Document 11854108

 Graduate Council
December 6, 2013
325 Graff Main Hall at 10:00 am
GC Members: Gary Gilmore (SAH), John Greany (SAH/Vice-chair), Shelly Lesher (SAH),
Henry Petersen (CBA), S.N. Rajagopal (SAH), Bill Schwan (SAH),
Gary Willhite (CLS/Recorder), Glenn Wright (SAH)
GC Members Excused: Rob Dixon (CLS/chair)
Student Member Absent: Ben Kelly (SAH)
GC Consultants: Raymond Abhold (SAH), Chris Bakkum (Registrar), Glenn Knowles (CBA); Charles
Martin-Stanley (CLS), Steve Simpson (DGS)
GC Consultants Absent: Martina Skobic (CBA- MBA)
Guest: Kasi Periyasamy, Jake Speer, Mare Walz
1. Adoption of Minutes (10/25/13) M/S/P
2. Consent Agenda.
a. None
3. Office of Graduate Studies – Director’s Report
a. Review of program director meeting (see “notes” as information and not
official minutes)
- Brief discussion on graduating students being funded for travel after
4. New Business
a. Graduate Program Navigation Structure
i. See attached for Option A and Option B
1. Review of suggested revisions for navigation
2. Consensus for Option B
b. Parameters of funding RSEL grants
i. Funding travel for graduated students to present at a conference
ii. Currently – there is not available funding for a graduated student
1. Concern – a current student researched and submitted a
proposal to present research prior to graduation, however,
the conference is after graduation – thus the dilemma
2. Is this a one-time exception or does there need to be a
policy change?
3. Exception for above student to be funded for travel and
presentation at an international
4. Moved to approve Dave Stoneson for $500.00 for travel
mini-grant if the money is encumbered by the end of fall
2013 with the intention of the money paid to the student.
5. Othe