May 31, 2011
To: UW-L Faculty Senate Executive Committee
From: Jennifer Miskowski, Chair
Promotion, Tenure, Salary Committee
Re: 2010-2011 Final Report
This memo is a brief summary of the activities of the Promotion, Tenure, Salary (PTS)
Committee over the past academic year. The PTS Committee received two special charges from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee (SEC) at the outset of the year. These were to:
Considering the IAS desire that the career progression process parallel faculty promotion, decide whether the PTS committee is the appropriate committee to monitor and update the policies and procedures for career progression and make a recommendation concerning any necessary bylaw changes to accomplish this. Please plan to provide a report to Faculty Senate at the
October 28, 2010 meeting.
Work with existing part-time faculty, faculty with reassigned time (of various types) and with human resources staff members to consider possible revisions to the promotion policies and procedures as related to these categories of faculty. See the JPC Report for further details.
Please plan to provide a report to Faculty Senate at the December 2, 2010 meeting.
The first charge was discussed by our group, and it was suggested that the PTS Committee might not be well suited to address this issue. After further investigation, we asked SEC to consider whether the Instructional Academic Staff (IAS) Committee might be a more appropriate group for this task. The SEC agreed and withdrew the charge from the PTS Committee.
The PTS Committee spent a considerable amount of time on the second special charge.
Ultimately, a document was generated that contained recommendations for faculty that have had a part-time assignment and/or reassigned time that are applying for promotion (Appendix A).
This report was presented to the Faculty Senate and approved on March 3, 2011.
In addition to the special charges issued by the SEC, the PTS Committee met with Provost Enz-
Finken to discuss the current state of the Recruitment and Retention Funds. This discussion included a description of faculty members that would qualify for these funds, rules set for the state for allotment of the funds, different mechanisms used on campus for determining who should receive these funds in a given year, and how to increase the transparency of the process.
It was a very useful and enlightening discussion, and it is recommended that the PTS Committee meet with the acting Provost every year to stay abreast of changes and/or trends in the use of the
Recruitment and Retention Funds.
The 2010-2011 PTS Committee did not leave any unfinished business.
APPENDIX A: PTS Recommendation for Special Charge Regarding Promotion for
Faculty with Part-Time or Reassigned Time Appointments – February 2011
The 2010-2011 Faculty Senate Executive Committee charged the Promotion, Tenure, and
Salary (PTS) Committee with the following task “Work with existing part-time faculty, faculty with reassigned time (of various types) and with human resources staff members to consider possible revisions to the promotion policies and procedures as related to these categories of faculty.” This charge stemmed from a report compiled by Dr. Bob Hoar when he served on the
2009-2010 Joint Promotion Committee in the role of Faculty Assistant to the Provost.
Multiple members of the current PTS Committee have personally held a reduced appointment or an appointment with reassigned time, so we could consider those experiences. In addition, several members have served as Chair of their respective department and/or as a member of
JPC which provided them with extensive knowledge of the promotion process. As we reflected on the JPC report and the charge, it was obvious that there are specific issues with regard to each situation (part-time vs. reassigned time). Therefore, our recommendation for each scenario is listed below along with a short justification.
Recommendation : The existing JPC guidelines should remain unchanged, regarding the number of calendar years to be completed in rank to qualify for promotion or the general description of the activities under Teaching, Scholarship, or Service. However, the following statement should be added to the promotion guidelines: “A part-time faculty member is responsible for uploading a document in their promotion report that describes the details of their appointment including expectations for Teaching, Scholarship, and Service as approved by their department and consistent with their departmental bylaws”. With regard to the productivity of the candidate, we recommend that the percentage of the appointment should not affect the expected quality or total quantity of the work in each of the three areas of Teaching,
Scholarship, and Service.
Justification: There were two factors that the PTS Committee considered strongly. The first had to do with the number of years to be completed in rank to be able to qualify for promotion.
Individuals with a part-time appointment do not have to apply for promotion when the minimal number of years in rank is achieved, however, we did not want to prevent any individual from applying at this time if they met the other criteria for promotion. Therefore, we were not in favor of changing the wording to reflect a time period that was equivalent to 100% appointment for the current number of years required in rank (e.g. three (3) years completed in rank at 100% appointment or six (6) years in rank at 50% appointment). In reality, it might take a part-time faculty member addi tional time to clearly demonstrate “excellence in teaching”, or an involvement in “improving the level of instruction” within the department, or an “established scholarly program”. However, that should be determined by the candidate in consultation with the department chair and/or other mentors. Second, we discussed how the productivity level of a part-time faculty member should be evaluated when considering a promotion application. The
committee agreed that a promotion is recognition of past accomplishments and the expectations should be the same for all faculty members. Therefore, we do not recommend a change in the total quality or quantity of work needed to achieve promotion to associate or full professor.
Recommendation : There should not be a fourth category (beyond teaching, scholarship, and service) added for any faculty members with reassigned time. However, the following statement should be added to the promotion guidelines: “A full-time faculty member with reassigned time to fulfill a position outside the expectations of a standard faculty member (e.g. department chair, director of a center or program, etc.) must provide two related documents in their promotion report – (1) a letter(s) from their supervisor(s) (e.g. department chair, Dean, etc.) that outlines their job description with respect to their reassigned time appointment and (2) documentation that illustrates their success in the role fulfilled by the appointment, such as performance reviews or other data that show how the aims of the appointment are being met. The candidate is responsible for uploading these documents in their promotion report.”
Justification: The PTS Committee recognized that there are always a number of full-time faculty members with reassigned time to focus on officially recognized duties that are outside the expectations for a standard faculty member. Furthermore, these activities are highly diverse in nature, making it impossible to institute a policy regarding promotion that would be easily applicable to all situations. In general, the committee agreed that although the “other” duties that are completed with reassigned time appointments are important, they should not redefine the expectations for promotion to associate or full professor. Therefore, the PTS Committee does not recommend that a fourth category be added to represent duties beyond Teaching,
Scholarship, or Service. Rather, the PTS Committee concluded that activities completed with reassigned time can and should be listed as activity under one or more of the three standing categories.