Foundations of Education

Foundations of Education
FED 501 Foundations of Education – Three semester hours. Bases of modern education studies
from the standpoint of their historical development and interpreted in relation to their social,
economic, philosophical and psychological foundations.
FED 502 Introduction to Educational Statistics – Three semester hours. The meaning and
importance of statistics as a scientific tool in educational investigation; measures of central
tendency, variability, and relation as descriptive devices; the computation of descriptive
measure; and the presentation of data in graphic and tabular form.
FED 503 Introduction to Educational Research – Three semester hours. Aims to give the
graduate student an introduction to the field of research; includes practical training in research
and writing techniques in the field of education; bibliographical material; footnotes; and use of
library resources. The course is designed for users as well as producers of research projects.
FED 521 Multicultural Education – Three semester hours. Prepares the educator for
perceiving, believing, evaluating, and behaving in different cultural settings. It should help the
educator become more responsive to the human condition, individual cultural integrity, and
cultural pluralism in today‘s society.
FED 529 Computer-Based Instructional Technologies – Three semester hours. The course is
designed to help teachers develop competency in the use of computer-based technologies in
educational and non-educational settings. This course will include a 139 historical perspective of
educational computing, computer terminology, proper techniques for operating computer
systems, and practical classroom applications of the computer like word processing, spreadsheet,
and databases. Students will have the opportunity to work with Macintosh and IBM formats. No
prior computer knowledge or skills is necessary.
FED 531 Current and Emerging Instructional Technologies – Three semester hours. The
course is designed to help educators develop skills in using desktop publishing, computer
graphics, hypermedia environments, telecommunications, and optical technology. (Prerequisite:
ELE 530 or an equivalent graduate level course)
FED 532 Curriculum Integration of Technology – Three semester hours. The content will
focus on the following major areas: principles of instructional design, techniques for integrating
computers and related technologies into the school‘s curriculum, designing and evaluating
software and coursework, hypermedia for instructional uses, and repurposing interactive video
material. (Prerequisites: ELE 530 and FED 531)
FED 504 Evaluation of Teaching-Learning – Three semester hours. A complete exploration
into the pertinent theories, research, procedures, and problems in learning and teaching
evaluation. Various readings and experiments will be explored. Students will be required to do a
terminal research.
FED 600 Advanced Curriculum Development – Three semester hours. This course is designed
to assist teachers, administrators, supervisors, curriculum directors, and other instructional
personnel in developing competencies as instructional leaders. Two critical factors in a program
of curriculum development and improvement are examined: (1) an analysis of factors relative to
the concept of change in education, and (2) the development of a concept of leadership for
instructional improvement.
FED 601 Advanced Philosophy of Education – Three semester hours. Critical study in the
examination of the various educational theories and philosophies of education, their relationships
and implications for teaching; applicable for classroom teachers, practicing school
administrators, and other certified, non-teaching school personnel.
FED 603 Advanced Educational Research. Three semester hours. An in-depth study of
research methodologies and designs. Emphasis is placed on thesis preparation.
FED 604 Advanced Evaluation of Teaching and Learning – Three semester hours. An indepth study of the theories, processes and procedures relating to the evaluation of teaching and
student learning.
FED 605 Qualitative Methods of Educational Research – Three semester hours. Through
reading, research, discussion, writing and presentations students will learn the theoretical and
practical aspects of qualitative research. The course content will cover ethics, IRB, letters of
permission/consent, 140 theoretical approaches, research design, fieldwork, observations,
interviews, surveys, questionnaires, data and analysis. Technical writing, thesis proposals and
articles will be highlighted for form and content. Weekly projects will be required in this course.
Surveys, interviews and observations will be highlighted in this course. Each students will write
a qualitative research proposal he or she may expand into a thesis proposal.
Secondary Education
SED 521 English in the Secondary School – Three semester hours. This course will consider
objectives of English in the secondary school, content and organization of the English
curriculum, and direction of learning in the English program.
SED 522 Secondary School Mathematics – Three semester hours. Literature, research, and
content in mathematics, current trends, experimental programs, graduation of subject matter,
criteria for program evaluation, and basic issues.
SED 523 Social Science in the Secondary School Curriculum – Three semester hours. The
course content, along with related material, will consist of the examination of the basic purposes
and objectives of the social studies program in the junior and senior high school and recent
trends and developments in the field, selecting and organizing content materials, planning
various kinds of learning experiences, and exploring effective ways of teaching and learning
democratic citizenship.
SED 524 Science in the Secondary School Program – Three semester hours. For teachers and
supervisors of science in the junior and senior high school. Units of subject matter presented
through assigned reading, lectures, demonstrations, and discussions will be studied. Students will
participate in demonstrations, selected laboratory work, and field trips. There will be a
comprehensive examination covering of the content of general science.
SED 527 Guiding Learning in the Secondary School – Three semester hours. Basic principles
and techniques of learning as related to the various fields and levels of Secondary Education.
SED 530 The Secondary School Curriculum – Three semester hours. Principles of curriculum
construction as they apply to the secondary school and the various subject areas; will be a critical
study of recent efforts to combine fields of subject matters.
SED 552 Independent Research – One, two or three semester hours. This course is designed
for and restricted to graduate students seeking the master‘s degree in Secondary Education
and/or certification. The content of the course is drawn from current research data. The students
have an opportunity to identify and analyze areas of interest, study issues, trends, problems, 146
procedures, implications, and innovative programs identified in research data. The course cannot
be substituted for required courses.
SED 699 Thesis – One, three, or six semester hours.