GRADUATE COUNCIL MINUTES Members Present: Friday, April 8 – 10:00 am



Friday, April 8 – 10:00 am

325 Graff Main Hall

Members Present: Carol Angell, Bob Krajewski, Bernadette Taylor, Anton Sanderfoot,

Melissa Bingham, Glenn Wright, Jodi Rindt

Members Excused: Kasi Peryasamy

Consultants Present: Bruce May, Chris Bakkum

1. Agenda items were unanimously approved.

2. Announcements

a. The slash course policy passed UCC.

b. The Celebration of Research is on 4-15-11. There will be 35 graduate presentations.

3. Consent Agenda

a. A Recreation Therapy graduate student time extension appeal was accepted.

b. Two SAH graduate students were awarded Academic Achievement Awards for 2011.

4. Business of the Day

a. Special business

Graduate Faculty Status reviews will be conducted by Glenn Wright and Anton Sanderfoot

for SAH faculty, and by Bob Krajeweski and Carol Angell for CLS faculty. The reviewers will

use the old rules.

M/S/P to award student 1 the Graduate Student Thesis Award for 2011.

b. General Business

i) Graduate Council Bylaws language changes - second reading.

M/S/P to make a friendly amendment to the Graduate Council Bylaws section (5) stating

that Graduate Council business may be conducted via e-mail when such business is not

constrained by open meeting rules.

M/S/P to discuss with the chair of Faculty Senate the idea of having a Graduate Council

member act as a liaison/consultant by attending Faculty Senate meetings and Joint

Planning and Budget Committee meetings.

ii) Graduate student appeals process – second reading

Faculty Senate is seeking to make undergraduate and graduate student appeal

processes consistent, but due to the need for graduate program committees to make

decisions regarding graduate student performance and eligibility the two processes

cannot be made identical. Discussion tabled for further consultation.

iii) Graduate student full-time status policy – first reading.

Business and other graduate programs need to have pass/fail class credits count

toward full-time status because such classes are core program requirements, or they

count for elective credits toward the degree. Sometimes nine credits-worth of graded

classes are not available for students to take in these programs.

The Financial Aid Office will be consulted regarding Federal full-time status

requirements for students receiving financial aid. The rationale for full-time status

requirements, the frequency with which students run into difficulty with the current

requirements, and the number of credits considered by program directors to be

appropriate for full-time status all need to be addressed.

This discussion was tabled pending further consultation with Financial Aid and graduate

program directors.

Adjourned 11:08 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Bernadette Taylor
