Curriculum Committee 2015-2016 Meetings: 1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 3-4 p.m., CAC 113 2/2/2016 First Semester meeting dates: (2015) Sept. 15; Oct. 6, 20; Nov. 3, 17; Dec. 1, 15 Second Semester meeting dates: (2016) Feb. 2, 16; Mar. 1, 15; Apr. 5, 19; May 3 Membership David Ozsvath Justin Rueb Name Alek Toumi Cindy McCabe Katja Marquart Laura Anderson McIntyre Yan Liao Anne Eckenrod Susan Turgeson Rayven Wolske Chelsey Gruetzmacher Ben Hebbe Category Representing: Chair COLS (social sciences) COLS (humanities/history) COLS (humanities/history) COLS (natural science/mathematics/computing) CPS COFAC CNR University Library Registrar or designee TES Chair or designee Student Student Student Unit/Department Geography and Geology Psychology World Languages and Literatures Mathematical Sciences Interior Architecture Term 2015-2016 2015-2016 1st semester 2nd semester 2015-2016 2015-2016 2015-2016 2015-2016 2015-2016 2015-2016 2015-2016 1st semester 2nd semester 2nd semester Forestry University Library Office of the Registrar HPHD SGA SGA SGA Student Academic Advising Carol Lanphear-Cook Non-voting attendee Center 1st semester Student Academic Advising Julie Schneider Non-voting attendee Center 2nd semester Libby Raymond Non-voting attendee Academic Affairs Office Joyce Roth Non-voting attendee Office of the Registrar CuC members and the TES chair (in consult with the EC) are appointed by the CuC chair. (11 members [due to David serving as both chair and COLS representative]/6 needed for quorum) Subcommittee: Teacher Education Subcommittee: Susan Turgeson, Chair Membership Information: