Faculty Library Committee Murphy Library, Room 121 Feb. 22, 2013

Faculty Library Committee
Murphy Library, Room 121
Feb. 22, 2013
Present: Steve McDougal (Chair), Kim DeFazio, Jen Holman, John Jax, Sumei Liu, Heather Mathison, James Murray,
Madeline Reed, Shelley Sinclair
Guests: Stefan Smith
The meeting convened at 2:15 pm.
Minutes from the February meeting were approved with one abstention.
Meetings for rest of semester will be on Fridays at 2:15 in room 121 of Murphy Library. The following meeting dates
were agreed upon: March 8th, April 26th, and May 10th.
AIOC: Stefan Smith reported on the $850 dollars left to spend on marketing the library services paid for with AIOC
funds. The current plan is for faculty to direct their students to an online survey which would be completed outside of
class. Participation in the survey would enter the student to win prizes (an iPad mini or a pizza party with friends).
Faculty would also be entered to win an iPad mini when their students participate. The primary goal is to increase
awareness of library services among students and faculty. This survey would be completed shortly after Spring Break.
Committee members suggested that the initial faculty contact email contain a slide, an online link, and an offer of
handouts for them to use in class while promoting the survey.
On Feb. 6th, John Jax attended a meeting with the AIOC to promote informal communication between the AIOC and
those receiving (or hoping to receive) funding from the committee. While sharing his concerns about determining how
to prepare for the funding meeting, he learned that the library’s application was of such high quality that it is now being
used as a model for others.
UW System: John Jax reported on a number of potential cuts at the system level. Funding decisions are expected in late
April or early May. The Provost and Bob Hetzel are both aware of these impending challenges.
The cost of the shared electronic collection has exceeded the current $1.5 million that is spent annually. Cuts will either
be made to subscriptions or our campus will have to contribute another $20,000 per year. Jen Holman also spoke of
how there is a group looking at the prospect of cutting some current e-subscriptions and replacing them with cheaper
subscriptions of similar quality.
UW-Madison is eliminating the purchasing card (P-card) program that enabled UW-L to obtain certain interlibrary loan
items directly from the publishers. This card has been providing our campus with $4000/year of additional resources.
UW Digital Collections may be slashing funding in half thereby providing only the minimal funding to keep the collections
open. A fee may be added on a per item basis to upload new materials.
The van delivery/courier system between libraries may only be operating four days per week instead of five due to
increased operations costs.
UW-L should expect to fund maintenance for the Primo System locally. In addition, a new library catalog system is
needed but not currently funded.
Jen Holman spoke of new resources available at UW-L: IBISWorld (potentially useful to marketing classes), Passport
GMID, and Uniworld Online. She is soliciting ideas for new resources to consider for next year.
Business 230 Projects: Five groups of students in James Murray’s course will be serving the conducting surveys and
reporting findings on Murphy Library issues. Individual groups will be collecting data on one of the following areas:
library space, AIOC extended hours awareness, and electronic resources. Each group will survey 800 students with
expected response rate of 25%.
Future Business: At the March meeting, we will discuss application and selection procedures for the 2013-2014 faculty
scholars from UW-L. Gwen Achenreiner managed the Qualtrics application process last year, so John Jax will contact her
for materials.
Announcement: 7th annual PK-12 STEM and Social Studies Teacher Resource Day, Monday March 11th
Meeting adjourned at 3:05pm