C. Riley Nelson
B. Austin Haws
David L. Nelson
document the incidence and distribution of these insects
in the large stands of shadscale found in the Great Basin
and on the Colorado Plateau. Another important objective
of this study was to examine the possible relationship between population levels of several species of Coccoidea and
the dieoff problem.
Results of a survey of the Homopteran fauna associated
with shadscale (Atriplex confertifolia) are reported. Eight
coccoid Homopteran species in eight genera and four
families were found: Coccidae, Ceroplastes irregularis;
Diaspididae, Aonidomytilis incisus; Ortheziidae, Orthezia
annae; Pseudococcidae, Chorizococcus polyporus, Distichlicoccus salinus, Humococcus atriplicis, Phenacoccus
solenopsis, and Puto atriplicis. Root-dwelling forms were
sampled by digging more than 2,000 plants in the Great
Basin of Idaho, Nevada, and Utah as well as the Colorado
Plateau of eastern Utah. Relationships between the presence of coccoids and the health of individual plants and
sites are summarized.
From a general survey of the insects on shadscale
(Haws and others, these proceedings) mealybugs and scale
insects were found most often in the crown and upper root
zone of the plants (fig. 1). In that study, a backhoe was
used to dig a limited number of plants ofshadscale and
fourwing saltbush (Atriplex canescens [Pursh] Nuttall)
plants. No coccoids were encountered more than 15 em
below ground. Careful examination of the aboveground
portions of the plants revealed very few coccoids. Therefore, in this study we concentrated our observations in the
area of the crown and upper roots of the plants. All plants
dug were sacrificed during sampling and therefore were
unavailable for future sampling.
Uniform stands of shadscale near established roads
of the Great Basin and Colorado Plateau were considered
for sampling, and individual sites were chosen after onsite
visits were made. Sites were located, whenever possible, in
stands of known ploidy (Stutz and Sanderson unpublished
data) for future reference and study. Once a sampling site
was chosen, a line for the sampling transect was determined by sighting on a prominent landmark roughly perpendicular to the road. To establish the basal point of the
transect we walked the transect line to a point where impact from the roadway appeared negligible, then paced an
additional5 mas a buffer. At 10 points on the transect,
each separated by 10m, we noted the condition of the
shadscale plant nearest the point and ranked it on a scale
from 0 to 3, a rank of 0 representing a dead plant, a rank
of 1 having 1 to 33 percent of its branches living, 2 having
34 to 66 percent living branches, and 3 having 67 to 100
percent living branches. The conditions of these plants
were used in calculating a Site Condition Index (SCI) by
taking the average of the ranked condition of the 10 plants
along the transect. SCI values thus vary between 0 and 3.
As emphasized throughout this symposium, large tracts
of shadscale (Atriplex confertifolia [Torrey & Fremont])
are dying throughout the Intermountain West. A variety
of causes have been hypothesized for this dieoff, including
plant decline caused by insect damage. During a general
survey of the insects associated with shadscale communities many herbivores were found feeding on shadscale
(Haws and others, these proceedings). Among these
herbivores were large numbers of several species of scale
insects (Homoptera: Superfamily Coccoidea sensu Borror,
Triplehorn, and Johnson 1989).
Since scale insects and mealybugs are important pests
of ornamental shrubs and fruit trees (Little 1972), we
focused our attention toward an indepth survey of coccoid
Homoptera on shadscale. Our prime purpose was to
Paper presented at the Symposium on Cheatgrass Invasion, Shrub DieOff, and Other Aspects of Shrub Biology and Management, Las Vegas, NV,
April 5-7, 1989.
C. Riley Nelson is the Tilton Fellow, Department of Entomology,
California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA
94118. Present address: Brackenridge Field Laboratory and Department
of Zoology, University of Texas, Austin, TX 78712. B. Austin Haws is
Professor Emeritus, Department of Biology, Utah State University, Logan,
UT 84322. David L. Nelson is Research Plant Pathologist, Intermountain
Research Station, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Shrub
Sciences Laboratory, Provo, UT 84606.
This file was created by scanning the printed publication.
Errors identified by the software have been corrected;
however, some errors may remain.
paper bags or Riker mounts. All specimens were labeled
with capture locality data including: State, county, locality, date, collector(s) name, and a unique number (CRN
number). We thank Dr. Raymond J. Gill of the California
Department of Food and Agriculture for generic and specific identifications of coccoids found during this survey.
Voucher specimens are deposited in the Range Insect
Collection of the Department of Biology at Utah State
University and some additional specimens are in Dr. Gill's
Collection Sites
Sampling sites were chosen at localities throughout the
Intermountain West (fig. 2). In the following list of collection sites the first number is the locality number, which
will be cited under the individual taxa in the systematic
section and in the distribution table (table 1) that follow.
The CRN numbers are field notebook numbers taken by
C. R. Nelson (additional information for those sites with
CRN numbers maybe obtained from C. R. Nelson). The
Site Condition Index (SCI) is given in parentheses following the locality and collector data for those sites where it
was calculated. The coccoid fauna associated with each
of these sites can be found under the sytematic treatments
of the individual taxa. Sites from which no coccoids were
found are indicated with an asterisk (*).
1. IDAHO: Cassia Co., 4 mi E of Malta, 26 April1988,
T. Evans, B. A. Haws, & C. R. Nelson, CRN #5159.
1-0rthezia annae on shadscale. Utah, Tooele Co., locality 47.
Scale bar= 10 em.
No SCI taken.
2. IDAHO: Cassia Co., 14 mi SSW Malta, Geothermal
Road, 26 April 1988, T. Evans, B. A. Haws, & C. R.
Nelson, CRN #5160. No SCI taken.
We define incidence to be the percent of plants harboring
coccoids. Incidence can refer to the scale of either within
or between sites.
At each of the 10 points on the transect we dug four
plants and examined them for coccoids. These plants
included one each of conditions 1 through 3 and one juvenile plant (where possible). The plant of each of these
categories nearest the transect point was sampled. The
plant used in calculating the SCI was one of the four
plants dug at each transect point. Plants were judged
to be juvenile if their canopy was less than 15 em, their
crown less than 1 em in diameter, and they bore no evidence of flowers or fruit. All juveniles sampled were of
condition 3. The other three plants taken at the transect
point were all nonjuvenile (by these criteria). Nearly all
juvenile plants were erect with an evenly tapering taproot. The other plants sampled varied from prostrate
to erect with taproots of a variety of configurations.
As each plant was dug, care was taken to gently remove
the soil to minimize dislodging of coccoids. All coccoids
present were identified to family onsite using the family
classification scheme given in Borror and others (1976).
Numbers of each family were then counted separately.
Voucher specimens were preserved for specific identification offsite. Nonsessile forms were placed in vials containing 70 percent ethanol; sessile forms were placed in
. :.. ?!(., ..
••• ••
Figure 2-Distribution of shadscale
for Coccoidea, 1988-89.
sites sampled
Table 1-Distribution of Coccoidea by locality number listed in text. Orth-Orthezia annae, Chor-Chorizococcus poly-
porus, Dist-Distichlicoccus salinus, Humo-Humococcus atriplicis, Phen-Phenococcus so/enopsis, Puto-Puto
atriplicis, Cero-Ceroplastes iffegu/aris, and Aoni-Aonidomytilis incisus. Pseu-Pseudococcidae undetermined.
Question marks (?) designate species unconfirmed by taxonomic authority
Locality No.
Ph en
Ph en
Ph en
Ph en
Ph en
Ph en
Ph en
Ph en
Ph en
Ph en
Ph en
Ph en
Ph en
Ph en
3. IDAHO: Owyhee Co., 15 mi S Bruneau, Hwy 51, milemarker 57 (13 mi S junction Hwys 78 & 51), 26 July
1989, B. A. Haws & C. R. Nelson, CRN #5377. (2.7).
21. UTAH: Grand Co., 1.5 mi N Crescent Junction,
Thompson Pass Road, 9 June 1988, R. W. Baumann
& C. R. Nelson, CRN #5227. (2.1).
4. IDAHO: Owyhee Co., Murphy, Hwy 78, NW hillside
above bridge, 26 July 1989, B. A. Haws & C. R. Nelson,
CRN #5379. (2.4).
22. UTAH: Grand Co., 1.5 mi N Crescent Junction,
Thompson Pass Road, 12 July 1988, B. A. Haws &
C. R. Nelson, CRN #5264. (1.8).
5. NEVADA: Eureka Co., 10 mi S Eureka, Hwy 50,
Duckwater turnoff(Fish Creek Road), Hwy 379,25
July 1989, B. A. Haws & C. R. Nelson, CRN #5376.
23. UTAH: Grand Co., 52 mi E Green River, 2 mi N
I-70 on road to Cottonwood Ranch, 25 May 1988,
C. R. Nelson, CRN #5206. No SCI taken.
(1. 7).
24. UTAH: Grand Co., 52 mi E Green River, 2 mi N
1-70 on road to Cottonwood Ranch, 9 June 1988,
R. W. Baumann & C. R. Nelson, CRN #5228. (2.0).
6. NEVADA: Humboldt Co., Golconda, eastbound I-80
S of freeway near exit 194, 12 August 1988, J. K. &
C. R. Nelson, CRN #5281. (1.2).
25. UTAH: Grand Co., 52 mi E Green River, 2 mi N
1-70 on road to Cottonwood Ranch, 12 July 1988,
B. A Haws & C. R. Nelson, CRN #5265. (1.2).
7. NEVADA: White Pine Co., 15 miSE Eureka, 1 miN
Hwy 50 on Hwy 892, milemarker 1, 25 July 1989,
B. A. Haws & C. R. Nelson, CRN #5375. (1.8).
26. UTAH: Grand Co., Professor Valley, Hwy 128
milemarker 17, 9 June 1988, R. W. Baumann &
C. R. Nelson, CRN #5230. (1.6). *
8. OREGON: Malheur Co., 2 mi S Hwy 201/19 on Succor
Creek Road, 27 July 1989, B. A Haws & C. R. Nelson,
CRN #5380. (2.6).
27. UTAH: Grand Co., Professor Valley, Hwy 128 milemarker 17, 12 July 1988, B. A. Haws & C. R. Nelson,
CRN #5266. (1.6). *
9. OREGON: Malheur Co., 15 mi SW Vale on hillside
road cut, Hwy 20, 27 July 1989, B. A. Haws & C. R.
Nelson, CRN #5384. (2.8). *
28. UTAH: Juab Co., Deep Creek Mountains, CCC
Campground Callao, 3 June 1988, C. R. Nelson,
CRN #5222. (1.8).
10. UTAH: Beaver Co., 8 miN Milford, Hwy 257 milemarker 8, 14 June 1988, C. R. Nelson, CRN #5244.
29. UTAH: Millard Co., 1 mi W Intermountain Power
Project, S side of road, 4 May 1988, T. Evans &
B. A. Haws. No SCI taken.*
11. UTAH: Beaver Co., Wah Wah Valley, Hwy 21, 22 mi
W Milford, 15 June 1988, C. R. Nelson, CRN #5247.
12. UTAH: Daggett Co., Browns Park at Colorado border,
19 May 1988, T. Evans & B. A. Haws. No SCI taken.
30. UTAH: Millard Co., 11.7 mi W Leamington, Hwy 6
milemarker 97,2 June 1988, C. R. Nelson, #5214.
13. UTAH: Daggett Co., Browns Park 200m W Colorado
border on N side Green River, 28 June 1988, C. R.
Nelson, CRN #5258. (2.0).
31. UTAH: Millard Co., 11.7 mi W Leamington, Hwy 6
milemarker 97,24 July 1989, B. A. Haws & C. R.
Nelson, CRN #5373. (1.8).
14. UTAH: Emery Co., 53 mi W Green River, I-70 milemarker 111.5, 26 May 1988, C. R. Nelson, CRN #5209.
No SCI taken.
32. UTAH: Millard Co., 20 mi W Delta, H wy 6/50 at
power line, 2 June 1988, C. R. Nelson, CRN #5215.
15. UTAH: Emery Co., 53 mi W Green River, I-70 milemarker 111.5, 13 July 1988, B. A. Haws & C. R.
Nelson, CRN #5270. (1.6).
33. UTAH: Millard Co., Snake Valley, 10 mi E Nevada
border, Hwy 6/50,2 June 1988, C. R. Nelson, CRN
#5216. (2.1). *
16. UTAH: Emery Co., San Rafael Swell, 3 mi E Castle
Dale, road to San Rafael River bridge, 26 May 1988,
C. R. Nelson, CRN #5211. (3.0).*
34. UTAH: Millard Co., Snake Valley, 6 mi E Nevada
border, Hwy 6/50 milemarker 6, 24 July 1989, B. A.
Haws & C. R. Nelson, CRN #5374. (2.8).
17. UTAH: Emery Co., San Rafael Swell, 3 mi E Castle
Dale, road to San Rafael River bridge, 14 July 1988,
, B. A. Haws & C. R. Nelson, CRN #5273. (2.6). *
35. UTAH: Millard Co., Snake Valley, 4.5 mi E Nevada
border, Hwy 6/50, Eskdale Junction, 2 June 1988,
C. R. Nelson, CRN #5217. (2.3).
18. UTAH: Emery Co., San Rafael Swell, 6 mi E Castle
Dale, road to San Rafael River bridge, 26 May 1988,
C. R. Nelson, CRN #5212. (2.0).
36. UTAH: Millard Co., Snake Valley, 4 miN Gandy,
Trout Creek to Callao road, 3 June 1988, C. R.
Nelson, CRN #5222. (1.8).
19. UTAH: Emery Co., San Rafael Swell, 6 mi E Castle
Dale, road to San Rafael River bridge, 14 July 1988,
B. A. Haws & C. R. Nelson, CRN #5272. (1.8).
37. UTAH: Millard Co., 3 mi E Clear Lake, 3 mi W
Pavant Butte, 14 June 1988, C. R. Nelson, CRN
#5241. (2.6).
20. UTAH: Grand Co., 1.5 mi N Crescent Junction,
Thompson Pass Road, 25 May 1988, C. R. Nelson &
T. Tibbetts, CRN #5205. No SCI taken.
38. UTAH: Millard Co., 5 mi W Clear Lake, 1.3 mi E
Hwy 257, 14 June 1988, C. R. Nelson, CRN #5242.
39. UTAH: Millard Co., 20 mi S Deseret, Hwy 257 milemarker 48, 14 June 1988, C. R. Nelson, CRN #5243.
58. UTAH: Uintah Co., 5 mi S Bonanza, junction major
access road to Bookcliffs, on hillside, 29 June 1988,
C. R. Nelson, CRN #5261. (2.3).
40. UTAH: Millard Co., outside SE corner Desert Experimental Range, inside first fence N ofHwy 21, 15 June
1988, C. R. Nelson, CRN #5249. (2.5).
41. UTAH: Millard Co., outside E border Desert Experimental Range, 15 mi N Hwy 21, 15 June 1988,
C. R. Nelson, CRN #5251. (1.5).
42. UTAH: Millard Co., 4 mi E Crystal Peak, 15 June 1988,
C. R. Nelson, CRN #5252. (1.8).
43. UTAH: Millard Co., 0.5 mi E Brown Knoll (near S end
of Sevier Lake), 15 June 1988, C. R. Nelson, CRN
#5253. (2.4).
44. UTAH: Sevier Co., 1 mi E Fremont Junction, I-70 milemarker 90,26 May 1988, C. R. Nelson, CRN #5210.
45. UTAH: Sevier Co., 1 mi E Fremont Junction, I-70 milemarker 90, 13 July 1988, B. A. Haws & C. R. Nelson,
CRN #5271. (1.9).*
Eight species of coccoid homopterans in four families
were collected on shadscale during the survey (table 2).
Of these four families, Ortheziidae and Pseudococcidae
were encountered most frequently during sampling. The
other two families, Coccidae and Diaspididae, were rarely
encountered but were very abundant on the few sites
where they were found. Another family of coccoid, Dactylopiidae, was frequently collected at the same sites but
only in association with prickly pear (Opuntia spp.). No
dactlyopiids were ever seen on shadscale during the survey. It is interesting to note that no aphids (Homoptera:
Aphididae and related families) were collected on shadscale, both during the general survey of the insects of
shadscale and the directed survey of coccoids. In the systematic treatment that follows, the numbers in parentheses represent the locality numbers (given above) from
which the taxon was collected.
46. UTAH: Tooele Co., Rush Valley, 0.5 mi W Faust railroad station, 2 May 1988, C. R. Nelson, CRN #5166.
No SCI taken.*
47. UTAH: Tooele Co., Rush Valley, 0.5 mi W Faust
railroad station, 23 June 1988, C. R. Nelson &
R. Rasmussen, CRN #5256. (1.3).
Table 2-8cale insects and mealybugs
of shadscale in the Intermountain West (Insecta: Homoptera:
48. UTAH: Tooele Co., Rush Valley, 0.5 mi W Faust
railroad station, 5 August 1988, C. R. Nelson, CRN
#5278 transect 1. (0.6).
Ceroplastes irregularis Cockerell
Aonidomyti/is incisus Ferris
49. UTAH: Tooele Co., Rush Vailey, 0.5 mi W Faust
railroad station, 5 August 1988, C. R. Nelson, CRN
#5278 transect 2. (1.6).
Orthezia annae Cockerell
50. UTAH: Tooele Co., Rush Valley, 0.5 mi W Faust
railroad station, 16 August 1988, C. R. Nelson &
D. L. Nelson, CRN #5283 transect 1. (1.8).
Chorizococcus polyporus McKenzie
Distich/icoccus salinus (Cockerell)
Humococcus atriplicis Ferris
Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley
Puto atriplicis McKenzie
51. UTAH: Tooele Co., Rush Valley, 0.5 mi W Faust
railroad station, 16 August 1988, C. R. Nelson &
D. L. Nelson, CRN #5283 transect 2. (2.3).
52. UTAH: Tooele Co., Rush Valley, Faust, Pony Express
Monument, 2 May 1988, C. R. Nelson, CRN #5167.
No SCI taken.
53. UTAH: Tooele Co., Rush Valley, Faust, Pony
Express Monument, 23 June 1988, C. R. Nelson
& R. Rasmussen, CRN #5257. (1.8).
Ceroplastes irregularis Cockerell, 1893a:351
(fig. 3)-The wax scale family Coccidae is represented
on shadscale by a single species, Ceroplastes irregularis
Cockerell. Published records of the hosts of this species
include the chenopod saltbushes (Atriplex spp.), seepweed
(Suaeda spp.), winterfat (Ceratoides lanata [Pursh] Moq.
[as Eurotia]); the composites sagebrush (Artemisia spp.)
and rabbitbrush (Chrysothamnus spp.); and salt cedar
(Tamarix sp.) (Essig 1931; Essig 1958; Gill 1988). During
our surveys we found C. irregularis on shadscale and
fourwing saltbush at sites in the Great Basin (4, on both
shadscale and fourwing saltbush) and the Colorado Plateau (13, on shadscale; and at Utah: Grand Co., Dry
Valley, on fourwing saltbush).
54. UTAH: Tooele Co., Rush Valley, 3.7 mi E Faust railroad station, off-road site, 23 June 1988, C. R. Nelson
& R. Rasmussen, CRN #5255. (1.6).
55. UTAH: Tooele Co., Davis Mountain, 15 air mi W
Vernon, 2 May 1988, C. R. Nelson, CRN #5168.
No SCI taken.*
56. UTAH: Tooele Co., Davis Mountain, 15 air mi W
Vernon, 3 June 1988, C. R. Nelson, CRN #5223. (2.9).
57. UTAH: Uintah Co., 13 mi S Hwy 40, Old Hwy to
Bonanza, 29 June 1988, C. R. Nelson, CRN #5260.
Figure 3-Cerop/astes irregularis on shadscale. Idaho, Owyhee Co.,
locality 4. Scale bar= 1 em.
Figure 4-Aonidomytilis incisus on fourwing saltbush. Utah, Grand
Co., Dry Valley. Scale bar= 1 em, ruler in millimeters.
At the Murphy, ID, site greasewood (Sarcobatus vermiculatus [Hooker] Torrey) was abundant and mixed in with
both shadscale and fourwing saltbush but was not infested with C. irregularis, which was extremely abundant
on the other two plant species. All are chenopod shrubs;
the adult females of this species are sessile, attached to
the crown of the shadscale plant. The sessile forms encrusted most of the stems and branches at the Murphy
site, under conditions of extremely high infestation. This
species can be separated from all other coccoids occurring
on shadscale, exceptAonidomytilis incisus, by its sessile
growth form. It may be separated from Aonidimytilis
by the irregularly globular form (diameter 3 mm and
greater) of the wax secretion, which is generally brown
but occasionally glossy white. This form contrasts with
that of Aonidimytilis, which is smaller, maximum length
2 mm; elongate, three times as long as wide; and silky,
nonreflective white in color.
Our infrequency of encountering this species leads us
to believe that it could not be a major cause of widespread
dieoff of shadscale although its presence may indicate
catastrophe for localized individual populations of the
Aonidomytilia inciaua Ferris, 1943:73 (fig. 4)--A
single species of the armored scale family Diaspididae was
found on shadscale, Aonidomytilis incisus. This species
was previously known only from the original type series
collected on winterfat in Coconino County, AZ. We collected this species from fourwing saltbush in Grand Co.,
UT, and on shadscale at localities 12 and 15. Other diaspidids thought to be conspecific, but unconfirmed by taxonomic authorities, were collected from shadscale at localities 4 and 8 near the western margin of the Great Basin.
The rare occurrence of this species eliminates it from consideration as a major factor in widespread shrub dieoff.
Orthezia annae Cockerell, 1893b:403 (figs. 1, 5-7;
map: fig. B)-Ensign coccids were frequently encountered
during our surveys, often in large numbers (figs. 5-6). We
found the species Orthezia annae throughout both the
Great Basin and the Colorado Plateau. In fact this species was more widespread than any other coccoid species
encountered during this survey (fig. 8). Its widespread
Figure 5-0rthezia annae on shadscale. Utah, Beaver Co., locality
10. Scale bar= 1 em.
Figure 6-0rthezia annae on shadscale. Utah, Tooele Co., locality
47. Scale bar= 1 em.
Figure 7-0rthezia annae on shadscale. Utah, Millard Co., locality
39. Scale bar = 1 em.
egg mass (ovisac) attached to the posterior margin of their
bodies (fig. 7). The large size (up to 1 em) of adult 0. annae
relative to other mobile coccoids (Pseudococcidae) can also
serve to separate the two groups. Many other taxonomic
details of the family Ortheziidae are available (Morrison
It should also be noted that 0. annae commonly feeds on
fourwing saltbush, often in high population numbers. In
contrast to the root-feeding habit of this species on shadscale, it feeds aboveground on fourwing saltbush. Particularly severe infestations on fourwing saltbush were noted
at sites along the Colorado River near Moab. The terminal
branches of the shrubs were attacked at these sites. Widespread death of shrubs along with shrubs in various states
of decline was noted in association with these insects.
These insects may indeed be a major cause of the decline
and dying of shadscale and fourwing saltbush in the western United States.
.C) ••
.. ~
Five species ofPseudococcidae were encountered during
our survey of the root zone of shadscale. We found few
characters that could be used to distinguish these species
in the field. Attempts were made to correlate color, color
of body fluids, type and distribution of waxy exudates, and
overall shape with individual species within the Pseudococcidae for field identification. These attempts generally
failed, although we had limited success in field-identifying
the salt grass mealybug and the atriplex mealybug as
noted under their individual treatments. Two or more
species of Pseudococcidae were regularly found on the taproot of the same plant during our studies (fig. 9).
Ants were often found tending the various pseudococcid
species. One small yellow species, Solenopsis molesta
(Say), was very frequently encountered with several mealybug species and with the ortheziids. This ant species, in
the same genus as the pestiferous red imported fire ant
Figure a-Distribution of Orthezia annae, 1988-89
distribution and high population numbers on selected
plants make this species a prime suspect in the dieoff problem. The relationship of this species to the dieoffproblem
will be examined later in this report. Localities include: 1,
2, 7, 10, 13-15, 18-19, 39, 42, 44, 47-48, 50, 52-53, and 58.
Orthezia annae actively, albeit slowly, crawl on the surface of the host plant. They can be readily separated from
other mobile coccoids on shadscale by the long, fluted waxy
plates which are exuded from and attached to their bodies.
Their true shape (circular and flattened dorsoventrally)
is often masked by the waxy plates. Mature females are
recognizable in having straight wax plates covering the
Figure 9-Pseudococcidae on shadscale, mixed colony of Chorizococcus
polyporus and Phenacoccus so/enopsis. Utah, Millard Co., locality 30.
Scale bar= 1 em.
(Solenopsis invicta Buren) was rarely encountered in the
absence of mealybugs during our sampling. The list of ant
species we found tending Coccoidea on shadscale includes:
Camponotus vicinus Mayr, Crematogaster mormonum
Emery, Formica sp., Lasius alienus Mayr, Myrmica americana Weber, and Solenopsis molesta (Say). Ant identifications were made by C. R. Nelson using keys found in
Wheeler and Wheeler (1986) and Allred (1982).
encountered in a frequency and with adequate numbers
to consider it a possible agent in the widespread dieoff
of shadscale. In addition, this species was frequently
collected from the same plants as Phenacoccus solenopsis,
another major suspect in dieoff.
Chorizococcus polyporus McKenzie, 1961:17 (fig. 9;
map: fig. 10}--Chorizococcus is a large genus ofPseudococcidae with at least 25 species in North America. The
host range for the genus is broad, with records from such
disparate plant families as Asteraceae, Asclepiadaceae,
Cupressaceae, Fabaceae, Nyctaginaceae, and Poaceae
(McKenzie 1967). Chorizococcus polyporus has been
given the common name many-pored mealybug. It has
been recorded from soil beneath juniper (Juniperus spp.)
trees, which included roots of Eriogonum fasciculatum
(Bentham) var. polifolium (Bentham) Torrey & Gray and
Elymus elymoides (Rafinesque) Swezey (as Sitanion hystrix
[Nuttall] J. G. Smith). Other host records (McKenzie 1967)
include specimens from the roots of wild buckwheat (Eriogonum fasciculatum var. foliolosum [Nuttall] Stokes) and
baccharis (Baccharis sp.).
This species has not previously been reported from saltbush and no members of the genus from California are
recorded from Chenopodiaceae. The species is recorded
only from California from two southern counties (Riverside
and San Bernardino), which harbor many species of saltbush. We record this species from the roots of shadscale
(fig. 9) from numerous localities throughout Utah (10, 11,
18, 20-21, 23, 30, 37-38, 40, and 56-58). This species was
•• t
Figure 10-Distribution of Chorizococcus polyporus,
1988-89 sites.
Distichlicoccus salinus (Cockerell), 1902:21-Six
species of Distichlicoccus have been formally described
(McKenzie 1967). We regularly encountered one species,
Distichlicoccus salinus-the salt grass mealybug-in our
samples. All known hosts of this genus are grasses (family,
Poaceae), and the occurrence of D. salinus on shadscale
should be regarded as anomalous (R. J. Gill, personal communication). Grasses, particularly bottlebrush squirrel tail
(Elymus elymoides [= Sitanion hystrix]) and Indian rice
grass (Stipa hymenoides Roemer & Schultes[= Oryzopsis
hymenoides (Roemer & Schultes) Ricker]), often were dug
in close association with the crown of shadscale during this
study. Extreme care was taken to separate the grasses
from the shadscale before mealybugs were examined and
counted. Despite this care, occasional individuals of D.
salinus were taken from shadscale. We conclude that collections of these individuals are probably spurious on shadscale, having either been dislodged from their proper host
during sampling or merely traveling across the shadscale
while changing position on their grass host. We could generally identify this species in the field by its small size,
elongate shape, and bright orange coloration. Collection
localities include: 21-22, 24, 40, and 57.
Low frequency of encounter and small population size
on shadscale (especially as it relates to improper host association) preclude this species from a major role in the dieoff
Humococcus atriplicis Ferris, 1953:371-Eight species
of Humococcus are reported from North America (McKenzie
1967). Various species have been reported using saltbush,
grasses, and composites as hosts. Humococcus atriplicis,
the Ferris atriplex mealybug (not to be confused with the
atriplex mealybug, Puto atriplicis), has been recorded from
. California, Mexico, and Texas. In all cases its recorded host
is saltbush with a Death Valley record of it from desert
holly saltbush (A. hymenelytra [Torrey] Watson). We collected this species on shadscale from both the Great Basin
and the Colorado Plateau (localities 19 and 37). The rare
occurrence of the Ferris atriplex mealybug in our study
area eliminates it as an agent in the widespread dieoff of
Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley, 1898:47 (fig. 9;
map: fig. 11}-The solenopsis mealybug (McKenzie 1967)
belongs to a large genus (more than 35 species in North
America), which has an extreme host range. The host
range of this particular species is also impressive, including
saltbushes and other Atriplex, Asteraceae, Euphoriaceae,
Malvaceae, Orobanchaceae, Solanaceae, as well as the
chenopod genus Suaeda. Distributional records list it from
Arizona, California, Colorado, Mississippi, New Mexico,
Washington, DC, and Texas. We herein record it from numerous localities in Utah (10, 20, 22, 24-25, 28, 30, 36-37,
39, 47, 53-54). The distribution of the solenopsis mealybug
parallels that of the many-pored mealybug, and the two
species often share the same individual host plant.
This species has high potential for being an important
agent in dieoff, since it was frequently encountered during
sampling and regularly occurred in relatively high numbers. We did not detect this species from the Great Basin
outside Utah; however we took only limited samples in
Idaho, Nevada, and Oregon.
Puto atriplicis McKenzie, 1961:33 (map: fig. 12)The atriplex mealybug belongs to a large genus with broad
host range. This species, however, is limited to the genus
Atriplex and has been recorded from both California and
Idaho (McKenzie 1967). We found this species on the
roots of shadscale in a few localities near the eastern edge
of the Great Basin in the general vicinity of Sevier Lake
Oocalities 28, 32, 35-36, 38, and 41).
Figure 11-Distribution of Phenacoccus solenopsis,
1988-89 sites.
Figure 12-Distribution of Puto atriplicis, 1988-89
The numbers of atriplex mealybug individuals on shadscale roots were generally low. Limited success in identifying adult females of this species in the field made use of
their large size, larger wax plates, and broad circulus. The
infrequent encounter of the atriplex mealybug during our
sampling eliminates it as a prime suspect associated with
widespread dieoff of shadscale.
Shadscale Condition
One important ancillary of the survey of the coccoids
of shadscale was a concurrent survey of the health of this
plant from widespread sites in the Great Basin and on
the Colorado Plateau. We recorded a Site Condition Index
(SCI) for many localities (CRN #5210-5380). Figure 13
summarizes the distribution of SCI values for the sites,
the mean SCI value for the sites was 2.01 (SD = 0.53);
four sites had SCI values of 2.0, while 24 had values less
than 2.0, and 20 had values greater than 2.0. We conclude,
therefore, that the "average" stand of shadscale in the Intermountain West would fit our category 2 condition (having 34-66 percent living branches). Stated another way,
one-third ofthe branches of the shadscale plants sampled
were dead, from unspecified causes. The potential increase
in production of this "dead third" may well be worth the
effort to ascertain the cause.
Figure 13-Frequency of SCI values.
Prevalence of Coccoidea
A diverse coccoid fauna has developed on shadscale.
From amid the eight species of coccoids present on shadscale some indication of incidence (percent plants infested)
and relative abundance is necessary to determine their
role, if any, in the dieoff problem. Detailed taxonomic and
numeric abundance data are available for 35 of our sites
(CRN #5210-5273). Additional data for Orthezia annae are
available for the 13 remaining sites (CRN #5274-5384).
The specific identity, however, of the pseudococcids and
diaspidids occurring at these sites is not available. Using
the data from the 35 sites, we can determine the incidence
and relative abundance for the coccoids (fig. 14). Three
of the coccoid species (Chorizococcus polyporus, 0. annae,
Phenacoccus solenopsis) occur with enough frequency
(each, coincidentally occurring at 31 percent of the sites)
to warrant further and more detailed investigation into
their possible role in dieoff. The remaining five coccoid
species occur much more rarely and probably play lesser
roles in shadscale mortality, although the local role of
Puto atriplicis in its endemic range should certainly be
considered. It is also interesting to note that coccoids occurred at 80 percent of the shadscale sites under consideration, with only 20 percent of the sites being apparently
coccoid-free (fig. 14). Twenty-five of the 35 considered sites
(71 percent) harbored one or more of the three important
mealybug species.
We also performed separate analyses comparing SCI
with both the presence of 0. annae and that of all pseudococcids combined. We used a linear regression model for
Orth Phen Char Puto Humo Dist Cere Aoni none
Figure 14-lncidence and relative abundance of
species of Coccoidea on shadscale.
each of four comparisons: (1) SCI versus percent of plants
infested with 0. annae at individual sites (r2 = 0.03, F 1 46 =
0.91, p < 0.65); (2) SCI versus number of 0. annae on all
plants at a given site (r2 = 0.14, F 1 ,46 = 7.60, p < 0.01); (3)
SCI versus percent of plants infested with pseudococcids at
individual sites (r2 = 0.10, F 146 = 4. 74, p < 0.03); and (4) SCI
versus number ofpseudococcids on all plants at a given site
(r2 = 0.06, F 146 = 2.91, p < 0.09). The relationship between
the two variables in each of these comparisons was very
weak, with only a slight increase in numbers and incidence
on the unhealthier plants.
Orthezia annae-Since this species is widespread and
common throughout the range of shadscale, it may play an
important role in the dieoff problem. Our sampling procedures allowed us to determine if these insects were more
likely to occur on healthy or unhealthy plants. By combining data from all sites we are able to make some generalizations about the occurrence of 0. annae (expressed as
All Pseudococcidae
Figure 17-lncidence of Pseudococcidae on shadscale, see text for condition category definitions.
few 0. annae (six total specimens on 348 juvenile plants
sampled, average of 0.02 individuals per plant). The
number of this species feeding on plants of each condition
category increased with the health of the plants sampled.
Plants of condition 1 had 496 individual ensign coccids
on 440 plants sampled (average of 1.13 individuals per
plant), condition 2 had 1,211 individuals on 443 plants
sampled (average of 2. 73 individuals per plant), and condition 3 had 1,284 on 497 (average of 2.58 individuals per
plant). Thus, juvenile plants harbored very few 0. annae,
condition 1 plants had a few more, and condition 2 and 3
plants harbored approximately three times the number of
0. annae that the unhealthier plants of condition one did.
In summary, using presence/absence data to correlate
percentage of plants infested with plants of the four condition categories we find that large plants are elected over
small ones and that healthy plants are elected over unhealthy ones. These preferences are shown as well in the
analysis summarizing the actual numbers of ensign coccids found on the various plant conditions, with plants of
condition 2 and 3 harboring 0. annae at about the same
Figure 16-Number of Orthezia annae on shadscale, see text for condition category definitions.
percentage of plants harboring any specimens and as
total number of sp~cimens) on each condition category.
Figure 15 summarizes the incidence or percentage of plants
of each condition harboring ensign coccids. Juvenile plants
were used less frequently (0.085 percent infested) than
plants of any other of the condition categories. Following
juveniles, plants of increasingly better condition were more
likely to be found harboring ensign coccids. The healthiest
plants (condition 3) were most likely to have this species
on their roots (10.25 percent) than plants of intermediate
health (condition 2, 8.04 percent), followed by plants in the
lowest plant health category (condition 1, 4.61 percent).
This trend is followed as well in the relationship between
the number of ensign coccids associated with each of the
condition categories (fig. 16). Juveniles harbored very
Pseudococcidae-We were unable to distinguish the
species ofpseudococcids on shadscale in the field. We
analyzed the presence/absence of pseudococcids, the number of individuals of all pseudococcid species combined,
and the average number of individual pseudococcids per
plant in the same fashion as we did with the single species 0. annae. Results were similar. The percentage of
plants infested with pseudococcids was low (fig. 17) on
juvenile plants (4.3 percent), intermediate on plants in
poor condition (condition 1, 11.8 percent), and high on the
remaining, healthier plants (14.2 percent on condition 2
and 14.3 percent on condition 3). The actual number of
pseudococcids (fig. 18) sampled on shadscale was 229 individuals on 348 juvenile plants (average of 0.66 individuals
per plant), 658 on 440 plants of condition 1 (average 1.50
from the direct impact of the coccoids, or be sufficiently
weakened to die from additional factors, or would recover.
In each case, however, the remains of coccoids will not
persist (and allow detection) after their death, since they
quickly decompose (C. R. Nelson personal observations)
as a result ofliving in and near the soil with its large bacterial and fungal populations (Nelson and others 1990).
Using either of these two scenarios: of emigration or population collapse and subsequent specimen decomposition,
coccoids would not have been on the unhealthy plants for
us to sample.
These theoretical arguments emphasize the notion
that direct measurements of the impact of coccoids on
shadscale need to be made. Controlled experiments are
needed to determine what population levels of coccoids
result in shrub mortality under a variety of environmental conditions. Detailed biological studies are needed to
determine basic life-cycle data from which lifetables can
be constructed. Population dynamics experiments are
needed to determine intrinsic growth rates and reproductive potential. During our surveys, several species of
parasites and predators have been associated with the
coccoids. Studies of these natural control agents should
be made to determine how their populations might be
The interesting contrast between belowground feeding
of 0. annae and Ceroplastes irregularis on shadscale and
aboveground feeding by these species on fourwing saltbush should be further investigated. Knowledge of environmental factors regulating this differential architecture
preference on related host plants may allow for prediction
of outbreaks using climatological and remotely sensed
Infestation rates of coccoids on shadscale of different
genetic makeup (in particular, ploidy) should be investigated. Ifmonoculture stands of uniform ploidy are at
greater risk of decline and mortality from coccoid populations, then control measures could be implemented.
Our results show that several species of coccoids do
indeed occur throughout the range experiencing dieoff.
This, and the numbers of individuals found on many of
the plants sampled, leads us to conclude that coccoids are
playing a major role in the mortality of shadscale.
All Pseudococcidae
Figure 18-Number of Pseudococcidae on shad-
scale, see text for condition category definitions.
individuals per plant), 1,207 individuals on 443 plants
of condition 2 (average of2.72 individuals per plant), and
1,223 individuals on 497 plants of condition 3 (average
of 2.46 individuals per plants). Juvenile plants harbored
few pseudococcids, although they harbored the combined
pseudococcid species at a rate considerably higher than
they did the single species 0. annae. Plants of condition
1 harbored substantially more pseudococcids than did the
juveniles but not as many as did either condition 2 or 3
plants, which bore pseudococcids at about the same rate.
Conclusions of Prevalence Analysis
More 0. annae and pseudococcids are found on large,
healthy plants than on small, unhealthy ones. From this
it might be concluded that these insects are not responsible
for the mortality of plants seen during the present dieoff
event, since high populations of the insects are not associated with plants of poor health. We conclude differently
using the following reasoning. As demonstrated above,
coccoid insects thrive on the healthiest plants, perhaps
since the healthiest plants can supply the most nutrients.
Theoretically, through the feeding of the coccoids the
condition of the healthy plant would degenerate to a point
where it could no longer support the coccoids. At this point
the coccoids could either emigrate from this host plant to a
more suitable, healthy plant or remain with the first plant
and die. If the coccoids emigrate (leaving the plant with no
insects for us to detect) the plant might be able to recover
from the infestation if other existing conditions permit, or
the plant would die without any trace of coccoids (leaving
no specimens which we could detect). Further research
into the biology of the coccoids on shadscale is necessary
to determine migration rates. If the coccoids were to remain with the now unsuitable plant they would eventually
die, while at the same time further reducing the viability
of the host plant. The host plant would then either die
Three of the eight species of coccoid Homoptera collected on shadscale (Chorizococcus polyporus, Orthezia
annae, and Phenacoccus solenopsis) are widespread and
abundant throughout the sampling area of the Great
Basin and the Colorado Plateau. A fourth species, Puto
atriplicis, occurs in reasonably high numbers but in a
more limited area. Eighty percent of the sites surveyed
had plants infested, to varying degrees, with coccoids.
Poor shrub health is only weakly correlated with either
high incidence of coccoids or high numbers of coccoids.
Small, juvenile plants are less likely to harbor coccoids
than are larger, mature plants. Healthier plants are
more likely to host coccoids than are unhealthy plants.
Healthy plants harbor generally larger populations of
these insects.
Additional surveys are desirable, particularly from farther south in the range of shadscale, to determine how
closely the range of the various coccoids coincides with
their host and how increasing temperatures might affect
them. Biological and environmental factors regulating
coccoid populations should be investigated in greater
The provision of financial, human, and material resources of the Bureau of Land Management has added
greatly to the scope of this project. This agency is gratefully acknowledged. This research was accomplished through
a cooperative agreement between Utah State University
and the USDA Forest Service, Intermountain Research
Station (INT-87281). We especially thank Dr. Raymond J.
Gill of the California Department of Food and Agriculture
for identification of the coccoids that are herein reported.
We also thank him for suggestions regarding host specificities and literature citations, as well as providing unpublished host records and his review of the manuscript. We
also thank Dr. Stanley L. Welsh of the M. L. Bean Life
Science Museum at Brigham Young University for providing logistic support to the senior author during the
early stages of this research. Thanks are also given to
the Tilton Fellowship and Department of Entomology at
the California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, for
enabling the senior author to continue this research as
well as to attend the symposium where these results were
initially presented. The Department of Zoology, University
of Texas at Austin, is gratefully acknowledged for support
through the Brackenridge Field Laboratory. We thank
Richard J. Patrock, Department of Zoology, University of
Texas, for helpful review comments and interpretive advice. We also thank Ted Tibbetts of Moab, UT; Richard W.
Baumann of Brigham Young University; Ryan Rasmussen
of Provo, UT; and Kaye Nelson of Austin, TX, for help in
gathering part of the data upon which this study is based.
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