GRADUATE COUNCIL Minutes September 6, 2013

September 6, 2013
325 Graff Main Hall at 10:00 a.m.
GC Members: Rob Dixon (CLS), Gary Gilmore (SAH), John Greany (SAH), Shelly Lesher
(SAH), Henry Petersen (CBA), S.N. Rajagopal (SAH), Bill Schwan (SAH), Gary Willhite (CLS),
Glenn Wright (SAH)
GC Members Excused:
GC Members Absent:
Student Members: Ben Kelly (SAH)
GC Consultants: Raymond Abhold (SAH); Christine Bakkum (Registrar), Glenn Knowles
(CBA), Charles Martin-Stanley (CLS); Steve Simpson (DGS)
GC Consultants Excused:
GC Consultants Absent: Martina Skobic (CBA- MBA)
Meeting Agenda:
Election of Chair, Vice Chair, and Recorder
1. Chair – Rob Dixon
2. Vice Chair – John Greany
3. Recorder – Gary L. Willhite
Graduate Council charge letter (Appendix A)
1. See attached summary letter
1. Graduate Probation and Retention Standards
2. Due Process Appeals
3. Consider size and configuration of committee
Committee Appointments
1. RSEL Grants (3 faculty and 1 student) - M/S/A
1. Ben Kelly/student
2. Bill Schwan
3. Glenn Wright
4. Gary Gilmore
2. Graduate Faculty application Review Committee (4 members) M/S/A
1. John Greany
2. Shelly Lesher
3. S.N. Rajagopal
4. Henry Peterson
Approval of minutes from May 10, 2013
1. M/S/A - 4 yes ; 4 abstain
Graduate Director’s Report
1. Graduate Faculty status process
1. Change in grad faculty status
September 6, 2013
325 Graff Main Hall at 10:00 a.m.
2. Revisions to RSEL grants
1. Mini grants
2. Student conference presentation as first author may request money
through RSEL grant
GRC 799 (Appendix B)
1. New policy – Historical perspective (DGS)
1. Proposal to change current policy on GRC 799
2. New policy – we create an incentive and a max
1. Incentive – sign up right away - pay for 2 terms
2. If not done right away – pay for 3 terms
3. Approved in principle by grad council last year
2. Based on discussion, the Graduate Director and the Registrar will
investigate the implications of the policy with financial aide and the
Graduate Council members will investigate the impact to graduate
Meeting Adjourned 11:05 am M/S/A
Informational items:
Future Meeting Schedule:
11/8/13 [room 303]
Respectfully Submitted by Gary L. Willhite
September 6, 2013
325 Graff Main Hall at 10:00 a.m.
Appendix A
Faculty Senate Special Charge (summary):
…. the committee consider and report on the following special charge:
A. Two items were approved by Graduate Council in May 2013 but it was too late
to bring them before Senate.
1. Graduate Probation and Retention Standards
2. Due Process Appeals (?)
[# 1 likely impacts by-laws K1 and K3. Please review these two items and bring
to Senate for approval by the end of November]
B. All committees are being charged with considering their size and configuration to
see if the committee membership is appropriate for the workload, and to report
back by early February 2014.
September 6, 2013
325 Graff Main Hall at 10:00 a.m.
Appendix B
Graduate Research and Terminal Project Completion Policy GRC 799 For Students With Uninterrupted Enrollment
Students who have completed all coursework* required for a graduate degree but who are still
working on required research or terminal projects (thesis, seminar paper or other culminating
graduate project) must register for GRC 799 for up to two semesters of continuous registration.
(If students can complete their work in one semester, then only one semester is necessary. If
students take more than one semester, they must take two and no more than two continuous
semesters of GRC 799). Fees for GRC 799 will be equivalent to 1 graduate credit each semester.
*Completion means that students may have pending incompletes in courses; it also means that
students have pending PR grades in their thesis, seminar paper, culminating project credits, but
that they no longer have any other courses yet to register for.
GRC 798 For Students With Interrupted Enrollment
Students who leave the university without having registered for two continuous semesters of
GRC 799 immediately after completing all and who subsequently wish to return to complete the
thesis or terminal project, should consult with their graduate program director about the
possibility of completing the work and earning the degree. If the graduate program director
agrees, the student may re-enter the university by completing a re-entry application in the Office
of Records and Registration (117 Main Hall) and registering for GRC 798. Fees for GRC 798
will be equivalent to 3 in-state graduate credits. Students only need to register for GRC 798 once.
Seven Year Completion Policy
Students must complete all degree requirements within 7 years from the time of initial
enrollment in the graduate program and apply for graduation in order to have the degree
All Students Must Apply For Graduation
Students must apply for graduation in the term in which they will successfully complete the
thesis or terminal project. Attendance at commencement ceremonies is optional. Students who
are enrolled in GRC 798, GRC 799, or any other course in the semester in which the degree will
be awarded can electronically apply for graduation through the WINGS Student Center. Students
who have completed all required GRC 798 or 799 enrollments in a prior semester must contact
directly the Office of Records and Registration (117 Main Hall) to apply for graduation.