45 Faculty Senate January 27, 2011 – 3:30p.m.

45th Faculty Senate
January 27, 2011 – 3:30p.m.
Robert C. Voight Faculty Senate Chambers – 325 Graff Main Hall
Vol. 45, No. 8
I. Roll Call.
Present: C. Angell, J, Baggett, J. Bryan, D. Buffton, B. Butterfield, G. Cravins, T. Gendreau, K. Hoar, J.
Holman, K. Hunt, S. Jessee, E. Kraemer, R. LeDocq, M. Leonard, W. Maas, M. Rott, S. Senger, S. Shillinger,
M. Tollefson, and B. Van Voorhis
Excused: M. Abler and Darlene Lake
Absent: C. Lee
II. Minutes of December 2, FS approved.
III. Reports.
a. Chair (Becky Ledocq):
 The amount and quality of work presented at Faculty Research was impressive.
 Academic Technologies Committee Call for Volunteers. The IT Task Force
recommended that both Student Senate and Faculty Senate create Academic
Technology Committees to oversee and make recommendations to the CIO. To get
this committee up and running as soon as possible, it will be established as an ad hoc
committee than will then work on the bylaws and charge for the standing
committee. The ad hoc committee will have 9 faculty members, with the CIO
serving as ex officio. Questions? Why weren’t faculty consulted about technology in
Centennial Hall? This ad hoc committee will be charged with developing policy
regarding Lecture Capture and perhaps have input on the type of LC system
installed in Centennial Hall. Faculty have until Wednesday, February 2, to volunteer.
 Ad Hoc Calendar Committee Update. The committee has completed its charge and
had disbanded. They are recommending no change to the current daily schedule.
Thank you to all of the committee members for their hard work.
 Department Bylaws Compliance Update. A new format for departmental bylaws
was adopted with an implementation deadline of April 2008. Many departments in
SAH are still not in compliance. This is a real concern if the department has new
faculty members. If you are a member of a department whose bylaws are still not in
compliance, please encourage completion.
 Local Legislators Open Forum. Scheduled for Friday, February 18 from 4:00 to 5:30pm
in the Ward Room.
 2nd Annual Diversity Dialogues. Scheduled for Wednesday, February 2 from 10:00am
to 3:30pm in Cartwright Center. More details can be found at:
b. Chancellor (Joe Gow): No Report
c. Provost (Kathleen Enz Finken): No Report
d. CFO (Bob Hetzel): No Report
e. Faculty Representative (Becky Ledocq):
 Faculty Reps met with a representative from System Legal to discuss Lecture
Capture. UWS policies were written many years ago and probably would not
address Lecture Capture. The Faculty Reps will continue to discuss this issue with the
assumption that each campus will address it as it chooses. Questions? A suggestion
was made for FS to consider writing a resolution asserting our rights as far as
intellectual property is concerned. In addition, FS would like to see a copy of any
policy stating that all new state buildings must include LC.
f. Student Association Liaison (Cate Urbas): No Report
IV. New Business.
a. Proposed Revision to APR Committee Bylaws – 1st Reading (Dave Koster):
 This is first reading only. Simply makes the language regarding the 5-year review of
new programs more precise.
b. UWL Branding Activities and Other Projects (Greg Reichert):
 Branding was last reviewed in 2004. At that time, the review group chose “UWL –
your distinct choice” as our tagline. To date, it can be found on only one UWL
document. Why review this now? Competition between traditional universities and
for profits and/or online programs is increasing and enrollment at two-year institutions
is increasing. In addition, with the UWL web design team moving out of IT, it seemed
appropriate to make this type of update now. Brad Quarberg will lead an ad hoc
group who will review branding and perhaps do a perception analysis. Perceptions
play a role in student recruitment, relations with UWS and Madison, alumni relations,
etc. This will be an 18-month effort. The length of time is partially due to the fact that
all work will be done internally (no marketing firms will be hired).
 They are looking for 3 or 4 faculty members to serve on this ad hoc committee, which
will begin its work in February. Becky will put out a call for volunteers.
 Questions? Are we staying with this tagline? Everything is up for grabs. What is
happening with scholarships? UWL has a $14.5 million endowment. The office is
wrapping up the Centennial Campaign and has begun talks about transitioning into
a campaign that will involve fundraising for scholarships. How would a perception
analysis study work? The committee will determine this; however, it would probably
include focus groups (current students, students that have applied to UWL and their
parents, alumni, legislators, local business leaders, etc.) and surveys.
c. Consideration of Support for Complete Streets (Tim Keneipp):
 The Driftless Region Bicycle Coalition has approached Chancellor Gow to ask for
UWL’s support of the Complete Streets Initiative. Chancellor Gow has asked all
governance groups to review the initiative and make a recommendation to him. All
other governance groups are in support.
 More than 200 communities across country have already adopted a Complete
Streets policy. Complete Streets simply asks that anytime a new street is built or
streets are redone, options are considered that will improve safety for all users
(including pedestrians, bicycles, buses, cars, etc.) This can include such things as
raised medians, traffic-claiming measures, re-designed sidewalks, etc. In addition,
having a policy like Complete Streets in place, improves the chances of received
federal funds for improvements.
 Questions: How challenging is it to work with WDOT? The Driftless Region Bicycle
Coalition has good relationships with the DOT right now. Complete Streets also
supports other campaigns like Livable Neighborhoods and Safe Routes to Schools as
 Motion to support the Complete Streets Initiative.
 Motion approved.
V. Old Business.
VI. Adjournment at 4:30 p.m. Next meeting on February 17.
Respectfully submitted,
Kerrie Hoar