Minutes: Instructional Academic Staff Promotion Committee Date:

Instructional Academic Staff Promotion Committee
Friday, May 15th, 2015, in 4204 Centennial Hall
Meeting was called to order at 11:33 a.m.
Present: Linda Dickmeyer, Kay Dailey, Audrey Elegbede, Francine Klein, Sandy Koster, Karyn
Quinn, and Laurie Strangman
Guest: Sue Anglehart
1. M,S,P (7,0,0) to approve the minutes of the January 13th, 2015, meeting.
2. Linda met with Joy Gutknecht from Human Resources. According to Human Resources, every
single IAS member is to be evaluated annually. Joy conveyed that no one is required to use the
IDP template; departments can tailor the IDP form to their specific needs. HR is working on
putting together a grid that records years of service for IAS and who is eligible for promotion.
The Committee recommends that HR annually provide department chairs with information on
which IAS are eligible for promotion as they do for faculty.
3. Discussed our charge to “Investigate changes in the IAS merit review, annual review, and
promotion review processes so that these processes are streamlined and better support a
desirable career progression.”
If money should become available for merit purposes IAS need to demonstrate they have gone
through a merit process. The Committee recommends that all departments put a merit review
process in place and determine the role that merit plays, if any, in the promotion process.
4. Kerrie Hoar is leaving and a new IAS liaison will need to be appointed. This person should be in
place by fall. The Provost has provided a $2000 stipend or release time for the IAS liaison.
The Committee recommends:
1 primary IAS liaison be appointed with 2-3 individuals working with this person such
that each college has representation.
These individuals should be serving on the IAS committee such that the work Kerrie
performed previously would be now undertaken by members of the IAS committee.
IAS liaisons should be at the rank of Senior Lecturer.
What if there is no individual on the IAS committee at the rank of Senior Lecturer who is willing
to serve? Could someone be appointed to the IAS committee as a non-voting member in order
to serve as a College representative?
Committee discussed potential names/interest for IAS liaisons.
5. Discussed our charge to “consider revisions to the Individual Development Plan (IDP) and the
Position Description.”
May try to convene an ad hoc group to work on a form that will meet the needs of IAS merit
review, annual review, and help prepare for promotion review process. If not, we hope to
extend this charge into next year.
Linda and Sue will collaborate to address the shared charge in final reports.
6. Linda will look into whether or not the recommendations from last year’s IAS Promotion
Committee report were approved by faculty senate.
7. The IAS Promotion Committee will reconvene in the fall when it receives its charge.
Meeting adjourned at 12:37 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Laurie L. Miller