Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Minutes April 22, 2014 Members present: M. Allen, R. Allen, Baggett, Frye, Gendreau, Moeller, Ritterling, Terpstra, Van Liere Excused: Consultants present: Bakkum, Dittman, Herling, Keller, Knudson, Rahn Consultants excused: Guests: Michelle Stertz, Megan Lister, R. Daniel Duquette, Carol Angell I. Approval of April 8, 2014, minutes. M/S/P to approve minutes. II. First Readings: A. Biology 1. NUT 400 – course revision; prerequisite change; effective Fall 2014. 2. NUT 479 – course revision; prerequisite change; effective Fall 2014. Not presented. Held until next meeting. Cross-listed with Chemistry and Physics 3. BIO/PHY/CHM 356 – new course; title “Curriculum and Assessment in Math and Science;” 2 credits; effective Fall 2014. M/S/P to approve on first reading. B. Educational Studies 1. Early Childhood-Elementary Education Program – program change; title change from “Early Childhood-Middle Childhood Program;” effective Fall 2014 2. Elementary-Middle Level Education Program – program change; title change from “Middle Childhood-Early Adolescence Program;” effective Fall 2014. 3. EDS 414/514 – new course; title “Foundations of Reading Seminar;” 1 credit; effective Summer 2014. 4. EDS 475/575 – new course; title “Educational Studies Special Topics;” 1-3 credits; effective Spring 2014. M/S/P to approve on first reading. C. Health Education and Health Promotion 1. Community Health Education Major – program change; required course changes and number of credits change; retroactive to all catalogs. 2. HED 320 – course revision; prerequisite change; Fall 2014. 3. HED 335 – course revision; prerequisite change; Fall 2014. 4. HED 441 – course revision; prerequisite change; Fall 2014. 5. School Health Education Minor for EC-A Certification – program change; title change to add “for EC-A Certifications;” effective Spring 2014. M/S/P to approve on first reading. 6. 7. 8. School Health Education Minor for EC-MC and MC-EA Certifications – new program; 31 credits; teacher certification program; effective Spring 2014. SHE 492 – course revision; prerequisite change; effective Fall 2014. SHE 410/510 – course revision; prerequisite change; effective Fall 2014. Held for second reading. D. Mathematics 1. Mathematics Major – program change; adding substitution of CS 225 for CS majors; effective Spring 2014. 2. Mathematics Major with Education Emphasis – program change; adding substitution of CS 225 for CS majors; effective Spring 2014. 3. Mathematics Education Major (EA-A) – program change; adding substitution of CS 225 for CS majors; effective Spring 2014. 4. Mathematics Minor – program change; adding substitution of CS 225 for CS majors; effective Spring 2014. 5. Mathematics Minor with Education Emphasis – program change; adding substitution of CS 225 for CS majors; effective Spring 2014. 6. MTH 225 – course revision; prerequisite change; effective Fall 2014. 7. MTH 311 – course revision; prerequisite change; effective Fall 2014. 8. MTH 317 – course revision; prerequisite change; effective Fall 2014. 9. MTH 331 – course revision; prerequisite change; effective Fall 2014. 10. MTH 407 – course revision; prerequisite change; effective Fall 2014. 11. MTH 411 – course revision; prerequisite change; effective Fall 2014. 12. MTH 413 – course revision; prerequisite change; effective Fall 2014. M/S/P to approve on first reading with changes. 13. Mathematics Education Minor (EA-A) – program change; adding substitution of CS 225 for CS majors; effective Spring 2014. Proposal pulled to be presented at next meeting. Will be a consent item. E. Consent Item: 1. WGS Department is adding PSY 319 as an elective to the women’s’ studies major and minor and adding WGS 259 to the women’s’ studies major, effective Fall 2014. 2. Environmental Studies is adding a course to elective category; effective Fall 2014. 3. PHL 340 prerequisite change--removing "Junior Standing." F. Informational Item: None G. Old Business: None H. New Business: None I. Future Business: None Meeting adjourned: 4:36 pm.