Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Minutes April 12, 2016 3:30 P.M., 325 Graff Main Hall Members present: Chaudhuri, Frye, Gendreau, Harrington, Kincman, Nelson, Reyerson, Sallmen, Van Liere Absent: Excused: Consultants present: Bakkum, Burkhardt, Herling, Keller, Rahn, Vianden Guests: Amanda De Cora, Nancy Richeson, Mark Gibson, Deb Sazama, Michelle Sturm, Meredith Thomsen, Robert Allen, Barbara Eide, R. Dan Duquette, Adrienne Loh I. Review of Charge Letter. Review postponed until charge letter is available. II. Approval of March 29, 2016, minutes. M/S/P to approve minutes with change. III. First Readings A. Environmental Studies 1. Environmental Studies Minor - program revision; editing "Humanities" elective category to be "Arts and Humanities;" revising course options in elective categories; effective Summer 2016. 2. ENV 450 - course revision; credit change from 3 to credit range of 1-3; changing to repeatable for credit; effective Summer 2016. 3. ENV 496 - course revision; removing repeatable for credit option; effective Summer 2016. M/S/P to approve on first reading. B. Accountancy 1. ACC 338 - new course; title "Principles of Fraud Examination;" 3 credits; effective Spring 2016. M/S/P to approve on first reading with update to evaluation procedures. C. Health Education and Health Promotion 1. HWM 492 - new course; title "Independent Study in Health & Wellness Management;" 1-6 credits; effective Spring 2016. M/S/P to approve on first reading with "repeatable for credit" added to course description. D. Recreation Management & Therapeutic Recreation 1. Therapeutic Recreation Major - program changes; adding and clarifying admission requirements to major; clarifying internship admission standards; effective Summer 2016. M/S/P to approve on first reading with small formatting changes and "minimum" added to GPA. E. History 1. HIS 337 - new course; title "La Crosse Wisconsin in World History;" 3 credits; lecture component; effective Spring 2016. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. HIS 205 - course revision; title change; effective Summer 2016. HIS 306 - course revision; title change; effective Summer 2016. HIS 338 - course revision; title change; course number change from HIS 412 to HIS 338; course description edit; effective Summer 2016. HIS 399 - course revision; title change; course number change from HIS 404 to HIS 399; effective Summer 2016. HIS 405 - course revision; title change; effective Summer 2016. HIS 318 - course revision; course number change from HIS 403 to HIS 318; adding prerequisite; effective Summer 2016 Proposals not heard. Held until next meeting. F. Computer Science 1. Computer Science Major - program revision; updating to reflect increase of one credit in CS 340; adding requirement of CS field test; effective Summer 2016. 2. Computer Science Major with Computer Engineering Technology Emphasis - program revision; updating to reflect increase of one credit in CS 340; adding requirement of CS field test; effective Summer 2016. 3. Computer Science Education Major - program revision; updating to reflect increase of one credit in CS 340; adding requirement of CS field test; effective Summer 2016. 4. Dual Degree in Computer Science and Master of Software Engineering - program revision; updating to reflect increase of one credit in CS 340; adding requirement of CS field test; effective Summer 2016. 5. Dual Degree in Computer Science and Engineering - program revision; updating to reflect increase of one credit in CS 340; adding note that admission to UW-Madison is not guaranteed; effective Summer 2016. 6. Computer Science Minor - program revision; updating to reflect increase of one credit in CS 340; effective Summer 2016. Computer Science Education Minor - program revision; updating to reflect increase of one credit in CS 340; effective Summer 2016. 7. M/S/P to approve on first reading. G. Mathematics (See Attachment A) 1. Mathematics Major - program revision; adding elective groups to the major for more flexibility; adding in additional elective requirement; credit increase from 35 to 39 credits; effective Summer 2016. 2. MTH 310 - course revision; title change; effective Summer 2016. 3. MTH 331 - course revision; title change; effective Summer 2016. 4. MTH 353 - course revision; course description change; effective Summer 2016. 5. MTH 362 - course revision; course number change from 410 to 362; title change; course description changes; effective Summer 2016. 6. MTH 371 - course revision; title change; effective Summer 2016. 7. MTH 413 - course deletion; title "Topics in Linear Algebra;" 3 credits; effective Summer 2016. 8. MTH 415 - new course; title "Topology;" 3 credits; effective Spring 2016. M/S/P to approve on first reading. 9. Mathematics Minor - program revision; adding a required course; updating elective list; credit increase from 22 to 26; effective Fall 2016. Held for a second read in regards to how increase in credits may affect other departments. H. Art 1. ART 164 - course revision; removing prerequisite; updating components; effective Summer 2016. 2. ART 251 - course revision; title change; course description change; also proposing as a new general education course; effective Summer 2016. 3. ART 262 - course revision; course description change; prerequisite change; effective Summer 2016. Proposals not heard. Held until next meeting. I. Exercise and Sport Science 1. PETE Program (Program attachments are also on D2L) Exercise and Sport Science Major: Physical Education - program revision to meet new DPI and SHAPE standards; updating foundation courses; creating new courses and deleting some old courses that were required in program; credit decrease from 78 to 76; effective Fall 2016. Course revisions - effective Summer 2016 ESS 118 - title change; course description change. ESS 121 - title change; course description change; prerequisite change. ESS 231 - title change; course description change; prerequisite change. ESS 261 - title change; course description change; prerequisite change. ESS 310 - title change; course description change; prerequisite change, credit increase from 2 to 3. 7. ESS 367 - title change; course description change; prerequisite change. 8. ESS 423 - title change; course description change; prerequisite change. 9. ESS 424 - title change; course description change; prerequisite change, credit decrease from 4 to 3. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. New courses - taking the place of the deleted courses ESS 200 - title "Introduction to Teaching Methods in Physical Education;" 2 credits; replacing ESS 225; effective Spring 2016. 11. ESS 212 - title "Teaching Fundamental movement Skills in Physical Education;" 3 credits; replacing ESS 112; effective Spring 2016. 12. ESS 363 - new course; title "Teaching Dance in Physical Education;" 2 credits; replacing ESS 401 effective Spring 2016. 13. ESS 364 - Title "Teaching Fitness and Wellness in Physical Education;" 3 credits; replacing ESS 422 effective Spring 2016. 14. ESS 366 - title "Teaching Target, Net and Wall Activities in Physical Education;" 3 credits; replacing ESS 258 effective Spring 2016. 15. ESS 419 - title "Elementary Methods in Physical Education;" 5 credits; replacing ESS 322 effective Spring 2016. 16. ESS 420 - title "Secondary Methods in Physical Education;" 5 credits; replacing ESS 325 effective Spring 2016. 10. 17. ESS 425 - title "Student Teaching Seminary in Physical Education;" 1 credit; replacing ESS 412 effective Spring 2016. Deletions - effective Summer 2016. 18. ESS 112 - title "Fundamentals of Movement;" 4 cr. 19. ESS 225 - title "Introduction to Physical Education Teaching Methodology;" 3 cr. 20. ESS 258 - title "Teaching Activities I;" 3 credits. 21. ESS 322 - title "Elementary Methods, Assessment and Clinical in Physical Education;" 4 cr. 22. ESS 325 - title "Secondary Methods, Assessment and Clinical in Physical Education;" 4 cr. 23. ESS 401 - title "Teaching Dance;" 2 cr. 24. ESS 412 - title "Issues and Philosophies in Teaching Physical Education;" 3 cr. 25. ESS 422 - title "Teaching Health Active Lifestyles;" 3 credits. Held for a second read to double-check the prerequisites on the courses. ESS Major: Fitness Track: ESS 355 - course revision; prerequisite change; effective Summer 2016. 26. Proposal withdrawn. J. Educational Studies (see Attachment B) Course revisions: 1. ECE 212 - course revision; prerequisite change; effective Summer 2016. 2. ECE 213 - course revision; prerequisite change; effective Summer 2016. 3. ECE 316 - course revision; small course description change; effective Summer 2016. 4. ECE 324 - course revision; prerequisite change; effective Summer 2016. 5. ECE 326 - course revision; prerequisite change; effective Summer 2016. 6. ECE 327- course revision; prerequisite change; effective Summer 2016. 7. ECE 425 - course revision; small course description change; prerequisite change; effective Summer 2016. 8. ECE 440 - course revision; prerequisite change; effective Summer 2016. 9. 10. EDS 308 - course revision; small course description change; prerequisite change; effective Summer 2016. EDS 311 - course revision; prerequisite change; effective Summer 2016. M/S/P to approve all course revisions on first reading with changes, except for ECE 430. 11. ECE 430 - course revision; prerequisite change; effective Summer 2016. Held for a second read to consider requiring completion of general education arts category as a prerequisite. Course deletions: Course no longer offered; reflects current practice and licensure requirements. All effective Summer 2016. 12. ECE 380 13. ECE 400 14. ECE 401 15. EDM 433 16. 17. 18. 19. EFN 207 EFN 486 RDG 105 RDG 328 M/S/P to approve deletions on first reading. 20. EFN 222 Proposal withdrawn. IV. Consent Items: A. Modern Languages 1. Spanish Minor (SPA.M) - the department is retroactively adding SPA 326 as an elective option in the list with SPA 327, 328, & 329 for the 2014-15 and 2015-16 catalogs because there are no instructors available to teach the other three courses. B. Finance 1. Finance Major - program revision; adding one course to Group I elective list; effective Summer 2016. 2. Finance Major with Risk, Insurance, and Financial Planning Concentration - program revision; adding FIN 361 as choice in core; updating course number change in electives; effective Summer 2016. 3. FIN 360 - course revision; title change; effective Summer 2016. C. Recreation Management 1. REC 325 - course revision; removing prerequisite REC 301; effective Summer 2016. D. Biology 1. BIO 103 - course deletion; title "Introductory Biology;" 4 credits; replaced by BIO 100 last year so deleting is just clean-up; effective Spring 2016. V. Informational Item: None VI. Old Business: None VII. New Business: None VIII. Future Business: None Meeting adjourned: 5:17 pm ATTACHMENT A Mathematics Summary of Changes Course Changes Course Renaming MTH 310 Calculus III: Multivariable Calculus changed from Calculus III: Multivariate Calculus MTH 331 Modern Geometry changed from Introduction to Modern Geometry MTH 371 Numerical Methods changed from Introduction to Numerical Methods Course Deletion MTH 413 Topics in Linear Algebra This course is only offered every two years, and some years it is not offered due to low enrollment. This course is not used as a topics course, and the department feels removing this course will allow us to offer a new course that is of great importance in the math program. Course Creation MTH 415 Topology The three fundamental fi of mathematics are analysis, algebra, and topology. The department offerings support analysis and algebra very well with two-sequence courses in each. We are lacking in a course in topology. Over the last few years, we have had an increase in students applying to graduate school, and for these students exposure to topology is very important. Course Modifications MTH 353 Differential Equations has had the description updated to reflect the course more accurately. MTH 362 Complex Variables is changing from MTH 410 Complex Analysis. The course currently being taught is on par with a 300-level course in the department. Many students also comment on waiting to take the course because it is numbered 410. In addition, the topics covered in this course is in-line with courses called Complex Variables not Complex Analysis. Program Changes Math Minor Changes • Moved MTH 310 from elective to required. • Removed MTH 151 from elective list. • Credits increased from 22 to 26. Math Major Changes • Added three groups to the major to allow for fl y in choosing classes, but in a more structured way. Group I is a selection of “discrete mathematics” courses, Group II is a selection of “applied mathematics” courses, and Group III is a selection of proof- based theoretical math courses. Previously, the requirement after the core courses was to pick electives from a large list of courses. • Added an extra elective. • Credits increased to 39. ATTACHMENT B DES Course Changes and Deletions ECE 212 Child Growth and Development for Early Childhood-Middle Childhood Educators ECE 213 Introduction to Early Childhood Education ECE 316 Early Childhood Care and Program Administration ECE 324 Early Childhood Education: Curriculum and Assessment for Infant/Toddler through Preschool ECE 326 ECE 327 Early Childhood Education: Curriculum and Assessment for Kindergarten Field Experience: Kindergarten ECE 425 ECE 430 ECE 440 EDS 308 EDS 311 ECE Student Teaching: Infant/Toddler through Preschool Creative Experience for Children: Art, Drama, Music, and Movement Language and Literacy Development of Young Children Foundations of Literacy Curriculum and Pedagogy for Early Childhood-Middle Childhood/Middle ChildhoodEarly Adolescence COURSE CHANGES Prerequisite change (EDS 203 or EDS 206) Added prerequisite to have students complete an education course before starting in ECE Prerequisite change (EDS 203 or EDS 206 or concurrent; remove ECE 212) Updated description (governmental and advisory groups,... and advocacy. and the use of community resources. ) Remove prerequisite (for junior standing) Change in courses; not necessary to have ECE 212 before ECE 213 Reflects current practice and licensure requirements Added concurrent course (ECE 425) Reflect current practice Added concurrent course (ECE 425), removed unnecessary course (Field 2) Prerequisite wording (deleted ECE 212, ECE 213; EDS 402, EDS 412, EDS 413, EDS 421, EDS 422); added "teacher candidates" Prerequisite wording (deleted ECE 212; ECE 213; ECE 326) Reflect current practice Allows students to take earlier in sequence Clean up (eliminated superseded courses); consistency in professional language Clean up (eliminated superseded courses) Adding EDS 311 to prereq Changed wording for age level (from K-8 to 1-8); added prerequisite (EDS 203); added "teacher candidates." Added EDS 203 required course and EDS 206 recommended. Making consistent grade level for EDS courses; new course added as prerequisite; consistency in professional language. New courses added as prerequisite and recommended. COURSE DELETIONS ECE 380/ 580 Developing Creative Activities for Young Children COURSE DEACTIVATION Course no longer offered; reflects current practice and licensure requirements ECE 400 Student Teaching: Early Childhood COURSE DEACTIVATION Course no longer offered; reflects current practice and licensure requirements ECE 401 Student Teaching: Kindergarten COURSE DEACTIVATION Course no longer offered; reflects current practice and licensure requirements EDM 433 Administration of School Media Program COURSE DEACTIVATION EFN 207 Course no longer offered; reflects current practice and licensure requirements Course no longer offered; reflects current practice and licensure requirements COURSE DEACTIVATION Resolving Diversity Issues Through Experiential Drama EFN 222 COURSE DEACTIVATION Introduction to Choice Theory: Problem Solving Strategies Multicultural Education Course no longer offered; reflects current practice and licensure requirements COURSE DEACTIVATION Course not offered; course with same title now EDS 206. EFN 486/ 586 RDG 105 Developmental Reading COURSE DEACTIVATION Course no longer offered; reflects current practice and licensure requirements RDG 328 Reading in the Content Areas COURSE DEACTIVATION Course no longer offered; reflects current practice and licensure requirements