Graduate Curriculum Committee Minutes February 21, 2012

Graduate Curriculum Committee Minutes
February 21, 2012
Members Present: Angell, Iwai, Meardon, Shanks, Wright, Reineke, Yang, Zheng
Members Absent: Lo
Members excused: Newton
Consultants Present: Dittman, Hoar, Abhold, Bakkum, Means
Consultants excused: Knudson
Consultants Absent: Jax, Martin-Stanley, Keller
Guests: Kristi Mally, Barb Gander, Steve Simpson
Reaffirmation of proposals approved at GCC on December 6, 2011.
M/S/P to approve minutes with changes, 2 abstentions
Approval of December 6, 2011 minutes
M/S/P to approve minutes with changes, 3 abstentions
III. Second Readings: None
IV. First Readings:
A. Exercise and Sport Science
1. ESS 423/523-title change was “Individual and Social Factors in Physical
Activity”, changed to “Individual and Social Factors in Physical
Education”; course description change; course objectives and content
change; effective Fall 2012.
M/S/P to approve on 1st reading with changes
B. Educational Studies
1. ECE 516-delete course, effective Fall 2012.
2. ECE 522- delete course, effective Fall 2012.
3. ECE 524- delete course, effective Fall 2012.
4. ECE 526- delete course, effective Fall 2012.
5. ECE 527- delete course, effective Fall 2012.
6. ECE 530- delete course, effective Fall 2012.
7. ECE 540- delete course, effective Fall 2012.
M/S/P to approve on 1st reading
C. Therapeutic Recreation
1. RTH 702-new course, “Foundations in Therapeutic Recreation”, 3 credits,
offered Fall, effective Fall 2012.
M/S/P to approve on 1st reading with changes
V. Consent Agenda: None
VI. Information Item: None
Old Business: GCC by-laws discussion-made changes to draft. Will update and bring
back to the next meeting for discussion.
New Business: None
Meeting adjourned at 4:10pm