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Session 1-High-Mountaln Resources of the World
Wyman C. Schmidt, Coordinator ................................ 1
High-Mountain Forests of the World: Environmental
Similarities and Resource Use Issues
Jack D. lves .•..•..•.•.••......•..•.•..•....•.•.•.•••....•.•...•••.•......•• 2
Biology, Taxonomy, Evolution, and Geography of Stone
Pines of the World
Ronald M. Lanner ...••............•.........•..................•.•.... 14
Disturbance and Management Problems in Larch-Cembra
Pine Forests in Europe
Friedrich-Karl Holtmeier ............................................ 25
The Future of High-Mountain Biological Research
Eldon W. Ross .......................................................... 37
Session 2-High-Mountaln Resources of North America
Richard Kracht, Coordinator ..................................... 39
Late Quaternary History of Whitebark Pine in the Rocky
Richard G. Baker ...................................................... 40
High-Mountain Resources on National Forest Lands
John W. Mumma ....................................................... 49
High-Mountain Resources of National Park Service Lands
Don G. Despain ........................................................ 53
Distribution and Ecology of Whitebark Pine in Western
R. T. Ogilvie ..............................................................64
Session 3-Ecology of Whltebark Pine Forests
Steve Arno and David Mattson, Coordinators •......... 61
Geology, Geomorphology, and Soils Within Whitebark
Pine Ecosystems
Katherine Hansen-Bristow, Clifford Montagne,
Ginger Schmid .•....••.•.••.••...........•..................•..........• 62
Climates of Subalpine Pine Woodlands
T. Weaver ................................................................. 72
Using Wind-Deformed Conifers to Measure Wind Patterns
in Alpine Transition at GLEES
Robert C. Musselman, Gene L Wooldridge,
Douglas G. Fox, Bernadette H. Connell .............. 80
Autecology of Whitebark Pine
Ward W. McCaughey and Wyman C. Schmidt ••••..... 85
Whitebark Pine Community Types and Their Patterns
on the Landscape
Stephen F. Arno and Tad Weaver ............................ 97
Whitebark Pine on the Mount Washburn Massif,
Yellowstone National Park
David J. Mattson and Daniel P. Reinhart ................ 106
Coevolution of Whitebark Pine and Nutcrackers:
Implications for Forest Regeneration
Diana F. Tomback, Lyn A. Hoffmann,
Sharren K. Sund ................................................ 118
Physical and Chemical Treatments to Improve Germination
of Whitebark Pine Seeds
J. A. Pitel and B.S. P. Wang .................................. 130
Effects of Temperature and Temperature Preconditioning
on Seedling Performance of Whitebark Pine
J. Jacobs and T. Weaver ........................................ 134
Biotic and Microsite Factors Affecting Whitebark Pine
Ward W. McCaughey and T. Weaver ••••••..••••••••••... 140
Stand Development in Whitebark Pine Woodlands
T. Weaver, F. Forcella, D. Dale .............................. 151
Occurrence of Multiple Stems in Whitebark Pine
T. Weaver and J. Jacobs ........................................ 156
Xylem Resin Monoterpenes of Whitebark Pine in the
Sierra Nevada and Southern Cascades
R. H. Smith .............................................................. 160
Fire Effeds in Whitebark Pine Forests
Penny Morgan and Stephen C. Bunting ................. 166
Insects of Whitebark Pine with Emphasis on Mountain
Pine Beetle
Dale L Bartos and Kenneth E. Gibson ................... 171
Diseases of Whitebark Pine with Special Emphasis on
White Pine Blister Rust
Ray Hoff and Susan Hagle ..................................... 179
Historical Uses of Whitebark Pine
B. John Losensky .................................................... 191
Berry Production in Three Whitebark Pine Forest Types
T. Weaver, K. Kendall, F. Forcella .......................... 198
Use and Impact of Domestic Livestock in Whitebark Pine
E. Earl Willard ......................................................... 201
Exotic Invasion of Timberline Vegetation, Northern Rocky
Mountains, USA
T. Weaver, J. Lichthart, D. Gustafson ..................... 208
Use of Forest Ecosystem Process Measurements in an
Integrated Environmental Monitoring Program in the
Wind River Range, Wyoming
G. J. White, G. A. Baker, M. E. Harmon,
G. B. Wiersma, D. A. Bruns ............................... 214
Stone Pines and Bears
David J. Mattson and Charles Jonkel ..................... 223
Elk and Mule Deer Use of Whitebark Pine Forests in
Southwest Montana: An Ecological Perspective
Terry N. Lonner and David F. Pac .......................... 237
Whitebark Pine Seed Dispersal and Establishment: Who's
Harry E. Hutchins .................................................... 245
Red Squirrels in the Whitebark Zone
Daniel P. Reinhart and David J. Mattson ................ 256
Whitebark Pine-An Important but Endangered Wildlife
Katherine C. Kendall and Stephen F. Arno ............. 264
Simulating Disturbances and Conifer Succession in
Whitebark Pine Forests
Robert E. Keane, Stephen F. Arno, James K. Brown,
Diana F. Tomback ..••••••••.•.......•.•••.•.•••.•.•........••. 274
Session 4-Management Implications
Wendel Hann and Kathy Hansen-Bristow,
Coordinators ......................................................289
Wildlife Resources and Habitat Management Objedives
in the Whitebark Pine Ecosystem
Dan Tyers ............................................................... 290
Response of Vegetation to Livestock Impacts on Green
Fescue Sites in the Whitebark Pine Ecosystem
Charles G. Johnson, Jr.•••.....••.••..••••.......•••••...••.•.•.. 294
Streams, Lakes, and Fish in Whitebark Pine Ecosystems
Ray J. White ••••••••..••••••.••••••••••..••••••....••••••.•.•••••••..•. 297
SNOTEL and Snow Course Data: Describing the Hydrology
of Whitebark Pine Ecosystems
Phillip E. Farnes •••••••••••••..•••••••.•••••••.....•••••....••••••.... 302
Recreation in Whitebark Pine Ecosystems: Demand,
Problems, and Management Strategies
David N. Cole ••••••.••••....•••••••••.••••.•••.•.•••••••.••••••••.•..•• 305
Timber Management and Target Stands in the Whitebark
Pine Zone
Jimmie D. Chew ••••.•..••••••...••••••••...•••.••••..•.••••••..•••••• 310
The Role of Genetic Diversity in Whitebark Pine
Peter F. Brussard •••.•..••••••••.•.•••••....•••••.•..•••••••••••••••• 315
Fire Behavior Characteristics and Management Implications
in Whitebark Pine Ecosystems
Richard J. Lasko ••.•••••••..•••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••.•.••••••••• 319
Silvicultural Management Alternatives for Whitebark Pine
Douglas E. Eggers •••••••••••••••.•••••••••..••••••••.••••••••.•.•.• 324
Reclamation Practices in High-Mountain Ecosystems
Ray W. Brown and Jeanne C. Chambers ••••••••...•••• 329
Landscape- and Ecosystem-Level Management in
Whitebark Pine Ecosystems
Wendel J. Hann ...................................................... 335
Relationships Between Whitebark Pine Cone Production
and Fall Grizzly Bear Movements
Bonnie M. Blanchard ...•••....••••••.•..•••••••••••••......•••..... 362
The Fire Effects Information System: An Aid to Wildland
Fire Management
Anne F. Bradley ...................................................... 363
Whitebark Pine and Cumulative Effects Modeling for the
Yellowstone Grizzly Bear
Bev Dixon •.•••••••••••.••••...••••.••••.•.••••••••.•••••.•••••••••••....• 364
Containerized Whitebark Pine Nursery Production In the
Forest Service Northern Region
Kent Eggleston and Joseph Meyer ...•..•...•.••...•....... 366
Vertical Distribution of Epiphytic Lichens on Three Tree
Species In Yellowstone National Park
Sharon Eversman, Carol Johnson,
Dan Gustafson .................................................. 367
Inventory, Monitoring, and Analysis of Whitebark Pine
Ecosystems Using the ECODATA and ECOPAC System
Wendel J. Hann and Mark Jensen ...•••••••.•.••.•••.•.•..• 368
Artificial Reforestation of Whitebark Pine
Richard L Kracht and Ward W. McCaughey .•..•••... 369
Morphological Differences Between Wind-Dispersed
and Bird-Dispersed Pines of Subgenus Strobus
Ronald M. Lanner ................................................... 371
Montana's Native Plant Society
Jan Nixon and Anne F. Bradley ••••••••....•••••••....•••.... 372
Wind and Snow Damage Effects After Thinning Immature
Subalpine Forests
Jack A. Schmidt ••.•.•.•••••••....••••••..•.•.••••.•.••••...•......••• 373
Whitebark Pine-A Subalpine Species Needing
Silvicultural Attention
Wyman C. Schmidt and Ward McCaughey ••••••...... 373
Autecology of Whitebark Pine: Cluster and Microsite
Sharren K. Sund, Diana Tomback,
Lyn Hoffmann .•.••••••••...••••.••••.....•••....•.•.•.•.•.•.••... 374
Effects of Trampling on the Understories of Whitebark
Pine Forests
T. Weaver and D. Dale ••.•..•••.•••.....•••••••....•••••.•.....•• 375
Session 5-Where Do We Go From Here?
Tad Weaver and Wyman C. Schmidt,
Coordinators ••...•••.•••.•.•.••••••.•..••.•••.....•••••••....•••.. 340
Integrating Whitebark Pine Into National Park Management
C. J. Martinka, K. A. Keating, C. H. Key .•.••••••••.•...• 341
A Survey of Whitebark Pine Management on National
Forest Lands
Kent E. Houston and Earle F. Layser ••...•••••••••....••• 344
Information Gaps and Research Needs for Whitebark Pine
Don G. Despain and Richard G. Krabill ..•••••••....•••.• 349
Whitebark Pine Symposium Highlights
R. G. Krabill .•.•..••••••......••.••••.....•••••••.••...••••.......•.•••• 352
Field Trl p •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 355
Seeing Whitebark Pine in a Northern Rocky Mountain
Landscape: Notes for a Field Trip
T. Weaver •••.••••••.•.•••.•.••••••••.•.•.••••••......••....•.••••.•.•••• 355
Poster Papers •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 359
.Postfire Vegetative Response in a Whitebark Pine
Community, Bob Marshall Wilderness, Montana
Maria Ash and Richard J. Lasko •••••••.....•••.•••....•••.•• 360
Guide to Documents ......................................................376
Reference Guide to Whitebark Pine
Ward W. McCaughey and T. Weaver •••.•...••....•...... 376