University of Wisconsin-La Crosse Wireless Guidelines (Finalized by ATC 2/1/2013)

University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
Wireless Guidelines (Finalized by ATC 2/1/2013)
1.0 Background
Wireless device usage has increased exponentially in recent years. It is used everywhere
from classrooms to dorms, and is a necessary part of a modern campus. Wireless
technologies are, by nature, easy to deploy but highly sensitive to overlapping
frequencies. These characteristics have led, through user naiveté, to numerous conflicts
between individual devices and the university network that have negatively impacted
network performance for other users. This document seeks to minimize these conflicts
by laying out guidelines and procedures for wireless connectivity.
2.0 Primary wireless network connectivity
2.1. ITS will provide, as much as technically and financially feasible, a campus-wide wireless
network (see definitions, section 4.0).
2.2. The goal of this network is to provide secure and stable access for academic use.
2.2.1. ITS will do the following in implementing a campus-wide wireless network:
a) Manage the wireless spectrum in a manner that ensures the greatest
interoperability and roaming ability for all departments, colleges, staff and
students wishing to use wireless,
b) Centralize as needed the process of determining identity, authentication, and
appropriate levels of security for access to and use of wireless services; and,
c) Ensure that all wireless services deployed on campus will adhere to campuswide standards for access control.
2.2.2. ITS will work with departments, colleges, staff, and students to reconfigure or
retire wireless hardware that interferes with connectivity or communication (see
section 3.2 for academic exceptions).
2.3. ITS will be solely responsible for planning, deploying, and managing the wireless access
points on the primary network. No other departments or individuals may deploy wireless
service or related wireless access points without prior written approval from ITS (see
exceptions for academic reasons in section 3.2)
2.4. For non-roaming equipment or for settings requiring additional bandwidth and/or
security, ITS will continue to provide a robust and secure wired network.
2.5. ITS will provide information accessible to the campus community on anticipated changes
to the wireless plans, deployment strategies, and/or management issues.
2.5.1. To allow interested parties a chance to provide input, major changes to campus
networking connectivity that have the potential to affect scholarship or teaching
will be communicated at least two months in advance.
3.0 Conflicting use of the wireless spectrum
3.1. Many common computer peripherals now come with a wireless access point enabled.
ITS will help alleviate wireless signal overlap by maintaining and disseminating a list of
peripherals that do not interfere with the campus wireless network. Deployed equipment
not on this list may need to have the wireless access disabled (see below and 2.2.2).
3.1.1. If requested, ITS will work with residence hall staff to identify conflicting
equipment and arbitrate disputes that arise.
3.2. Departmental exceptions to this policy for valid academic reasons are possible for
specific technological reasons.
3.2.1. ITS will work with departments to resolve wireless conflicts created by any
special academic needs.
3.2.2. Academic departments are asked to contact the Eagle Help Desk when
anticipating the need for equipment that could potentially conflict with existing
campus wireless technology.
4.0 Definitions
4.1. Wireless Technology - A technology that uses radio waves to transmit and receive data.
4.2. Frequencies – The radio channels and frequencies identified in the Institute of Electrical
and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 802.11 wireless standard.
5.0 Responsible Use of Computing Resources
UW-L and UW System policies regarding appropriate use of campus networks apply to
wireless networks and associated devices. Inappropriate behaviors that interfere with
primary wireless network transmissions may result in disciplinary actions as specified in
the responsible use of computing resources:
6.0 Responsible Organization
ITS will share these guidelines with UW La Crosse Administration, the Faculty Senate
Academic Technology Committee, Student Academic Technology Committee, Academic
Staff Council, Classified Staff Advisory Council, Student Association and ITS
Information Security Committee.
7.0 Revision History
7.1. DRAFT 9/14/2011
7.2. DRAFT v.2 9/15/2011
7.3. DRAFT v.3 9/11/2012
7.4. DRAFT v.4 1/15/2013
7.5. DRAFT v.5 1/22/2013
7.6. Approved by ATC v.6 2/1/2013