Faculty Library Committee Minutes  Monday, October 20, 2014  Murphy Library 121    

Faculty Library Committee Minutes Monday, October 20, 2014 Murphy Library 121 Present: Kim DeFazio (chair), David Anderson, Abdulaziz Elfessi, Taviare Hawkins, Sergey Komissarov, Jenifer Holman (Murphy Librarian Liaison), Catherine Lavelleé­Welch (Murphy Library Director), Jim Carlson (recorder) Excused: Ariel Beaujot, Kristin Greany, Chenguang Bai (graduate student rep), Jacob Sparks (student affairs rep), Kate Laird (undergraduate rep) Meeting convened at 2:32 pm Approval of organizational meeting minutes The meeting minutes from the 09/22/2014 Faculty Meeting were approved. Old Business Open Access: Continuing the conversation started at the previous meeting, Jen Holman shared updates related to the Open Access movement. Jen Holman shared some ideas related to publicizing an “Open Access” movement on campus (e.g., brown bag series). Questions related to the cost (on individual faculty members and UW­L as an institution) of supporting this kind of campaign on campus were entertained. A question also was raised related to whether UW­L’s open access archive would collect “conference proceedings” (and not ‘traditional’ publication) of faculty members. The committee was asked to consider whether it would consider hosting an open forum event to hear from faculty and administration on this topic. Creating a 1­page document (e.g., “Frequently Asked Questions”), including a definition of “Open Access,” the benefits and/or drawbacks of the practice, and data to support claims of the practice were considered as possible next steps. Jen Holman will work on a 1­page summary and send it out for the committee’s review prior to the next meeting. New Business None Announcements UW­L Librarian, Sharon Hamilton, Instructional Design and Integration librarian, has rendered resignation. The Library will be searching for a replacement to begin next spring. Oct. 21 is the “Campus Author Event” at the Cleary Center. This project is a collaboration with the Alumni Association. 30 alumni authors and 16 faculty/staff members will be attending the event from 4­6 pm. The “Battle of the Books” will be taking place at UW­L’s Murphy Library on December 2. The event celebrates Young Adult Literature. The Banned Books week was a success. The Library is transitioning to a new library system. Test data will be in Friday. On Monday, Feb. 9, the new system goes live. The Lib Qual survey results from Spring 2014 will be ready by Dec. 18. Next Meeting: Monday, Nov. 17 Meeting Adjourned: 3:15 pm Respectfully submitted by Jim Carlson 