Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Minutes February 9, 2016 3:30 P.M., 325 Graff Main Hall Members present: Chaudhuri, Frye, Gendreau, Harrington, Kincman, Nelson, Reyerson, Sallmen, Van Liere Excused: Consultants present: Bakkum, Burkhardt, Herling, Jax, Keller, Rahn, Vianden Guests: Daniel Widuch, Gretchen Newhouse, Steve Simpson, Nancy Richeson, Barbara Eide, Virginia Crank, Natalie Eschenbaum, Marie Moeller, Chris McCracken, Lindsay Steiner, Dorian Dorado, Leslee Poulton, Terry Lilley Jr, Sarah Shillinger, Audrey Elegbede, Richard Breaux, Tim Gongaware, Christine Hippert, Scott Reber, Michelle Sturm, Hanna Wright I. Review of Charge Letter. Review postponed until charge letter is available. II. Approval of December 8, 2015, minutes. M/S/P to approve minutes. III. Second Readings A. Recreation Management New courses: 1. REC 201 - new course; title "Outdoor Adventure Leadership;" 3 credits; effective Spring 2016. 2. REC 204 - new course; title "Introduction to Outdoor Education;" 3 credits; effective Spring 2016. 3. REC 215A - new course; title "Introduction to Community Recreation;" 3 credits; effective Spring 2016. Note: The department proposes to use the new REC 215A to replace two of the new courses from the first reading, REC 215 and REC 220, by combining the material together. If the committee approves, the number 215 will be used for the new Introduction to Community Recreation course going forward. The other two proposals are being withdrawn and will be erased from the system. 1. REC 215 - new course; title "Introduction to Non-Profit Recreation;" 3 credits. 2. REC 220 - new course; title "Introduction to Municipal Recreation;" 3 credits. 4. REC 301 - new course; title "Leadership and Programming in Recreation;" 3 credits; effective Spring 2016. 5. REC 310 - new course; title "Youth Development in the Recreation Profession;" 3 credits; effective Spring 2016. 6. REC 315 - new course; title "Contemplative Leisure;" 3 credits; effective Spring 2016. 7. REC 325 - new course; title "Leisure in a Diverse Society;" 3 credits; effective Spring 2016. 8. REC 330 - new course; title "Recreation Resource Management;" 3 credits; effective Spring 2016. 9. REC 335 - new course; title "Environmental Education;" 3 credits; effective Spring 2016. 10. REC 345 - new course; title "Ecotourism;" 3 credits; effective Spring 2016. 11. 12. 13. 14. REC 390 - new course; title "Principles of Management in Recreation;" 3 credits; effective Spring 2016. REC 405 - new course; title "Sustainable Tourism Development;" 3 credits; effective Spring 2016. REC 415 - new course; title "Camp Administration;" 3 credits; effective Spring 2016. REC 445 - new course; title "Meetings, Conventions, and Event Planning;" 3 credits; effective Spring 2016. Course revisions: REC 304 - course revisions; prerequisite change; typically offered change; effective Summer 2016. 16. REC 305 - course revisions; prerequisite change; typically offered change; effective Summer 2016. 17. REC 320 - course revisions; removing prerequisite; title change; typically offered change; effective Summer 2016. 18. REC 340 - course revisions; prerequisite change; effective Summer 2016. 19. REC 400 - course revisions; prerequisite change; slash course; effective Summer 2016. 20. REC 402 - course revisions; prerequisite change; slash course; effective Summer 2016. 21. REC 404 - course revisions; prerequisite change; slash course; effective Summer 2016. 22. REC 420 - course revisions; prerequisite change; typically offered change; slash course; effective Summer 2016. 23. REC 449 - course revisions; prerequisite change; effective Summer 2016. 24. REC 450 - course revisions; credit changing to a range (16 becoming 12-16); prerequisite change; effective Summer 2016. 15. M/S/P to approve on second read. IV. First Readings A. Recreation Management 1. Recreation Management Minor - program revision; changes in required and elective courses; effective Summer 2016. 2. Recreation Management Minor for Therapeutic Recreation Majors - program revision; changes in required and elective courses; effective Summer 2016. M/S/P to approve on first reading. B. Therapeutic Recreation 1. Therapeutic Recreation Major - program revision; credit decrease because of less electives, removing two required courses, and allowing credit range for internship; effective Summer 2016. Held for a second read. C. Accountancy 1. ACC 385 - new course; title "Accounting for Governmental and Not-For-Profit Entities; 3 credits; effective Spring 2016. M/S/P to approve on first reading. 2. ACC 450 - course revision; changing credits from 1-6 to 1-12; adding restriction about how many credits count toward the 120 degree credits; effective Summer 2016. Held for a second read. D. English 1. English Literature Minor - program revision; EAA majors may declare this minor but it is not for teacher certification; effective Spring 2016. 2. English Creative Writing Minor - program revision; EAA majors may declare this minor but it is not for teacher certification; effective Spring 2016. 3. English Professional and Technical Writing Minor - program revision; EAA majors may declare this minor but it is not for teacher certification; required course changes; adding and removing electives; effective Spring 2016. 4. ENG 340 - course deletion; title "Children's Literature;" 3 credits; cross-listed with EDM 340; effective Summer 2016. 5. ENG 341 - course revision; title change; course description changes; prerequisite change; removing cross-listing; effective Summer 2016. M/S/P to approve on first reading. 6. ENG 433 - course revision; prerequisite change; typically offered change; effective Summer 2016. Held for a second read. E. Educational Studies 1. EDM 340 - course deletion; title "Children's Literature;" 3 credits; cross-listed with ENG 340; effective Summer 2016. 2. EDM 341 - course deletion; title "Adolescent Literature"; 3 credits; cross-listed with ENG 341 (which changed to "Pedagogical Approaches to Young Adult Literature"); effective Spring 2016. M/S/P to approve on first reading. F. Modern Languages 1. SPA 315 - course revision; course description change; prerequisite update; effective Spring 2016. M/S/P to approve on first reading. G. Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies 1. WGS 321 - new course; title "Sexual Violence in the United States;" 3 credits; effective Spring 2016. M/S/P to approve on first reading. H. Ethnic and Racial Studies 1. ERS 309 - new course; title "Music of Black America;" 3 credits; lecture and lab components; effective Spring 2016. 2. ERS 365 - new course; title "Muslims in the United States;" 3 credits; effective Spring 2016. 3. ERS 369 - new course: title "Multiracial and Multicultural Identities;" 3 credits; effective Spring 2016. M/S/P to approve on first reading. I. Archaeology & Anthropology 1. ANT 366 - course revision; number change from 266 to 366; updated learning outcomes, objective, and outline; effective Summer 2016. M/S/P to approve on first reading. J. Business Administration 1. BUS 300 - new course; title "Business Communications;" 3 credits; effective Summer 2016. Held for a second read. Title changing to "Workplace Communications." K. School Health Education 1. School Health Education Minor - program revision; title change; required course changes; required program credits decreasing from 31 to 22; effective Spring 2016. Proposal not heard. No representative available. V. Consent Items: A. Psychology 1. Gerentology Emphasis - program revision; adding SOC 303 to electives; effective Spring 2016. 2. CYC 301 - course revision; updating prerequisite; effective Summer 2016. VI. Informational Item: None VII. Old Business: None VIII. New Business: None IX. Future Business: None Meeting adjourned: 5:02 pm