1 Academic Year: 2011-12 Ex Officio:

Report of the Academic Technology Committee
Academic Year: 2011-12
Members: Robert Allen, Sec., Anne Galbraith, Jean Janecki, Co-chair, Bob Jecklin,
Dan Modaff, David Riley, Rachael Slough, Co-chair, Ron Stoffregen, and Kwang Wei
Wen, Ex Officio: Mohamed Elhindi
The Academic Technology Committee (ATC) met on three occasions during Fall and two
during Spring semester. Minutes may be found on
31 August 11
The ATC met to select officers, approve meeting times and discuss scope of committee,
which at that point was an Adhoc committee.
25 Oct 11
As requested in the initial charge of August 16, 20111, the ATC created the first draft of
the standing committee’s by-laws.
8 Nov 11
The ATC revised and approved the by-laws which were sent to Faculty Senate for the
first reading.
14 Feb11
The ATC met to discuss new changes in technology policies on campus and expressed
concerns on the role of the committee.
The ATC was sent a new charge by Steve Senger, Faculty Chair, copied below.
3 April 12
The ATC met to begin discussion of new charge. Guests included Jim Jorstad who
discussed classroom environments and the involvement of faculty and student
interests/preferences. Terry Wirkus ws also present and introduced Mediasite’s Lecture
Capture and the purpose of its use on campus.
The ATC was unable to find a time when all or most members could meet at the end of
the 2011-12 academic year to continue with the second charge. The ATC suggests that
the charge be re-visited by next year’s committee.
March 21, 2012
Jean Janecki and Rachel Slough, Co-chairs
Academic Technology Committee
From: Steve Senger, Chair
Faculty Senate
Dr. Mohamed Elhindi, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Information Technology, has
requested faculty input on two issues. The Senate Executive Committee is adding these as
new charges for the Academic Technology Committee. Please communicate with Dr.
Elhindi for further details.
UW-L Lecture Capture Solution
UW-L currently owns six Media Site units, five units are installed in specific classrooms
with one being a mobile unit. There are concerns about whether the Media Site solution
can scale appropriately for campus use. The first part of the charge is to study the need
for a scalable university-wide lecture capture system. ITS has collected detailed
information on several commercially available systems and can provide this information
to the committee. Assuming that the committee finds support for such a system, the
second part of the charge is to identify a selection process. In studying this issue you will
want to consider the following specific questions.
How are faculty likely to use lecture capture?
What features are needed by faculty?
What features are needed for students?
Classroom of the future:
ITS would like to review current classroom technology options and utilization, identify
what technology future UW-L classrooms should contain and develop a design for
classrooms that supports the needs of faculty and students. It is hoped that the resulting
document will be used for design classrooms for new buildings and to help improve
current classrooms. The charge is to provide ITS with the information and review
necessary to develop this document and to report to Senate on any recommendations for
classroom technology. An important part of this process will be to survey department and
faculty instructional classroom needs.
I would be happy to meet with you if there are any questions about these charges.