Select Mission Statement Revision Bob Hoar 3.8.2014 Comment

Select Mission Statement Revision
Bob Hoar 3.8.2014
As you may be aware, UW-L has been asked to revise its current select mission
statement to bring it into compliance. Below is an annotated excerpt from Mark Nook,
Senior Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs.
From Mark Nook: Bringing UW-L’s mission statement into compliance will require
adding statements delineating the specific program responsibilities and specific degrees
to be offered. Regent leadership has agreed that this can be done with a streamlined
process as long as the added statements are identical to the statements as they
appeared before the revision in 2010 with the inclusion of programs and degrees
approved before February 15, 2014. These statements must also align with degrees
and programs UWL is approved to offer by the Higher Learning Commission.
The following mission statement was put forward as a model:
Select Mission of the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
In addition to the system and core missions, the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
has the following select mission to:
1. Provide a broad foundation of liberal studies and selected degree programs in
the fine arts, humanities, natural sciences and social sciences, imparting the
heritage of human civilization, critical intelligence, and the skills necessary for a
lifetime of learning and upon which education in the professional fields may be
2. Provide undergraduate professional programs in communicative disorders,
teacher education, home economics*, the visual and performing arts, paper
science and natural resources with emphasis on the management of resources.
3. Provide graduate programs in teacher education, communicative disorders,
natural resources, home economics, communication and other select areas
clearly associated with this University's undergraduate emphases and strengths.
4. Provide programs in wellness and health promotion.
5. Provide quality undergraduate and graduate instruction through innovative
methods using print and nonprint library resources, computing, communication
technology and direct student assistance.
6. Expect scholarly activity, including research, scholarship and creative endeavor,
that supports its programs at the associate and baccalaureate degree level, its
selected graduate programs and its select mission.
7. Cooperate with UW-Extension in the development and coordination of statewide
outreach programming, integration of the extension function into the institution,
and appropriate and adequate recognition of those involved in outreach activities.
*The former home economics programs are now offered as child and family studies,
dietetics, early childhood education, family and consumer education, human
development, nutrition and interior architecture.
Previous UW-La Crosse select mission statement
In addition to the system and core missions, the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse has
the following select mission:
The primary purpose of the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse is to provide education
leading to baccalaureate and selected graduate degrees supplemented by appropriate
research and public service activities as further detailed in the following set of goals:
1. The University shall emphasize excellence in educational programs and teaching.
2. The University shall provide a broad base of liberal education as a foundation for the
intellectual, cultural and professional development of the students.
3. The University shall offer undergraduate programs and degrees in the arts,
letters and sciences; health and human services; education; health, physical
education and recreation; and business administration.
4. The University shall offer graduate programs and degrees related to areas of
emphasis and strength within the institution.
5. The University expects scholarly activity, including research, scholarship and creative
endeavor, that supports its programs at the baccalaureate degree level, its selected
graduate programs and its special mission.
6. The University shall support studies related to the environment, cultural, heritage,
institutions and economy of La Crosse and the surrounding Upper Mississippi Valley
Items 1, 2 and 5 are mentioned in the “Core Mission” and were therefore not directly
included in the new select mission statement. Aspects of item 6 were included in the
conversation when the current mission statement was developed. Items similar to 3
and 4 are the portions that appear to be missing. Below is the current select mission
and an additional paragraph to consider.
Current Mission
The University of Wisconsin‐ La Crosse provides a challenging, dynamic, and diverse
learning environment in which the entire university community is fully engaged in
supporting student success. Grounded in the liberal arts, UW‐ L fosters curiosity and
life‐ long learning through collaboration, innovation, and the discovery and
dissemination of new knowledge. Acknowledging and respecting the contributions of all,
UW‐ L is a regional academic and cultural center that prepares students to take their
place in a constantly changing world community.
Additional paragraph to consider for compliance
The University shall offer undergraduate programs and degrees in the arts and
humanities; health and sciences; education; and business administration. The
University shall offer graduate programs and advanced degrees related to areas of
emphasis and strength within the institution, including business administration,
education, health, the sciences, and the social sciences.
The first sentence is a version of item 3 from the previous mission statement. In the
previous statement, the list of areas were essentially the words in the college names,
and those have been updated to reflect the current colleges. The second sentence is a
more detailed version of item 4.