ENGINEERED PLATFORM SOLUTIONS Heartland Engineered Products offers a unique concept of structural platforms as the foundation for integrated material handling technology. With experience and expert engineering, we will provide you solutions on unique custom designs and standard platform applications. Our applications group is ready to help you with your design. Using four different types of construction, we offer design flexibility to meet your exact specifications. Our platforms can be designed for extreme load capacities and wide clear spans. Available deck options, include Resindek (coated and uncoated), bar grate, concrete ready, diamond plate and wood. Heartland Engineered Products can also provide accessories for your existing facility and other applications. Our platform accessories include, Stairways, Landings, Catwalks, Steep Ascent Ladders, Caged Ladders, Crossovers, Slide Gates, Swing Gates, Pivot Gates and Handrail. You can begin the quotation process by completing the backside of this form and sending to our inside sales group for review and pricing. If you prefer to discuss your application before submitting, please contact us at the number listed below. The Power of Heartland Engineered Products 355 Industrial Drive Harrison, OH 45030 Ph 800-333-0080 Ph 513-367-0080 Fax 513-367-0081 HEP-EP-2013 355 Industrial Drive Harrison, OH 45030 Ph.800-333-0080 Ph. 513-367-0080 Fax. 513-367-0081 REQUEST FOR QUOTE Quote No.: Rev: Date: Dealer: Address: City: State: Phone: Fax: End User: Zip: Contact: Email: City: Platform Usage: Dimensions: *Deck Size: *Clear Height: *Deck Height: *Capacity: 125 PSF Other: Date Quote Required: Office 150 PSF Storage 50 PSF Walkway *Code Compliance: IBC BOCA OSHA Other: *Color: Gray (Standard) Special Color: Handrail: *Linear Feet of Handrail: 3 Rail w/ Kickplate 2 Rail w/ Kickplate 3 Rail w/o Kickplate 2 Rail w/o Kickplate PE Stamp Required State: Seismic Zone: Expected P.O. Date: *Items required to process Quote. *Zip: Other (explain): Critical Critical *Column Spacing: Most Economical Other: State: *Decking: OSB/Corrugated Resindek LD Uncoated/Corrugated Resindek LD W/gray Diamond Seal/Corrugated Corrugated only Bar Grating 12 Ga. Diamond Plate/Corrugated ¼” Diamond Plate Concrete Ready Other Using Pallet Jack? Yes No Max. Load Cannot Exceed 2000 Lbs. Stair Configuration: Qty By Width Straight: Straight With Top Landing: U-Shaped: L-Shaped: 36” 44” 48” Gates Qty by Width 4’ 5’ 6’ 8’ 10’ Swing N/A Slide N/A N/A Pivot Standard N/A N/A N/A ____ Special widths available ____________________ Ladders: Steep Ascent _____ Straight _____ Caged_____ Notes: