Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Minutes October 13, 2015 3:30 P.M., 325 Graff Main Hall Members present: Bennett, Chaudhuri, Frye, Gendreau, Harrington, Nelson, Purath, Sallmen, Van Liere Excused: Kincman Absent: Mason, Reyerson Consultants present: Bakkum, Burkhardt, Herling, Jax, Keller, Knudson, Rahn, Vianden Guests: Mike Abler, Tim McAndrews, Ryan McKelley, Julia McReynolds-Perez, Kim Vogt I. Review of Charge Letter. Review postponed until charge letter is available. II. Approval of September 29, 2015, minutes. M/S/P to approve minutes. III. First Readings: A. Biology 1. BIO 446 - new course; title "Animal Behavior;" slash course; 3 credits; effective Fall 2015. M/S/P to approve on first reading. B. Psychology 1. PSY 200 - course revision; changing grading pattern to letter grade, effective Spring 2016. 2. PSY 309 - course revision; changing grading pattern to letter grade, effective Spring 2016. 3. PSY 450 - course revision; changing grading pattern to letter grade, effective Spring 2016. 4. CYC 450 - course revision; changing grading pattern to letter grade, effective Spring 2016. Held for a second read. C. Archaeology/Anthropology 1. ANT 202 - course revision; removing cross-listing with SOC; updated course description; effective Spring 2016. 2. ANT 399 - course revision; removing cross-listing with ARC and SOC; updated course description; effective Spring 2016. 3. ARC 399 - course revision; removing cross-listing with ANT and SOC; updated course description; effective Spring 2016. M/S/P to approve on first reading. D. Sociology 1. SOC 202 - course revision; removing cross-listing with ANT; updated course description; effective Spring 2016. 2. SOC 399 - course revision; removing cross-listing with ARC and ANT; updated course description; effective Spring 2016. 3. 4. SOC 340 - deletion; title "Bioethics and Society;" effective Fall 2015. SOC 342 - new course; title "Latino/a Experiences in the U.S.;" 3 credits; crosslisting with ERS; effective Fall 2015. M/S/P to approve on first reading. IV. Consent Items: A. Accountancy 1. ACC 221 - course revision; slight change to course description along with updating LX 139 information; effective Spring 2016. 2. ACC 418 - course revision; slight change to course description along with updating LX 139 information; effective Spring 2016. V. Informational Item: A. For the LX 139 outcomes and outline project, Records and Registration will be updating the mode of instruction and when the course is typically offered where this information is changed without notifying the committee of every change. However, if further information is changed, the course will come before the committee. VI. Old Business: None VII. New Business: None VIII. Future Business: None Meeting adjourned: 3:57 pm