Minutes of Academic Program Review December 4, 2015 Centennial Hall 3200

Minutes of Academic Program Review
December 4, 2015
Centennial Hall 3200
Guest: Sandra Grunwald
Present: Barb Bennie; Bonnie Jo Bratina; Dan Duquette; David Annino; Deborah Dougherty; Jennifer Trost; Jo
Arney; Kareem Shabana; Linda Dickmeyer; Mandy Kolbe
Excused: Andrew Matchett; Binod Shrestha; Julianne Merkes*; Ryan Friesen
Absent: Franklin Carnes*; Mitchell Wilson*;
1. Meeting called to order at 2:20pm
2. Minutes from last meeting MSP with attendance corrections.
3. Barb shared news from faculty senate
a. Management APR report was accepted
b. Two members have been permanently added to the committee
c. The Senate did not vote on establishing a “set” time for the APR meeting
4. Having a “set” time for future meetings was discussed. It was agreed to return to Faculty Senate and ask
for an established, consistent time to meet, given that the work of the APR needs to be completed. If
members are added, but then cannot meet with the majority of the committee, then members have
effectively not been added.
5. Spring meeting time was confirmed at 3:20 on Wednesdays.
6. The first draft of the history report was discussed.
7. There was discussion regarding work accomplished, and reports yet to do for the semester.
8. Meeting was adjourned at 2:57pm.
Respectfully Submitted by,
Deborah Dougherty
*denotes student member