Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Minutes December 13, 2011 Members Present: Seebach, Allen, Chen, Kincman, Kirsch, Kosiak, Rolfhus, Van Dalsem, Sopko, Writt, Zander Excused: Eschenbaum Members Absent: Consultants Present: Dittman, Bakkum, Keller, Burkhardt, Knudson, Means Consultants not present: Herling, Jax Guests: Greg Walsko, Cecilia Manrique, Kristofer Rolfhus, Linda Dickmeyer, Jennifer Kosiak, Damien Parks I. Approval of November 29, 2011 minutes. M/S/P to approve minutes II. Second Reading: A. Educational Studies 1. EC-A: required course changes; effective Fall 2011; deletions are retro to all catalogs; additions retro to some catalogs. 2. EC-MC-required course changes; effective Fall 2011; deletions are retro to all catalogs; additions retro to some catalogs. 3. MC-EA-required course changes; effective Fall 2011; deletions are retro to all catalogs; additions retro to some catalogs. M/S/P to approve on 2nd reading with changes III. First Reading: A. Chemistry 1. CHM 403-new course “Advanced Organic Chemistry”, 3 credits; effective Fall 2012; offered Fall-even numbered years. M/S/P to approve on 1st reading B. Political Science 1. Political Science Major-description change; required course changes in subfields; effective Spring 2012. M/S/P to approve on 1st reading with changes C. Communication Studies 1. Communication Studies Major: Advocacy & Communication Criticism Emphasis-required course change; effective Spring 2012. 2. Communication Studies Minor: Advocacy & Communication Criticism required course change; effective Spring 2012. 3. Communication Studies Major: Broadcast & Digital Media Emphasisrequired course change; effective Spring 2012. 4. Communication Studies Minor: Broadcast & Digital Media-required course change; effective Spring 2012. 5. Communication Studies Major: Interpersonal Communication Emphasisrequired course change; effective Spring 2012. 6. Communication Studies Minor: Interpersonal Communication-required course change; effective Spring 2012. 7. Communication Studies Major: Organizational and Professional Communication Emphasis-required course change; effective Spring 2012. 8. Communication Studies Minor: Organizational and Professional Communication -required course change; effective Spring 2012. 9. Communication Studies Minor: Sports Broadcasting-required course change; effective Spring 2012. M/S/P to approve on 1st reading with changes 10. CST 272-deletion; effective Spring 2012. 11. CST 472-deletion; effective Spring 2012. M/S/P to approve on 1st reading 12. CST 301-prerequisite change, CST 190 and completion of nine-changed to six additional credits in CST (excluding CST 110); effective Spring 2012. 13. CST 498- prerequisite change, added- Must receive a C or better in CST 301; effective Spring 2012. 14. CST 499-- prerequisite change, added- Must receive a C or better in CST 498; effective Spring 2012. M/S/P to approve on 1st reading D. Biology 1. Biology Education Major (Early Adolescence-Adolescence Certification)program requirement change, remove “(Note): Each student must have a minimum of three 400-level BIO credits (excluding BIO 450, 479, 489, 491, 492, 495, and 499) to fulfill requirements of the major. BIO 492 may be taken in lieu of BIO 491 by Biology Honors Program students”. Effective Spring 2012. M/S/P to approve on 1st reading E. International Studies Minor 1. New Emphasis “International Studies Minor: Middle East Emphasis”; 24 credits; effective Spring 2012. Removed from agenda-needs approval from Academic Planning Committee first. IV. Consent Item: None V. Informational Items: A. College of Science and Health-General Education Substitution 1. Substitute ENG 210, Literature of Black America, 3 cr. for General Education Literature requirement. VI. Old Business: Charge 1. Jackie Sopko reports on opinion of Student Senate in regard to printing catalog. Students did not want to be charged for catalogs. Most use the web. Tyler Writt went to the Residence Hall Council and they said the online catalog in Advisement Report and WINGS is sufficient for what they need. Requested more training on WINGS. Senate would like 100 copies available for sale in bookstore. Students like being “Green”. 2. Chris Bakkum also told committee that the records office was looking into new catalog enhancing ideas. 3. UCC may decide to organize conversations with chairs, administration, and faculty on catalog printing. VII. New Business: None Meeting adjourned: 4:25 pm