Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Minutes March 24, 2015

Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Minutes
March 24, 2015
Members present: Allen, Carey, De Cora, Frye, Gendreau, Harrington, Houselog, Moeller, Nelson,
Ritterling, Van Liere
Absent: Giddings
Consultants present: Burkhardt, Keller, Knudson, Rahn, Vianden
Guests: Robert Ragan, Tim McAndrews, Ken Winter, Michelle Sturm
NOTE: Proposals with links are approved through the new Curriculum Inventory Management system
(CIM). All faculty and staff have access to CIM through the Records and Registration page,
www.uwlax.edu/records/curriculum-resources. Login using UWL username and password.
Firefox/Mozilla is the preferred browser for CIM. Using another browser may force you to login to CIM
multiple times.
Proposals without links are approved through paper format. After this semester, UCC will no longer
accept LX forms. All curriculum change will be done through CIM.
Approval of March 10, 2015 minutes.
M/S/P to approve minutes.
First Readings:
A. Accountancy
1. ACC 324 – new course; title “Practical Applications of International Financial
Reporting Standards (IRFS);” 3 credits; effective Spring 2015.
M/S/P to approve on first reading.
B. Archaeology and Anthropology
1. Archaeological Studies major – program revision; admission requirements
change; required course change; credit increase; effective Fall 2015.
2. Archaeological Studies minor – program revision; required course change; credit
increase; effective Fall 2015.
3. ARC 196 – new course; title “Archaeology: An Introduction to Lab and Field
Methods;” 1 credit; lab course; effective Fall 2015.
4. ARC 195 – course revision; title change; prerequisite change; effective Spring
Changing prereq from ARC 195 to ARC 196
5. ARC 300 – course revision; prerequisite change; effective Spring 2015.
6. ARC 303 – course revision; prerequisite change; effective Spring 2015.
7. ARC 304 – course revision; prerequisite change; effective Spring 2015.
a) ANT 304 – cross-listed, same changes.
8. ARC 305 – course revision; prerequisite change; effective Spring 2015.
a) ANT 305 – cross-listed, same changes.
9. ARC 310 – course revision; prerequisite change; effective Spring 2015.
10. ARC 320 – course revision; prerequisite change; effective Spring 2015.
11. ARC 346 – course revision; prerequisite change; effective Spring 2015.
a) ANT 346 – cross-listed, same changes.
12. ARC 347 – course revision; prerequisite change; effective Spring 2015.
13. ARC 402 – course revision; prerequisite change; effective Spring 2015.
14. ARC 404 – course revision; prerequisite change; effective Spring 2015.
15. ARC 415 – course revision; prerequisite change; effective Spring 2015.
ARC 445 – course revision; prerequisite change; effective Spring 2015.
ARC 455 – course revision; prerequisite change; effective Spring 2015.
ARC 489 – course revision; prerequisite change; effective Spring 2015.
ARC 499 – course revision; prerequisite change; effective Spring 2015.
20. ARC 373 – course deletion; effective Summer 2015.
a) ANT 373 – cross-listed, also being deleted.
M/S/P to approve on first reading.
C. Physics
1. Physics major with Biomedical Concentration – program revision; required
course change; effective Spring 2015.
2. Physics/Physical Therapy Dual Degree program – program revision; required
course change; effective Spring 2015.
3. PHY 104 – course revision; prerequisite change; effective Summer 2015.
4. PHY 401 – course revision; prerequisite change; effective Summer 2015.
5. PHY 423 – course revision; prerequisite change; effective Spring 2015.
M/S/P to approve on first reading.
Consent Item:
A. The English Department is making ENG 314: Grant Writing an elective in the
professional writing minor, under the “Technical Writing” category.
B. The History Department is adding ENG 314: Grant Writing as an elective in the
history minor with topical emphasis, under the “Public and Policy History” category.
Informational Item: None
Old Business:
A. Retroactive credit and credit by exam discussion.
B. Procedure - Records and Registration requests clarification on what types of
changes the committee would like to see and what can be changed without UCC
approval (e.g. the old 139 form, how and when offered). GCC has recommended
no change to our current practice.
C. Umbrella courses versus Topic courses – Records and Registration requests
clarification on the definitions for these types of courses. GCC is working on a
document for both UCC and GCC to review. Will hold item until document is
New Business:
Future Business: None
Meeting adjourned: 3:52 pm
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