrubs. In the arid climate of Zion National Park in Utah, it was the third most dominant lichen on trees (Rushforth 1982). Some shrubs commonly occupied by orange lichen are greasewood, juniper, sagebrush, and several types of rabbi thrush. Physiological adaptations of this orange lichen to dry sites have been studied by Kershaw (1972). He demonstrated that orange lichen could maintain higher photosynthetic rates at a lower moisture content than many other lichen species. Variation in pigment concentrations and algal cell numbers may allow it to grow in both sun and shade habitats (Peard 1983). Leblanc and DeSloover (1970) found orange lichen to be the dominant lichen on isolated deciduous trees around Montreal, Canada, and it appeared to be the species most capable of adapting to dry, exposed habitats. In Europe, orange lichen is known to occur in the lichen association called Xanthorian (Ferry and others 1973). This association is best developed along coastal areas, on bird perching rocks, and on trees with bark with relatively high pH values. The eutrophication of the atmosphere in the form of fertilizer dust from farming has extended the range of the orange lichen association in Paper presented at the Symposium on Cheatgrass Invasion, Shrub Die-Off, and Other Aspects of Shrub Biology and Management, Las Vegas, NV, April 5-7, 1989. Roger Rosentreter is the Idaho State Office Botanist for the Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Department of the Interior, 3380 Americana Terrace, Boise, ID 83706. 282 This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. equation ( I a - b I /a + b = stem ratio) compensated for comparisons between various sized shrubs. This stem ratio was used as an index of the bark's relative stability. Soil type was determined for 38 of the transects from a profile obtained by digging a soil pit in the shrub stand. The soil pit descriptions are on file with the Idaho branch of the Soil Conservation Service, Boise, ID (Owyhee County Survey in preparation). Soil types by moisture were rated as either aridic (drier) or xeric. The big sagebrush complex consists primarily of the three common subspecies, basin, Wyoming, and mountain big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata ssp. tridentata, ssp. wyomingensis, and ssp. vaseyana, respectively). The three subspecies are found in areas having different moisture regimes (Fosberg and Hironaka 1964; Winward 1970). Basin big sagebrush occurs on relatively deep, well-drained soils, Wyoming big sagebrush on warmer and often drier sites with shallower, sometimes slightly saline soils, and mountain big sagebrush in areas of higher moisture and lower temperatures. Paired Transects In 34 cases, the basic transect was paired with a basic transect in another nearby stand. These pairs were used to compare the influences of slope, taxon, or live vs. dead shrubs on the amount of lichen cover. Data were collected the same as above. STUDY AREA The study area was limited to Ada, Elmore, and Owyhee Counties in southwestern Idaho. This area has a climate fairly typical of the Great Basin desert with dry, hot summers and moist, cold winters. The area consists of two floristic divisions, one being the Snake River Plain and the other the Owyhee Desert. Both areas are dominated by sagebrush grasslands in the lower elevational positions, while mountain shrubs, western juniper (Juniperus occidentalis), and Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca) dominate at higher elevations. Elevational Transects The influences of precipitation and temperature on lichen cover were evaluated by transects established at regular intervals of increasing elevation. The Mudflat Road and the Bockman Grade, approximately parallel ascending roads on the north side of the Owyhee Mountains, were the elevational transects, with 15 basic transects sampled per elevational transect. Each elevational transect began at 3,500 ft and continued up to 5, 700 ft, encompassing the distributional range of all three big sagebrush subspecies. Basic transects were done at elevationa} changes of approximately 150 feet. Voucher specimens were collected of the lichens encountered, as well as one big sagebrush specimen per transect. These were deposited in the University of Montana Herbarium (MONTU). Leaves from the voucher specimens were chemically analyzed to verify the field identifications. Other epiphytic lichens encountered on sagebrush are listed by subspecies in Appendix A. Nomenclature of lichens follows Egan (1987). METHODS Basic Transect Sampling Homogeneous shrub stands varied in size from 10 square meters to several square hectares. Decadent stands and areas of heavy disturbance were avoided in sampling. A total of 186 basic transects were sampled. The basic line transect within a stand was composed of the first 15 mature shrubs encountered along a random compass bearing. The location, date, elevation, taxon, shrub age, stem growth pattern, soil type, percent shrub cover, and lichen cover value per shrub were recorded for each transect. Lichen cover values on shrubs were estimated using a scale of 0-4, similar to Esseen's (1981) study of epiphytic lichens on trees in Sweden. Lichen cover values were rated as: Cover value Onone 1 sparse 2 moderate 3 rich 4 dense Data Analysis Independent variables were of two types: one continuous and the other discrete. Some environmental variables were continuous, such as elevation, stem growth pattern, and age. Other variables were discrete, or at least collected as discrete data, such as soil type, slope, and taxon. These variables were correlated against the dependent variable lichen cover using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Percent cover 0 0-0.5 0.5-5 5-20 20-100 Only the foliose orange lichen was considered in the lichen cover rating. Other incidental foliose and crustose lichens were not rated. Shrubs lacking bark were not sampled. Shrub age was determined by cutting at the base three of the 15 shrubs in a transect, then counting the annual rings by wetting the cross section, and using a lOx hand lens for improved visibility of the rings (Ferguson 1964). The stem growth pattern was sampled by tracing outlines of the cross sections and marking the initial point of growth onto the data sheet. The longest and shortest radii of each stem were measured to determine a stem growth ratio. If a = the shortest radius and b =the longest radius then the RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Lichen cover differed strongly among the respective big sagebrush subspecies (fig. 1). Wyoming big sagebrush had the highest lichen cover, followed by basin and then mountain big sagebrush. Lichen cover was significantly greater on dead than living shrubs of basin and mountain big sagebrush subspecies at the paired sites (table 1). In contrast, lichen cover was similar on dead and living shrubs of Wyoming big sagebrush (table 1). Both live and 283 Apparently, lichen growth is favored by the wetting/ drying cycles created by an open canopy. When a lichen is dry, both the algal and the fungal components are inactive (Kershaw 1972). Physiologically, lichens need a high moisture content to be photosynthetically active and to have a positive carbon budget (Kershaw 1972). At low thallus moisture content photosynthesis by the algae is inactive, but respiration by the fungi is still high. This results in a net carbon loss. Since lichen thalli are approximately 70 percent fungal hyphae it is advantageous for a lichen to be fully moistened and then quickly dried (Adams and Risser 1971; Lechowicz 1981). Laboratory work on lichens has suggested that frequent wetting and drying cycles were important for maintaining lichen vigor (Ahmadjian 1967; Pearson 1970). A live shrub's relatively closed canopy is disadvantageous for the lichen because it prevents saturation of the lichen during light rain. After heavy precipitation, the closed canopy decreases the air circulation and slows drying. The prolonged moisture condition caused by closed, dense canopies has been shown to decrease the lichen cover on trees (McCune and Antos 1982). A denser shrub canopy reduces humidity fluctuations, thereby encouraging lichen parasitism by fungi (Pearson 1969; Hawksworth 1982). Mountain big sagebrush, with the lowest lichen cover (fig. 1), has a flatter topped, and denser, canopy structure than the other two subspecies (Winward and Tisdale 1977). X w '3 0 ~ 0::: w > 0 u zw ::r: u 2 ::J SUBSPECIES Figure 1-Lichen cover on big sagebrush by subspecies (±1 s.d.). Table 1-Comparison of lichen cover between live and dead big sagebrush shrubs from paired sites N Subspecies Mean S.E. T-value Probability Shrub Age Wyoming live dead 4 4 2.7 2.5 0.31 .46 0.59 0.599 Basin live dead 6 6 .6 1.8 .15 .41 -3.33 .02 .03 .41 -3.91 .01 Mountain live dead 24 24 .02 .64 It is often assumed that an older substrate supports more lichen cover because lichens are slow to colonize and grow. Esseen (1981) reported higher lichen cover and biomass on larger (diameter at breast height, d.b.h.) trees than on smaller trees. Similarly, McCune and Antos (1982) reported increased lichen cover on larger d.b.h. Douglas-fir, but they also found decreased cover on larger d.b.h. grand fir (Abies grandis ). Changes in canopy structure and bark texture were suggested as being responsible for the respective differences in lichen cover. On blackjack oak (Quercus marilandica) the average number of species per size class of tree did not vary significantly for size classes greater than 3.5 ft d.b.h. (Adams and Risser 1971). The bark of blackjack oak becomes less stable with age, and therefore it was less suitable as a substrate for lichen colonization. Sagebrush bark appears to be comparable to the situation with blackjack oak. There was no correlation between lichen cover and shrub age for big sagebrush (fig. 2). Apparently, the bark of actively growing sagebrush falls off with increasing age, counteracting the positive influences of age. dead Wyoming big sagebrush shrubs are favorable for lichen growth, perhaps because they tend to have more open canopies resulting in more frequent wetting and faster drying microhabitats. Wyoming big sagebrush occurs in shallower soils with lower biomass productivity than do the other subspecies. Wyoming big sagebrush does not occur in such dense stands, and its growth habit and branching patterns are more open than those of the other subspecies. A dead sagebrush shrub has an open canopy due to its lack ofleaves and allows greater penetration of moisture and solar radiation and freer air circulation (McCune and Antos 1982). Therefore, dead shrubs may contain effectively drier sites for lichen epiphytes than do live shrubs. 284 Legend !'. X w LCOVER ~9'.!.;>o;!£_n 4- z w I ~~U.:!: 0 ~ Legend (/) _ u ~~U.:!: :J 0:: L.... w 0 > 0 X w u z w I u 0 z 0:: w > 0 u :J 0 I I 20 40 60 0 tiO I I I I 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 YEARS ---ECCENTRIC-> Figure 3-Lichen cover on big sagebrush vs. stem growth ratio. Figure 2-Lichen cover by shrub age for big sagebrush. Stem Growth Pattern The stem growth pattern was recorded as a ratio between the longest and the shortest radii of each shrub's stem growth from the point of initial growth. This ratio reflects the relative stability of the bark as a habitat, regardless of the shrub's size (see Methods). The more stable the bark, the more time for lichen colonization and growth to occur. The eccentric stem growth ratio strongly correlated with lichen cover (fig. 3, r 2 = 0. 72). This suggested that nearly 72 percent of the increase in lichen cover could be explained by the stem growth ratio as an indirect measure of habitat stability. The mean ratio of stem eccentricity differed among big sagebrush subspecies (fig. 4, table 2). This may reflect each subspecies' preference for different soil sites (Fosberg and Hironaka 1964), which produced different rates and types of stem growth. The stem growth ratio also strongly correlated to soil moisture types for all subspecies (fig. 5). Drier aridic soils had shrubs with more eccentric stems than the more moist xeric soils. Diettert (1938) suggested that eccentricity may result from mechanical damage, death of flower-bearing branches, or differential growth. Aridic soils are drought stressed more often than xeric soil sites, and it seems possible that drought stress could cause differential cambium death resulting in differential or eccentric growth. Shrub cross sections were measured at the base. Generally, if the base was eccentric then the rest of the shrub had eccentric stem growth. In most shrubs analyzed, the eccentric pattern spiralled up the branch, although in other shrubs the eccentricity varied randomly along the branch. Basin big sagebrush can be found in both soil moisture types and is more sensitive to soil texture and drainage than to the soil moisture content (Fosberg and Hironaka 1964; Winward and Tisdale 1977). The wider range in stem growth ratios (0.05-0.94) for basin big 0.8 1\ .I u a:= I- 0.6 I I I 0.4 z w u u w 0.2 SUBSPECIES Figure 4-Stem growth ratio for big sagebrush subspecies (±1 s.d.). Table 2-Scheffe's method of pairwise comparisons of eccentric stem growth ratio by subspecies of big sagebrush. Significant differences at the 5 percent level are marked by an asterisk Wyoming Wyoming 285 Basin Mountain Mean ratio 0.87 Basin .58 Mountain .17 sagebrush (fig. 6) may reflect its wider range in soil habitat selection. The other two subspecies are not distributed over as wide a range of soil habitats (Winward and Tisdale 1977; Hironaka and others 1983). The stronger correlation (,-2 = 0. 73, fig. 6) between lichen cover and stem growth ratio for basin big sagebrush may be due to this more widely distributed range of this subspecies. This wide range in soil type tolerance and in stem growth ratios of basin big sagebrush may account for the large variation in the lichen cover values found on this subspecies (fig. 1). Lichen cover was strongly correlated to soil moisture type (fig. 7). The previous discussion indicates that soil moisture types influenced the stem growth ratio, which in turn appears to influence the lichen cover. It appears that the drier aridic soils support shrubs with higher eccentric stem growth ratios, resulting in stable bark that can support greater lichen cover. In addition, aridic soil sites often have more bare soil, dust storms, lower humidity, and faster drying rates. These additional factors, though unrelated to the stem growth ratio, may also positively influence lichen cover. 0.8 1\ I ~ cr: r- 0.6 z w u u w I I I 0.4 0.2 0- XERIC ARIDIC SOIL TYPE Figure 5-Stem growth ratio of big sagebrush by soil moisture type (±1 s.d.). t} 4 Cl ?;. cr: w f) 2- A u z ~ ~ "f~ U 2- -----~--;_ "....-::::::~~JA/,4 ---·;;::....;;- 0-~~---------------1 ssp. wyomingensis ssp. tridentata 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.6 ---ECCENTRIC-> ;';'\ Legend 4 0 ~ cr: w > 0 ~u~ssl.:!,n _ u z w ~ 0 ~~;~t~~------ UppPr 957. C.l. ssp.vaseyana LowPr 957. C.l. o.~ o.4 o.6 o.s ---ECCENTRIC-> Figure 6-Lichen cover on big sagebrush subspecies by stem growth ratio. 286 0.8 4- CZI ARIDIC X w 3- 4- ~XERIC X w 0 z 0 ~ 0::: 0::: w > 0 Legend r2 =.40 SOIL TYPE 3- w > 2 (.) z z w w I I :J :::::::; ~ .......... ~ h. 6 _ ~~~ 6 Lower 95?. C.l. ---- .... ~~~~ D. .......... ._,___ 2- " ~.... 6 6 u u ~g':!_s".i2,n !:. !:. . 0 (.) !:. M !:. 1- .. "'6 .. _____ ~6 .. 6 .... ~ "''t>. ·~.. 0-~------------~~------~~~--------~~------~----~ 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 ELEVATION (FEET) Figure 7-Lichen cover on big sagebrush by soil moisture type (±1 s.d.). Figure 8-Lichen cover on big sagebrush relative to elevation. Elevation cover= 2.19 + 2.66 (stem ratio)- 0.00050 (elevation), with an r 2 = 0. 77. Nearly 77 percent of a shrub's lichen cover can be explained by the relative stability of its habitat (stem ratio) and the precipitation and temperature regime (elevational position). These data showed that the relative stability of the shrub bark was more significant in controlling lichen cover than the prevailing moisture and temperature regimes. The above regression equation allows us to predict the amount oflichen cover likely to occur on an individual or stand of big sagebrush (fig. 9). This suggests that conditions favorable for lichen growth are unfavorable for general site productivity of the vascular plants. Therefore, the percentage oflichen cover may indicate productivity by shrubs. Aridic soil sites supporting high lichen cover were at low elevations with low precipitation, producing shrubs with slow eccentric stem growth and open canopies. Xeric soil sites lacking lichen cover occur at high elevations with higher precipitation, producing shrubs with relatively fast-growing centric stems and closed, dense canopies. The amount of orange lichen cover can indicate the site's potential productivity beyond the indicator value of the subspecies of sagebrush. The more orange lichen, the less the potential productivity. Lichen cover can be used to evaluate a given site, a small stand of shrubs, a small patch of shrubs, or even an individual shrub. This bright orange lichen can easily be identified year round, providing an additional diagnostic characteristic for the identification of the subspecies of big sagebrush. Lichen cover reflects long-term environmental conditions rather than an individual year's moisture. Using lichen cover to evaluate sites is easier than many other methods. For example, a site's productivity is more quickly evaluated by looking at the amount of lichen cover on shrubs than it is by digging soil profiles or cutting down shrubs and analyzing the stem growth patterns. Elevational transects were used to infer the influences of temperature and precipitation on lichen cover. Lichen cover on sagebrush decreased with increasing elevation (r 2 = 0.40, fig. 8). This decrease may be attributed to abiotic conditions associated with elevational change, so that elevational position may be a factor controlling the abundance of lichen cover on big sagebrush. A similar lichen species, Xanthoria candelaria, was also found by Adams and Risser (1971) to decrease with increasing precipitation. Lichen cover may decrease with increasing precipitation due to the decreasing frequency and the slower rate of drying. In general, leaf area increases with greater moisture thus creating greater canopy density, which is not favorable for lichen cover. Frequent periods of desiccation are required by Xanthoria (Kershaw 1972). Pearson and Henriksson (1981) reported that lichens in growth chambers became less active or became moldy in the absence of frequent wet/dry cycles. Field studies in Montana forests showed that long durations of high humidity may favor a few lichen species, but these conditions also eliminated many others (McCune and Antos 1982). Orange lichen was more abundant on sagebrush growing in drier sites, as shown by elevational analysis (fig. 8) .. Perhaps this distribution pattern may have been caused by the dual influence of pathological and physiological factors. Mountain big sagebrush is the dominant subspecies at elevations above 5,500 ft in the study area. It had the least lichen cover and the smallest mean stem growth ratio of the three subspecies studied (figs. 1, 4). These two factors, elevation and stem growth pattern, appeared to be complementary and were important parameters controlline the extent oflichen cover on big sagebrush. A multiple regression analysis of these two variables sampled independently provided a prediction equation for lichen cover on big sagebrush. This equation is lichen 287 dramatically if dust and climatic conditions are favorable for lichen colonization and growth. Some people have questioned whether the lichens were responsible for the shrub dieoff. My observations do not support this idea. In contrast, the shrubs died first and the lichen cover densities increased on these dead shrubs secondarily. centric (1) Stem growth Prob = 0.0001 r 2 = 0.72 I No lichen cover I ACKNOWLEDGMENTS high (2) Elevation Prob = 0.0001 r 2 = 0.40 The author thanks Dr. Bruce McCune, Department of General Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis, for his help and insight into quantitative and statistical analysis of ecological relationships. He also thanks Dr. Rick Kelsey of the USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Corvallis; Ann DeBolt of the Boise, Idaho, District, Bureau of Land Management; and Dr. Mason Hale of the Smithsonian Institution for their constructive comments. 1 lichen cover (3) Canopy structure live vs. dead shrubs Prob. = 0.01 T-value = 3.42 open REFERENCES Figure 9-Dependence model of epiphytic lichen cover by stem growth pattern, elevation, and canopy structure for big sagebrush. Adams, D. B.; Risser, P. G. 1971. Some factors influencing the frequency of bark lichens in north central Oklahoma. American Journal of Botany. 58:752-757. Ahmadjian, V. 1967. The lichen symbiosis. Lexington, MA: Ginn and Co. 152 p. Anderson, D. C.; Harper, K. T.; Holmgren, R. C. 1982. Factors influencing development of cryptogamic soil crusts in Utah deserts. Journal of Range Management. 35(2): 180-185. Barker, J. R.; McKell, C. M. 1983. Habitat differences between basin and Wyoming big sagebrush in contiguous populations. Journal of Range Management. 36: 450-454. . Barkman, J. J. 1958. Phytosociology and ecology of cryptogamic epiphytes. Assen, The Netherlands: Van Gorcum and Co. 628 p. Culberson, W. L. 1955. Qualitative and quantitative studies on the distribution of corticolous lichens and bryophytes in Wisconsin. Lloydia. 18(1): 25-36. Diettert, R. A. 1938. The morphology of Artemisia tridentata Nutt. Lloydia. 1: 3-74. Egan, R. S. 1987. A fifth checklist of the lichen-forming lichenicolous and allied fungi of the continental United States and Canada. The Bryologist. 90(2): 77-173. Esseen, P. A. 1981. Host specificity and ecology of epiphytic macrolichens in some central Swedish spruce forests. Wahlenbergia. 7: 73-80. Ferguson, C. W. 1964. Annual rings in big sagebrush. Paper of Lab. of Tree Ring Res. #1. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press. 211 p. Ferry, B. W.; Baddeley, M. S.; Hawksworth, D. L., eds. 1973. Air pollution and lichens. London: Athlone Press. 389p. Fosberg, M. A.; Hironaka, M. 1964. Soil properties affecting the distribution of big and low sagebrush communities in southern Idaho. Amer. Soc. Agron. Spec. Publ. 5: 230-236. Hawksworth, D. L. 1982. Secondary fungi in lichen symbiosis: parasites, saprophytes, and parasymbionts. Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory. 52: 357-366. Lichen Enrichment Epiphytic lichens are not directly influenced by soil mineral conditions because they are not attached to the soil. Dust input was of greater importance than soil to epiphytes (Barkman 1958). Barkman found that Xanthoria species exhibited maximum production in areas high in nitrogen compounds. Murray (1975) conducted a detailed mineral cycling study in southern Idaho on big sagebrush. He considered atmospheric nutrient input to the mineral cycle significant where large dust storms occur two to three times a year. Significant amounts of dry particulate matter from dust storms were deposited in his catch basins. Potassium and nitrogen were deposited in the greatest quantities at sites oflower precipitation. His data suggest that dust storms and modern fertilizing practices may positively influence the distribution of orange lichen. During this study, several areas were found which showed unusually high enrichment of lichen cover on desert shrubs. The apparent cause of this enrichment appears to be related to (1) agricultural fertilizers, (2) agricultural dust, or (3) dust from dirt roads. These anthropogenic factors.. in concert with the other environmental factors addressed in this study, can produce areas of enrichment of orange lichen cover on shrub stands, fenceposts, and other stable substrates in arid western North America. Arid areas with fine, silty soils that experience dust storms periodically will tend to have more Xanthoria lichen cover than will areas with coarse, loamy soils. Shrub Dieoff Shrub stands killed by insects, flooding, drought, or other causes create open shrub canopies with stable bark. Such dead shrub stands will increase their lichen cover 288 Kershaw, K. A. 1972. The relationship between moisture content and net assimilation rate of lichen thalli and its ecological significance. Canadian Journal of Botany. 50: 543-555. LeBlanc, S.C.; DeSloover, J. 1970. Relationship between industrialization and the distribution and growth of epiphytic lichens and mosses in Montreal. Canadian Journal of Botany. 48: 1485-1496. Lechowicz, M. J. 1981. The effects of climatic pattern on lichen productivity: Cetraria cucullata (Bell.) Ach. in the arctic tundra of northern Alaska. Oecologia (Berlin). 50: 210-216. McCune, B. 1979. Comparative ecology of structural groups: compositional patterns in the Swan Valley forests, Montana. Missoula, MT: University of Montana. 94 p. Thesis. McCune, B.; Antos, J. A. 1982. Epiphytic communities of the Swan Valley, Montana. Bryologist. 85(1): 1-12. Murray, R. 1975. Effect of Artemisia tridentata removal on mineral cycling. Pullman, WA: Washington State University. 109 p. Thesis. Peard, J. L. 1980. The ecophysiology of the lichen Xanthoria fallax (Hepp) Arn. growing on trunks of Rocky Mountain junipers near Boulder, Colorado. Boulder, CO: University of Colorado. 96 p. Thesis. Pearson, L. C. 1969. Influence of temperature and humidity on distribution of lichens in a Minnesota bog. Ecology. 50(4): 740-746. Pearson, L. C. 1970. Varying environmental factors to grow intact lichens under laboratory conditions. American Journal of Botany. 57(6): 659-664. Pearson, L. C.; Henriksson, E. 1981. Air pollution damage to cell membranes in lichens. II. Laboratory experiments. Bryologist. 84: 515-520. Rushforth, S. R.; St. Clair, L. L.; Brotherson, J. D.; Nebeker, G. T. 1982. Lichen community in Zion National Park. Bryologist. 85: 185-192. Swinscow, T. D. V. 1968. Pyrenocarpous lichens: 13. Freshwater species of Verrucaria in the British Isles. Lichenologist. 4: 34-54. Winward, A. H. 1970. Taxonomic and ecological relationships of a big sage complex in Idaho. Moscow, ID: University of Idaho. 80 p. Thesis. Winward, A. H.; Tisdale, E. W. 1977. Taxonomy of the Artemisia tridentata complex in Idaho. For., Wildlife and Range Exp. Stn. Bull. 19. Moscow, ID. 15 p. APPENDIX A: EPIPHYTIC LICHEN SPECIES OCCURRING IN SOUTHERN IDAHO ON BIG SAGEBRUSH BY SUBSPECIES wyomingens is Buellia punctata Caloplaca fraudans Candelaria concolor Candelariella rosulans C. vitellina Hypogymnia physodes Lecanora cf. varia Lecanora sp. Lecidea plebeja Lepraria neglecta Letharia vulpina Melanelia exasperatula Melanelia incolorata Physcia dimidiata Physcia sp. Physconia detersa Physconia grisea P. muscigena Rinodina sp. Usnea sp. Xanthoria candelaria X fallax X polycarpa X sorediata X tridentata vaseyana X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 289 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X