Academic Technology Committee – Meeting Minutes Date: 9/27/13 Time: 2:15 pm

Academic Technology Committee – Meeting Minutes
Date: 9/27/13
Time: 2:15 pm
Members present: Dan Grilley, Anne Galbraith, Robert Jecklin, , Alex O’Brien, , Kuang-Wei Wen,
Christa Kiersch, Dan Modaff
Members absent: Gary Konas, David Riley
Also present: Mohamed Elhindi (from ITS)
A. Long-term Plan for ITS (Mohamed, ITS)
a. Yearly goals/work plan (see ITS webpage)
b. Challenge for ITS is communication – with faculty & students
c. They would like to work with us on plan by December
(work plan from ITS website):
Information Technology Services 2013-2014 Work Plan
Eleven goals make up the newly released ITS 2013-2014 Work Plan. The goals include:
Support for Teachers and Learners
Learning and Teaching Spaces
Unified Service Center
Mobile Applications
Virtual Desktops
Business Intelligence
Lifecycle Funding for University-wide Systems and the Technology Infrastructure
Improve Information Security Posture on Campus
A Single, Ubiquitous, Telecommunications Enterprise to Provide Voice, Video and Date
Build and Retain a Strong University ITS Team
Define and Deliver a Comprehensive Disaster Recovery Plan for Mission Critical Equipment,
Applications and Services
B. How are facilities upgraded? (Mohamed, ITS)
a. His understanding is through the college – stats with need, goes through finance folks,
then college reps decide what to do…
C. How faculty needs are matched with facilities (Mohamed, ITS)
i. New scheduling process should help match faculty member with needs
ii. 4 levels of classifications (see more detail in email from 9/30)
1. Single-projection room (with/without smartboard)
2. Dual-projection room
3. Collaboration room (TVs all over)
4. Learning studio (e.g. Murphy 273)
5. DE-rooms (lecture capture, video conferencing, etc.)
D. Action items for our committee to help align faculty needs with facilities/tech. offerings:
a. SURVEY THE FACULTY – Alex and Dan M.
1. What do you use? How often?
2. What are you missing?
3. Capturing different classifications from ITS, capturing the ‘normal room
needs’ and ‘once and awhile needs’
4. Room layout preferences?
5. Connect with Cowley building committee to get the right info. for
designing new Cowley rooms
6. Lecture capturing usage?
7. Size preferences/needs?
b. Connect with scheduling committee to learn more about the new process
c. ALSO can get data on room usage/technology usage (Mohammed sending this)
E. Action items for ITS to enhance communication with faculty: Moving forward, ITS will
present to us:
i. Infrasturcture (where we are, where we’re going)
ii. System (where we are, where we’re going)
F. SEI guidelines
a. Challenge: 55-57% response rates (more accurately we need to calculate section response
rates) – how to increase the response rate?
i. Can we change communication with students? (focus message on sustainability?)
ii. Mobile App and have them do it in class?
b. Challenge: formatting online SEI guidelines for data retention, etc.
i. Action item (all members):
For next time, look at 2 SEI documents for edits and need to merge them together
(‘DRAFT – ATC SEI Data Guidelines’ and ‘OnlineSEI_Guidelines_Final’)