30 September 2011 To: Steve Senger, Chair

30 September 2011
Steve Senger, Chair
UW-L Faculty Senate
Ruthann Benson, Dean
College of Liberal Studies
I have consulted with Jodi Rindt, Director of the Student Affairs Administration (SAA) Graduate
Program, on the writing of SAA bylaws pursuant to becoming an academic department. I have
reviewed the final draft of these bylaws and feel that they adhere to university guidelines and
will serve as a clearly defined foundation for the governance of Student Affairs Administration
as a departmental body. I, therefore, give my approval to the Student Affairs Administration
Department Bylaws.
I am forwarding to you an electronic copy of the Student Affairs Administration Bylaws so that
they can be presented to Faculty Senate for approval prior to the conferment of departmental
status on the SAA Program. It is my understanding that this is the process that was outlined by
the 10-11 UW-L Faculty Senate.
Thank you very much for your attention to this matter. I will look forward to attending the
Faculty Senate meeting when discussion and action is taken on these bylaws. Please let me
know if you have further questions that I can address.
Kathleen Enz Finken, Provost/Vice-Chancellor
Jodi Rindt, Director, Student Affairs Administration Program
Betsy Morgan, Chair, Department of Psychology