APPROVED Minutes of the Graduate Council Friday, April 6, 2012 10:00 am Members Present: James Murray, Tony Sanderfoot, Steven Simpson, Kasi Periasamy, Melissa Bingham, Robert Krajewski, Carol Angell, Katie Josephson, John Greany, Jen Weber, Members Absent: Gary Willhite Members Excused: Gary Gilmore Consultants Present: Raymond Abhold, Robert Hoar Consultants Absent: Charles Martin-Stanley, Bruce May, Christine Bakkum 1. Approval of Minutes of 3/23/12 minutes, MSP. 2. Graduate Thesis Awards review • Propose to make award to student with highest score from review sub-committee. MSP. 3. Graduate Student Achievement Awards nominations • College nominates students (2 SAH, 1 CLS, 0 CBA). Propose to make awards to students nominated by colleges. MSP. 4. New Charge Sheet from Faculty Senate, continued a. Revisions to oversight responsibilities proposal table from Senate (attached below, changes in red). Propose to approve modified table. MSP b. Policy of Medical withdrawal i. If a student currently meets the requirements for Medical Withdrawal, they are withdrawn from all courses. Now, with on-line courses, a student could still be medically unable to come to campus, but still participate in on-line courses, or be otherwise accommodated. ii. Propose making the changes noted in the proposed new policy (deletes requirement to withdraw from all courses; adds the possibility to make accommodations if it is possible for a student to complete some courses). MSP. iii. Propose a second change that moves the appeals for exceptions from Graduate Council to Committee on Academic Policies and Standards (CAPS) to make undergraduate and graduate student policies coincide. MSP. 5. Graduate Assistantship Eligibility Requirements a. A new draft was presented from Chris Bakkum, which merged prior discussion with existing policy from other University documents. This required removal of language specific for biology assistantships, which is covered under new language that states: “Graduate Programs/Department may have additional eligibility requirements.” b. Propose approving the revised document. MSP. Policy Course Instructor Exceeding the maximum credit load in a semester. Repetition of a course in which a C is earned. Program Director/ Department Chair Dean’s Office Director X Director X Director of Graduate Studies X Change of incomplete grade. X Chair X Undergraduate enrollment in graduate courses. X Director or Chair X Degree requirements (deficiencies, residence requirement, cum gpa, etc.) Director or Chair X X English proficiency requirements for individual students. Director or Chair X X Changes in Program policy concerning English proficiency Director or Chair X X Submitted by Tony Sanderfoot, 4/6/12 Graduate Council X