Academic Technology Committee – Meeting Minutes Date: Time: Location:

Academic Technology Committee – Meeting Minutes
Date: 3/6/15
Time: 3:30 pm
Location: 2214 Centennial Hall
Members attending: Dan Grilley (convener), Jessi Halligan, Mary Hamman, David Annino, Katherine
Russell, Gargi Chaudhuri, Yuko Iwai
Consultants attending: Mohammed Elhindi (ITS representative, CIO UWLAX), Patty Fairchild; James
Jorstad from Client Services
Members absent: Bradley Shutters, Bradley Seebach,
A. Approve 12/12/14 meeting minutes – all approved
B. From last time, the duplex printing in the library is still not working due to complications in the
programming. Moving forward slowly
C. D2L issues (about 25 minutes)
a. Patty Fairchild presenting roles discussion: faculty protection too
i. Auditing of D2L looking at privacy of course material
ii. Go to course and edit course and export all materials, also can change classlist, and
impersonate people
iii. Can see who is enrolling who in courses however.
iv. Help desk professionals can get to D2L website
v. Audit log for who can come into a course? D2L does not track this
vi. Patty would like to take away impersonate ability, and take away manual ability to
enroll. She is asking us to read SOP document and reread in early April
1. List of roles and permissions that can routed through ATC
2. This is based on campus and other campuses, FERPA, etc.
3. This must be completed by end of year.
4. How would this affect people on campus
b. Discussions surrounding replacement of D2L after the contract runs out. July 2016 ending
i. Want to replace? Can figure out what they are not offering? RFP is on chopping
block now because of budget.
ii. Looking at open source Canvas to replace maybe? UW-Madison is into this
iii. Do we stick with this? Do we try to do open source
iv. Have option to do year by year on D2L contract that currently have
v. Probably will stay with D2L because changing would require RFP
1. Faculty do want to be on RFP if goes forward
2. Much is in flux right now
3. RFP does not require open forum…should it?!
D. Copyright and Fair Use at UW-L (15 minutes)
a. How to duplicate something?
b. How to protect what you create?
c. Difference between face-to-face vs online (online is more restrictive).
i. Faculty fair use link
1. Youtube is ok, but cannot use illegal links, cannot use illegal copies
2. Can get rights to show videos
ii. Rights for duplicating-prefaced by information from System
Electronic SEIs and a possible replacement to Qualtrics (10 minutes)
d. Faculty senate wants the campus to have an official fair use policy
i. It is proposed that a broader representation-a joint subcommittee is recommended
1. Faculty senate library committee, Disability Resources (captioning), Library,
ATC, ITS, (maybe a student rep?)
2. M/S/P to speak with Faculty Senate about creating this subcommittee
ii. Library and ITS have already been working diligently on this
iii. Faculty needs answers, faculty representatives on this?
iv. Can post the draft guidelines so far.
E. Change to replace qualtrics, change to SEI for WINGS?
a. Involved in the technology, but not this committee to decide the SEIs themselves
b. Dan is volunteering to be on the committee for this
c. We recommend that this be another joint committee of all governances for big picture part
i. We look at the technology part.
We move that ATC will provide representation in restructuring of SEIS and will advise on the technology
aspects thereof, but we consider that SEIs should have broad representation on campus. M/S/P
Adjourned: 4:37 PM
Approved: 4/3/15 M/S/P
Prepared by Jessi Halligan, ATC Secretary