International Education Committee Meeting Minutes April 23, 2014

International Education Committee
Meeting Minutes
April 23, 2014
Present: Opdahl, Gullekson, Lake, Gibson, Poulton, Kraemer (consultant), Vue (OIE)
Guests: Barbara Rusterholz, Karen Terpstra, Soojin Ritterling, and Suzanne
Meeting called to order at 3:35p.m.
Approval of the minutes M/S/P 5-0-0
December 10,, 2013 minutes will be reviewed during the next meeting.
New Business
a. Post-trip assessments
i. Belize
1. Suggested that OIE review the post-trip assessment as
several suggestions for improvement were made.
2. M/S/P to accept the post-trip – 5-0-0
ii. Ecuador
1. Darlene discussed the post-trip assessment
2. M/S/P to accept the post-trip 5-0-0
iii. Egypt
1. M/S/P to accept the post-trip 5-0-0
iv. Kenya
1. Suggested that academic be granted for the program in the
future. Kabee will relay that to Sandy Sieber.
2. M/S/P to accept the post-trip 5-0-0
v. Kingston
1. Budget item to consider is the cost the students pay out of
pocket while there.
2. M/S/P to accept the post-trip 5-0-0
vi. New Zealand/Sydney
1. Received before the meeting so we will save until next
b. Proposal for Rwanda
i. Barbara Rusterholz introduced the proposal, which is similar to
the proposal from last year that did not recruit enough students. A
follow-up survey to students who had expressed interest
suggested that the summer schedule was difficult so the new
proposal is for the J-term.
ii. Budget is still using 62% fringe so budget may go down some
when a more accurate rate is used.
iii. Could consider 3 credits for students in case students need a 3credit class for their majors?
1. Motion to approve of proposal with approval of the budget
by OIE: M/S/P -- 5-0-0
iv. Putting in a request to OIE to expedite the budget so the faculty
can begin advertising for the program. Kabee and Mark will
contact Sandy to review the budget.
c. Proposal for South Korea – Summer 2015
i. Karen Terpstra and Soojin Ritterling discussed their proposal for
South Korea
ii. Recommended to work with OIE on the budget – it is unclear
where the “included” costs are budgeted (e.g., transportation,
iii. Consider the credit/course structure. If too many course
combinations are offered, it may be more difficult to manage.
iv. How will the students get from the airport to the
1. Recommended that the students travel together to and
from South Korea and clear expectations for transportation
are made.
2. If students are traveling before or after the program on
their own, clear expectations for transportation provided
by the program should be made, as well as an
understanding that the program and responsibility of the
university program ends when the program ends.
3. Motion to approve of proposal with tightening up of the
logistics and transportation and approval of the budget by
OIE: M/S/P -- 5-0-0
a. Erik Kraemer introduced the proposal from INS for an International
Studies Minor with African Emphasis
1. M/S/P -- 5-0-0
Additional post-trip assessment (in person)
a. Suzanne Anglehart discussed the J-term India trip. There were some
cultural shock issues and some small health issues, but all were
managed well.
b. Recommended to work with a different visa company in the future.
c. Recommended to do background checks on assistants to the trip.
There were problems with the graduate assistant in this case.
d. There were significant problems with OIE making payments for the
program. This has been discussed with Jay Lokken and Fred Pierce.
e. A few curricular changes are suggested in the post-assessment
f. There are concerns over the transparency and budget process
through OIE, but believes that is being worked out.
g. M/S/P to accept the post-trip assessment -- 5-0-0
Old Business
a. None
Adjourned at 4:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Nicole Gullekson