Minutes of the International Education Committee

Minutes of the International Education Committee
November 15, 2010, 2:15-3:10 pm, 326 Cartwright Center
Attendance: David Anderson (SOC/ARC), Gary Gilmore (DHEHP), Eric Kraemer (INS, ex
officio), Walter Elder (THA), Bianca Basten (PSY)
Committee Consultant: Jay Lokken (Director of OIE), Jason Kouba (OIE)
1. The meeting was called to order at 2:20 pm. A quorum was not present.
2. Chair will send minutes from last meeting via email to committee members for approval.
3. Review of the proposal: International Study tour in Nancy, France, June 3-30, 2011
a. Committee is in agreement supporting Dean Ruthann Benson’s suggestions to
include airfare in total program fee budget so that it may be included in student
applications for financial aid.
b. Recommendation made to look for a pre-peak summer travel time departure date
and pricings for flights
c. Proposal requires letters of support from Dean Benson and the Chairs of
departments involved. Recommendation made for the inclusion of documentation
of how UWL courses are being modified with value added for students studying in
d. Considering pending STEP program changes now leaving committee to be approved
by UCC, recommendation made to consult with Dan Duquette regarding imminent
change downgrading number of credits offered for EDS 310 from 3 to 2
e. Recommendation made to structure mandatory or options of possible alternative
planned activities followed by meals at set times to facilitate small group discussion
about events and insights of the day on 2 designated “free” (no activities planned)
days to help justify higher credits earned
f. Suggestion made to use “crash course on survival tips in France” as one of the
mandatory activities to add value to course starting two weeks in advance while
students are still in USA and following up when they are in France
g. Proposal shall include brief bio of UWL faculty on trip
h. Changes and letters of support can be sent to Chair Dave Anderson by email to be
distributed electronically to committee for a vote on the proposal
4. Committee reviewed LX 138 Curriculum form for new INS 360 course and recommended
changes to International Service Learning catalog description
a. Recommendation made to have course repeatable for up to six credits
b. Recommendation made to change in Course description to appear in course catalog
section: Change “serving as” to “being” in sentence: “The activities may range from painting
to being conversational English partners”
c. Recommendation made to change wording in Other restrictions to appear in course
catalog section to read: This is an umbrella course that is restricted to Faculty Led
International Study Experiences. Any faculty led study experience which intends to enroll
students in a section of INS 360 must get prior approval from International Education
d. Chair will send revised version of curriculum form to committee members to approve
electronically in anticipation of going before UCC prior to the end of the semester.
e. Dave Anderson will contact Paula Knutson, Assistant Chancellor & Dean of Students,
to solicit support for new International Service Learning Course
5. Dr. Gilmore introduced the upcoming United Nations Association Film Festival 2011 to be
held in the Cleary Center March 4-5. Exhibiting shorts to feature length films, the four themes
of the festival’s entries will be sustainability, human rights, globalization, and health issues. A
request will be sent to the Deans to support festival endeavors in an immediate and ongoing
way this and next semester to facilitate faculty including the festival as part of course
preparation and planning for next semester (Spring 2011) in syllabi and course offerings and
encourage student attendance.
6. The meeting adjourned at 3:25 pm
Next meeting to be held Monday Nov. 29, 2010 in CC 326.
Respectfully submitted: Walter Elder