Date: May 31, 2011

Date: May 31, 2011
TO: UW-L Faculty Senate (Becky LeDocq, Chair)
FROM: Faculty Development Committee (Melanie Cary, Chair)
RE: Final Report for the 2010-11 Academic Year
MEMBERSHIP: Barbara Bennie, Melanie Cary, Georges Cravins, Hua Dai, Al Gedicks,
Vincent Her, Kristi Mally, Darci Thoune, Casey Tobin
SPECIAL THANKS to Bill Cerbin and Sibbie Weathers for their guidance and assistance.
The Faculty Senate Faculty Development Committee was convened on September 22, 2010,
by M. Cary. The position of chair was filled by M. Cary and the position of secretary was filled
by C. Tobin. The committee had five very productive meetings this year (all fall semester).
As there were no special charges from Faculty Senate, the committee’s work was focused on the
duties and responsibilities laid out in the Faculty Senate Bylaws.
1. Reviewing, screening, and selecting for funding, proposals which are related to
improvement of instruction and faculty development.
The total funding available was $27,836 (which represents a significant reduction from
last year). Faculty proposals in the categories of Professional Development (PD),
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL), and Teaching Innovation (TI) were
received. In the fall semester, the Committee reviewed 14 proposals and selected 7 for
funding. See the table below for details on the funded proposals. Given the small amount
of remaining funds ($571) after funding of fall proposals, no proposals were accepted in
the spring.
2. Establishing written screening and selection procedures and providing guidelines for
program proposals related to improvement of instruction and faculty development.
The committee reviewed the Proposal Review Procedures and discussed interviewing
recipients of FDC grants. The committee approved a change in language on the
Overview of the Faculty Development Committee document, under “Proposal
Review Procedures” point #2 to read “The Committee may interview Professional
Development Grant applicants who request a leave from campus. The Committee does
not interview non-leave applicants.”
The committee reviewed the Guidelines and Applications for Faculty Development
Committee Grants and discussed applicants seeking out assistance in developing
their assessments of their proposals. The committee approved addition of the
following …
 to the Teaching Innovation Grant Application’s Body of Proposal, C.
Assessment: “Explain how you will assess the effects of the changes on
student learning. The Faculty Development Committee highly recommends
applicants consult the University Assessment coordinator when developing
this assessment.”
 to the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning Grant Application’s Body of
Proposal, C. Assessment: “Describe the plan to assess how the project affects
student learning. Be sure to describe the anticipated student learning outcomes
and how you will measure them. The Faculty Development Committee highly
recommends applicants consult the University Assessment coordinator when
developing this assessment.”
 to the Professional Development Grant Application’s Body of Proposal, C.
Assessment of impact. “Describe how you will assess the impact of the
project and the extent to which it achieves the objectives. The Faculty
Development Committee highly recommends applicants consult the
University Assessment coordinator when developing this assessment.”
The committee discussed submission dates for FDC proposals. Consistent with the
2009-2010 Committee, this committee’s consensus was to leave the submission dates
as is for now (i.e., a fall submission date with a spring submission when sufficient
funds remain in the spring).
Summary of FDC grants awarded, 2010-2011
Geography Faculty Development
Seminar for Early Career Faculty
Discovering What High School Students
are Taught About Writing
Digital Recording for the
UW-L Guitar Studio
Embedded Line: fusing text and image in
encaustic painting
Attending the 2011 Sport Sales Combine
Seminar/Training in Atlanta, Georgia
Creation of Learning Objects for the
Microbiology Department's Math Across
the Curriculum Initiative
The Accounting Principles Practice Set:
An Unstructured Approach
Virginia Crank
Richard Pinnell
Williams Terpstra
Chia-Chen Yu
Bonnie Bratina,
Suzanne Anglehart,
& Marisa Barbknecht
Kim Lyons
Colin Belby
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