45 Faculty Senate September 16, 2010 – 3:30p.m.

45th Faculty Senate
September 16, 2010 – 3:30p.m.
Robert C. Voight Faculty Senate Chambers – 325 Graff Main Hall
Vol. 45, No. 2
I. Roll Call.
Present: M. Abler, J. Baggett, J. Bryan, D. Buffton, B. Butterfield, G. Cravins, T. Gendreau, K. Hoar, J.
Holman, K. Hunt, S. Jessee, E. Kraemer, D. Lake, R. LeDocq, C. Lee, M. Leonard, W. Maas, M. Rott, S.
Senger, S. Shillinger, M. Tollefson, and B. Van Voorhis
Excused: C. Angell
Absent: R. Mikat
II. Senator replacement: Two At-Large senators have assumed administrative roles and will be replaced in
accordance with the rules of the Faculty Senate. Carol Angell will replace Marcie Wycoff-Horn and
Rick Mikat will replace Ronda Smith.
III. Minutes of May 6th 44th FS & April 29th 45th FS approved.
IV. Reports:
a. Chair (Becky LeDocq):
1. The FS chair welcomed all senators and gave a brief remembrance of Linda Host
who passed away this past summer. Dr. Host was a former FS chair, emeritus faculty
member of the Math department and served in many capacities across campus.
2. The FS chair reminded senators that all meetings are expected to be held in
accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order. Of note is the rule regarding abstentions:
when holding a majority vote (= majority of those voting), abstentions don’t count
and when holding a majority of members, or those present, vote, abstentions are
neither counted nor recorded.
3. A meeting of FS committee convener’s was held on September 1. A set of guidelines
for committees was distributed. Of note is the reminder that every committee
member should review the bylaws of their committee. This reminder holds true for
senators as well.
4. All senators should read (at minimum) the Articles of Organization of the Faculty
Senate. Of special note is Article 4:
The representative body of the faculty shall be the Faculty Senate. It shall be free to investigate, to study,
to debate, and to deliberate on all matters of general faculty concern and may exercise review authority
in these matters if it deems such exercise is in the best interests of the university. The following provisions
govern the senate:
A. Specific Powers and Duties Specifically, the senate directly, or through committees, is empowered to:
1. Determine all curricula of the institution, graduate and undergraduate.
2. Determine academic standards and requirements for graduation.
3. Advise the chancellor on the appointment of administrative officials.
4. Participate in determining policies with respect to the annual budget.
5. Participate in planning the physical facilities of the campus.
6. Participate in formulating regulations pertaining to student activities.
7. Participate in the award of promotions and salary adjustments.
8. Participate in investigating cases and determining policies with respect to academic freedom,
tenure, appointments, reappointments, leaves, dismissals and teaching loads.
9. Prepare the agenda for meetings of the general faculty and distribute copies of the agenda to
faculty members one week prior to such faculty meetings.
10. Establish and terminate all faculty committees and determine their membership and functions.
11. Receive and disseminate minutes and reports of all committees.
12. Conduct nominations and elections of members of the senate.
13. Hear any faculty member on matters of concern to the member or the general faculty.
14. Hear the authorized agent of the organ of student government on matters of concern to the
student body.
15. Inform the general faculty, the administration, and the student body of all senate actions
affecting the areas of their respective concerns.
16. Provide for the election and instruction of representatives to extramural councils or committees
which seek to communicate or consult directly with university faculty governance. b.
5. The FS chair will be available in the FS office weekdays between 1:00 and 4:00pm.
Please feel free to contact Becky in person or via email.
6. Committee to Review Campus Smoking Policy: two faculty members are needed;
September 24 deadline for nominations.
7. Upcoming Events:
1. Constitution Day Program: UW-L Political Science Professor Dr. Stephen
McDougal speak on “The Constitution of 1787: Law v. Politics” at 7 p.m. tonight
in the Cartwright Center Ward Room. (A federal act requires the celebration of
constitution day.)
2. PIE (Promoting Inclusive Excellence) Day: Thursday, September 23. Activities
throughout the day, culminating in book signing by authors of “Ka’s Garden”
from 4:30 to 7:00pm in Cleary Center (Proceeds from the sale of this book go
towards developing a scholarship for Hmong students).
Chancellor (Joe Gow): No Report
Provost (Kathleen Enz-Finken via Bob Hoar):
1. The Provost sends her regrets. She is serving on a panel of UWS senior Provosts at a
new Provosts meeting. Our Provost is the third most senior within the UW System.
2. At the annual Provost’s retreat, four areas were identified as areas to be addressed
during this academic year. Task forces are being established by the following:
1. Graduate Studies – led by Dean Benson
2. Fundraising and External Relations – led by Dean Colclough
3. Equity and Workload – led by Dean Riley
4. Summer School/Intersession, Camps and Clinics – led by Bob Hoar
3. Additional Faculty Positions in the Provost’s office: Two 0.5FTE faculty positions will be
filled for Spring semester.
1. Scholarship/Fellowship Director: Director will coordinate undergraduate
research and coordinate and promote scholarships and fellowships. This is a
0.5FTE GQA position.
2. Additional Faculty Assistant to the Provost: Additional 0.5FTE faculty assistant to
work on various activities in the Office of Academic Affairs.
CFO (Bob Hetzel):
1. Physical Facilities:
1. Centennial Hall is ahead of schedule (May 2011). A room scheduling
committee is currently working on classroom scheduling.
2. New Resident Hall (500 beds): also on schedule (August 2011); name yet to be
3. Parking Ramp: plans are moving ahead for this project
4. Cowley Hall delay: Plans for replacing Cowley Hall have been delayed at
system due to new plans to replace coal burning facilities.
2. Enrollment: Fall enrollments are high enough to support the 6 faculty and 4 staff
GQA positions that were put on hold in the Spring. Fall 2010 freshman class is the
third full-pay GQA cohort – additional funds will allow 14 new faculty and 6 new staff
to be hired.
3. Deficit News: UWL was notified this morning of a $25-40 billion fiscal lapse for UWS.
This will come as a one time cut to UWL of 4.22% of the total (or $1 to 1.6 million).
UWL currently has $440,000 in tuition growth funds that were going to go back into
the campus – instead it will go towards the deficit. In addition, $205,000 from growth
agenda funds can be used.
Faculty Representative (Becky Ledocq): No Report. The Faculty Reps have not met yet this
Student Association Liaison (Cate Urbos): Cate Urbos introduced herself as the Student Senate
V. SEC Committee Nominations: Approved as a package motion.
a. Joint Promotion Committee
 3-year terms: Kenneth Winter, William Schwan, Lalita Hogan and Carol Oyster
 1-year replacement for Gwen Achenreiner: Jennifer Miskowski
b. Consultative Layoff Committee
 3-year terms: Sandra Krajewski, Mary Tollefson and Kerrie Hoar
c. Instructional Academic Staff – Career Progression Committee
 3-year term: Aaron Monte
d. Committee on Faculty Committees: Kerrie Hoar (Convener), Tom Gendreau, Jeffery Baggett,
Jenifer Holman and Mary Leonard
e. Senate Elections Committee: Sarah Shillinger (Convener), William Maas and Darlene Lake
f. Faculty Ombudspersons: Mike Abler, Kim Vogt and Keith Sherony
VI. New Business.
a. Recommendations from Academic Planning Committee:
1. Proposal to divide current “Theatre Management/Arts Administration” emphasis into
an “Arts Administrator” emphasis and a “Stage Management” emphasis. Motion
2. Proposal to rename the “major in mathematics with emphasis in statistics” to
“statistics major”. This is a new program (but all curriculum and staff is in place so no
changes need to be made.) Motion approved.
3. Proposal to split the “Exercise and Sports Science” major into a “Fitness” track and a
“Pre-Professional” track. Motion approved.
4. Proposal to move the academic home of the NMT program from Chemistry
Department to the Health Professions Department. Motion approved.
VII. Old Business.
VIII. Adjournment at 4:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kerrie Hoar