CHANGES IN VEGETATION AND LAND USE AT TWO TOWNSHIPS IN SKULL VALLEY, WESTERN UTAH Steven R. Sparks Neil E. West Edith B. Allen ABSTRACT back to the 1930's. Large vegetation changes had presumably already occurred in some areas by this time. Anecdotal accounts from Cache (Hull1976), Rush, and Tooele Valleys (Christensen and Hutchinson 1965), for example, indicate that there was a massive decrease in perennial grass cover within 10 to 15 years after settlement. The older the study, the less likely it is to meet the relatively more rigorous standards of the late twentieth century for data collection and analysis. "Data" collected earlier than the 1930's tend to be merely observational and anecdotal. Ecologists working in the forests of the midwestern and northeastern United States have made use of surveyors' field notes from the General Land Office (GLO) survey of the late nineteeth and early twentieth centuries (Stearns 1974). These surveyors, during the course of establishing range and township lines, would also note the species of trees present. If trees were present at a section or quarter-section corner, the distances to the nearest large trees were noted (usually 2-4 trees), as well as the compass direction from the corner to the tree trunk, and the diameter of the tree trunk. A "blaze" was then carved into the trunk denoting the position of the tree. These trees served as "witness trees" or "bearing trees" in case the position of the corner was ever disputed. When trees were not present, surveyors tended to describe other vegetation by such general terms as "undergrowth," or "brush." Some GLO surveyors in the Great Basin, however, indicated not only the presence of juniper trees ("cedars"), but differentiated major species of shrubs (for example, sagebrush, shadscale, white sage, mahogany, grease wood), and indicated the presence of perennial grasses ("bunchgrass"), and recorded the presence of "salt weeds" on the alkali flats (playas) of Great Basin valleys. These "data," while qualitative, represent the perceptions of the surveyors as to what the dominant species of a particular area were. The data were systematically collected and therefore enable us to reconstruct a general picture of the dominant species in the vegetation as it existed at the time of the GLO surveys. Plant species distribution and community composition at the time of settlement are controversial in several respects. For example, there is some dispute over the relative abundance of shrubs, particularly sagebrush, and perennial bunchgrasses (West 1983). Understanding the impact oflivestock grazing requires at least a broad knowledge of pre settlement (and prelivestock) vegetation patterns. For instance, presettlement juniper distribution was apparently more restricted compared to presently Historical changes in plant dominance, in two townships of Skull Valley, UT, were assessed by repeating the earlier descriptions made by surveyors from the General Land Office. Massive conversions to cheatgrass and other annuals of former sagebrush- and shadscale-dominated vegetation on bench, foothill, and bajada sites were found. In addition to unrestricted livestock grazing, wildfires were identified as the probable triggering factors for these changes. Both forces were probably required for conversion to dominance by annuals. Juniper at higher elevations, lesser grazed areas at mid-elevations, and greasewood-, salt grass-, and pickleweed-dominated areas at lower elevations have undergone much less change. INTRODUCTION Substantial changes in plant species distribution and community composition have occurred in the Great Basin portion of western Utah since settlement in the latter half of the nineteenth century (Cottam 1976; West 1989). Excessive grazing by livestock, woodcutting, fire suppression and other changes in fire patterns, along with the introduction of alien weeds are all mechanisms that have been suggested by researchers to be responsible for these changes. Although we have known for many years that these changes in plant species distribution and community composition have been extensive for many areas, it is more difficult to quantify changes for particular areas, or to estimate what portions of the landscape have the most highly altered vegetation. Even long-term studies, such as the data gathered at the Desert Experimental Range in southwester.n Utah (Clary 1987), only date Paper presented at the Symposium on Cheatgrass Invasion, Shrub DieOff, and Other Aspects of Shrub Biology and Management, Las Vegas, NV, April 5-7, 1989. Steven R. Sparks was former Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Range Science and the Ecology Center, Utah State University, Logan, UT 84322-5230, now Ecologist, Forest Fire Laboratory, Pacific Southwest Research Station, Forest Senrice, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Riverside, CA 92507. Neil West is Professor of Range Science, Department of Range Science and the Ecology Center, Utah State University, Logan, UT 84322-5230. Edith B. Allen was fonner Research Assistant Professor, Department of Range Science and the Ecology Center, Utah State University, Logan, UT 84322-5230, now Research Associate Professor, Department of Biology and Systems Ecology Research Group, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA 92182-0057. 26 This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. observed patterns (Murdock and Welsh 1971; Young and others 1976; Rogers 1982; West 1988; Young in press), although changes in juniper distribution have been inferred for only a few areas (Tausch and others 1981). The real extent of this putative juniper expansion and all the factors controlling it have not been established. Increases in juniper abundance have important consequences for livestock, wildlife, water yield, and soil erosion (West 1984). Finally, although the great increases in the distribution and abundance of weedy annuals in the Intermountain Region, especially cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum), are well documented (Mack 1986), the pattern and causes of invasions of annuals and their consequences are more elusive. Which portions of the landscape are at greatest risk to invasion by annuals are unknown. Knowledge of the magnitude of vegetation change in the Great Basin is important. If we can understand the causes of these changes, as well as being able to predict future changes that may result from direct human pressure or global climatic change, we might be more successful at preventing or mitigating future changes and reversing previous change. We therefore elected to reconstruct, insofar as possible, the past vegetation of two townships (areas of 36 square miles) with contrasting land use histories, and to describe the present vegetation patterns as well. We wished to address the following questions: (1) What are the changes in species distribution and community composition? (2) How are changes in vegetation influenced by the landscape features? (3) How does human land use intensity influence vegetation change? GREAT SALT !' ..,.·-<'f~ !· f0 ~J ooE1l~ SKULL ~ VALLEY : o' I : ; \ (. , ··'-.. \ \ ...,.. ,[ \oDUGWAY I ! I I I I I ~--·-·-·-·...: UTAH MATERIALS AND METHODS Figure 1-Location of the study area. We chose two townships in Skull Valley, Tooele County, UT (fig. 1), for which we were able to obtain complete GLO surveyors' notes through the state office of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) in Salt Lake City. In addition to availability of such records, we chose these particular townships because (a) they both included a representative cross-section of the zonation of the lower elevations of the valley, and (b) they represented extremes in differences in land use history. Other possible townships within Skull Valley (fig. 1) would likely show intermediate levels of alteration due to human activities. One township, (T. 3S., R.8W., hereafter referred to as the Salt Mountain township), one of the first settled in Skull Valley because of the ready availability of water for livestock, was surveyed in 1871. The other township (T.1S., R.9W., hereafter referred to as the Hastings Pass township), has been less intensively impacted by livestock because ofthe absence of perennial sources of water. This township was not surveyed until1913. Both of these townships are approximately one-third high-elevation (above about 5,500 ft) juniper (Juniperus osteosperma) habitat, one-third mid-elevation (originally shrub dominated), and one-third low-elevation (below about 4,400 ft) with playas, greasewood (Sarcobatus vericulatus), or saltgrass (Distich/is stricta) habitat. The Salt Mountain (SM) township is on the eastern side of Skull Valley, abutting the Stansbury Mountains. The Hastings Pass (HP) township is on the western side of Skull Valley, in and below the Cedar Mountains. Besides the ready availability of perennial sources of water, the high-elevation, juniper-dominated eastern third of the SM township has gentler topography than the analogous high-elevation, juniper-dominated western third of the HP township. Rugged topography in the mountainous portion of the HP township, along with its greater probable aridity, has resulted in much of the mountainous areas of this township receiving little or no grazing by livestock. We visited during 1988 the sites of each of the section corners and quarter-section corners established by the GLO surveyors. If junipers were present, we attempted to locate the original bearing trees. We also established quadrats, generally 12 m by 40 m (size was varied occasionally for very dense or sparse stands of junipers), and recorded the number of junipers in each of five size-ageform classes (Blackburn and Tueller 1970; Tausch and others 1981). Dead trees were also recorded. Based on the proportion of young to old trees, and on the presence or absence of suitably sized trees closer to the corner monument than the original bearing trees, we subjectively classified the sites as either increasing, decreasing, or static with regard to juniper reproduction. At each site we also recorded our perceptions of the dominant or most conspicuous species within view. Our observations were not strictly comparable to those of the surveyors, since ours were site-specific, whereas those 27 Number of Cattle, Tooele County of the surveyors appeared to integrate their perceptions of the dominant or most conspicuous species along the entire 114-mile transect since the previous quarter-section corner. Strict reenactment of the original survey procedures would have taken a crew of six workers to handle the requisite rods and chains. We lacked the budget to do so. Because subjectivity was great for both styles of observation, and because such a study can only show gross changes in species dominance, we feel the differences in observation styles are unimportant. Land-ownership histories were documented for both townships using records in the state BLM office in Salt Lake City, and in the Tooele County Courthouse, Tooele, UT. Grazing histories and fire occurrence were inferred from records of the BLM Salt Lake District Office. Tax records on livestock numbers were found in the Tooele County Courthouse. Livestock numbers were also inferred from the Agricultural Census of 1880 found at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) Church Archives in Salt Lake City. 14000 12000 10000 ~ 10 u 0... G) ..c E 8000 6000 :I z 4000 2000 0 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 Year Number of Sheep, Tooele County TRENDS IN LIVESTOCK NUMBERS 250 Tax records from Tooele County summarize sheep and cattle numbers for the entire county as far back as the late nineteenth century. County summary records prior to 1900, however, tend to be less trustworthy. In fact, all tax records can only be used as an index of past livestock use, since, of course, they do not indicate where the grazing took place, and are of uncertain accuracy. Sheep numbers in Tooele County apparently fluctuated tremendously between 1900 and 1915, with some very high years (over 200,000 sheep) and some rather low years (less than 100,000) (fig. 2). After World War I, sheep numbers declined relatively steadily, until they dropped below 50,000 in 1980. A single-year estimate for 1880 (from the Agricultural Census of 1880) shows low (about 65,000) sheep numbers in Tooele County for that year. Cattle numbers in Tooele County showed just the opposite trend (fig. 2). Between 1900 and 1915, numbers remained low (less than 4,500). Beginning with World War I, numbers increased relatively steadily, with a peak around 1970 of more than 13,000. The single-year estimate from the Agricultural Census of 1880 shows cattle numbers in Tooele County to be nearly 14,000 in that year, however. Although these estimates of past livestock numbers in Tooele County are of uncertain accuracy and particular relevance to Skull Valley, they do show that both cattle and sheep numbers were at times quite high in the past, and from this we can reasonably infer that livestock grazing pressure on rangelands has likewise been considerable at times. s 200 0 0 .,... ~ Q. 150 G) G) ..c (/) 0 Q; ..c 100 E :I z 50 0~--r-~--~--~~---r--~~r-~--, 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 Year Figure 2-Numbers of cattle and sheep on the tax rolls of Tooele County, UT, 1900-1980. Between the years of 1887 and 1923 (Atkin 1958), immigrants from Hawaii built and occupied the settlement ofiosepa in this township, and ran an extensive livestock operation there. A working cattle ranch continues in the township today. In addition to the activities of farming and livestock grazing, considerable woodcutting also took place in this township. Surveyors even noted the presence of a sawmill in the township in 1871, perhaps to process logs from both the township and elsewhere. In recent decades, many juniper-dominated sites have been chained (West 1984). Of the 35 juniper-dominated sites visited in the SM township in 1988, seven have been chained, and eight show signs of considerable woodcutting, both by saw and axe. Human activity continues at a probably lesser intensity in the township today. CHANGES IN LAND OWNERSHIP Ownership records reveal that about 16 percent of the SM township was homesteaded between 1878 and 1900. Surveyors' plat maps and field notes indicate that there were already three or four farms/ranches in the township in 1871. 28 Although livestock grazing probably occurred in the HP township well into the last century, apparently no permanent settlements existed, nor has there ever been any private land in this township. No chainings or signs of woodcutting were found in the HP township. Obviously, the presence of perennial streams and springs in the SM township has resulted in considerably more intensive human activity there compared to the HP township. Hastings Pass Vegetation Change 100 ('I') o; 80 Q) (,) c: u; 60 "'C Q) GENERAL CHANGES IN VEGETATION 0) c: ns .J: () 40 Ul ~ For data analysis, all the visited sites were grouped into types depending primarily on their elevational position in the townships, from the lowest elevation sites ("playa" or "saltgrass"), slightly higher elevation areas dominated by greasewood ("sarco"), mid-elevation bench, bajada, or foothill sites ("bench"), and high-elevation sites usually dominated by junipers. High-elevation sites had more variable topography, and so were further divided into flat or gently sloping ("flats"), in or adjacent to large canyons or washes ("cyn/wash"), and mountainous sites located on steep slopes or ridge tops ("mtns") categories. Figure 3 shows the proportion of total sites for each type that have changed radically in plant species dominance since 1913 or 1871. Radical changes in species dominance were defined as the disappearance, or present inconspicuousness, of a species listed as conspicuous by the surveyors for a particular area, or conversely, the conspicuous occurrence at a particular site in 1988 of a species not mentioned by the surveyors. More subtle changes were not considered. The longer and more intensive use of the SM township has resulted in more extensive changes in the species of dominant plants (fig. 3). Most or all of the sites within each type have undergone significant changes in species dominance since the GLO surveyors described the area, with the exception of the playa type. In the HP township, some sites within each type have undergone significant changes since 1913, but the mid-elevation zones-bench and greasewood sites-have changed the most. Within the mountains, areas of relatively flat topography are most likely to have undergone significant changes since 1913. Areas of more rugged mountainous topography, or areas of high salinity and low vegetation cover, have changed the least. Besides livestock grazing, signs of which may be found in both townships in all but the most rugged terrain, fire is probably the most pervasive factor responsible for vegetation change (fig. 4). In the SM township, fires appear to have played a lesser role compared to the HP township, but this is largely because of the way fire signs were evident. Charred shrub skeletons, or at higher elevations, charred juniper skeletons, were used as indicators of past fires. Although charred juniper skeletons may persist for many decades, and perhaps even centuries (Erdman 1970), charred shrub skeletons appear to persist less than a decade. Subsequent fires may eliminate these shrub skeletons even sooner. Thus, many sites that have burned, even recently, may not show direct signs of what woody species prevailed earlier. Sites with cheatgrass dominance in the mid-elevation bench, foothill, or bajada types are good candidates for underestimated fire u; 0 0~ 20 0 Playa Sarco Bench Flats Cyn/Wash Mtns Site Type Salt Mtn Vegetation Change 100 ,... ,... c:o ,... 80 Q) (,) c: u; 60 "'C Q) 0) c: ns .J: () 40 Ul ~ u; 0 ~ 0 20 0 Playa Sarco Bench Flats Cyn/Wash Mtns Site Type Figure 3-Percentages of various types of the Hastings Pass (HP) and Salt Mountain (SM) townships experiencing radical changes in plant dominance since 1913 or 1871. occurrences. Greasewood is the only long-lived shrub in this area that can resprout following burning. In the HP township, fires tend to have occurred in the mid-elevation bench and greasewood types, and within the mountains in the gentler topography of the flats, becoming less common in more rugged mountainous topography. Because of the persistence of charred juniper skeletons, fires at juniper sites can be categorized as either recent (charred shrub skeletons present), or ancient (old charred juniper skeletons present in a matrix of older, mature trees). Recent fires tend to have occurred at the lower, gentler topography, and tend to become less common at more rugged sites, such as ridge tops (fig. 4). 29 Hastings Pass Fire Occurrence HP Playa Sites {N 100 =20) 100 • a 80 rm total fires recent fires ancient fires • • 80 1913 1988 "tt Q) c: :; 60 Cl) m c;; Cl) .!! c;; 0 60 .!! 0 40 ~ 0 40 ~ 0 20 20 0 -+---"T'" Playa Sarco 0 Bench Flats Cyn/Wash Mtns ATCO SAVE Site Type DISP ALSP ANN. Plant Species Salt Mtn Fire Occurrence SM Playa Sites {N 100 = 9) 100 • total fires 80 80 "tt Q) ...::::Jc: 60 Cl) m C75 0 60 .!! c;; Cl) Q) 0 40 '#. 40 0~ 20 04---..-1 Playa Sarco 20 Bench 0 Flats Cyn/Wash Mtns ATCO Site Type SAVE DISP ATGA KOAM Plant Species Figure 4-Percentage of sites with evidence of fire in 1988. Figure 5-Percentages of playa sites dominated by various plant species in the initial and 1988 surveys in the Hastings Pass (HP) and Salt Mountain (SM) townships. ATCO = Atriplex confertifolia; SAVE = Sarcobatus vermiculatus; ALSP = Allenrolfea spp; DISP = Distich/is stricta; ANN= various introduced annuals, especially, Bromus tectorum; ATGA =A triplex gardneri; KOAM = Kochia americana. CHANGES IN PLANT DOMINANCE FOR EACH TYPE recorded it as "alkali flat." We assume that the term "salt weeds" likely refers toAllenrolfea spp. and pickleweed (Salicornia spp.), which occur conspicuously on the playa today. Some areas of the HP township playa are completely barren today, as they likely were in 1913. Probably few, if any, changes have occurred within this type since 1913 (fig. 5). Playa-Changes in the species dominance on the playas are the most difficult to evaluate, in part because of the lack of detail in the surveyors' notes. In the 1913 survey of the HP township, the surveyor referred to the species growing on the playa as "salt weeds," or simply 30 Large expanses of playa, or alkali flat, do not occur in the SM township. Instead, playas occur interspersed in a matrix of greasewood-dominated vegetation. Furthermore, plant cover is generally greater on playas here compared to the HP township. Again, changes in plant dominance within this type are difficult to evaluate. The surveyor often recorded greasewood as a conspicuous species at these sites. While that is not strictly true today on the playa sites, these sites always occur immediately adjacent to greasewood-dominated communities in the SM township, so the apparent decline in the proportion of sites with grease wood as a conspicuous species is probably spurious (fig. 5). Salt grass seems to be conspicuous at the same number of sites as in 1871. In addition, gardner saltbush (Atriplex gardneri) and green molly kochia (Kochia americana) are often conspicuous at these playa sites today. These are small, but ubiquitous plants, and were likely present in 1871 but simply overlooked and not recorded. So, few changes in species dominance are likely to have occurred in the playa sites of either township since their respective surveys. HP Sarcobatus Sites (N 100 • = 11) 1913 fB 198880 ~ 60 - 40 .! en 0 tft 20 0 ATCO SAVE ALSP ANN. NAT.BG Plant Species Sarcobatus Sites-Sites in the HP township that were dominated by greasewood in 1913 show a continuing dominance by that species today, although in the interspaces, shadscale (Atriplex confertifolia) has often been replaced by cheatgrass and other annuals (fig. 6). In the SM township, 10 of the sites that are dominated by greasewood today were dominated by sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata, A nova, or both, the surveyors did not differentiate), in 1871. Since 1871, greasewood has expanded into many areas formerly dominated by sagebrush, with cheatgrass and other annuals present in the interspaces. Sagebrush is absent from all of these sites today. Rickard (1964) observed similar changes in southeastern Washington. A larger proportion of sites also have shadscale as a conspicuous species today compared to 1871. Although it also appears thatAtriplex gardneri and green molly kochia have invaded many of these sites since 1871, it is more likely that these smaller but more ubiquitous species were simply overlooked and notrecorded in 1871. SM Sarcobatus Sites (N =29) 100 • 1871 B 1988-. 80 60 40 20 0 ATCO Salt Grass-This type occurs only in the Salt Mountain township, and consists of sites dominated by swards of often thick and matted saltgrass recorded by the 1871 surveyor as "salt grass meadow." Four of the nine sites recorded as salt grass meadows in 1871 are still such today. In addition, at several other sites the surveyor recorded salt grass as the most conspicuous species, approximately the same number as today. A few sites also had greasewood and sagebrush listed as conspicuous in 187i, while these species were not conspicuous in 1988. In general, these salt grass-dominated sites have probably changed little since 1871, despite apparently heavy grazing pressure. SAVE ARTR ANN. ATGA KOAM Plant Species Figure &-Percentages of Sarcobatus sites dominated by various plant species in the initial and 1988 surveys in the Hastings Pass (HP) and Salt Mountain (SM) townships. Taxonomic symbols the same as figure 5 except: NAT. BG =native bunchgrass, ARTR =Artemisia tridentata, A. nova, or both. portion of sites where shadscale and budsage (Artemisia spinescens) are conspicuous. The bunchgrasses present on the benches of the Hastings Pass township today may be different species from those seen in 1913, since the genera we see there today-Aristida, Oryzopsis, and Stipa-are ones normally associated with moderately heavy livestock grazing histories (West 1988). Surveyors also noted that grease wood was a conspicuous species in several bench sites of the HP township in 1913, although it is conspicuous at none of these sites today. Bench/Baj ada/Foothill Sites-The greatest changes in both townships have occurred in the mid-elevation __ _ bench, foothill, and bajada sites, where annuals have become the dominants at essentially all of the sites in both townships (fig. 7). In the HP township, this conversion to dominance by annuals has been accompanied by a small decrease in the proportion of sites with bunchgrass conspicuous, and a large decrease in the pro31_ HP Bench/Foothill Sites (N =28) today, again, as with the HP township, include species from the generaAristida, Oryzopsis, and Stipa, and so the bunchgrass species composition may have changed at these sites since 1871. Even while these bunchgrasses are conspicuous today in many sites, they are by no means comparable in cover and dominance to the introduced annuals, especially cheatgrass. Exotic bunchgrasses (Eurasian Argropyron and Elymus spp.) are also not abundant on the SM benches today. One site today has greasewood conspicuous where none was mentioned in 1871. 100 80 fl) • II 1913 1988 60 .! u; 0 ~ 0 40 High-Elevation Flats-On sites at higher elevations with flat or gently sloping topography, the proportion of sites with junipers tends to have greatly decreased in the HP township, with a concomitant invasion of annuals, especially cheatgrass, onto these sites (fig. 8). Bunchgrasses remain conspicuous at all of these sites, however, and sagebrush remains conspicuous at the same proportion of sites. Many sites where shadscale was conspicuous in 1913 have apparently lost this species. Junipers have greatly increased in conspicuousness at many of these sites in the SM township since 1871. At several sites within this type where junipers were not mentioned in 1871, they now grow thickly. There has been a concomitant invasion of cheatgrass and other annuals, a decrease in proportion of sites with native bunchgrasses, and an increase in exotic bunchgrasses and sagebrush. One site showed greasewood where none was mentioned in 1871. These increases in juniper dominance occurred despite extensive woodcutting and chaining in this township, particularly within this site type. In fact, nearly all chained areas now have junipers growing thickly upon them. The chainings, reseeding, and consequent management were not intensive enough, thus tree regeneration was encouraged (West 1984). 20 0 ATCO NAT.BG EX.BG SAVE ANN. ARSP Plant Species SM Bench/Foothill Sites (N = 21) 100 80 fl) 60 .! u; 0 0~ 40 High-Elevation Canyons and Washes-Canyon/ wash sites in the HP township, like the mountain sites, show little change since 1913 (fig. 9). Junipers were prominent at all sites in 1913, and remain prominent at all sites today. All10 sites had evident bunchgrass in 1913, and nine sites have bunchgrass today. Sagebrush shows a slight increase in the proportion of sites where this species is prominent. Annuals have invaded a few sites. Some sites had conspicuous shadscale in 1913, with no sites showing shadscale in 1988. Like HP township, all canyon/wash sites in the SM township had highly visible junipers in 1871, and all sites do in 1988 (fig. 9). There has been a decrease in the proportion of sites with native bunchgrasses, and a few sites now have exotic bunchgrass species. Cheatgrass is now evident at several sites, and a few more sites now have sagebrush as compared to 1871. 20 0 ARTR NAT.BG EX.BG SAVE ANN. JUOS Plant Species Figure 7-Percentages of bench/foothilllbajada sites dominated by various plant species in the initial and 1988 surveys in the Hastings Pass (HP), and Salt Mountain (SM) townships. Taxonomic symbols the same as figures 5 and 6, except: EXBG =exotic bunchgrasses, ARSP = Artemisia spinescens, and JUOS =Juniperus osteosperma. Mountain Sites-The most striking result for rugged mountainous terrain in the HP township is that few changes in species composition have occurred since 1913 (fig. 10). Junipers have been removed from only two sites by fire. Bunchgrasses were conspicuous at all of these sites in 1913, and are still there today. Even where fires have occurred, bunchgrassess have retained their dominance, and cheatgrass invasion is minimal. Artemisia spp. were evident at the same number of sites in 1988 In the SM township, increases in annuals have been accompanied by a large decrease in the proportion of sites with sagebrush conspicuous (fig. 7). Only two sites on these benches had junipers in 1871, and junipers were absent from all bench sites in 1988. Native bunchgrasses were apparently not conspicuous on SM sites even in 1871, and they are still not conspicuous there today. The few sites with native bunchgrasses conspicuous 32 HP High Elev. Flats (N = 8) HP High Elev. Cyns/Washes (N 100 =10) 100 • 1913 BJ 1988· • 80 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 0 II 1913 1988- 0 JUOS ATCO ART NAT.BG ARSP ANN. SAVE JUOS ART NAT.BG ATCO ANN. SAVE Plant Species Plant Species SM High Elev. Flats (N = 17) SM High Elev. Cyns/Washes (N = 8) 100 100 80 • 1871 1B 1988- • 60 60 40 40 20 20 0 0 JUOS ARTR NAT.BG EX.BG ANN. 1B 80 JUOS SAVE ARTR NAT.BG 1871 1988 EX.BG ANN. Plant Species Plant Species Figure &-Percentages of high-elevation flat sites dominated by various plant species in the initial and 1988 surveys in the Hastings Pass (HP), and Salt Mountain (SM) townships. Taxonomic symbols as in previous figures. Figure 9-Percentages of high-elevation canyon and wash sites dominated by various plant species in the initial and 1988 surveys in the Hastings Pass (HP), and Salt Mountain (SM) townships. Taxonomic symbols as in previous figures. as in 1913. Apparently, however, shadscale was conspicuous in several mountainous sites in 1913, but is not prominent at any of these sites today. The rugged topography of this type has undoubtedly minimized livestock access and prevented major changes in species dominance from occurring. There are only five sites of the mountainous type in the SM township, so conclusions must be tenuous (fig. 10). Junipers were conspicuous at three of these sites in 1871, and were evident at four sites in 1988. Cheatgrass is now abundant at four sites. Native bunchgrasses were conspicuous at only one site in 1871, and at none in 1988. Exotic bunchgrasses are now conspicuous where seeded. Sagebrush was conspicuous at all five sites in 1871, and was still conspicuous at four of the sites in 1988. 33 =23) HP Mountain Sites (N washes for both townships. Juniper growth and establishment apparently accelerates where soil water may be more available. In the HP township, the mountainous types show no decrease in tree density because they seldom burned. Fires have caused a decrease in junipers at some flat or canyon/wash sites here, however. Some recent fires have killed junipers in the canyon/wash type which, before the fire, was dominated by young trees and were probably sites with increasing tree density. The mountainous sites of this township are generally static (sites that probably have not changed substantially in juniper size or density since the GLO survey). It might be proposed that, in the absence of disturbance by livestock and fire, wetter sites might be more conducive to juniper establishment and higher juniper densities compared to drier sites. This does not appear to be the case, however. Note that the mountainous sites (fig. 12), have been divided into two types: sites occurring in the middle of steep slopes ("midslopes"), and sites occurring 100 80 J u; 0 '#. 60 40 20 0 JUOS ART ATCO NAT.BG ARSP ANN. Plant Species SM Mountain Sites (N =5) 100 HP Juniper Site Status 80 100 J 60 so u; 1:'.! 0 Q, '#. Q) ·c::l 40 ~ 60 • ;: 'i rn Q) 5il 20 Increasing 11!1 Static 40 1111 ~ Decreasing Inc., then Dec. • Increasing Static Decreasing Inc., then Dec. 0 '#. 20 0 JUOS ARTR NAT.BG EXBG ANN. 0 Bench Plant Species Flats Cyn!Wash Mtns Site Type Figure 10-Percentages of mountain sites dominated by various plant species in the initial and 1988 surveys, in the Hastings Pass (HP), and Salt Mountain (SM) townships. Taxonomic symbols as in previous figures. SM Juniper Site Status 100 so 1:'.! ·c:8.. :l ~ 60 ;: JUNIPER REPRODUCTION II II 'i rn Q) := By comparing the positions of witness trees with respect to the survey monument at each of the juniperdominated sites, and by noting the presence of similarsized or larger trees closer to the monument, we obtained a qualitative idea of whether particular sites had shown increases in juniper size and density since the surveyors had recorded the witness trees, or whether the sites had shown a decrease in junipers or were apparently static. A high proportion of the high-elevation, juniperdominated sites show substantial increases in juniper size, density, or both, since the GLO survey (fig. 11). Those sites with increased trees are located mostly in the high-elevation flats or in and near canyons and 40 ~ (f) 0 '#. 20 Bench Flats Cyn/Wash Mtns Site Type Figure 11-Percentages of section and quartersection corners where junipers were increasing, static, or decreasing between the initial and 1988 surveys, stratified by site types in the Hastings Pass (HP) and Salt Mountain (SM) townships. 34 HP Juniper Old and Dead Trees HP Juniper Density 600 50 • II 500 40 Ill %Old Trees %Dead Trees % (Old & Dead) -;- .r. UiG) 400 [!? ~ 30 G) Q. ~ "2 300 ...,;:, Ill 0 c: Q) 0~ 0 G) G) 20 200 .= 10 100 0 0 Flats Cyn/Wash Midslopes Flats Ridges Cyn/Wash Midslopes Ridges Site Type Site Type Figure 12-Mean juniper densities (trees/ha) in 1988 at various mountainous site types within the Hastings Pass township. The thin lines centered over the bars represent one standard error of the mean. Figure 14-Mean percentages of old and dead trees in the total juniper density found in 1988 at various mountainous site types within the Hastings Pass township. The thin lines represent one on or very near ridge tops. Juniper densities do not appear to be very different among the types in the relatively undisturbed HP township, although the juniper cover visually appears to be higher in wetter sites (especially canyon/wash sites). Nor does the proportion of junipers in the seedling and young sapling age classes appear to be significantly different (fig. 13), although there is a tendency for the proportion to be greatest in the relatively wet canyon/wash sites. What do appear to be different are the proportions of old mature/decadent junipers and the proportions of dead juniper snags (fig. 14). Decadent trees appear to constitute a higher proportion of the population at the mountainous sites, such as midslopes and ridges. They probably escape fires and wood gathering more often there than at other sites, such as canyons and washes, where fires are common (fig. 4). HP Juniper Seedlings and Young Saplings 50 40 30 20 10 CONCLUSIONS 0 Flats Cyn/Wash Midslopes 1. Large historical changes in plant species distribution and dominance have occurred in the vegetation of both study townships in Skull Valley. The greatest changes have occurred in former sagebrush- and shadscaledominated vegetation on bench, foothill, and bajada sites where livestock grazing and fires have been most concentrated. 2. In the HP township, most of the changes have been concentrated in the mid-elevation bench sites, where Ridges Site Type Figure 13-Mean percentages of juniper seedlings and saplings in the total juniper density found in 1988 at various mountainous site types within the Hastings Pass township. The thin lines represent one standard error of the mean. 35 areas dominated by shadscale and sagebrush and native perennial bunchgrass have been converted to cheatgrassdominated sites. At the higher elevations, rugged topography and low water availability have resulted in less disturbance both by fire and livestock. Where fires have occurred at higher elevations, bunchgrasses have recovered vigorously and there has been little cheatgrass invasion. 3. In the SM township, the sites with the greatest changes are once again the mid-elevation sites, where essentially all of the areas of former shadscale and sagebrush domination have been converted to cheatgrass communities. But, in this township, higher elevation areas have less rugged topography and more water, and have therefore been exploited more intensively by livestock and humans than high-elevation areas of the HP township. 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